Holy Grail

How did he know which mug the right one?
I didnt get it what he said

Also how did he walk across the gorge?

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Jesus was poor so he wouldn't have some fancy goblet.

Also he managed to cross the gorge because he's jewish.

Christ would have drunken from an ordinary cup, not a golden one.

The bridge was "invisible" because of forced perspective.

>Also how did he walk across the gorge?
Faith and the power of Jesus.

Wrong, Indie is canonically catholic.

just watch the movie man, they literally answer both your questions

Bridge was there all the time, it was just the matter of perspective.
Jesus could not use gold, he was poor.

Thats the bit I don't get.
Jesus was not poor. He has 12 people for a fancy dinner and Catholic religion always have gold chalices
Why would he assume Jesus would have a bad cup
doesn't say that anywhere in the bible

For the gorge..how did it appear though what did he do?

But he's played by a jew.

Jesus was a carpenter from a small town you idiot

>He has 12 people for a fancy dinner
it was crowdfunded

>bread and wine
>fancy dinner

Jesus was rich. He got expensive gifts including gold from kings when he was born.

It was a hobby. They were ballin.

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>implying his mom didn't spend it all before his first birthday

Oh you sweet summer child...

Fancy mug

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>posting fanart

>Also how did he walk across the gorge?

Fanart is not canon.

Are you mutts really this retarded?

The 'Leap of Faith' scene, still fucks with my eyes. I must've rewinded a dozen times as a kid. And I can't see the bridge before it starts to move.

What I really want to know is after Elsa tries to flee with the Cup and crosses the great seal and fucks everything up, does the Knight manage to retrieve the Grail?
I’d feel really bad for him if he didn’t, that means he’s doomed to die in that cave.

You’d hope the power of Christ would repair the temple as well, it’s a shame to have it all broken up like that because of one dumb bitch

How did a medieval Frankish knight understand modern day English?

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The bridge was invisible due to “reverse” trompe l'oeil painting of the bridge, that camouflaged it, and made it invisible to someone standing in the small opening that led to it.
Nobody who would want to find a grail granting eternal life, would want to leap to their deaths in a chasm, before they found the grail. This is the reason for the bridge painted to be “invisible”. The clue was a leap of faith, meaning only the faithfull who trusted the clue would take the leap.

>Jesus was not poor. He has 12 people for a fancy dinner
nigger he makes food out of less food, that's one of the things he does
And it was the LAST supper, he could have raided all his savings for it because he knew he wasn't going to have to eat again ever

>does the Knight manage to retrieve the Grail?
Nope, it's lost forever. It's God's punishment for man's greed. The knight probably vanished into the nether of the Force just like Obiwan.

They relate lost the chance to have them speak in a dead language. Maybe something Saxon would have been too much, but Latin would have been doable and kino.

How does it appear?
Where does it come from?

He was from England originally so he would speak English in the future

Thanks for explaining it but I still don't understand
if its camoflauged or perspective then where was it the whole time and how does it appear so quickly or where does it grow from when he steps on it?

>Hitler and the Holy Grail being lost forever around the exact same time
What did Spielberg mean by this?

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I remember seeing a scene from a Conan cartoon or He-man or whatever. He had to cross a huge gap, with an instant fall to his death awaiting him. There was a riddle about a bridge. He turned his back towards the gap and looked at his sword. The sword was like a mirror and there was an angle at which his sword reflected the light and it looked just like a bridge. So he crossed the 'bridge' backwards while looking at his sword to know where the bridge was at.

>And it was the LAST supper, he could have raided all his savings for it because he knew he wasn't going to have to eat again ever
>not leaving any money for your kids
typical selfish boomers

you think these aren't culturally dead yuropoors?

To be honest Jesus was kind of a dick.
>oh let me die for your sins even though you didn't ask for it
>you owe me now, accept me as your lord and saviour or go to hell

What a cunt

The bridge appears because the camera shifts to the side so you can see the underside of the bridge.
Only the top of the bridge is painted to look like nothing is there.
The person looking at the bridge from the entrance side is looking thru a narrow opening, which limits the perspective and angles the person viewing the bridge can see it from.
I don’t know whether the bridge was actually made on a set, and painted to look like it wasn’t there in actuallity, but theatrical and movie scene painters do similar work for sets, and standing at the entrance to the bridge, and painting it till it wasn’t visible would be possible on a movie set or real life if given the proper amount of time.
I’ve seen people paint stage sets, and typically it involves doing the major part of the painting, putting the item in places, and then carefully touching up the painting and adjusting it to the lighting when in place.

How did they build motorised saw blades triggered by motion sensors during the crusades

Wasn’t the knight an English Crusader?
If so, he would either be speaking Norse French, or Old English, which isn’t exactly the same as modern english, but which would have large crossover.

Thanks senpai
I kind of get it now now you explain it for the real world set
But how did it appear he would have seen it or else was it always there and painted black to match the hole
But how would you not see it in real life. Maybe thats why I didnt get it

how did a medieval knight live for hundreds of years
magic, nigger

The bridge was always there, just painted so it wasn’t visible.

English is 99% the same for the last 1000 years. Besides thee and thy there weren't many other changes except the new words in the last 10years like selfie and internet

Yes. Absolutely. No European would be this retarded or care about Christianity this much.

Protip: Anglos aren't European.

I'm going to be optimistic here and say this will be the worst post of the month.

>Christianity-The belief that God sacrificed God to God to save Gods own creation from a set of rules God himself made.
Wow, what a generous guy.
Yeah, that makes perfect sense in the light of day...
Christianity is literally retarded.

The saw blades weren’t triggered by motion sensors, they were triggered by switches under the stone floor, that were activated by pressure.
Mechanized circular saws were used in Ancient Egypt for cutting stone,
they were also used by the romans for the same, and maybe wood or large lumber,
And they were also used to an extent in medievel Europe.
There were a number of complex mechanical systems that were devised and likely built through out history, that were one offs, or which did not spread far, either because the system was kept secret, or because it was complicated enough that there weren’t the appropriate people around to maintain it.
A crusader knight would slao have been heavily educated, likely in monasteries were most knowledge was kept, and the crusaders were kniwn for being mechanically genius in some instances.
Also, the Kingdon of Jerusalem was originally Byzantine, and the Byzantines were known to make complex mechanical items.


Also how tf did the old guy stay alive so long in the cave?

The knight discovered the Grail in his 30s, yet here he is as an old man.....he’s obviously left the cave at some points, probably to gather reading materials and so on.

He could have left the cave for decades at a time leaving one of his other (no deceased) brothers there.
I imagine they took turns venturing out from time to time.
It’s not like they didn’t have the time to keep up with human history presuming they could get their hands on modern books etc throughout the ages.
They were what, 100km from Alexandria? Major Sea Port, ez journey to a cultural hub.

Probably travelled there regularly to get good food and fuck whores

Also was there a bathroom

Are you a woman?

Grail is just a metaphor for bloodline.

I think those questions answer each other

>he chose poorly

Attached: indiana-jones-last-crusade-grail.jpg (950x404, 99K)

If this isn't bait gonna go out on a limb and say you are the biggest brainlet on this board

The Grail sustained him user. That's the entire point of his being there in the first place.

Mechanized saws? And the Thickness of those cords? Even as a kid, I knew it wasn't plausible. But Spielberg managed to communicate this principle across through imagery. Even if it was a swift moment. When you get older you learn more about movies and how colours and setting is important and the emotional side of it. I never outgrew my childlike fase. Sound is 70% of a movie to me. But you need to learn to appreciate the work that goes into imagery and symbolism. Storytelling comes in last place when it comes to movies. Because we only have three stories to tell. Every time they are told, they might be be under a different moon, but they're still the same stories. That's why I'm so fascinated with directors and movies in general. using images to tell a story is, or should be riveting. Movies can still undergo mindaltering revolutions, where as I feel music has grinded to a halt. And videogames. I'm speaking from a pop culture point of view of course. Movies are the medium I still want to go with,

i liek when indy walk the gorg

Video of the bridge scene (happens around 1:30)


This isnt your tumblr m8

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>mfw a zoomer watches something without a superhero and gets confused

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Cool, here's some 11th century English. Yup sounds just like its modern counterpart.

Not really
Like a jew is gonna drink out of some wood cup
Ostentatious gold was a smart call

He has gotta be the biggest brainlet on this website.

Some religious orders considered defecation foul and sinful, so they would chew bugs, and then spit the remains out.
The protein from the bugs would be releSed in their mouths giving them a minimal amout of sustenance, although a low caloric intake.
Low caloric intake is possibly related to longevity in humans, as long as necessary vitamins and mineral are consumed.

What are the 3 stories, according to you?
>spending extra shekels on fancy cups

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It's anything we want it to be.

Fancy German mug

Are you guys implying Indi was there? He'd likely reference the paintings as well. Maybe a really old painting but still.

The bridge was there the whole time!
It was camouflaged with the gorge to make you doubt it was ever there and make the person take a leap of faith.

You're not supposed to be able to, that is the whole point.

>there was an actual bridge and it wasn't actually the faith in God that allowed him to pass
Whoa, movie ruined

Yeah well, good fucking luck understanding old English.


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How did Indi know to roll after kneeling in the "the penitent man will pass" trial?

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>100 odd cups
>1/100 chance at immortality, 99/100 chance of death
>Choosing to drink from the chaddest of all cups, the all or nothing approach instead of risking death over some mid-tier chalice

Dude went out like a boss

>taking low quality bait