How do i prepare this?

how do i prepare this?

Attached: temp.jpg (350x350, 133K)

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boil it

I dont care how thoroughly cooked t is just please cook it with high heat like a white person. Nothing worse than a grey steak

If it is good meat, it will stay good even when well done. So fry it well done.

microwave it

eat as is

boil it mash it stick it in a stew

Don't listen to this nigger, char that bad boy up and slather it in ketchup

pump it full of cum

This but marinate in ketchup first


Wash it, salt and pepper on both sides, put it on the grill or stainless steel pan and sear it like 3 minutes per side or more repending on the thickness. Let it rest a little bit an eat

Attached: maki392.jpg (646x712, 84K)

badmeatfag detected

season it beautifully

salt, then fry it in buttered pan 2mins each side

>Wash it
lmao what the fuck

>wash it

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these. boil it until the color is gone and it's nice and chewy. 8814

>wash it
soapy steak

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>Wash it
You what ?

>he doesn't take steaks with him into the bathtub
holy moly you guys can't cook for shit

if i had sous vide bags id accept this as an option, but i dont

>tfw have a propane grill
im leaning towards putting some wood chips in foil and slow-smoking it on the grill, though maybe i could just try to catch the wood chips on fire for some searing action

Is that a Chuck steak?

just make it as rare as possible


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boneless chuck roast, yes

>woman humor

its time to stop posting

more like memedium

just slice it and grill it, idk

>Everyone on the internet is an Amerimutt
Holy shit my dude fucking strangle yourself to death with a belt while beating off

salt n peppa. Put a frying pan into your oven on cleaning mode until it's as hot as it can get, pull it out, put it on the stove and cook the steak for like a minute on each side.

>cutting the steak with a chainsaw

user. This is much worse than you first thought. Matt Bors makes these comics. A man though this writing was clever and funny enough to publish online.

Yes? You rinse meat in water before you cook it to remove excess minority germs that might have handled it.

was that supposed to be a funny social commentary?

Wash it. Cut it into 2 inch strips of a 1/4 inch thickness. Add some oil to a wok or pan. Pan needs to be nice and hot. Salt and pepper on the meat. Add the meat to the pan til brown. Add the chopped garlic, ginger and onions. Add chopped bell peppers and spring onions. When this is cooked add it to spicy ramen noodles. Done.

nice use of the insult "woman" instead of "reddit". It's good to see you trying out new material :)

Medium well is where it's at.

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That's what the purifying fire is for.


cooking it kills the germs retard

>Put a frying pan into your oven
you'd need a cast-iron or similar for this. if it has teflon you're fucked

>we created outrage culture but we're totally calm and reasonable so you're the crazy ones!

the handle is melting, it this normal?

are you implying that either of those things are good?

yes, put a pan underneath it to collect the drippings for a nice gravy later

pop it on the radiator (pronounced rad-ee-ate-ah) and season it beautifully with some salt, pepper and vinegar. tip the steak and baste it softly with some butter and some tomato sauce, eat whole

Boil it in milk and serve it with a side of raw jellybeans

>We created outrage culture
Okay junior


I love doing it like that, but I find it makes my kitchen all smoky and the oil splatters everywhere. It's a bit of a pain, but it's always worth it

>no egg

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>people i agree with calm and reasonable


the replies to this seem to be offended