What is the most 80s movie?

What is the most 80s movie?

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Jamie Gillis' On the Prowl (1989)

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not even the most 80s de palma

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BMX Bandits?

On of these.
>Neverending Story
>The Last Starfighter
>Beverly Hills Cop
>Hard Ticket to Hawaii

heres your obvious answer btw

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satanic trips is correct

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I love (young) Courteney Cox.

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Sixteen Candles

you look so good to me

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This movie is fun. Young Courtney Cox, Dolph Lundgren, Anthony de Longis, surprisingly good cast. Surprisingly good score by Bill Conti. Some of the designs are cheesy but I think some of it holds up surprisingly well. I still fucking love the look of Skeletor in that movie.

It's not that I somehow think she's a worse person now that she's old and odd looking, but I'm just going on aesthetics. It's not being shallow, it's adding depth where there is none as far as I've observed. Once again, I'm not saying she's a vapid bimbo, but if I can project my own bullshit and fantasies onto a matching face, why not pick the prettiest one.
I don't know how to express it without being creepy and weird, probably because it is creepy and weird.

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By far the best thing about the movie. He was fucking great.

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Basically, if I'm going to dump my baggage on a woman I will never meet through a strange image-based obsession, I'm going to judge it on aesthetics. And I select young Courteney Cox as a totally separate person from bog-pill modern Courteney. I know next to nil about the actual Courteney, so it's only logical that I would create an imaginary persona I'd attach them to a pretty face. She's perfect.
I use the present tense even though I'm referring to the past version of her because images create permanence. Even if her looks are long gone, she's saved forever in an instant to be around for eternity.

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Yeah, Langella was great. As a kid I watched that movie a ton along with both Conans and Red Sonja. I think my folks must have edited out the naughty parts of Conan from our taped copy or something.

You know, it's when I try to explain what I'm doing in words that I realize how weird and off-putting it is. I liked it a lot more before I explained it.

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Not that I'm going to stop, of course. It's pathological. I'll just try to be more flowery in my descriptions to mask it in noble ambition. If I put enough pretense over a fetish object it becomes high art or something, yeah?

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I need go to do my dishes, it's been real everyone.
Long live young Courteney Cox and such and such.

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