Amazon’s LOTR Series will take place in Harad and Khand

This makes me nervous. Very nervous. You know why.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Well at least they wont turn the original trilogy into a cesspool


wtf I thought eru btfo numenor and buried it under the sea?


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Ooga booga where da hobbits at?

There is no depiction of how Khandish people look like. wonder how they will make them in the series.

No, I don't know why. Could you inform me?

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Thank fuck, niggers running around Harad is fine. Niggers in Rohan or Gondor would be fucking stupid. Samuel L Jackson and Idris Elba can play the Blue Wizards.

The memes will come to life, screencap it.

It happens time and time again, we joke about something, we meme something and it becomes reality, because our jokes are the sickest, most ridiculous shit we can think of - which is essentially the mind of a modern liberal.

>orcs will be represented as refugees and poor tortured people by sauron the dictator
>there will be a kang and an allusion to return of the kang such as that the rightful king of gondor was actually a kang and whitey stole it from him
>not all uruks

And so on

It’s literally about Numenor and the Rings of Power. If you wanted a LOTR thread so much, you could’ve just started one without trying to bait retards, you dumb fucking nigger.

never post this filthy whore ever again

>ringwraiths are not kkklansmen

Missed oportunitty senpai

Black. No question about it.

nothing is safe anymore. just go watch older tv and movies lads, there are plenty of them.

tbf, Numenoreans did colonize southern middle earth after the shadow fell upon them. Tolkien didn’t mention them slaving the harad niggers or such, but they heavily taxed them and took their lands from them. For most of the second age, most of the middle earth men either
>lived in the north-west, within the area of influence of the Elves and the Faithful numenoreans
>lived in the south, under Numenorean colonial rule
>lived in the east, under Sauron’s absolute theo-dictatorship

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>the mightier the character is, the blacker they get

i wish i was alone with this person in a locked room for 5 minutes

Pretty reasonable reaction

>ywn get an exploration epic focused around the foundation of Ar-adunaim, followed by the exploits of some Umbar corsair on his quest to sail up the anduin to get all the pussy humanly and elvenly imaginable
what's the point.

Imagine all the slurping.

If you've never seen any of these do you start with The Hobbit and then watch Lord of the Rings? Are these comfy?

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Someone post that national geographic "the new gondorians" collage lmao

Watch the films.
If you liked them, read the books.
If you liked them, read the Hobbit.
If you liked it, watch the hobbit and get angry.
Then read the books again.
Repeat last one until you’re ready for the Silmarillion

So LOTR first, then Hobbit?

The only thing wrong with that image is galadriel being lighter skinned than elrond.
Elrond would be mixed race and should brown, galadriel has the fewest generations behind her and should be black as night.

The amazon series takes place in the second age.

Yes there are non-whites in the LotR universe. Tolkien intended it as a mythology for our own World. Tolkien was also anti-apartheid and against racism in all its forms. Go cry somewhere else.

It's set in the Second Age brainlet

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>the story would gain a lot from being seen this way
I've always failed to see the logic in this kind of argument. How the fuck does Gandalf being black help the narrative?

>being black = being a Bad Guy
So these cunts see the uruks and think "oh, that's a black dude" and somehow Tolkien is the racist one?

>this retard again

>comparing human beings to literal monsters from a fantasy book
thats low

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No argument?

you got severely BTFO'd last time you tried to claim LOTR was a hippie allegory. I am just gonna watch you get BTFO again, honestly.

Islam is a monster from a fantasy book

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What are you even talking about, you realise more than 3 people browse this board, right?

why would I get nervous? I had zero hopes of it not being (((progressive)))

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No its not, America is.

You know how they'll look.

I bet they literally selected this setting because and only because it allowed for diversity.

Most likely Steppe peoples, I think most depictions of Khand portray them like this.

not like you, user, you are one of a kind.

Jesus Christ.

They didn't select anything, OP is posting bullshit to bait you moron

This cunt avoided Gimli..fucking bigot

>SJWs: this is just like Harry Potter!
>Incels: this is just like LOTR!
Why does this happen

Being anti-apartheid and agaisnt racism doesn't mean that he would be cool with niggers of Gondor or nigger elves. There's not a single narrative involving the non-whites of the LotR universe. They are just slightly mentioned.
>Tolkien intended it as a mythology for our own World
Tolkien copypasted nordic sagas. There are only whites in those.

Islam is destroying Europe. I'd like to visit it someday and be among Europeans. I don't see how that's unreasonable to care about.

spotted the butt blasted eurotrash

Yes. You should only read the Hobbit as an introduction to Tolkien if you’re a young child.

Why are SJWs so obsessed with blacks? You never see them complain about the lack of Asians, Hispanics, etc. Only about muh niggers

>Why are liberals so obsessed with blacks.

the more you tell muslims they aren't european, the longer they'll take to integrate.

Leftists rarely use LotR for their metaphors, though.

>the longer they'll take to integrate.
implying anyone wants anything other than them to gtfo

Retard, people are complaining about non-Whites being shown in Khand and Harad, read the thread.

They'll never integrate. Islam is the opposite of Europe. They can't be integrated. Coexist, maybe. But no melting pot. They have to go.

>hating on the hobbit book
are you gay or something?

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Aragorn will travel to Harad, become friends with an African-American female Haradrim who teaches him all the important wisdom that he as a cave dwelling island monkey Numenorean spawn could never understand.

Who’s hating it? Literally told the dude above to read the Hobbit after LOTR. Or at least after finishing Fellowship.

I love these please post more.

Lmao, we're reaching levels of fragility where even show canon ethnic locations on a map is triggering people

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Yes orcs arent muslims

a lot already are integrating. it takes more than one generation because so many of them have the same insular reactionary mindset about their identity that you have. no government is going to mass-deport muslims no matter how much crazy shit you post on the internet.

he's a big guy

>that fanfiction city behind and Mordor

You know Jackson will demand to be the purple wizard. Or at least a purple staff

>gloin coinsmith
gets me every time


They'll probably be African Amerimutts like Justice Smith or something, not even actual African peoples.


There's a scene in the books where Sam questions if a dead Easterling was really evil all along, I'm guessing some people on here would be very triggered by this.

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literally no source says this, just a article that mentions they are included in the map, thats it. Stop trying to make a fight over fake news

>A lot are integrating
No they fucking don't. How much time have you actually spent living among the muslim immigrants community? Embassy cocktails don't count.

it's in the EE, I think they gave the dialogue to Faramir

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You know EXACTLY how they will look. They can "CREATIVE LICENSE" so many minorities into this it won't even be funny.

my city is near majority muslim/hindu. I was literally just at a wedding; we're mostly all white but but someone's fiancee was brown and described herself as a "muslim atheist".

your problem is that you can't grasp that people are individuals who adapt to a new situation at their own pace. the trouble is that successive waves means there are always some who've just arrived and some overreacting to not being in the majority.

Isn't it a forest / Orocani mountains?

True, even though they are more likely middle-eastern analogues or steppe peoples, at least they won't flood Rohan, Gondor and Nùmenòr with niggers.

It's as best a compromise as we can hope for.

hey retard, its the second and third generation that are turning into terrorists in europe.
their parents were smart enough to get them to a western country but now they feel like outsiders and are easily radicalized because here in the west we are to pussy to go into the mosques and clean out the radical element
and they certainly won't do it themselves

I marked the usual map feature being seein always, the other part just went took by Amazon as excuse to make this clusterfuck

>best army is probably going to be butchered someway

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The values of Islam are counter to the west. It's literally impossible for integration to occur if they wish to remain following their religion.

>its the second and third generation

you just referred to millions of people. guess what, there aren't millions of terrorist attacks. no more than every Republican is shooting up a country and western concert.

were they headed towards Lothlorian?

They were pretty busy fighting Dol Guldur. More likely they were meeting up with other Mordor forces. The Easterlings also nearly destroyed Erebor and Dale in the North, they were pretty powerful.

>no more than every Republican is shooting up a country and western concert.
he believes the narrative.


In the movie, they were headed for the Black Gate first. After that, who knows and as says, they rekt Erebor pretty good, slain Dain and forced the humans from Dale and dwarves to close the gates of Lonely mountain.

Islam isn't centralized as a religion. imams "interpret" the Koran however they like, which means they normally just follow the best interests of themselves and their congregation depending on the immediate situation, like with all religions.

Oh, you were "literally" at a wedding, huh. How convenient! And you argument for "they're integrating" is that you were mostly all white and one slut described herself as a "muslim atheist"?
>my city is majoritarily muslim/hindu
So is London, doesnt mean those people living in the City aren't sheltered faggots that don't have a clue about what's going on. How about you go out of your majorly white upper class district and live in social housing surrounded by them for a few years, then we'll talk.

The Second Age takes place about 5000 years before Aragorn is even born.

>Gloin Coinsmith

The real problem seems to be the (((Dwarves))), doesn't it?

that's a pretty absurdly long hike. why did Sauron feel the need to attack everywhere at once like a a retard.

Yea Forums is actually a biological super computer, it can will things into existence, by memeing them.

>long hike
Shorter than Frodo's trip and they were passing through friendly territory. But I agree that it was long and probably unnecessary. Maybe it was just some ceremonial batallion and the bulk of their force just went straight up to Erebor.

how about you go live on a council estate in scotland for a few years and then come away with a favorable view of them.

will there be hollywood weddings with token sand women?

Why tho?

no just white heroin addicts, presumably. of course it's a stereotype but that appears to be how you assess situations.

>token sand women

I didn't ask but it's possible she became atheist because she got fed up with being associated with terrorism. that's the kind of nuance that you encounter when you stop lumping everyone into groups.

Not that guy but The Hobbit is focused on the dwarves and dwarves are pretty based.

>everywhere at once
He didn't. His strategy was actually quite good and would've worked were it not for Aragon's ghosts (I'm talking about the book). Rhun is way too distant to provide effective support to Mordor so why not send it to attack an enemy you'll end up fighting anyway?

when's the biopic coming out?

Is that all it takes you to suck a cock?

Why did men serve Sauron anyway? Were they promised to be spared?
I've only read Fellowship so far.


>Why did men serve Sauron anyway?
You don't get raided by Orcs if you serve Sauron

why are insecure alt right drumftards literally shaking at the thought of black people in this show? it's not gonna happen, they're not gonna throw away 2 billion dollars just to score some diversity points.

Sauron is the master of propaganda and deceit. He literally convinces the leader of the largest and most powerful Empire Middle Earth has ever seen to invade heaven, destroying itself in the process. He understands the desires of Men better than anyone else.

Yeah ive read, just wondering why user was suggesting not to read it first

what city is that?

Studios care about $$$ more than anything else. If they think a diverse setting and characters will bring in the viewers, they will do it.

saruman being a woman wouldn't be that bad, he's not even human. there's no reason why he shouldn't take the form of a female human instead of a male one

have you watched any modern media lately user?

>Saruman could look like me in your eyes, if it suited his purpose with you. And are you yet wise enough to detect all his counterfeits? Well, we shall see, perhaps. He may be shy of showing himself before many different eyes together. But I have ordered all the Ents to remove themselves from sight, so perhaps we shall persuade him to come out.’

Any examples where this has hurt sales? Genuinely curious

a wrinkle in time
capt marvel
oceans 8
dark tower
the witcher soon enough

The men of Khand can only be racially Mongoloid, and the men of Harad are described as looking as Arabs and Bedouins, certainly not like Niggers.

>The men of Khand can only be racially Mongoloid
nowhere does it say so, except in the GW tabletop.


why are incels so obsessed with blacks?

So they put it into literally-nothing-fucking-happened-land so they can do their little diverse fanfiction wankfest that has nothing in common with middle earth or Tlokie's ideas at all but needs the brand recognition to fool imbeciles to watch their shit.

I'm almost happy I never had any hope.



Better than the GoT spinoff that will take place in Westeros during the Long Night and still have a cast that's mostly black

Yeah as was said, Khand has no descriptions whatsoever, but I think their portrayal as Mongol/Steppe people has entered the common conception. Also Tolkien does describe black skinned people from Far Harad.


I'd say Ghostbusters is the biggest offender, since it was the main criticism from announcement. Though I suppose the next Ghostbusters will the real litmus test, whether people really don't want ""diversity"" or if they're just bored of Ghostbusters.

The Half-trolls, yes, although, them being black-skinned is due to being half-troll.

>WOW I can't believe they're changing the canon and turning all my pure white master race elves into filthy niggers, show some respect for the source material Shecklestein
>WOW I can't believe they're setting their show in a canon location where there would be dark skinned people how dare you Shecklestein

Who ever made this should have gone through the effort of changing the nazguls into KKK men with torches.

>Easterlings with axes, and Variags of Khand, Southrons in scarlet, and out of Far Harad black men like half-trolls with white eyes and red tongues

" men like half-trolls..."

Gimli got in some troubles after he said some things about a certain nig nosed tribe. He is "toxic".

I have quite literally zero problem with Harad people being black. It's lore friendly-ish. What I do have a problem with is that they're going to try and pass the Haradrim as being some sort of enlightened people that never really wanted to follow the evil powers.

It shouldn’t be, the Orocarni were supposed to be further eastwards.

But Tolkien would have believed something like that. He did not believe men could be purely evil, it was against his Catholic beliefs. There's a part of the book where Sam questions if a dead Easterling was really evil at all.

I think people just want the original ghostbusters period, and see any hacky knock off is just a lame cash grab

What is this citation supposed to prove?

watch the extended editions or dont at all

and your point?

>out of Far Harad black men like half-trolls with white eyes and red tongues

Attached: black-toons1.jpg (450x340, 37K)

>send the easterlings to keep the northern realms (Mirkwood, Dale, Erebor, Lorien) occupied and unable to send a force to join the southern main theatre
>send the corsairs on a mass attack against Gondor’s coast to keep them from reinforcing Minas Tirith against the main attack
>promote Saruman’s ascent to keep Rohan from helping Gondor
>in case the latter fails, send an army to Anorien to delay the Rohirrim long enough

>if all of this fails, who cares lmao, you have 5x times these armies ready for a second wave of attacks

why are trannies so obsessed with incels?

He directly says they are black men LIKE half trolls. If they were half trolls he would have said "black half trolls".

In the context of the second age, which this series takes place in, Haradrims were on the side of black Numenoreans, and thus evil.


Yes, due to being half-trolls, one of them was even depicted in the battle of the Pelennor fields.

They're described as Arabs and Bedouins, not sub-Saharan Africans.

Haradrim are Arabs
Far Haradrim are blacks
Easterlings are Turkic mongols

It’s not brown casting I’m worried about. It’s the ‘le White bigots rayciss not letting us into Gondor not all Haradrim *looks at camera* fuck Brexit and Drumpf’ shit that will go with it


I'm pretty sure there was no thought put behind who got coloured what.

>But when they desire to clothe themselves the Valar take upon them forms some as of male and some as of female; for that difference of temper they had even from their beginning, and it is but bodied forth in the choice of each, not made by the choice, even as with us male and female may be shown by the raiment but is not made thereby. But the shapes wherein the Great Ones array themselves are not at all times like to the shapes of the kings and queens of the Children of Ilúvatar; for at times they may clothe themselves in their own thought, made visible in forms of majesty and dread.

There's no integration you fucking cunt, there's just replacement.

> If they were half trolls he would have said "black half trolls".
No he wouldn't have, for trolls are black of skin by default, so are half-trolls that are encountered among the Orcs of Mount Gundabad, hence the comparative he used.

"black men like half trolls" = Half trolls that look like men and are black
How fucking retarded are you? What kind of idiot would look at it and think "i will describe these men as looking like half trolls". Maybe English is not your strong suit, but this kind of description is fanfic tier if taken like that.

Don't waste your time with the Hobbit movies, they're trash. Read the book instead, it's short and easy to read but fun.

For LOTR watch the extended edition.

Yes he's saying that they are black men like half-trolls. Not half-trolls, black men who are like half-trolls

Why? All this means is that the things we know and love won't be blackwashed and butchered for the sake of diversity since the show already takes place in the brown areas of middle earth.

no ones replacing anyone

There was that BBC troy series they spent tons of taxpayer money on and couldn't believed nobody watched. They even out in an interracial threesome, that's what the people want!

based middle-earth linguist

read the book after watching the extended movies
its a comfy feeling like your reading the extended extended cut

Cope harder.

Acutally interpreting it as men that look like trolls makes a lot more sense. He didn't say 'man-like half-trolls'. If you're gonna be a condscending cunt at least be right

my brother is watching right now
its not fullof nniggers but the sets and props are trash

How are you even interpreting that sentence? Why would he describe half-trolls like black men? Tolkien didn't make real life analogies. And if they are half-trolls, where are the in-universe black men he is comparing them to?

*its not only full of niggers
wtf happened

Easterlings are many people, the men of Rhun, and of other civilized empires, are described as being tall and of Mediterranean features, while some less civilized Easterlings are indeed described as Turkic and Mongoloid peoples.

>human like shape
>beer like liquid
>retard like behavior
have you seriously never heard this formulation before?

>t. mohammed

nothing makes sense when it comes out of your drooling ass of a mouth. Every single fucking resource/interpretation of LOTR has understood it the correct way, the fact that you cant take a seat and think that maybe you're wrong says a lot about how clueless you are.

That doesn't make sense in the context, compare the sentences. It doesn't even make literary sense, why compare something intimidating and mysterious like a half-troll to just a regular black person?

>Tolkien was also anti-apartheid and against racism in all its forms.

you son of a bitch. you were very credible at the beggining, too.

not him but tolkien was a subscriber of a nationalist magazine allegedly

Yeah, thats what braindead incels like you said anout witcher too

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Only if you sauce me up about that little semen demon

>"I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White."

The Germans have just as much right to declare the Poles and Jews exterminable vermin, subhuman, as we have to select the Germans: in other words, no right, whatever they have done."

I'm lost to what you mean exactly

He made very explicit ethnic descriptions.
And the movie chose to use "tribal" accessories, hairstyles, and aesthetics.

>Why does this happen
LotRposting started off as satire of people who use Harry Potter metaphors. It's not meant to be taken seriously.

So? The Dunlendings are explicitly tribal people too. Not only black people form tribes.

He was obviously talking about anti slavic sentiments here.

This is good now i don’t mind ebonics

>reminder yennefer and fringilla look so much a like in the books, geralt calls fringilla yennefer when he's fucking her

You clearly do no live amo,gst them

"As for what you say or hint of ‘local’ conditions: I knew of them. I don't think they have much changed (even for the worse). I used to hear them discussed by my mother; and have ever since taken a special interest in that part of the world. The treatment of colour nearly always horrifies anyone going out from Britain, & not only in South Africa. Unfort[unately], not many retain that generous sentiment for long."
― Letter 61 — Written to Christopher Tolkien who was stationed in South Africa during World War II

>they (the orcs) are squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the least lovely Mongol-types
I too can take a quote out of context. You shouldnt infer on someone's entire personnality based on a couple sentences they wrote. Tolkien was not an anti-racism activist as you falsely imply, only a good man with a healthy hate boner for nazis and Germans altogether.

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Being anti-german is the same as being an anti-semite.

A hatefull person.

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>Tolkien was not an anti-racism activist as you falsely imply

I never implied that? I said he was against it.

>they (the orcs) are squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the least lovely Mongol-types

Again, 'problematic' from a modern point of view, but really nothing that bad. He doesn't say Mongols are repulsive or imply they are in any way inferior.

not really, it's called being a sensible human being for the former.

exactly. you shouldnt infer someone's values or judge them based on a contemporary lense. Glad we can put this argument to bed.

Do you not remember the Last Airbender fiasco at all?

.. And here he's referencing racist treatment of people. Obviously hes against that, whats your point?

But the total amount of foreign people living in white countries is increasing thus the total proportion of indigenous whites in term of total population is decreasing? How is this not being replaced? Would you prefer the word dilution? Genuine question.

>Reparations now!

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Star wars

The first one did well though right? I'd say it's more that they were just plain shite.

Cute Frodo though

Orcposting (the version you're replying to) started as a satirical response to the incessant use of Harry Potter metaphors by leftists to describe politics. So more lurking, less dilating.

how do you get that?

>I felt bad liking the movie as much as I did, there's basically no women
What about Éowyn (who is in the picture)? Furthermore, if you like something, how can you revise your opinion because the movie didn't have something it didn't need? I guess The Thing is bad because it has no women in it.

The orks are primitive and savage led by a dark ruler. Im sure they could be brought back to life and used for good as a mineless slave labour force under a good ruler.

now THIS makes you nervous? I thought you were nervous about black elves and Gondorians.

Lawd of the Rangz: straight outta Mordor

no way a city is that big. You're fucking retarded with no sense of scale.

Nah you turn up in every lotr thread and say the exact shame thing you are gay

They’ll just get killed in the inevitable race wars

that's a forrest you absolute mong.

I’m lolling at your Muslim atheist like Muslim is a race you fucking moron

what i know so far
>setting in the 2nd age
>harad and khand
>knowing the two above, numenor will be essential to make a story out of this

what i hope for
>a epic opening where the end of the 1st age is explained with the final parts of the war of wrath
>3 different plots
>forging of the rings of power and sauron waging wars with the elves of middle earth
>numenorians settling the island (white europeans) and later making contact with the lesser peoples of middle earth
>a 3rd plot line in the lands of harad and khand (harad and khand are arab/berber/semitic/persian looking browns)
>culminating in the events of the downfall of numenor

what i assume will happen...
>heavily focused plot in harad and khand
>the fact that numenor settled coastal regions will be an excuse to brown or blacken everyone on the island of numenor which should be white
>the fact that there will be black characters even thou this worlds "africa" is not existing yet (starts existing with the 3rd age)
>the fact that sauron constantly deceived people will be used to make a GoT character out of him
>the fact that ar pharazon took over the power in numenor over that of his wife who should rule instead will be used as a tool to promote some form of feminist thought
>the fact that the valar and maiar can change shapes can be used to cast anyone
>the fact that there will exist black numenoreans can be twisted to mean anything

Jesus, the lights are on but nobody is home.

Why is Yea Forums so mad about black people in their films/shows?

That is a retarded post. Harad, Khand and Rhun are common locations on Tolkien maps, nothing about them named means a damn thing. Do you think Forodwaith and Belfalas are going to be major location too?

Of course it's going to be Numenor, that's the entire narrative of the Second Age ffs.

Shut it faggot you don’t belong here

and yet they serve no purpose other than filler or the location where the servants of the enemy come from

>noooooo stop forcing niggers into the story it goes against the lore
>"ok then we'll take the story to the lands where niggers live so it's ok lore-wise"

You faggots are never satisfied

I think it's a good compromise, we get a LOTR series that expands on the source material without altering it, the diverse cast is for once justified as easterlings are described as swarthy. Before Earth was made round we knew there was even a Dark Land and a Hither Land, which might have been inhabited by other races

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Doesn't make any difference to what I said. Just because they are on a map doesn't mean they're going to be important in the show. This thread is just huge pearl clutching.

joke is on you the niggers appear possibly in the 3rd age


Unlikely, for the "Black Numenoreans" were all strictly descended from the House of Hador, thus blonde and blue-eyed, unlike the Faithful, who were all dark-haired and dark and dark blue-eyed.

>2nd Age
>no Istari

I was hoping for Blue Wizard kino...

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hey i assume the worst because i got used to it
if they want to diversify the story they have ways to do it
i outlined by thoughts on how they will probably make it happen

That's kind of dumb I think. Don't we pretty much know nothing about the Harad lands based on tolkeins work anyway? If that's the case why even set it Tolkein's universe?
Oh well, at least we're getting the inevitable "diversity" quota filled without having to make half of gondor/rohan/the shire ect black.

Numenor initially served no purpose other than backstory filler for Aragorn. This argument is retarded.

yeah but they spent centuries among the natives of harad why do you assume amazon wont mix them
they will likely make umbar into some form of capital of harad for that sake....

>Liking the hobbit
that alone is enough to tell me this person is a retarded pleb who's opinion should be discarded

the autist constructed first the mythology including numenor before lotr

The Umbarim are made of a mix of Dark Numenorean refugees and Haradrim. Tolkien is not shy of that race mixing, just as the Gondor is made of a mix of the locals and Numenoreans. Locals of Harondor are a mix of Gondorians and a darker skinned people.

He also constructed first the geography including Haradwaith before lotr

This is actually a good thing. The diversity casts won't be out of place.

How absolutely seething is Yea Forums going to be when the show features South Gondor and there's brown people

yes and it ended up being full of lesser people who eventually sided with the enemy

i expect nothing else of amazon than to diversify the whole series

Haradrim are turkroaches/berbers but I'm sure they'll make them black.

How many characters from Lindon are in Lotr

Will you also be mad when Lindon appears in the show?

Umbar was founded at the very end of the second age, right before the fall of Numenor. It's unlikely that it will be featured in the show.

and a shotgun ?

They don't have to diversify South Gondor because it's already diverse.

The movies showed some dark looking Haradrim, it doesn't matter that much since Arabs/Berbers have a lot of black admixture any way.

The thing is, genetic traits are very important in the Tolkienverse. There are written rules about it, i.e. if you're a descendent of Feanor, you'll have black hair. If you're a descendent of Hador, you'll have blonde hair and blue eyes etc. It's an important marker of lineage.

Why is the Right full of violent psychos?

It is featured on the map tbf, is the region called 'Umbar' too?

Actually Tolkien considered having the Blue Wizards arrive in the Second Age.

That's more Tolkien's Christian influence and something akin to Semites, Hamites, and Japhethites.

yeah i know but they will go above and beyond that like always
it will prob look like Baghdad

canon is that the istari came at the start of the 3rd age tho...

The realm and city are called Umbar, the place is the Bay of Belfalas.

I doubt people will be as outraged when the Sindar and Noldor start race mixing in Lindon

I kind of hope Amazon will be a bit liberal about that because the alternative would be a bunch of actors in terrible wigs and contacts

How many lines of writing did Tolkien actually make about Harad? Its like bread crumbs here and there and any references on wiki articles just say from his notes. Is it just all going to be projection from Amazon?

Tolkien takes it to the extremes though, where if you have distinguished and important ancestors, you too will be a powerful and key player. Greatness almost genetic in Middle Earth, bar a few exceptions.

>Haplautist thinks anyone cares about his circus skills outside of his containment threads

I know there's very little about Forodwaith in the appendix. Only one single anecdote or so.

I still hope it's in the show though, gimme some cool Eskimo Lossoth.

It's basically a North Africa clone, from war elephants to coastal raiders. Desert environment, brown swarthy peoples.

Far Harad is where shit gets weird, he talks about jungles and monkeys and crap.

The fuck are you on about mate

The Koran being fantasy doesn't seem to stop them any.

I know that, I was just referring to the "Black" implication towards the "Black Numenoreans".

imagine the amount of allegories shitlibs and poc will make from this upcoming diversified story

Will the show adopt the already established visuals, outfits etc. from the film trilogy?

I really liked the look of the Easterlings in the movies and hope the show features them also.

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imagine the amount of bitching you'll do about it

The Hither lands are Middle Earth. In fact, the dark land used to be middle earth too, before the Valar fucked Melkor’s shit up the first time.

Was this some kind of Arab-samurai aesthetic or based off of some real World armour? it looks sick

Near Harad is basically Middle East plus the Maghreb. Far Harad is Sub-Saharan Africa.

how about you post those pastas where tolkien says how he admires jews and hates nazis hehehehe

I still can't believe they didn't take the opportunity to show these guys in action. There's like one two second shot when Minas Tirith's gate is broken down, that you can see some of them in the background and that's it.

Unlike Haradrim who are obviously based off Arabs, Easterlings didn't have a real world equivalent
>In early design concepts, the Easterlings wore turbans and their helmets bore crescent moons, an appearance that heavily resembled medieval Arabian dress, but director Peter Jackson requested that obvious representation of real-world cultures be avoided.
Still, rad armor though

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the truth hurts doesn't it user


In no way are they lesser people, Tolkien never described them as such.

>not of (faithful) numenorean descent
Fucking shitters I bet they’re not even from edainic stock.

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Well the main detractor is no Numenorean heritage. However they seem to be equal (or maybe more advanced) in comparison to the other native Men of Middle Earth

didn't they go to assist minas morgul or to attack erebor?

nah ppl dont know he was a classical liberal
but one has to wonder... he wrote a new mythology because his native one got destroyed by invaders
now the lands of the anglo saxons are erasing their past
i wonder what he would think about that were he alive today...

bro high tier numenorias lived for hundreds of years and the lesser people called the sea kings or even gods

They killed a number of Gondorian kings, those are not the accomplishments of lesser people.

high effort shitpost

>nah ppl dont know he was a classical liberal
His position on the political spectrum has little to do with his disregard for retarded anti-semites

Yes, the High and Middle Men division.

I know of that, but the Numenoreans didn't like that, and have often said that if you'd dress a Middle Man in Numenorean clothes, no one would tell him apart from actual Numenoreans.

Orcs are uniroincally more intelligent than blacks. they were technologically advanced and capable of military strategy

>my friends, you bow to no one
>"dude tolkien believed in lesser and upper people"

because they're shoved into fucking everything. its not even their fault. its not like blacks run (((Hollywood)))

>have often said that if you'd dress a Middle Man in Numenorean clothes, no one would tell him apart from actual Numenoreans.

Aren't the Numenoreans huge compared to the Middle Men?

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Only sane way to go. Blue wizard and heroic harad/khand/southron with cameos from the Northerners.
It can, and probably will be, still shit written by people that do not get the source material. But it's a start.

this but unironically

and you would know you shitlib
he was a classical liberal and a fenceshitter and you know that

taller, yes, but not grotesquely.

This picture is misleading as fuck and you know it. Hell, you're being racist by only thinking people are Black and White. Basically fuck you.

Yeah he also had nothing but contempt for deranged little 'muh joos' mongs such as yourself

lmao read LOTR and tell me he didn't place a correlation between a person's lineage and his inherent capabilities. The hobbits themselves were the top 1% of the Shire plus their gay gardener.

Mate, the Numenorians themselves considered themselves to be superior. You can even find the remnants of that in Dol Amroth in the third age, who consider themselves more worthy of being their descendants than gondorians who meddled with Middle men. Why do you people make this about Tolkien?


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Still very noticeably so, even in the Third Age the Stewards of Gondor are much larger than normal citizens. They even look more noble, Denethor is described as look more like a powerful wizard than Gandalf.

why should fat useless incels be the determiners of who gets casted in what? Why can't you make your own incel-centric media that reflects your own obsessions?

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Get a load of this incel

>the Numenorians themselves considered themselves to be superior.
Saruman considered himself superior to Gandalf and Radagast, and when a character holds an opinion it obviously means that the author holds that same opinion too duh!! dumb shitlib

Can't wait for all the retards who claim tolkins stories where and analogy of something

They've never done so, they've only ever stated that the blood of Numenor runs truer in their veins than it does in the bulk of the surviving Numenorean populations of the South.

imagine white-knighting for niggers

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why are you bringing up jews? are you some kind of anti semite?
im merely stating the fact that he created this whole story for the sake of filling the void of him not having a anglo-saxon mythology
now he was a shitlib and a fenceshitter but that doesnt change the fact that he did it for that reason

We already tried that but then jews took it away as well.

>plus their gay gardener
Conveniently downplaying the character who rose to greatness from humble beginnings

>tolkins stories where and analogy
pull yourself together man

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The Numenoreans didn't think it mattered, for they knew that the only difference between them and the men who've stayed behind in Arda is that the latter weren't blessed with unnatural gifts by the Valar themselves.

have a (you)

that user is right, tho. the numenoreans are/were just short of superhuman as we know the term, hence Aragorn's 80 year old ass looking in his 40s

>making allegories out of lotr
What are you, a shitlib and a poc?

>sauron was misunderstood
>the orcs, horadrim and the easterlings were the good guys all along

I'm not saying he didn't have characters like that. But you're misrepresenting Tolkien if you claim that people of high birth didn't have inherent strength in his stories. Bloodlines were important and the diluting of Numenorian blood produced "lesser" men. Aragorn was as pure as could be in that time, and as a consequence he was like a king of old.

oh sweaty do "I", a evil right winger have to pull out the quotes to correct the record on you being wrong

seems you're just in time

Just because they know why they are superior doesn't mean they are not aware of their own superiority. Besides, they eventually started taking over Middle Earth and enslaving the people. Tolkien even writes a story about this set in what would become Gondor.

Obviously, but arguing about the theme of a book by citing a character's views on that theme is stupid, that was my point. It's like saying LOTR is pro-industrialist because of the fortification of Isengard.

One thing which is never commented on is how in the films basically all the goblins and orcs have strong old school east London accents... I guess this doesn't amount to the demonisation of the working class poor cos of skin colour? (Not that it should, I'm just pointing out hypocrisy)

Those aren't analogies.

>lotr is an allegory
hehe dumb shitlib

The ones who practiced enslavement were those Numenoreans who'd soon be known as the Black Numenoreans, and where all descended from the House of Hador, while those who've never given in to arrogance and darker impulses have treated the Middle Men with respect and kindness, and were of the House of Beor.

>they never did it, except they did exactly that

It does, a Russian wrote a book on this in the 90s, an alternate perspective if you would, where Mordor is a newly industrialising power and the Elves are the reactionary force trying to destroy it by corrupting the Men of Middle Earth. He also says that Orcs were in fact human, just dehumanised by propaganda.

Wasn't talking to you, was I sweetheart?

They've only pointed out that they have more of Numenorean blood, but have never denigrated others because of it, nor have they felt superior over it.

Right, it was just a party anecdote for them, they didnt actually feel superior because of that or anything.

how does it feel to get his letters thrown back at you for once
your kind had a easy time with raging autists having a tantrum about him not being what they thought he was
but even still.... wanting to preserve anything european. this man was clearly a nazi

Also – and here I hope I shall not sound absurd – I was from early days grieved by the poverty of my own beloved country:
it had no stories of its own (bound up with its tongue and soil), not of the quality that I sought, and found (as an ingredient) in legends of other lands.
There was Greek, and Celtic, and Romance, Germanic, Scandinavian, and Finnish (which greatly affected me); but nothing English, save impoverished chap-book stuff.
Of course there was and is all the Arthurian world, but powerful as it is, it is imperfectly naturalized, associated with the soil of Britain but not with English; and does not replace what I felt to be missing.
For one thing its 'faerie' is too lavish, and fantastical, incoherent and repetitive. For another and more important thing: it is involved in, and explicitly contains the Christian religion.
For reasons which I will not elaborate, that seems to me fatal. Myth and fairy-story must, as all art, reflect and contain in solution elements of moral and religious truth (or error), but not explicit,
not in the known form of the primary 'real' world. (I am speaking, of course, of our present situation, not of ancient pagan, pre-Christian days. And I will not repeat what I tried to say in my essay, which you read.)

do you even know who you were arguing with in the first place, you dumb cunt?

They didn't, and Imrahil' lines are proof of it.

"I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence."

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>um sweaty

Yeah, some dumb faggot who cited the Numenoreans of all fucking people as a stand-in for Tolkien's beliefs.

Did you just imply that a direct quote out of a letter where the author explains his thought process on why he took up writing a story is in fact a literary allegory?

I just implied that Tolkien cordially disliked allegory in all its manifestations, and always has done so since he grew old and wary enough to detect its presence.

then surely you won't issue with quoting them?

Wasn't me, dickwad.

The only way this wouldnt be fucking shit is by turning some of the hobbit into women, maybe just Sam since they werent supposed to be strong or picked for this task
I could see female Boromir working, would pull those heart strings a bit more for the only woman party member to be the one to fall before the ring, but fuck me if those sjw would go insane then

Even when someone shares content of his latter to prove how he disliked nazi germany, the tretment of blacks in south africa etc etc.
Are those also allegories in all its manifestations or are those just his personal thoughts?

>Boromir death scene
>except Boromir is a woman and her and Aragorn were in love
would it be, dare I say, kino

Explain how these could possibly be allegories, I'm intrigued.