Isn't this a monopoly at this point?

Isn't this a monopoly at this point?

Attached: di5wbrh897r21.jpg (750x744, 63K)

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27% is pretty far from 100% user

No learn what words mean before using them next time

monopoly = single seller who faces no competition

Except all other companies have less than 27% so Disney still has a controlling portion of the industry

no, in america we dont care about actual monopolys anymore, remember there where any monopoly laws? well we dont enforce them anymore.

That's still not a monopoly retard, god I hate dumbasses that think they're smart

this, americans are consumerist cucks, they clap for monopolies that ruin things because muh freedum

what other actual competition do they have? some indie movie studio doesnt count

But now Wolverine can meet rocket raccoon

it's a serious achievement in cinema that we have such diverse worlds in which disney provides, where cgi racoon can meet cgi metal hands, they even gave us black panther which celebrates black culture despite the profits of the film going directly into the pockets of white filmmakers and white studio executives

Attached: soy.jpg (378x378, 28K)

It's fitting considering most movie goers now are manchildren.

No It's not a monopoly. Problem right now is that other studios try to copy what Disney is doing. They should differentiate as much as possible and that way maybe they could find a new market to compete with Disney.

Okay so if I own 95% of the gas stations, and raise the prices 300% overnight, American people are screwed over. They need gas and the 5% can't make up for the demand of the other 95% of the clientele.
Disney increases their prices to theaters by 300%. What happens? The theaters show the other 73% of movies instead.

Does America even still try to stop monopolies/detrimental majorities anymore?

That's not how gas prices work

Doesn't matter, the user made a point anyone non autistic can undestard

>Disney increases their prices to theaters by 300%. What happens? The theaters show the other 73% of movies instead.
disney already threatened theaters into showing certain films for certain periods of time; they said they wouldn't work with them again if they failed, or would decrease the revenue shares of future films


>Disney increases their prices to theaters by 300%. What happens?
The theaters shut the fuck up and do it because they don't want Disney to blacklist them, and Disney might only own 27% of Hollywood on paper, but check how much of the actual monetary profit they're pulling (capeshit, animation etc.).

Not if you own the politicians =)

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is this user serious?

>effective monopolies arent monopolies

Next in the news: Chinese company TenCent uncovered as majority shareholder of Disney through a variety of puppet corporations.

Legally they ain’t, unless I’m mistaken

are you anons really unaware of the amount of white filmmakers (runners, lighting, musicians, etc) that worked on black panther and made money from it? as well as the marketing site of things at marvel (disney) and the disney executives and such that are white

the retards celebrating blacks in black panther are really just handing money over to the rich white people they're thinking theyre fighting against

They’re Jews. No white. By their own standards.

>Disney owns 27% of a shit and dying industry

they happen to be the ones killing it and making it shit also

>Disney makes shit movies with giant budgets and a multi-million dollar marketing campaign
>small/medium films can't compete and are kicked out of most theaters
>less people buying tickets because movies are shit and youtube/streaming services
>those who buy tickets only watch Disney shit (because of the brand or lack of options)
>Disney buys small/medium studios

Higher IQ whites*

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