Yea Forums was right, this was fucking great. Is part 2 better or is it a step down from the first one?
Yea Forums was right, this was fucking great. Is part 2 better or is it a step down from the first one?
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Same but has DeNiro added to the cast
Its on par at least, some people prefer the first some prefer the second. do yourself a favor and dont bother with the third
>hadn’t seen The Godfather before 2019
This is correct, they're both great and very close in quality. Three should never have been made.
I only took interest in moveis recently, watching a lot of stuff to catch up.
Both gems. You will like the second.
I like one better just because of Brando and the fact that it takes place in the prime new york mob period. 2 is great also but ive never been interested in the vegas aesthetic as much
Ah ok. Part II has some phenomenal scenes (Pacino and Cazale have never been better) but it isn’t as cohesive as the first. Obviously it’s still an absolute must-watch. Coppola considers it to be technically superior to the first.
I vastly preferred Part II for the longest time but on my most recent rewatch I have to say the original is clearly superior. Better cast, better pacing and none of that baby mama drama
i like how these movies don't spoon feed you the plot and they make you pay attention, which makes them impossible for women to understand
2 was phenomenal and the best example of what a sequel should be.
>expand your themes
>introduce new interesting characters
>successfully develop old characters
>new storylines that are natural evolutions and not deviating too far from the original.
Like everyone has said, 2 is a must watch, it's equal in quality to the first. Whether you prefer it over 1 is based purely on personal taste. Also fuck 3.
Strasberg is so good in Part II
>the way he pauses and looks Michael up and down before he says “.. who gave the order”
Imagine being able to watch part 2 for the first time.
Why do you post like a fucking nigger?
part two has the Vito in Italy chapters from the godfather, easily the best part of the first book
Quality post
plebs will tell you the 2nd one is better. Patricians know the 1st one is superior. 2nd one is still good though
True, that’d be cool.
why do zoomers constantly talk like niggers? "baby mama", "woke", inserting "ass" in to every second sentence. explain yourself.
That is literally the first time I can remember using that phrase in a long time, and it's because I'm drunkposting. Leave me be
>drunk on a Wednesday night
You seem like a well adjusted adult.
>why do zoomers constantly talk like niggers?
Because rap and instagram talk is all they know.
>"ghosting", "throwing shade", "livin by best life"
Yes I'm an alcoholic loser, what of it?
What are you drinking? I'm almost a quarter of a way down some descent scotch.