Other urls found in this thread:
>bunch of shitters who would all die if it wasn't for the inner planets
>lel time for rebellion
t. inyalowda
drummer cute
I was surprised to learn she's ugly irl
fucking tv magic
t. jealous naomi
You some kinda low g faggot?
Somebody post
>spin the drummer.webm
Whoa! H-h-he's fast!
>Not rooting for Space Brazil
The place we go is the place we belong
>rooting for ANY brazil
Hey Hoss
the whole speech was so fucking cliche and so great at the same time. BELTALOWDA
she decently cute
at least she's attainable
She got a white bf
cara gee sells it really well, but its pretty corny
This is how scifi should be
>high concept shit
>retarded space battles that are semi realistic
>terrible acting
>great concepts
>good execution
>sjws are all raving deep space nutters and belters are literally home world less inter planetary cut throat refugee pirates
>planet fags too burdoned by Red tape and infighting to do anything but throw stones
This show is kino
Used to think it was bluepilled but even the lezzo is a raving nutcase turncoat it's great.
Dunno how this shit is only a cult show yet is 1000x better than sjwars and as good as peak trek/orville
Thank fuck Jeff bezoz saved this shit show s4 hype as fuck when boys
This was quite a nice rebrending of the anarchy symbol
even easier then
When's the next season?
>no saviors of the human race laconians
Q3 this year probably
Are you more excited for book 5 or 6?
>based indian bro
4 inch gang rocks!
Your flag is incorrect duster
>everyone is a entnically vague mutt
>except one Aussie shitposter
the episode where the saved the loli was probably the best thing ive seen on tv in a decade or more
i liked 6 more, i dont know why people rave about nemesis games so much. other than the big thing that happens i thought it was pretty shit
Up-to-date version.
Bobbie Frankie Adams bros rise up claim your tallfu
>she will never squat over me doing her naked Maori tribal mating dance then ride me for hours while screaming/cooing in kiwi
>not posting best waifu
Q2-4 and drops all at once
i have no clue how the show is going to handle the goths and all the dutchman stuff. even the descriptions of that stuff are kind of hard to picture
Melba a cute
S1 was more memorable desu but the weakest overall
Give cute hive mind goo gf
Why the fuck is there no good r34 porn of this show?
Had this shit all spoilered for me a year or so ago when it first got canned and nobody thought it was coming back.
From what the Bookfags basically gestalted it sounds kino from what I can remember glad my brain forgot
How does the OPA deal with the issue of work-place sexual harrassment?
>From what the Bookfags basically gestalted it sounds kino from what I can remember glad my brain forgot
its pretty neat but even after the latest book we still dont really know what the hell they are
Why the fuck is next season taking so long?
What's the ethymology of this? I know they are belters but why are they adding loada after it?
getting cancelled probably didn't help with the schedule
>"Beltalowda" - this means "us Belters," or "belonging to the Belters." For example, in Episode 1, the Gaunt Belter mentions "Owkwa beltalowda," meaning "Our water" (or, more literally, "Water belonging to the Belters").
no one really knows, its just a suffix, the show and books don't really get into the belter lingo too much
The're Belter Lads
Swapping from Syfy to Amazon has probably caused a delay while they sorted out contracts and things like that I guess?
I like the show and all but seriously this whole idea about oppressed poor Belters is fucking stupid.
I would spin her drum... if you know what i mean.
I wunna poo in sohrehs pusyloo
Easily the hottest girl in the show apart from boob thot Skype ring gore gf
She was qt rip
I have a girl at work who looks a lot like her, same RBF too...She's also an absolute cunt
Corrupted Polish supposedly.
How? They get shit on constantly while providing all that resources for the inners.
Reminds me of Olivia Wilde pre-JUSTing
well i mean, they live in total shit heaps and they can't even go down to the surface of earth because the gravity would completely fuck them up. they are fragile, weak, and mars+earth basically just treats them like slaves
They did it to themselves and are a product of a overpopulated earth.
Based Mars ethnostate has no such problems and is based
Rbf? Giv qt islander gf to have hungies with.
Rip nz God that country went to shit fast
Also runner up waifu is deep voiced white Iranian mummyfu with braps
Literally the opposite of the truth. Without the belters supplying their resources, the lifestyles of the innie scum would take a severe downturn.
Well no one says you have to side with the Belters
whatever happened to the belter lanklets? we saw a few in the first season then they vanished
Not their fault they are literally born in space.
They are kinda based like mad max tier post apocalypto tier except in space
Hope this series doesn't get hugely and ruined by sjws like got and everything else
>most of earth is on basic government assistance
so the yang gang won in the end...
It makes no sense to use cheap human labor when you could use drones. Cost of life support alone would make them expensive.
Besides, how did they even start? It's not like they went there themselves Earth or Mars had to ship them there. So they shipped 3rd worlders on some junk colonies for cheap labor? Makes no sense.
>the belter lanklets
remind me?
And I have a girl at work who has Drummer's nose. She's quite hairy though, like, everywhere.
Probably budget and casting issues.
Haven't read the books
Ubi in western countries is already a thing it's just in the future there will be less red tape and hoops to jump through
Leave that for season 9
>Besides, how did they even start?
maybe it was like Australia and they shipped a bunch of undesirables there
Just production issues I think. It's a good idea but not feasible when you're going to have most of the series happen in the belt.
>finally watch Gundam
>realize The Expanse is a complete ripoff
Expanses universe has wy better tech so it's probably cheap as Fuck
Dunno honestly but muh generic robot uprising would not be as interesting.
Unless they go the whole I robot borg route with qt cyborg waifus and shit.
Could very well go that way with the alien goo inter dimentional shit who knows not all the books are even out yet
they made a point to mention folk born and raised in the belt would grow tall and weak, like that guy they bullied in the first few episode by leaving him in normal earth gravity
you can argue about this all you want, i'm glad they stuck with humans for this stuff in the story because i'm completely sick of fucking robots and AI shit. it's just so fucking boring
>Have to win the lottery to go to school
>Have to win the lottery for a job
>Have to win the lottery for a house
>Most people live like hobos
Based Expanse calling out the socialists
Ausfag here we are the dumping ground for Asians now.
Hapas hapas everywhere
Didn't he fucking die?
I don't even remember that desu who cares more hard scifi kino the better
It´s ok up to third base. So, everything above the belt.
This is what the tiny, malnourished brains of the belters actually believe.
most don't live like hobos, those were just druggies bobby met on the street. avasarala says it herself, they just can't create enough opportunities for them because there are just too many people
>So, everything above the belt.
Nothing is above the Belt. Nothing!
Ausfag here again it's basically like this already.
Real unemployment is 25%+ under employment is fucked everyone and their dog had a useless degrees coming out their ass 30%± of the young working male population is imported and from asia
Gonna be a bug men uprising soon enough their wages and quality of life are fucked if they wake up it's roof Koreans
I'm with You could just use drones. Heck, there should be no Earth over-population because they have solar panels up in space and they have mastered nuclear fission. They could just desalinize all the water that they wanted with that much energy, and use smart agriculture to feed everyone with no problem.
Just mine a few asteroids and bring them back for the rest of materials (kinda surprised that they don't have space elevators or orbital rings to save money but they have turned large asteroids into space stations and churches are able to pay for 2km long ships).
At least they make a good point about war in space being a useless thing, since stealth is almost impossible, specially for a population. Earth and Mars can just nuke themselves at any point. Heck, just ramming their ships fast enough against a population center would achieve the same.
Remembah da Caunt.
None of you know science just chill
The Belters (at least the ghetto ones) speak a pidgin language.
they probably chose not to use drones/robots in this story because the only thing that would lead to is another BSG type of story where the robots get pissy and rebel. do we really want another one of those stories? at least in this story it gets into how low G totally fucks their body up and they literally can't go back to earth
So does that mean she want the dicku? Give sticc sushi gf to fatten up into a rice milk cow
Drones are hard to ad personality too or you'd have the same problem as lotr orcs where they are basically just a monoculture and boring asf so you'd need to flanderise the fuck out of them.
I like the belters even their retarded accents are unique and ad something to the show unlike drones which would be similar to the stuff in moon where the mc is just interacting with quirky ai aka 2001 Hal or oblivion.
I'm fine with the retro future 80s vibe
Robots can have personality but imho don't fit within the expanse universe and would make it generic.
Other shows have done it so many times in so many different ways
I really like how they at least try to make space combat look realistic and all, but it's still far from realistic.
In reality nobody would be slowing down to fight it would be just throwing missiles at insane speeds and one hit is fatal since everything would hit like nukes.
It's like DURR muh no sound in space (which albeit does piss me off)
This show does have some base in reality tho so props to it I guess the dogfights where cool but realistically they'd be fucking mince meat from the gforces and would need to be suspended in fluid gel
Not saying that it would make a better story, just saying that their existence is probably the 'weakest' part of a setting that tries to be realistic.
they do the fluid gel in the most recent book
>Belter cover version still not released
Forgot link to the song lmao
Lol so the belters bother you but not the random alien goo? K
Oh sweet.
Not just the injection stuff then
I hope this show gets 20+ seasons it's peak comfy
It's obviously done this way only because author wanted poor oppressed space minority. It doesn't make much sense but it sure works to make the story better.
In reality colonized Mars also makes little sense when they could just make orbital habitats but there is a lot of interest in Mars colony memes so it works better for a TV show.
If you fire from too far away then there's more chance of CIWS taking them out before they hit. Also nukes a shit in space combat, without an atmosphere to create a blast within it's just a high radiation flash, any space ship worth its salt would have protection against radiation. Its EMP effects messing with your life support systems would probably be the biggest danger if someone fired a nuke at you.
Now that Amazon has it it may very well go the GoT route where they go past the books and start making shit up.
>Oh sweet.
>Not just the injection stuff then
>I hope this show gets 20+ seasons it's peak comfy
yea its for a special ship though. they knock the people out in their crash couch and it lowers them into a vat of breathable fluid.
A reminder for all you martians, or as i like to call them DUSTERS, that with the opening of the gates your little red shitball is now useless. Who is going to terraform a planet over a couple centuries when there are 1400 habitable worlds just beyond the gate
Hail Laconia!
If your ship is going incredibly fast when you launch missiles those missiles are much faster. So not only would CIWS have barely any time to intercept them they would also hit with insane power. You don't even need nuclear warheads at this point.
In fact you could just use Epstein drive to have a bunch of missiles that do nothing but accelerate all the time for months so when you launch them the go like 0.2C and just fuck everything.
Oh sweet we Eva anime now
Let's not pretend that hbo got never even followed the books because they didn't
Show runners are dumb Jewish kike sjws who have made nothing but shit
Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby on the other hand
> screenwriters best known for their work on Children of Men (for which they were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay)[1] and Iron Man. Their other work includes First Snow, which was also directed by Fergus,[2] and Cowboys & Aliens.[3]
You're almost right. The breathable fluid crash couches can be used while awake. There is even a scene where Elvi is sending messages while in one.
>If your ship is going incredibly fast when you launch missiles those missiles are much faster.
is this science?
Kek imagine the carnage once the alien tech gate opens
Bookfags don't spoil this for me but I'm getting sg1 vibes and I fucking love it
I must say I'm enjoying this renewed interest in space. Dog bless Elon and SpaceX.
Also first ever images of black hole tomorrow. It's probably going to be disappointing though.
that's pretty much what the show and books do. they shoot missiles at each other from insane distances until one runs out of PDC ammo. they also have rail guns. the only time they really get close to each other are battles like thoth station where the entire purpose was to surprise the stealth ship.
i know, didn't want to spoil it all
>first ever images of black hole
how does that work then?
This is the cruel reality of space warfare and colonization in general, kinetic weapons are devastating and very easy to make (or they would be by the time we're at that time), whether talking precision rail guns taking out ships or some terrorist fucks strapping a bunch of engines to an asteroid and sending it at Earth, spaceships and stations are expensive and fragile, bulk mass flung at high speeds is not.
Modern jets already use this to extend missile range. Imagine how it works in space with no air drag and 100x higher speeds.
>Not supporting Laconia
After the last book that came out I fully side with Laconia, Holden and Co are filthy backwards terrorists.
>first ever images of black hole
not quite
Try jumping out a moving car and find out nigger
Space X is a meme.
What has really got space "exploration" going again is the Chinese blowing satellites out of the sky with missile tests and making progress towards their own Moon landing. Just like the Cold War, it's not really about exploring for the sake of exploring, it's about making sure you shouted dibs on any good shit before the other guy did.
people that look like that are hard to find.
IN the books Naiomi is supposed to be a lanket, not quite as freakish as the ones in the show.
I don't know why these literal retards weren't all genocided. They talk like fucking gungans and are all fucking criminal scum.
>starts spinning
>shit that's not in contact with surface falls down
With the chances of the gate closing at any moment and god knows what threats would you find in those worlds mars terraforming isnt going anywhere it may lost interest but it will keep going
>Space X is a meme
Not really. And if they really put people on ISS for 44M per astronaut nobody will be able to call them a meme again.
They're the australians of space
showfags have no idea
I don't watch the show, do they sound like they're retarded, or is it your language?
No. They're like the Puerto Ricans of space or something. Literally just subhuman trash.
you're quite fortunate to have missed the Hope Solo leaks
>I don't watch the show
No, they sound absolutely insufferable. I want to deck one every time it opens its mouth. They literally sound and act like absolute fucking retards.
>they speak creole
why? how is that realistic at all?
I think he means A creole language. As in dumb mutt speak.
they don't speak creole, they have their own mixed up mishmash language
Its not, they call it Belter Creol but its a mix of dozens of languages.
Miller calls it Belter German a bunch
Oh wait, I thought you were quoting someone. But the answer should be obvious. They're retarded mutts and they speak like it.
That's what a creole language is.
A bookfag friend was telling me about a room or sphere they find in one of the new worlds, that when you look at it and focus ot gets more and more detailed to the point that you can see the particles atoms, thats a fascinating concept, i wonder how theyre going to portray that on the show
>A creole language, or simply creole, is a stable natural language that develops from the simplifying and mixing of different languages at a fairly sudden point in time
If you put hundreds of thousands of people with several different languages together for generations, they will eventually develop a creole common language.
Fair enough then based protomolecule killed alot of them
they apparently speak like jamaicans or africans, the bbc actually has a version of their page written in a bastardized format for that audience
I'm so glad he came back for a bit. Easily the best character.
That book was probably one of the shittiest in the series but the second half was good as was the general concept. The antagonist is just some poor fucker doing his job though
I only realized right know why Amos is calling Clarissa "Peaches" later on.
they just end up sound like orks though in this case
Yeah the "enemy" of the propmolocule aliens appear to be from some alternate reality or anti-matter realm and when they "attack" f you can call it that it seems to totally fuck up how humans perceive reality to the point where everything seems like particles.
Preatty cool seen in Tiamats Wrath where they get trapped moving through a gate and the "enemy" turns the ship and everyone in it into like sand basically and scoop out random bits of the ship and people seemingly at random.
It's everyone from the third world, they lived like shit on earth so were eager to get out and work in the belt where things were shitty but not as shit as the third world but they end up being exploited by corporations ran by first worlders. It's why there's a bunch of Chinese and other minorities
He died for a girl he never knew he's like the space driver
hes back for a while now actually.
This is exactly why capitalism must be destroyed. It literally tries to create these filthy subhuman mutt races because it's easier to control mystery meat subhumans with no identity.
sort of. big spoilers. they find a spherical glowing thing that's about the size of a car in an underground room on the planet they are going to next season, the room is filled with animal-like machines created by the protomolecule. when a character enters the glowing sphere her brain can't handle it because it fucks with her perception. she can sort of like zoom in and out of her body and everything around her down to the sub atomic level, it's very weird. these spherical things are 'shots' that were sent out to kill the protomolecule and the protomolecule creators.
I know right? literal ork humans
Shouldn't they be sucked into space immediately once the doors open? Or am I missing something?
I wanna hear one of them say "innit" now. Lol. We'd better get chav belters next season for my amusement.
>Earth is a dumb socialist Big Brother shithole
>Mars is an underdeveloped "muh military" shithole that can't even deal with Earth's gravity
>Belters are vermin nesting in rocks chimping out for "muh rights"
The Protomolecue should have just wiped them all out.
no, that's a meme created by hollywood. that's pretty much exactly what would happen
According to the trajectory of the Bookfags that might happen
Agreed. I wanted them to fire on the ring again so the Solar System would be cleansed.
It's called great for a reason.
that wouldn't have done anything. miller jokes about it in the books, he called ashford a moron for thinking he could harm the ring lol
It would have caused the ring to cleanse the system.
Is not a meme actually if theres internal atmospheric pressure and theres a suddenly a hole then there should be a push out from the pressure leaving but for a human to be sucked out like a rocket the pressure needs to be way to high for a human to live with that pressure in the first place, so yes and no
My understanding is that while there's not actually enough of a difference in pressure to pull a Alien through a small hole (like Alien Resurrection), they would still be blasted out because of all the air around and in front of them rushing into space.
she looks good when she makes that expression like in this pic
The air would get sucked out, the people would only get sucked out too if the room was big enough and filled with enough air that the airspeed threw them backwards towards the airlock. You could probably get a maths fag to work out exactly how big by comparing the weight of air vs the weight of the person and the airspeed created by the pressure differential.
but in normal mode she looks bad
Well at least that's different from the generic AI villain or xenophobic aliens villains
Did it kill the girl?
well it's a small room, i don't think there's enough air in there to blast them out
As this guy says Its a bit of a meme, there would still be rapid decompression, but not as extreme as movies make it look.
SpaceX is only capable of making existing technology cheaper. That's what private corporations usually do well at. They aren't going to take us to Mars, or anywhere else. That's a job for government bodies which don't have a mandate to make return on their investment. If you want to go to Mars, fund NASA, then allow the corporations to decrease costs once the core technology is developed. It will simply never be profitable for a single corporation to invest the hundreds of billions of dollars that it would take to make extra-planetary colonization possible. The burgers should give 40b per year to NASA, and we’d be there within 20 years. That’s not even that much money, in the larger scale of the US budget. I’m pretty sure Donald increased the military budget by more than that, and that was just the INCREASE to the military budget. It angers me that the US has so much potential to do good, but they're rather waste their money playing world-police, bombing goat farmers to defend oil fields which'll be empty by 2050. They’re so rich, they could practically do anything. It’s like being given one wish by a magic genie, and your wish is to bomb weddings in Afghanistan. This surely can’t be what the American people really want. It’s a tragic failure of the democratic process that this has been allowed to continue for so long.
>Did it kill the girl?
no she's still alive
your perspective is pretty flawed
No, you can clearly see the air whoosh when the doors open. They would absolutely be pushed from all the air rushing outwards. Not some kind of rocket blast, but enough to easily fling a person.
Nukes are the ideal space weapon because you can use them for bomb-pumped weapons.
Stand-off nukes and lasers, any sort of impacting kinetic weapon is a dumb meme.
idk, you'd need a mathfag to really explain it, because that whoosh might not be correct for the amount of air in that room too.
so how will amazon ruin this
I'm hoping it will be Bezos' baby and he'll just pump a shit ton of money into it and give the showrunners 100% control.
i think they might improve the next book, seems like they will be speeding through it because they'll be covering both book 4 and parts of book 5. condensing book 4 might improve it a lot.
When does The Expanse get good? I got about 4ish episodes into Season 1 a couple of years ago but stopped watching and I can't remember why.
It seemed to just keep on introducing new characters with no plot progression but I guess that might have just started happening after I turned off. All I remember is it had some Turkish/vaguely foreign female leader on one of the planets that I couldn't stand.
about there, once the Donoger gets blown up.
Didn't they name drop Musk in the show? cringed hard at that desu
the CQB episode is where it got pretty exciting for me, everything before that was mostly world building and plot setup. the first season is a bit rough
>earthers can't live as luxuriously without belters
>belters cant exist without earths support
Cheers. I must have been the only person who enjoyed Altered Carbon (my only gripe were the two actors playing the main character must have never met because they were playing completely different people), and it kind of reminded me of what I could remember of the detective in the first few episodes of The Expanse.
I really enjoyed the first episode, I'd watch an entire show about a gritty asteroid mining crew's day to day activities but that hope didn't make it half way through the episode.
the first season didn't really hook me, i thought it was kind of eh but i watched it mostly for miller. the first half of s2 completely hooked me though, everything from s2e1-s2e5 is some of the best sci fi ive ever watched.
>>belters cant exist without earths support
What makes you think that? They have all the tech they need to live, but dem pashang tumangs steal ereluf beltalowda and owkwa beltalowda. Sasa ke?
Well tell me what I'm missing then. I'm willing to change my mind.
You can't infinitely recycle shit, bruv.
Bobbie dies
Laconia gets fucked
Amos dies and becomes a space zombie
You're welcome
Humanity should get replaced by machines.
Oh, right. Space Mutts is coming back.
Whoop de do.
all lies dont believe him DELET
Not enough water to sustain the population without Earth which means that Earth can starve out the belters by denying them water to grow their crops and shit. It's covered in some of the later books but it's a big spoiler
>SpaceX is only capable of making existing technology cheaper
Which is by itself a very good thing. They are offering NASA prices over 2x cheaper than Russians did and over 50% cheaper than future Boeing crap.
Laconia doesnt "get fucked" but they suffer a critical setback,
their own fault though.
this must be the goofiest face in the history of television. he was comedy gold in the tick
Yeah so basically the Protomolocule is just technology left behind.
The only "aliens" so far appear to be these beings from beyond, and from what we can tell they destroyed whoever built the gates and the protomolocule.
We have no idea what the nature of the "enemy" actually is, but that the protomolocule aliens were willing to vaporize whole star systems to stop them.
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Cap I know things I didn't know before. Like I know those things are going to kill us all
God damn was I glad when Amos showed back up
The comments about why the United States is involved at all in the middle east are dishonest. I don't know who you're trying to convince by implying the reality of the situation is that the intent is to secure oil fields and bomb weddings.
when that happens in the show it's going to be another based 'that guy' moment
Youre the same faggot that told me everyone dies in the tick i wont believe you anymore fuck off
>Watching The Expanse because people say its the best Scifi in the last 20 years
>suddenly interracial relationship out of fucking nowhere
>Earthers are just a bunch of old white evil men
>Mars is more technologically and socially advanced and full of black people
>Stron female Martian soldier that neeeds no man
>suddenly interracial BMAF young couple out of fucking nowhere.
>next scene a scientist says the black kid is the genetically superior candidate to be a super soldier infected with the Alien virus.
LMAO, this is too much globalist propaganda for my quiet evenings.
oh dear, skipped
Good, now fuck off
Sounds based, ordering the Blurays now
can you at least get it right? those kids had a genetic defect, they weren't superior lol
That isnt at all what was going on you stupid cunt.
Also the UN is a mutli-culti socialist shithole, Mars is something closer to a Fashy USA.
So this is the power of /pol/ intellectuals
There was no BMAF relationship they were just kids in a lab and the black one dies.
>>Stron female Martian soldier that neeeds no man
Remember how she goes to Earth?
And all the Martians collapse?
Mars goes on and on about "oo-rah" and "Martian pride" and "we'll crush Earth in a fight" and "we train at 1G" but if it really came to a boots on the ground invasion, they'd get utterly fucked.
It was a white guy who was vomiting though.
I'd give her some centripetal force
>catechism of the catholic church
based duster
since they are going to introduce inaros in season 4 i guess they will speed up ilus and start the free navy early on to go straight to laconia.
read "the churn" to get an idea what it's like to live on basic.
>where they go past the books and start making shit up.
not happening. they've planned nine books and numer eight released a few weeks ago and they actually popping them out every other year.
I hadn't heard about them including inaros in season 4. Any source on that? I can't imagine how anything other than free navy loot and scooting could be happening at the same time as book 4
there's only one book left in the series, they release one book every year. latest book was 3 months late. they aren't grrm
Which is worse - to be poor on Earth or in an asteroid in the Belt?
they alluded to it in the casting description for the character he's playing. this is marcos. they introduced both bobby and anna earlier in the season than when they show up in the books, so he'll probably be in it from the season premier. show runner also said they won't be ignoring sol system plotlines like what happens in cibola burn
forgot pic
Acting gets better after S1 though
belt 100%, earth is a shithole, but it's a socialist shithole where the gubmint gives out food/neetbux/drugs 4free to every scumsucking parasite.
if you're poor on the belt you gotta steal water and shit and the gangs will rape you good for it. its bad times
Reddit: The Sci-fi
Yeah I think they could cover the whole illus storyline within a few epps
So I would suspect we will be Seeing the Marcos and Babylon ashes storyline coming in season 4
How the deal with the time jump after that Is anyones guess.
>hard sci-fi
just like blacks
belter is worse. earth is a dump but you get free shit and don't have to worry about total basic things like air. the best a poor belter can hope for is living in the shitty areas of ceres station, and that place is a completely fucking shitbox even for a guy with a job like miller. the show didn't do a good job showing how nasty that place is supposed to be.
I never believe that "it will end in x books" stuff. If it sells they will make more.
i never got the sniffing panties thing before BUT i kinda wanto sniff drummer & this chick panties right after a hard workout
As a Texan, it angers me that faggots have started using the word y’all as a way to be all inclusive.
>As a Texan, it angers me
No one cares, Billy Bob.
the main story will probably be finished, but there are plenty of other stories they can tell. i'd like some miller detective novels
Depends. Being poor on Earth means you live on Basic and that is 300x better than Belt. But Earth also has unregistered who get shit and probably have it as bad as average belter.
it sucks that they didnt go this way in later episodes/seasons but it would probably been a real pain in the ass for production.
What even is the main story? Conflict over protomolecule? Finding who and why killed the ancient aliens?
main story is the adventures of holden and crew while they deal with politics, wars, and weird ayyylien shit
It falls down if it isn't in the middle.
I work with vacuum systems much smaller than that airlock and you would be surprised how violent rapid compression can be. Ive seen first hand what can happen when even a small slug of air at 1atm is accidentally allowed into to a vacuum chamber. Air enters with enough velocity to shatter things inside and embed them in the aluminum walls of the chamber.
Im sure there are a lot of variables that affect how it would look but I would say that webm is not accurate at all. It would be much more violent.
It's still in contact with the air, which is in contact with the drum. You can see the floating things kind of glide down as they accelerate
this tbqh, the plot was originally supposed to be for an MMO (hence the three factions), it's quite reddit but i like it