Now that weed is basically legal but didn't change anything like i memed for years

>Now that weed is basically legal but didn't change anything like i memed for years...
>Let's make MDMA (Molly) legal dude! that's bound to actually change the world, just imagine if all the presidents were on molly dude LMAO.

What the fuck Joe.

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I would have no issue with pot being legal but this is the way so many of them think. Oh good weed is legal now lets complain until crack is legal and over and over again. There's no endgame for these people.

>didn't change anything
>crime went down
>criminal organizations lost a giant source for money
>people with various illnesses have better medication than giving giant pharmaceutical companies more money
OP is as always as faggot

Let's work on shrooms and lsd.

why not? let's give criminals more power, that's way smarter. let's make weed illegal again, how about alcohol too? we learned that it's extremely beneficial for everybody, right, retard?

>literally anyone comes on his show
>joe i dont care about that at all lets talk about someth-

>>criminal organizations lost a giant source for money

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>people with various illnesses have better medication
let's not get carried away

>why not? let's give criminals more power, that's way smarter
Actually yeah it is. What do you think happened to all the criminals selling weed when it became legal, think they just went out and got jobs at mcdonalds? they're out doing worse crimes and there are consequences for forcing them out of a niche. Not that I would expect a selfish little shit like you to understand the nuances of what I'm talking about.

>they're out doing worse crimes and there are consequences for forcing them out of a niche.
lmao, look up what the prohibition did for the criminals, you absolute retard.

I'm not big into drugs, but MDMA should be legalized.

>no arguments just a frog pic
>people with arthritis and alzheimers aren't benefiting from weed
you being retarded is not an argument.
>brainlet retarded post

they are just selling other drugs, you retard.

I don't really think most potheads want or care about other harder drugs being legalized they know the difference

nice post reddit

Have you ever done drugs?

Wow what a surprise the drug addict squad shows up yet again to defend their dopamine rush and their latent schizophrenia. And you have the nerve to call me a brainlet lmao, that's rich. That. is. rich.

Have sex

All drugs should be legal. Willingly consuming something violates the rights of no one and is therefore not a crime by definition.

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U gonna smoke this fukkin sherm with me or not

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Go take a nap you fucking junkie

The only drug I need is the love of Jesus Christ, praise His name

>Now that weed is basically legal but didn't change anything like i memed for years
Because everyone was smoking weed anyway

we have better drugs than weed for most everything. Weed as a pharmaceutical was mostly just to get stoners legal weed. Did you ever notice only fucking losers used medical weed? This is because they were going to use it anyway

>t. loser who was never invited to smoke pot

>slippery slope legalization arguement was right


I like how weed was a cool hip drug for gen-Xers like Joe but for younger millennials and zoomers it has fallen out of style and is “that thing that greasy neckbeards smoke when they’re not vaping”.

Smoking weed is still a federal offense so anyone ITT that smokes will be arrested simultaneously in about 10 minutes by the FBI. Enjoy prison you degenerates.

Studies are showing MDMA has incredible value to treat PTSD and similar conditions. You are an idiot. Never use the term slippery slope again until you actually understand what it means, you /pol/ imbecile.

What kind of thirdworld shithole doesn't have full legalization lmao

My inner libertarian is for increased legalization. Letting people fuck up their own lives is true freedom. But I think it would be wise to hold on MDMA for now until the neurotoxicity is better understood and adequately controlled. However, I believe the consensus is that most of the hallucinogenics are relatively safe, shrooms, LSD so should be made available.

>My inner libertarian
Your inner lameass.

Yea what we need to be doing is giving hard drugs to soliders with ptsd

>"Hard drug"

Get laid dude

Have Sex


>le drugs will ruin your life maymay

Most of /pol/ actually agrees with "drug" legalization from a libertarian point of view. Those who disagree are the Jewish elite who own pharmaceutical companies. The very companies that are responsible for the opioid epidemic and growing private prison industry.

Want to fix the country? Every Jew must be cleansed from our soil. The rest of the country will sort itself out after.

>It's not a slipery slope if it is accompanied with mental gymnastics


It has changed things tho, especially here in CA.

The cops waste far less time busting people for it.
People aren't paranoid about being busted for it anymore (except for drug testing)
Everyone has pretty much shut the fuck up about it, because it's as easy to get as beer.

Which is why I voted to legalize it, even though I don't personally use it. Just not my thing. And it's dumb that it's illegal.

Once the commercial pot farms get rolling, and tax income comes from it, even better.

In states where it's legal, it has. That's why the Mexican cartels are building labs, to make shit like fentanyl.

>Facts aren't facts because they disagree with my current position.
Literally kill yourself. My freedom to smoke weed or take MDMA should have nothing to do with your opinion.

Most won't for most, some will for some.

I'm not an outwards facing lib but I find it hard to justify withholding vices from people in a 'free' society.

But that's how criminals make their money you inbred monkey. There's a demand the government can't or won't meet so random niggers on the street start meeting that demand, creating a business without laws and rules damaging everything and everyone involved. If the state would sell drugs (not like they already sell dangerous addictive stuff right) most crime syndicates would lose a huge part of their income. Why not let junkies kill themselves? People like you are as much part of the reason why cartels are in power as the fucking junkies and corrupt cops are. You literally help drug pushers through your retardation. You should unironically remove yourself from the gene pool faggot

But I like thing so that means it's okay!

But the supposed Jews who control opioids/Pharma could easily re-gear their industry to producing any variety of recreational substance and make even more money. They are in the best position to capitalize on legalization.

We used to have a fire hookup in the golden age of MDMA and a good quarter of our house had to go to rehab over the summer. That shit is too addictive when you have turntables in the basement and unlimited access to the party favors.

>hard drug

Thats because most MDMA sold in america Is actually meth

There was a study look it up


why do druggies have the mindset of a literal child? brain damage from the addiction?

>They are in the best position to capitalize on legalization.
They would have already if this was the case. Drug legalization only stands to profit the individual, not the corporation.

You do know the "MA" in MDMA stands for methamphetamine right?

1. you are wrong and 2. why the fuck not.

It's a compound that's pretty safe if you're not a retard. I mean, like most drugs. Every bad drug story you've heard is some dumb fuck who can't err on the side of caution and ends up putting a cocktail of drugs in their system.

Dumb motherfuckers ruin it for everyone.

You don't understand chemistry very well do you user?

>drug pushers
Yeah, I remember being 14 and thinking I knew how the world worked.

Sadly with children it is everybody's business and even if you are over 18+ your attitude shows you are still a kid. Grow up.

>won't somebody think of le children
Fuck you, ban alcohol then

I really wish he didn't become self aware of all the chimp and bear stuff. His child like wonder for large predators puts a smile on my face.

I knew it was the beginning of the end when he gave up on bigfoot and decided to become Larry King for zoomers.

Yes, dimwitted individuals often attempt to extend their influence over others to experience the catharsis of obedience by proxy. That has always been the downfall of democracy. The ignorant masses (like yourself) are allowed to participate in the enslavement of the few that are truly exceptional.

I await the day that you suckle on the barrel of a well placed firearm, begging for pity. Yet, you will find none. I hope the small pleasure your current opinion allows you was worth it.

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Occasionally when that stuff comes back up you can see his eyes just gleam and is at full attention. It's a lot more interesting than playing back youtube videos or hearing him try to grapple with whatever meme pop-sci theory is popular that week.

That one episode with Bobcat Goldhweitt (my husbando) were you seem him talking mad shit about bigfoot and being "le hardcore rational skeptic" was actually painful. I don't even believe or care about bigfoot but seeing someone pretend so hard and deny himself like that is just too much.

Drop the act Joe, it won't stick like a callus it will just rot into an infection, souls can't handle that much damage.

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He flips flops like crazy sometimes. I still say the bigfoot community is their own worst enemy and the biggest hurdle for anyone to take it seriously.

>That shit is too addictive when you have turntables in the basement and unlimited access to the party favors.
..and are a retard

Getting hooked on mdma topkek

If shit like gorillas or whatever exist I don't see why it would be inconceivable for a Bigfoot creature to be real

I dont care about watching any videos with the guests i dont know.
Musk was top tier tho.

You fucking wrecked this faggot.

>criminal organizations lost a giant source for money

And you think this will make them stop being criminals? No, they'll look for revenue elsewhere. Most likely through avenues that will end up hurting people.

That was my first exposure to him. He's a little tunnel crazy but he's alright. We need more of him around so we can get off this fucking rock.

god i am so sick of hearing about drugs. just shut the fuck up about it JOE SCHMOE.

If you make everything legal there would be no crime ever

I’m for the most part pro legalization for most things. But junkies should be shot on sight.
“Who cares if they only hurt themselves” bullshit, their entire existence is dirty, disgusting, and dangerous.

I wish being an incel was illegal

This. """Medical""" shops always sell weed to people without prescriptions. The medical thing only existed as a loophole for stoners to justify their use of weed, and to make weed easier to obtain.

It benefits individual freedom but the profits will be reaped by the corporations, seen in the trend of legal weed. Many small growers were pushed out and at least that industry has room for craft varieties, not so much in synthetic drugs. Individuals will not be licenced to manufacture themselves, you cant even distill alcohol legally. Its desirable user but legalization will not affect this supposed shadowy Jewish conspiracy.

>joe talks about how comedy is an art that only cultured people can understand and participate in
>turn on his stand up
>half of the punchlines are just him screaming something at the top of his lungs

what did joe mean by this

Me too, that way I'd get my government issued gf

You wanna be imprisoned, senpai?

> Monetize weed so that it starts to make more money being legal than not.
> Suddenly everywhere.

Go figure.

The idea that junkies only hurt themselves is only spewed by sheltered libertarian/socialist faggots who have no experience being around junkies.

> Muh noble profession.

He has a vastly skewed opinion when it comes to standup. Yeah it's hard, sure, but you can't beat long form written comedy, and probably why nobody does stand up forever, except him. I don't really get it either.

Make all crimes legal. Boom crime situation solved no more criminals.

chicks seem to dig guys in jail so I might get rescued fast.

We done did it reddit

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LEVELS to this comic

>criminal organizations lost a giant source for money
Weed is legal where I live but there is 1 (one) licensed pot shop in my city of 4 million people.
No one I know buys weed legally. You best believe the black market is still thriving.

>BS: I don't know anything about drugs so I can't really say anything about that.
>JR: Yeah but lemme tell you about drugs tho...
>BS: ...
>(20 minutes later)
>BS: ...

Dude sneed lmao

who was BS?

How do you mean?

But it's locally grown these days. Kind bud pushed out the mexicans. I don't think you can even find dirt brick weed anymore.