Why you being the joker dude?

Why you being the joker dude?

Attached: Screenshot_20190408-195127.jpg (1012x742, 243K)

This was fake right? It was before streaming was popular and I don’t know why he would’ve been streaming this anyway and he wouldn’t have uploaded it himself unless it was staged

nigga he was recording and this happened. what this gotta do with streaming

Cause the Jokers awesome get off it

Jokah baby is still harder to watch

Yeah the joker is pretty cool

but why would someone purposefully upload such an embarrassing video of themselves

You guys ever notice how jannies keep up slide threads up until someone makes a convincing argument against the degeneracy the slide thread is promoting. At which point (could be 20, 50 or 100 replies) its promptly removed. Its very peculiar

Because its fake.
If you watch the very begginning you can see hes waiting for them to enter before starting to be the joker dude

Attached: really.png (207x240, 106K)


the guy is a shoot furry so i think he’s immune to embarassment

Jokah baby Is easier to watch in my opinion because he's so confident in his portrayal that it's not akward. I mean it's akward for everyone else but Jokah baby so you don't get that secondhand embarassed

Yes that’s the only possible reason he could be looking to his right in the beginning of the video.

Why say things so confidently when it’s based on nothing but speculation? Try having some humility.

it was all too real

The Chad in that video is so hot. I wonder if anyone knows what his Instagram is. Fuck he looks like someone who plays sports, I bet he's a wrestler would look so fucking hot in a singlet.

T. Retard.
>people enter
>camera picks up loud sound, meaning he sure as sure hears it
>okay now im going to start acting like a spaz
>oopsie :D you caught me being the joker dude

Alternatively, he may have heard a sound, listened for a moment, and ultimately decided that it was coming from outside the apartment and the coast was clear to begin his impersonation.

That’s just one of hundreds of possibilities. Neither of us will ever know the truth for sure. The difference is I can admit that, and you can’t, because you’re an arrogant retard.

>I'll play devils avocado no matter VIDEO EVIDENCE because I want this guy to be real so bad!!!

>in reality it’s just your basic speculation concerning a few seconds of inconclusive footage
Your narcissism is impressive. Also, I don’t know if it’s real or fake. Don’t care either way. I’m just calling you out because I want to help you grow as a person.

Yeah you're helping me grow as a person alright, CHIEF. *unzips growing penis*

Can you admit you don’t know if the video is real or fake? If so you’ve grown as a person and I am proud of you.

I don't know if its fake. But I do know that he uploaded this video to the internet. There is zero reason anyone would upload this mundane slice of life clip of a freako for all to see.

See you at /r/whyweretheyfilming my man

Autism made him believe his roomie was honestly complimenting him on his Joker impersonation

I’m proud of you. It’s a big step to be able to admit you don’t know something.

As far as why he’d upload, some people will do anything for attention.