This was pure bullshit and a fucking insult

this was pure bullshit and a fucking insult

bleak, boring, overlong, and nothing made fucking sense. you can sense what he was going for but the result is pure fucking bullshit

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Ending was dumb. Gibson’s character and the black guy should have buried Vince together. Then just as they are about to leave Mel would say, he one more thing. This is my wife’s address, give her my share please. The black guy would be like, yo wtf I’ve it to her yourself bro. Then Mel coughs and a little blood comes out. He lifts his shirt to reveal and undisclosed fatal gunshot. He’d been bleeding out the whole time but held on long enough to bury his friend, then cut to the black guy living it up. And then the scene where Mel’s family gets the gold

>the universal answer for everything

would be a little bit less retarded, but there would still be all that other retarded bullshit that didn't make any sense

ok libtard

it probably went over your head.

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Have taste

>mobie had scene that says concept of racism these days is stupid so everyone not liking the whole fucking movie is libtards

that's one of the few scenes i don't care about being stupid, have it if you need it.

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there's literally nothing in the movie that could go over anyone's head you idiot, every single thing in it is displayed so over the top and repeated so often and directly on the fucking nose that it's literally impossible not to get it

I think this was essentially libertarian kino.
The characters are screwed by the system, even the black guy was sent to jail only because he beat the crap out of the nigga who shot his brother.
So they chose the rugged individualist route to get what they deserve.

Good film.

Which is amazing because you somehow didn't get it when we all did?

>bullshit, bullshit, retarded
Is this the brainlet general?

dont have sex

oh now i get it, anyone who doesn't like the movie "didn't get it"

>who doesn't like the movie
ding ding ding!
You are the problem, zoomer.

i was mainly puzzled why zahler chose to use such tacticool villains, who dont really feel realistic desu.

redpilll me on the other retarded bs that doesnt make sense

All politics aside, this movie was a hilariously stupid cartoon, made all the better by the writer and directing taking it serious. 8/10 so bad it's good movie.

what about the gold? why doesn't the black dude send the single disabled mother money instead of gold with a fucking mark on it? what was that bullshit about the grocery store and the robbing in the car? why all the tacticool bullshit? why kevlar masks and vests when using a revolver and a sniper rifle, what the fuck were they even going for? why would evil udo kier basically give away his own heist? why shooting so much people? how the fuck do you film someone with your phone at night, even under a streetlamp? why shoot someone, but then wait for him to utter some last, over the top emotional words to his friend who's still alive before finishing him off? there's just so much about the fucking thing that's just bullshit

it's an almost 3h movie with so little content, they could just cut it down to 1h30m without losing any of the meaning

That's part of what makes it so hilariously good though. Like how there's no time to show a 30 second scene of black kids pouring juice on Mels daughter because we had to have a 6 minute restaurant scene that serves no purpose. Or the overlong convenience store robbery by a guy with a military grade silenced submachine gun who randomly kills everyone and shoots up the place, probably wasting more money by firing his subsonic ammunition at chips than what he got from the till. Or vince buying an engagement ring for his wife who we never even see lol

he always has these sort of grindhouse horror elements in his films
if anything i wished these villains were more horror-esque and even less grounded

but we see both the wife and the black kids mobbing mel's daughter. would have been better if that would have been left out though