Why does the most successful film franchise make this board seething?

Why does the most successful film franchise make this board seething?

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super hero movies have turned into something that's not quite cinema. it's like if youtube started making movies

Most of this board doesn't care about capeshit
almost all the threads are made by the same 15 or so mongrels from twitter

bored nerds need something to rail against, and something giant and popular usually ends up being the target

ps i dont even like marvel films dont (you) me

Nobody cares for real. Is like console wars on v, you keep doing it in a weird circlejerk of hate just to keep yourself entertained

I dunno, I kinda like them. Not all of them, but some of them. They're by no means groundbreaking but entertaining to some degree at least.

Iron-Man: really good
The Hulk: mediocre
Iron-Man 2: good
Thor: really good
Captain America: mediocre
The Avengers: mediocre
Iron man 3: bad
Thor The Dark World: haven't seen it
The Winter Soldier: haven’t seen it
Guardians of the Galaxy: annoying
Avengers: age of Ultron: boring
Ant-Man: forgettable
Civil War: good
Doctor Strange: good
Guardians of the Galaxy 2: good
Spider-Man Homecoming: mediocre
Thor Ragnarok: bad
Black Panther: bad
Infinity war: good
Ant-Man and Wasp: haven’t seen it
Captain Marvel: haven’t seen it

because supa hero movie populer
and populer bad!!!
im smart and a big boy

Winter Soldier is pretty good. The only one of these films I'd actually recommend seeing.

Iron man 1, Avengers 1, winter soldier and suddenly thor 3 are the only ones worth watching in the whole set. They work as a standalone movies. Everything else is a cash grab.

Fucking hell how did Homecoming's poster make it past QA?

This is exclusively a DChad board

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Attached: DC fans.webm (704x708, 2.99M)

This is correct and perhaps the most honest appraisal of the situation you will ever find here. Also, consider the following:

1. The movies themselves are by no means masterpieces and lend themselves to easy criticism.

2. They are, as you point out, incredibly successful films and everybody is aware of them. Ergo, they will generate more conversation than most.

3. People who frequent this board are fucked in the head and incredibly simplistic. These films are simple and accessible to idiots. It is very, very easy to be a fan or anti-fan of these films.

4. Faceless fuckhole.

winter soldier is the shit


>Thor 3
>worth watching

It’s all the same silly shit, little boy. Nobody actually gives a flying turd and everybody here watches everything anyway and feeds the machine.

I have seen none of those movies

Remove Age of Ultron. Does anything change for the plot leading up to Endgame?

>make this board seething?
hey pajeet

Dimwit: every single one of these films exists for only one reason: to grab cash. How retarded are you?

That's the one poster that Sony made

yeah, Vision is the mcguffin of Infinity War

Yes, the magical faggot stone was stuck in spaceman’s forehead. Also, this was the time a flying city with magic bitch and cock breath.

Because you're confusing "success" with "quality". They're successful because they're shilled to fuck, not because they're good. Hence the seething.

Oh, piss off. Snyder is an edgelord faggot and you know it.

And nothing of value was lost. I watched almost all of them. Cgi and action go from me to great. Some actors do a great job, some fucking suck. Some stories work and most don't. Kinda like a sci-fi episodic show except the target audience are not nerds but the most common moviegoer.

>Actually Good Movies
Iron Man > The Incredible Hulk > Iron Man 2 > The Winter Soldier
>Good Capeshit
Dr. Strange > Infinity War > Ant-Man > Ragnarok > Guardians of the Galaxy > Black Panther > Captain America: The First Avenger > The Dark World
>Watchable Capeshit
Ant-Man & The Wasp > Homecoming > GotG Vol. 2 > Endgame (projected)
>Bad Capeshit
Thor > The Avengers > Age of Ultron
>Just Plain Shit Shit
Civil War > Iron Man 3 > Captain Marvel

I've enjoyed most of those movies but after Guardians 2 I lost all hype for the franchise all of a sudden and just stopped caring entirely, only went to Infinity War because I wanted to see how this all ends, got dragged to Ant Man, didn't see Captain Marvel and after Endgame I'm bugging out. The franchise is just too large at this point.

You are the magic bitch and cock breath. I hate you.

Nothing is of quality according to Yea Forums except some random films that only 6 people have ever watched

"But up there, it's endgame".
Whole movie is there only to introduce vision. Ultron and vision scenes were done well and entertaining, everything else felt like it was made up to fill the time.

>Thor 3 good
>Thor 1 bad
What’s wrong with you?

I think Civil War was when the fatigue really began to set in. That was when they started cutting corners.

>The Incredible Hulk

You fuckin' serious?

Yeah you get to see what Hawkeye did.

Well people like to make money off their work you know.

Phase 1 fag

The Ed Norton one was good. It had Based Buster Scruggs in it.

>Antman and BP not bad

2003 version is superior

I think you're right. With how much they're paying RDJ, there's no justification for him not wearing a real suit like when they made the first movie.

That was pretty cute actually. Suddenly hawkeye was shown as the best one in the whole bunch of those pathetic losers : a man with a loving family and normal values.


>The Avengers
>The Avengers: Age of Ultron
>Captain America Civil War
>Thor Ragnarok
>Infinity War

Is there any other absolute required viewing before Endgame?

Which is why I stopped caring about it. It's entertainment for normies.

>not including captain marvel
What did he mean by this

Just watch first and last avengers

Stick head in toilet and eat turd, you lip stick dog penis popping out in a suburban kitchen. You like magic bitch and cock breath?

Thor 1 was boring and generic. At least Cap’s movies are period pieces and not just a random vacant set they found in San Jose.

he meant that it's not required viewing
in fact it's the most filler Marvel movie ever

In all honesty, I'm the same. Their fine for, say, taking your girlfriend on dates. They aren't gonna be remembered as masterpieces, but they're fine for bored normies.

Magic faggot stone in your brain box was ripped out by turdman.

I didn't even see Ragnarok and understood what was happening, but if you're making a list may as well add Black Panther to it.

Fucking kek. Are you a janny or what?

>no real consequences: the series
i just cant get invested into a movie when the protagonists can use cheatcodes and shit to win. i'm not really into fiction anyway.

I could understand why someone would think it boring, however it has one of the strongest stories out of the MCU. Especially compared to the trash that is Thor 3

>. Their fine for, say, taking your girlfriend on dates
Please don’t listen to this user.

Freakin epic fellow DChad!

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I'm making a list for a girl and she's already seen BP. I can exclude Ragnarok?

What about cock breath and his weapons?

They don't, it's just that there are so many immature people here that think that being contrarian or ridiculing things that are popular is somehow a sign of intellectual superiority.

Correct. I don't like them, but I can ignore them irl. Or at worst, take my nephews to see them.

I'm gonna rewatch ragnarok. I remember seeing it in the theatre and actually enjoying it, except for the nigress and the stone fag. Those felt forced and unnecessary.

Thor 3 is like they took two good ideas and hastily mashed them together. The gladiator planet plot and the Make Asgard Violent Again plot are so disconnected that it feels bizarre.

Well it's the small group of DCucks that shitposting about the MCU thinking it will make people not like the movies and in return think the trash DC films are good.
Also thinking that their smear campaigns will make a dent in box office numbers. Kek.

No woman will ever respect you for presenting her with a list of Hollywood products to consume. You should tear her anus open while you watch Apocalypse Now and Taxi Driver. What is wrong with you?

You wish you Indian filth.
Your small group of DCucks shitposting on this board doesn't make it a DC board.

It just seemed to me like they prioritized humour in Thor 3 instead of a good story.

This guy knows the score!

I actually just watched Apocalypse Now with her in the winter. She put it together that it was based on Heart of Darkness that impressed me.

James Cameron MCU would be
>Iron Man (2008)
>Captain America (2019)
Thor (TBD)
Iron Man 2 (TBD)
Avengers (TBD)

People just like to feel special by hating popular stuff.

Does the girl like funny movies? Ragnarok is full of jokes

Because it's Transformers all over again. A bunch of mediocre movies that tons of people attach way too much personal worth to because they have nothing going on in their lives.

So it makes billions.
For basically just existing.

The Transformers series is a vulgar auteurism maserpiece you fucking pleb

Transformers didn't have a fanbase and fans everyone was sick of its shit and it got all its money from china

cap 1 is really good faggot
iron man 3 is good at least
ant-man is really good
thor is 3 good

At least next year we'll finally get something. It'll be super outdated surely, but something.

Did you rip her anus open with your penis? What alerted this mongo-bitch to the fact that Apocalypse Now is an adaptation of Fart of Darkness? And why did this impress you? Are you mongo-bitchflap 2?

B-back the fuck off!

>conveniently scrolling past white names

Iron-Man: good
The Hulk: terrible
Iron-Man 2: okay
Thor: okay-good
Captain America: good
The Avengers: very good
Iron man 3: bad
Thor The Dark World: terrible
The Winter Soldier: very good
Guardians of the Galaxy: very good
Avengers: age of Ultron: mediocre
Ant-Man: okay
Civil War: very good
Doctor Strange: very good
Guardians of the Galaxy 2: good
Spider-Man Homecoming: okay
Thor Ragnarok: very good
Black Panther: okay
Infinity war: very good
Ant-Man and Wasp: okay-good
Captain Marvel: okay

I should be happy because I ate, breathed and sleeped comics back in the day. Problem is we're left with Avengers and fucking Shield shit, aka shit nobody fucking read past the 70s. Whedon was a mistake.

>first person
>image thats spammed here
>literally a fucking sjw roastie darkie

I’m sorry. It has been a hard day and I just wanted to abuse a stranger in the internet to fill the screaming void of emptiness in my own sad, broken life.

Step aside, plebs. The last open spot in KINO is for Endgame.

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Who's watching Endgame


Remove Guardians and Homecoming from kino and switch Thor 1 and 3, then your chart is accurate

Too safe. A complete lack of tension (even with endgame because contracts are up and some expressed a desire to discontinue roles, meaning death or a 'shelving' of character). Visuals got better (you'd expect that with how much they're making), but some stories were/are just bland because the overall status quo can't change much because they announce too fucking far in-advance what movies are coming. Since some things ape comic storylines you can glean where things are going from that.

Some of the franchise fucking sucked/are forgettable as fuck, others are okay. I don't think they'll all be remembered as 'classics' in 20-30 years (yes for the whole overarching plot you need all movies as each is either character development or tidbits about stones/thanos underlings).

Here's Thanos Approved list

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