What's his best role so far?

I only saw him in two movies (gladiator and walk the line), so I am open to hear suggestions that will make me see why everyone calls him one of the best actors that we currently have.

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he was quite epic and awesome in you were never here
reminded me of trevor from gta 5

the master


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I liked ' We own the night' when it came out. It has Robert Duvalle, Mark Whallberg, Eva mendez and Joaquin. Wtf are these names even?

This or Her

All those names are pretty normal.


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He was great but I didn't actually like the movie all that much.

This interview that inspired many others after him


Inferior to River.

Her was pretty good.

All of his movies with James Gray
The Master & Inherent Vice
You Were Never Really Here

This stupid audience that laugh like idiots when he said he'll quit acting pisses me off. What's so funny about that, regards. I know he was acting in this interview but the audience didn't know this and it proves how fucked up they are. If I was there, I would like to snap their necks and I'm not surprised that most of those laughs come from stupid women. Fucking cunts can't let me enjoy this interview.

Bullshit, but only because Joaquin got a long career to show his acting chops. He's overall the better actor but it's an inherently unfair comparison.

Fucking plebs ITT. His best movie is easily Walk The Line

yeah except you can skip the PTA stuff, which are laughably bad, and the immigrant, which is gray's sell out movie.

River Phoenix 911 call is heartbreaking

>If I was there, I would like to snap their necks
? This is literally every American talk show interview ever in terms of audience reactions

he is the best now that daniel day is gone...

I think he actually pulled off Doc in Inherent Vice. That is a character that would be really easy to fucking loathe if it was done by the wrong smarmy bastard. If Robert Downey Jr. had taken the part as originally planned it would have been his first bad film

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>Walk The Line
>I’m Not Here
>The Master
>Inherent Vice
>You Were Never Really Here
>Jogger already is one of the best meme performances in the last theee years

How is one actor capable of such prolific kino?

by his first bad film I mean PTA. Downey is a fucking hack

I think that Leo and Jake are also in the list.

>What's his best role so far?
wow, he looks so cool!


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Have sex.

cmon man stop this right fukken now hes two level higher than both...i cant tell when he begins and the character ends

>da joos
Doesn't all this dumb shit and needless outrage get exhausting to you people?

the only correct opinion

Fuck yeah, 8mm, I almost forgot. Joel Shumacher, when he wasn't directing Batman.

Leo has turned into a surprisingly good actor but I don't think he's quite on the same level. He's like the Justin Timberlake of cinema - sure he's great and he's really hard not to like but let's not compare him with Prince or Bowie

I haven't seen all of his movies to place him that high yet, that's why I am asking for suggestions in this thread.

Two-face in Batman

That was Tommy Lee Jones

If Leo is the Justin Timberlake of cinema then who is Prince and who is Bowie?

Start with the master first then.

The Joker Trailer

its no fun when you are this easy


U Turn

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The Harold Shipman Diaries

>Ladder 49
>0 Results
Cmon now people

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Never heard of it

is that the 49th installment of the Ladder series? i must have been in a coma, i thought there were only 48

he's amazing in this movie but walk the line is better

Walk the Line and The Master are masterpiece roles of his.

>Joaquin Phoenix
>His mother, Arlyn (née Dunetz), was born in The Bronx, New York, to Jewish parents whose families were from Hungary and Russia.
>Arlyn left her family in 1968 and moved to California, later meeting Phoenix's father while hitchhiking. They married in 1969, then joined a religious cult, the Children of God, and began traveling throughout South America.
>Phoenix is widely known for his animal rights advocacy and is a vegan.
>Phoenix is a member of In Defense of Animals and PETA and has campaigned for both.
And to finish it
>They changed their last name to Phoenix, after the mythical bird that rises from its own ashes, symbolizing a new beginning.
>Around this time, Joaquin began calling himself "Leaf"
makes you think


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Is it true that he was abused by the people of the cult when he was a kid?

Damn I thought that was a little girl at first. Didn't know he was one of those girly boys when he was young. He didn't even had his iconic thick eyebrows.

The only correct answer.

I heard that they raped him as a kid but I don't know if it's true or bs by ppl who want to damage his image.

>one of those girly boys
How many "manly boys", have you seen retard? He was a normal looking boy, the fuck is wrong with you nigga?

He's pretty feminine in that picture, dude. Last it was a chick at first, too

Signs. Prove me wrong

Remember how epic river was in Indiana Jones. Too bad the fag couldn’t handle a speedball,

Watch The Master. Him and Phillip Seymor Hoffman are both mesmerizing in it.

If I didn't know that this was Phoenix, I'd legit would think that this is a teen lesbian love story and that is supposed to be Supergirl.

watching the master is like watching literal comatose personified. the joker will be his swan song

I'm planning to start with this one. Thanks for all the suggestions.

Op here, why you say that? Shouldn't I start with it. Isn't it good?

the cult he was in was not particularly abusive but the adult women would use sex to recruit new followers. It's why Phoenix and Joaquin look absolutely nothing alike

I mean River of course

where can i find these holywood sex cults

Joaquin looks exactly like his father, Skip at 3:24, youtu.be/V5zfXRqKQZQ River looked more like his mother. Simple like that.

It's funny how everyone in Hollywood seems to be a Jew though. Like everyone says it's bad to mention it, but it's obvious when you just take a moment to look at it. Jaoquin is a really talented actor too - doesn't matter if he's Jewish or not. I just think that it's something people should be able to talk about without being shamed for, like what are people trying to hide by covering for millionaires in Hollywood?

the bar across the street from Beverly hills hotel. password is ju ju red

Young"Leaf" Phoenix looks a lot like Patrick Wilson.

heh you're actually right. I just never thought they looked like brothers

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Would y’all watch an Adam spinoff where he teams with the various female hunters to help people after Sam and dean die during the final battle

The novel is so good too. JP does it justice.

Is there a more trite signifier for 'serious actor' than photographing them as some late 40s Brando-esque 'method actor', hair greased back, cigarette in mouth, in black in white?

Says everything about the actual substance of what's being presented as supposedly 'great'. Because, no, really, what great part has this guy actually been in?

*late 50s meant to type


So it's the black n white picture that triggered you? Would you like this one more then?

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His family scares me a little. They look like those psycho families in horror movies.

It's just pretentious and forced. They do the same thing with James Franco. "Ooh, look at those classic looks, let's photograph him as James Dean to show what a serious actor he is".

My point is Joaquin Phoenix and Daniel Day Lewis are "great actors" the way P.T. Anderson is a "great director" and Game of Thrones is "great television".

What's with him and cigarettes?

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And was going to say, in response to this pic
Again, it's such a shallow signifier for serious, bohemian actor. Whoa, what a rebel with his pomaded hair and cigarette in mouth. He's like some beatnik or classic writer !!

It makes me not take someone serious as an artist if they're larping as classics of the past. He looks like he's clearly trying to evoke the image of someone living in 1959. How am I supposed to take him seriously as a credible artist?

It's just photography dude, don't make a big deal about it. Relax.

The Master is pretty amazing. Imo its his best role by a landslide.

wtf I hate Joaquin Phoenix now!

Who hurt you?

He’s always been a smoker.

This. Underrated Kino.

Is there any way a handsome celebrity could take a portrait that you wouldn’t find pretentious?

Explains why he looks 10 years older than his age.

Of course, handsomeness has nothing to do with it. I just think one can do a portrait that's interesting but that isn't a shallow, extremely retro signifier for authenticities of the past. How about engage with the present? How about have a fucking clue what's going on now?

Joaquin is an actor for the kinds of people who think Radiohead is genius and Tarantino is their favorite director.

Jesus m8, take it back to Yea Forums or Yea Forums. We watch Marvel movies here.

No, you just described the fans of the Goose.

>this attractive and talented man bothers me and here's why
Thank you, next.


no, tarantino and pta crowd doesn't mix

>I just think that it's something people should be able to talk about without being shamed for

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> How about engage with the present? How about have a fucking clue what's going on now?

How exactly is a still image supposed to convey this? Many actors and musicians would much rather act, receive salary, go home, and fuck off in private. These portraits that seem to piss you off so much are shot at the behest of agents and producers who are hoping to profit off the entertainer's good looks. They're usually dressed, told how to pose, and coached into how they should sell themselves to the public. There's a good chance that at least half of the actors posing for these photographs find them as stupid as you do. But it's their job to take them.

>he removed the gum

what a bitch

the movie sucked, but he was good in it
You Were Never Really Here

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There's a part in the interview, at 4:38 I think where Joaquin comments about the audience laughing too. He even asked what they gashed them up with.

his best

Don´t you think the joker laughs at you!

I meant gas them up with. It's interesting how he talked about it since this is something that Joker does with the laughing gas.

He should've went on Conan
Letterman was shit after the '80s

I think that Joaquin was always meant to become the Joker eventually.

I like both

is this the role that gets him an oscar? i mean look at the movies down the pipeline. leo is doing that shitty tarintino movie. that one guy is doing some gay musical its obvious

Seething incel detected.

What are you 10 years old? They have a sign on old world TV shows instructing the audience when to applaud, and they are pre-conditioned to laugh in scheduled intervals.

>Childrne of God
>not particularly abusive

They literally made kids practice incest and have orgies with other kids

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If you'll watch the video at you'll know why he went on Letterman. They know each other since he went at him many times and he was the only one who could handle him in that awkward interview.

Its intense but I don't think you should start or end your Joaquin phase with it.

he's a chain smoker

great casting, i guess

>CTRL+F Sisters Brothers
>0 results
Hes great in that too. Hes one of those who elevates everything hes in.

Its a shame that most people are absolute lebs like OP, and will only get to know Phoenix because of his capeshit role.

is Uturn even out on bluray?

Walk the line. I think him losing his brother in real life gave him a big connection to the character.

that movie was pretty shit though.

clay pigeons

Probably as Charlie Sister or The Master

Buffalo Soldier is probably the first thing I remember him from so ill go with that

Has to be this

We own the night if you want underrated Joaquin kino

>all these zoomers who have never seen Clay Pigeons or Buffalo Soldiers


It kinda jumped the shark after 48



>The Master

>buffalo sodliers
>walk the line
>I'm still here
>You were never really here
>The Sisters Brothers
>We own the night

>the village

>pretty much everything else.

>Clay Pigeons
never saw it so not ranked I guess.

what is it with JP and those bigger-than-life characters? can't he be a normal guy for once?

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Isn't it a curse according to Hollywood for an actor that acts as Jesus? Can't believe Joaquin did that.

Who? Philip Rivers?

He was a pretty normal dude in Her.

>those special effects
Back then the standards were really low and people were not even complaining about it.

Who do you think, dingus?