XD there has never been a 3 hour movie before!

XD there has never been a 3 hour movie before!

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>being this bitter over people having a bit of fun and enjoying themselves

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>emotional wreck
>99.999% of media in general
I hope that person never has to actually suffer

Why do you need to be there 15 minutes before the movie? What would that change?
I haven't even watched every marvel movie and i best i could watch endgame without getting confused, it's NOT complicated, these are kids movies

>not seeing anything wrong with OP's image
beta cuck spotted

I hope that person never reproduces.

>not seeing a poorly constructed joke
I bet you think they are being 100% serious

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Euthanasia should be mandatory for "people" who unironically purchase tickets to view capeshit, and get any satisfaction from it.

What do kids in China have to do with superhero movies?

We unironically live in a society where you're wrong on this one

I'm aware you posted it to get this exact response but I'm still gonna give it to you. What a pathetic sack of shit, whoever wrote that tweet (?).

kek what’s wrong with you guys? Don’t be such stuck up weirdos. I’ll be seeing Avengers on opening night in the front row shouting “That’s gotta hurt!” every time someone gets punched.


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>cabeshit good

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>commissioned by...
And people say Americans can't do irony.

I hope he doesn’t share the theater with any blacks or his evening will be ruined.

>hating popular things makes me special and interesting to everyone

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I can not wait for the purge

I cant believe someone made this thing. Fuck capeshit, and i'm a full out russkie that actually somewhat resembles red shirt in the pic, just with brown hair. I'd post a pic, but would rather not selfdox on the Antarctic penguin-watching forum

>eating literal shit because all the other retards do it makes me intelligent

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How could you be so stupid that you would ever possibly miss anything in a marvel movie. I could probably skip half the movie and still understand everything through context clues

I feel like I shouldn't be this upset at people enjoying things. But godfuckingdamn I hate the person that posted that so much it kind of hurts

All I can do is pray a woman typed this. If so, it's cute in the same way a sardonic goth chick in college is cute.
If a man wrote this, he needs to get cancer and palsy simultaneously

It’s a matter of opinion, like anything else.

The problem is Yea Forums manbabies ARE silly


no, it's a matter of intelligence.
Capeshit is shit because it's simplistic, overly formulaic, solely designed to print money by appealing to as many retards as possible.

Anyone with an IQ of over 90 does not like capeshit. It's so fucking bland and generic that it becomes dull.

I can picture her cuck boyfriend in my head now with his neckbeard and thick rimmed glasses

>stop enjoying things!!!!

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Imagine sitting through 3 hours of this nonsensical CGI nightmare with SJW propaganda as the closest thing to a coherent story in the entire thing. In some ways I admire you capeshitters

>commissioned by [tripfag]
Ok, here’s the reaction you were expecting: I hope you and your family die slowly and horrifically in a fire.

Enjoy the reply ;^)

Have you seen all the MCU films? If so, why do you keep watching something you hate? And, if not, how can you possibly have such a strong opinion on it?

What’s your IQ?

epic! XD

Congrats OP, I'm sure it's you who wrote it and this is the cringiest shit I've read since a long time.

I have seen enough to know they're generic and garbage in general.
I also know that only low IQ people watch them.

I wonder if this will be the first Marvel movie to have an intermission

If my mate sent me that I’d hook him right in the gabber I swear on my mum

Nice double dubs. Here's my rules:
>you gotta drive because I'm probably already hammered
>don't let me get tater tots, they give me diarrhea
>I'll be drunk and insist on tater tots, but you gotta be firm or I'm gonna shit on the stairs in the theater
>last time that happened I had to hide in the bed of a truck all night until the cops gave up
>we should go to that new place afterwards, the place that has the really cheap margaritas made with mescal
>I heard it was good
>don't let me get anything fried, though, I'll shit liquid fury

Tell me which ones you’ve seen.

What’s your IQ?

Sounds like a woman wrote that they like making a list of rules and only they would hit someone with a shoe

>I’m sorry user it’s over
>wtf why?
>you didn’t gasp at the exact moment I did


How can the normalfags and capeshit fans claim this is some some cinematic event when they are making more movies after it? At least there would be an argument for them if it was the final one, but it’s just another ol’ Capeshit retardfest


Iron man and Winter Soldier.
Generic garbage created to appease the lowest common denominators between sniveling low IQ manchildren and retarded teenage girls.
Higher than yours.

>he still pretends being 'alpha' means being a friendless loser who never leaves his basement

but user, these people are retarded faggots.

I won't watch this movie unless me and a couple of lads get completely drunk beforehand.
Since I don't want to ruin anybody's night I'll insist we do that like 3 weeks after it premiered. I had to watch the Disney Star Wars films sober and I'll never do something like that again

Nothing wrong with having a little fun. I’m seeing the movie with friends. But acting like this is some life changing event is ridiculous. It’s just a silly action movie to see with friends, I might even get a bit drunk for it

incel retards mad at capeshit fans are probably the most pathetic people on earth, but this "comic" (?) is pure cringe

nobody asked for your cuck opinion retard


Holy fuck that’s based and a save from me dawg

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>only low IQ people watch [capeshit]
>[I’ve seen] iron man and winter soldier

By your own metric, you have a low IQ. And perhaps even LOWER than the average “capeshitter” since they’re watching something they enjoy, while you are so unintelligent that you are watching things you HATE

Why don’t you go ahead and stop replying, and save yourself from further embarrassment? ;)

Oh but BvS being 3 fucking hours is bad.
Or Ultimate Cut for Watchmen.

All capeshit have a the same basic plot line. You are clearly a well crafted troll though as I doubt anyone can be this autistic

>You will cry, laugh and gasp at appropriate times
Peak NPC

>emotional wreck
>people having a bit of fun and enjoying themselves.

I suppose I’m a troll in the sense that I am defending an unpopular opinion, but the reality is all I’m saying (and have ever said) is that there is nothing wrong with liking Marvel films and that it’s all a matter of opinion. For some reason this absolutely infuriates Yea Forums manbabies such as yourself.

According to your own metric, you need to watch something to have an opinion on it.
A former friend came around and we watched Winter Soldier together (I'd seen Iron man years previously).
It was bland as fuck, predictable and utterly uninspired.

I could only conceive that it was created solely to pander to retarded fuckheads who have no sense of taste, in order to line some producers pockets.

>you will cry, laugh and gasp when I want you to
>having fun

>Ur a basement dweller!!!
2012 tier non-argument

Y’know, I haven’t seen a cape flick at the cinema since... 2016 I think. Most of them I haven’t even properly watched after pirating them either. So I was considering to go and see Endgame, since it’s the “last ride” and all. But without hyperbole, I cannot being myself to care, not even in the slightest. And I’ve been an Ironfag since I was a kid. I guess it’s natural. I cannot bring myself to care about any piece of media nowadays. Everywhere I look there’s some Niggered or something similar. In the new X-Men comics, Jean Grey’s getting niggered by Bishop. It’s all so tiresome and disgusting. I’ve dropped all shows and fiction. I see it as nothing more than a waste of time. I just come here to shitpost at night; otherwise I try and be productive. It’s sad, in a way.

Also, those people are faggots and I hope they get their anuses ripped open by all the faggot sex they’re having. Thanks for reading my blogpost. Have a KatMac.

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Rules if you’re watching Avengers: Endgame with me:

>must have read the entire Infinity Guantlet comics run including tie ins.
>must have seen every MCU film in theaters on opening night. I will be checking ticket stubs you saved.
>must be up to date on every podcast, video essay, trailer breakdown, and reaction video related to this film

Plus they're a filthy casual. Anyone who reads superhero comics know the points are made up and the rules don't matter. Your favorite characters wipl be fucked up and forgotten, especially in Hollywood film versions.

Attached: 220px-Captain_Marvel_29 (1).jpg (220x329, 43K)

The reality is that capeshit is for low IQ retards. It always has been and always will be.
I mean, how are you going to pump out that many films a year, and somehow still produce quality.

They very clearly chose quantity over quality, and it shows in every single flick they shat out.

>And I've been an Ironfag since I was a kid
Underaged or just retarded? You decide.

>you need to watch [i.e. experience] something to have an opinion on it
Do you really disagree with that? How can you have an opinion on something you know nothing about? I guess you could have an uninformed opinion, but that was just make you seem like an arrogant, narcissistic, manbaby jerk—-ohhh.... oh dear....

>in order to line some producers pockets
So movies should never strive to make money? That makes them bad?

You’ve seen two movies out of twenty of a series (which you yourself stated only low IQ people such as yourself watch), and you have the gall to sit at your computer and act like you know everything there is to know about the MCU? Christ, man—have some humility for once in your life.

Me when I see Captain Marvel in IMAX

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Damn user, you so tough and cool for never having touched a comic book or a video game and shit. I bet you down a bottle of 500$ whiskey and wrestle bears in between the open heart surgeries you perform. Truly, everyone in this Romanian Car Tyre Imageboard is impressed... Jesus, grow up. Yeah I read Iron Man as a kid. And I also had a whole lot of Action Men, so I bought a Barbie and had them all run a train on her. Christ, everyone had a childhood.

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I have an opinion on murder. I've never murdered anyone and I've never been murdered.

Is this peak onions?

Just retarded then. Iron Man was a shitty hero for the vast majority of his existence and didn't rise to anything even resembling popularity until the film took off. Yes Demon in a Bottle was a good story, but 99% of everything else pre-Extremis was hot garbage.

I watched infinity war and my friend asked me who vision was halfway through and i told him we were in a movie and to be quiet. I don't even know how to answer who the fuck vision is

Imagine being this much of a self righteous asshole

Nice projection, Jew

Analogies are not an argument, they only sound like one.

If you were to give an honest review of a film, you’d watch it first, right? Well, maybe in your case...with your giant, glass-fragile ego...you wouldn’t....

>never read O’Neil, Micheline, Kaminski and Lee
>he judges things based on their popularity with normalfags
Damn user, you’re too smart for me!

Guaranteed replies

Two movies were more than enough to form the objective opinion that capeshit is created for retards, by retards.

>So movies should never strive to make money?
If the movie is created for a profit by choosing quantity over quality, unequivocally yes. It makes them bad.
The same thing happened to the hobbit. They took a book that is 1/3 the length of the fellowship of the ring, and turned it into three separate movies (and still somehow missed several of the best parts of the book, while adding bullshit no one wanted).

I don't hate all capeshit just because they're spandex wearing quiplords who are so one dimensional they make Disney Channel characters seem deep, I hate it because it's so clearly created to make a profit over producing quality content, and still somehow retards can't understand they're unintelligent shit eating mouthbreathers for ingesting that garbage.
My own brother watches capeshit, but he at least acknowledges it's trash and he watches it after a long days work because he's completely drained of all energy. But he'd never pay to watch trash like that.


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Kek, Americans never cease to amaze me with their degenerate and infant behaviour

>mfw I will announce "THAT WAS SHIT" at the end of every movie so no one in the theater can organically form their own unbiased opinion of it

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People like this need to be unironically put into camps and gassed.

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I'm seriously just waiting for the movie to leak a days before the premiere so I can spoil everyone on FB, YT and at the outside of the movie theater.

Although it would be better if some psycho decided to do a mass murder on the premiere.

You are correct, I don't read bad stories when I can avoid them. I'm not sure you're capable of basic reading comprehension but I made three points. I'll break them down since you're obviously a bit slow.
1) Iron Man was a shitty hero for a very long time.
2) Iron Man wasn't popular until the film.
3) The vast majority of pre-Extremis Iron man stories were bad.

You'll notice that only point 2 addresses popularity; disregarding point 2 completely doesn't change my claim that 99% of his stories were awful and he was a shitty hero.

The fact that you're talking about popularity 'with normalfags' when comics were not a normie hobby/passtime until again, no earlier than the late 90s (still probably closer to the early 2000s for mainstream acceptance) is outing you as an underage faggot as well. My point isn't that Iron Man wasn't popular with normies, my point was that Iron Man wasn't popular with the turbo nerds and autists who actually served as the primary market for Marvel. He also wasn't popular with Marvel when you compare the length of his solo ongoings and teammup appearances to actually good (or actually popular) characters.

I'm not arguing that I'm smarter than you (I obviously am but that's neither here nor there) I'm arguing that you have shit taste in comics.

I'm not making an analogy. I am directly responding to your claim. Learn what words mean and maybe I'll give a shit about your opinion.

>REEEEEEEEEE you like this B-Lister that I don’t
>you’re a stupid poopoohead with awful taste REEEEEEEEE
>I haven’t read this but it’s bad cause I say it’s bad cause I don’t like it REEEEEEEEEEEE
Have a last (you) and go get raped by AIDS-ridden Bears.

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where is the fun part?

5/10, you are no Quentin.

Oh, okay. So tell me, how is murder directly related to critiquing a film? Are there really no differences between murder and film critique, as you claim?

This screams tism whoever wrote that needs a professional diagnose

This person deserves to have there nipples sawed off

I don't know, Carol Danvers seems to be a perfect cast, as unlikeable as her comic book counter part

I wonder how many layers of irony that person is on and if they themselves even know.

True. I haven't bought Mqrvel monthlies in years, hut even the books seem to have forced her into the spotlight in a vain attempt at corporate synergy just because her name is the same as the company.

Have any of these leftist feminists that cheered Captain Marvel and complained about evil internet trolls realize they just allowed feminism to be used as a late capitalist ploy to promote a product for consumers? Same with Ghostbusters 2016.

Captain Marvel isn't all that feminist. It was a lame prepacked corporate version of feminism. And these idiots gobbled it up.

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>all these reply COPEs

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>All these replies
Man you really triggered the incels

Have sex

No one who uncritically supports the entertainment industry will ever meaningfully contribute anything to feminism anyway. The best they can do is be quiet and stand aside while the adults are actually working towards a better future.

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Uh, quentin?

looking forward to endgame coming out and the catalog being 100% capeshit instead of the 85% it is now.
this place will finally become r/movies 2.0.

Not him, but what characters did you like as a kid?

Enjoy things without behaving like a fagit lmao

Me having a wank after a hard day's work is fun. This is a mental illness.

This place is literally r/movies 2.0 already you fucking idiot.
Tbh this place might be even more pleb because there's literally no movie discussion outside of Capeshit and Blockbusters.

have sex

if you love r/movies so much you should fuck off and stay there. Yea Forums is a capekino board no matter how much you cry about it champ. go pretend to like boring old movies in the criterion thread. that'll make ya feel better ;)


DCfags BTFO again and again. When will they ever learn?

Marvel forever!

absolutely based and redpilled capekino fan we need to take this board back from pretentious r*dditors

>slav thinks its people

This but unironically. Anti-Capekino posters are always fucking incels. It's incredible.

Oddly enough, Avatar was quite long but never felt the need to go. Guess I'll be fine for Avengers.