Now you've done it, Yea Forums. Are you proud of yourselves?

Now you've done it, Yea Forums. Are you proud of yourselves?

Attached: 131102.png (1293x821, 1.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Will he stream his suicide?

What could be the cause?

kinda sad. his reactions make me infuriated but seems like a nice guy, just a bought disney shill

Doesn’t he announce shit like this every two months?

He's a performance artist, pretending to react while watching capeshit, who cares

Not surprised. Feminism has ruined the finales of both the Avengers and Game of Thrones, two of the most beloved long running entertainment franchises of the past 10 years.

Even the basedlads are done.

nevermind, hes just leaving because he doesnt want spoilers for his fucking kids movie. fuck this guy

He's going to hunt down and kill Brie Larson.

For people who won't check the video (which is highly understandable)
He just stops going on any social media until he saw Endgame, since he don't want to get spoiled.
That's literally all it is, first world soi problem

Attached: tendle.png (587x517, 51K)

Doubt it. Remember he legit clapped watching the captain marvel trailer

Attached: 20190320_133635.jpg (280x308, 58K)

>he legit
Do you really think any of these reactions vids are geniuine? all these faggots do is play it up for those sweet views and youtube revenue. the business is dead brother

They are currently reworking their marketing concept because the cost/efficiency rating went down even after they doubled down on it.

Can anyone PLEASE link me to his Infinity war reactions, I hear that he deleted them.

This man just wanted to express his feelings for his favorite capeshit movie. ;_;

>Are you proud of yourselves?
Yea Forums unironically boosted his career, desu

What race is this guy

he's legit forfeiting those views and ad shekels so he doesn't see spoilers

>taking a leave of absence
>please subscribe for more videos

>leave of absence

>Reacting to trailers is like being in the military for him

Attached: 1533366991203s.jpg (153x250, 4K)

>this guy btfo Yea Forums.
Really makes you think.

Attached: NiftyScrawnyArcticwolf-small.gif (270x256, 957K)


Nothing about this is legit.

Attached: 1526933607910.webm (650x364, 1.76M)

I know weebs in real life (can't stand the stuff myself) and they aren't even close to being this bad.

>taking a "leave of absence" from making faces on youtube like it's a real career

lol. fag.

>implying you wouldn't do the same

Must really sting knowing that guy made money off crazy faces while you were jacking off to hentai.

Just watched this video. The guy clearly has aspergers. Don't bully him guys, so what if capeshit brings him joy?

Attached: soyboy.webm (600x336, 2.74M)


i don't think i've ever been that excited over something in my life.

even when I am trying to make fun of someone for blatant faggotry I always end up depressed.

Attached: 1547007132190.jpg (960x959, 52K)

does he know about the Blacked or the New Zealand shooting reaction webms?

is this real?

anyone who gets money out of youtube is based in my book

based and redpilled


Did he delete the famous video?

>thinking you can make money off youtube
2014 called, they want their takes back.

my sides

do you think he's really that excited?

Look at his fucking room. I remember my room looking like that when I was 10. He's a literally a manchild, a boy inside a man's body.

I think he knew about blacked. He mentioned us in one video and the "soiboy memes"

I've never heard of his stuff, and I don't really know who he is other then the meme's but is he salty about it or what?

We did nothing to him.
He took a look at his life and didn't like what he saw.
And why would he.
He's a 15 year old in a balding body surrounded by cartoon nonsense.
I wish him well in the future, as long as he stops living his life incorrectly.

1 Corinthians 13:11

Attached: domo soyrigato.webm (640x358, 1.91M)

Attached: soooy.png (1154x1062, 871K)

There was a (now deleted) video where he spoke against SJWs and blamed reddit for the soiboi memes

Why do people feel the need to announce they're "leaving" somewhere when it's online.

It's like when you see someone announce they're leaving a forum. Nobody gives a shit, just fuck off already

Read the thread, m8.
He doesn't want spoilers for his comicbook mobiezz

I thought he stopped reaction videos after being memed? Was surprised to see his Jogging Man reactions posted here.

They could have done it alot better since the original thanos was doing it all for cosmic space pusy and was totally whipped.
As for got its been garbage since the very first season we all got hooked on lotr with tits

what the fuck is this shit

>that insane amount of toys in the back with these shitty posters
I think we did him a favor

It's likely just on purpose as backdrop for his filming. Close to every "youtuber" no matter how serious always stack up stuff in the background related to their target audience.

I still have the clip I used for the blacked edit but that's about it

That guy is copping that Cracked editor's look hard.

I really want to see it, I saw all the parodies and I would like to see it unedited with sound. I just want to know how bad a video can be if he deleted it.

a russian visiting japan

So this guy is retarded? Or autistic? I am serious,there is no way a normal person would humiliate himself publicly.

Kek, nice. Here's one I created back in the day I hope you like it:

@: )(|)

it's a nigger

pure american

Joker trailer shook him too much

Attached: 7AB89B37-7C25-4AD5-B548-CC3A80467DA5.jpg (1435x803, 204K)

Clutching at pearls he doesnt have?

Did you catch his reaction to Zazie Beets?

>Domino from Deadpool :)

It's like a kid recognizing one of the actors from a kid show while his parents are watching a movie.

I actually screencapped it.

Attached: soooooooooooooy.png (477x401, 355K)

Seeing such a madman in action shattered his childlike mind. Sad

the blacked one was far superior

I've seen this one, and the one with the NZ shooting.

Why have I not seen one with a legit blacked porn playing?

>the one with the NZ shooting
Where do I find that one?

That's the joke.

Hey user, I'm leaving Yea Forums for a month a half, just wanted to let you know.
There's also something else..
Idk how to put it. I..
I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. I think you're so cute and sexy baby..
Alright user, bye!

Why does Yea Forums care if somebody enjoys something? Are you jealous?

Hi James. Don't forget to drink your soi milk.

Disney knows mcu is done with endgame and they don't want to keep paying the shills for shit you retards do for free

>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse.

Imagine being so brainwashed by macho culture that a male showing genuine excitement for something enrages you goddamn.
Not trying to be rude bro, hope you get better.

But I thouguht we were getting close.

NVM, you'll be back in 20 minutes


Hi James. Don't forget to prep your bull

I'm not James but I'm interested in an answer. I also doubt James will be scouring Yea Forums if he left youtube to dodge spoilers.

>macho culture

Attached: 3B2CEC76-8A11-4BFF-A639-5E43B1115949.png (344x971, 214K)

this wanker is pure s o y

Attached: soylent.png (419x669, 231K)

>macho culture
yikes go dilate


Kek another chud btfo by the based word filter

basedboy basedboy basedboy basedboy

incel incel incel incel



Attached: bog.jpg (500x500, 30K)


i would feel actual pride if he would "get it": leave or stay , but understand how being a weirdo sycophant fakeass shill is unsettling , faking emotions like that to rope impressionable smooth young brains into caca-tier consummerism is fucking evil. to satisfy me he would have to explain all this properly, say he is sorry ; won'T watch the video but i presume he just play the victime one last time.

hey remember when he sent his fans to attack and report videos of red letter medias because they poked fun at his shilling? yea he is a great guy and a great victim. fucking ... onions cuck . there i said it.

stfu so󠛡yboy

i'm fucking crying




>i'm taking a leave of absence from youtube
>subscribe for more videos!
which is it

no you, also i knew it would be filtered because its so played out

sm󠛡h tb󠛡h fa󠛡m




there's nothing genuine about him



tb󠛡h fa󠛡m i cant help but sm󠛡h at these so󠛡yboys

so󠛡y is just so disgusting

indeed. actually he is accelerating the deflation of excitement for industrialized nerd culture products by industrializing his over-reactions, he admitted that part in one of his videos to try to regain the control of his meme.

>genuine reaction

You think that is genuine? And we are supposed to be the autists? Stay in your site, redditor

and even while he was saying that eh was not genuine, i guess: it was a deflation, trying to trick people into thinking the internet laugh at him for his "weak, uninspired overreactions at trailers he was not excited about" but in fact the material what put him on the meme map was his "best" material, his reaction to that avengers movie... can't get anything real out of that sack of shit :-)



Have sex

Faggots do this on /r9k/ all the time, they're probably off turning themselves into traps.

Attached: triggering.gif (311x366, 133K)

i can hear dame pesos laughing right now lmao

0:24 is kino

Onions cuck









Attached: gwg.gif (500x353, 990K)


is it fake or real

why are you seething libtard?

Post the edit.

does he only have 1 t-shirt

Sorry bro but he is a MCUfag and disney=sony.

Does anyone have a link to a reupload of the reaction video he deleted that was mocked by Redlettermedia?

Based bro makes incels SEETH.

Someone please post that again or give a link of sōyboy reaction.


Youniverse' Closed' :(

Attached: 2012604F-3908-471B-BACA-3B7933C8715B.jpg (653x626, 63K)

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Holy shit I'm dying

it's always wh*te people with this "look". What gives

How pathetic do you have to be to even know who this guy is? You incels always talk about how women are stupid for keeping up with celebrities and yet you guys obsess over every move this soiguzzler makes. Have fucking sex.



Attempt to reproduce

I've been that excited for a game announcement or comic book announcement in my youth, but I don't believe anyone is capable of that level of excitement at that age for each new marvel movie. Theres just no way it's authentic or genuine.

Some people actually do make money by jacking off to hentai. If you cum on a hentai statue and record it, that type of material goes a long way.

its time to dilate

Join the 40%

Anyone got his reaction to sōyboy meme?

I always have to laugh lefties use that word because it so aptly describes them much better. Chuds are literally unemployed lefties and their pet niggers.


>macho culture
Is that what they call being a well adjusted male member of society these days?

Yea Forums is /pol/

It's funny. I've seen that face so many times it always brings nostalgic joy to see his onions-ridden grimace

More proof that love is really nothing more than continued exposure

Trannies literally seething.

It's his own fault for supporting terrorism.

Attached: overacting faggot reaction video, mosque battle.webm (648x360, 2.18M)

Fuck the haters. jamesyouniverse is forever /ourguy/

Attached: 1399852800344.png (668x680, 533K)

makes me laugh every time

I have no reason at all to hate this guy yet he disgusts me. Why do I feel this way about some rando that has no impact on my life?

he is a reflection of your deep rooted insecurities of being an unattractive beta male

Attached: images.jpg (614x500, 29K)

Yeah you're probably right, should I just embrace my inner soi

I love how mudslimes terrorize the world for decades and now that some of their kind get whats coming to them they play the victim.

It's crazy how something so basic can give someone such immense joy. Is it because he's been coddled all his life and has never experienced actual awe inspiring art?

ok bruv

Attached: 1550535793615.jpg (847x960, 86K)

just try to live a happy life and don't be something you're not

>no reason

You have every reason. A grown "man" acting like a little girl is disgusting.

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the sync is perfect

A jew

Didn't he make a video a couple weeks ago saying he was going to tone down his reactions citing soi bullying coming from leddit lmao

Do you guys seriously laugh about this? I mean i'm not fan of Muslims and their constant crying about so-called nonexistent "islamophobia" but i'm not gonna laugh about mass murder.

Have sex.

Have sex.

can't you separate the meme from the crime?

islamophobia does exist, but the thing is that its perfectly justified.

I wish i could feel this way about literally anything

Muslims laughed at the terrible tragedy of the France bombings. Sure some were upset and afraid of family members

You really think this stupid beaner actually feels like this? It's a fucking act.

webm this shit, you nerds

what does that have to do with anything?

I'm an American and I find 9/11 jokes funny

I am no less of a faggot than anyone posting on this board. my revulsion towards this person is entirely based on the shameless pretend reactions to feature length toy commercials for children. it feels insulting to me


>YouTube revenue

Shut the fuck up.

Why has his channel not been banned? He uploads camrip scenes and a lot more. Its funny, he started uploading Stan Lee stuff when he died lmao.

Not really, but seeing it synced up so well with that Youtube guy was kinda funny.

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Yep, fuck incels

There's nothing genuine about what any of these two dimensional wind up toys do in front of a camera. No one gets that excited even for a trailer to an actually good movie, much less cookie cutter action movies for twelve year old fat kids. It's some weasely fuck making funny faces to attract a viewership of the same twelve year old fat kids that are gonna watch the movies.

Attached: 06-katzenberger.jpg (554x814, 127K)

Why do these faggots think they can make money off of making intentionally exaggerated faces to trailers?

he still breathes tho

Why don't you post the unedited version you splang

liberal here and voting for Trump in 2020 just because you posted this crap.

We're destroying his life

Attached: Screenshot_20190223_091720.jpg (963x736, 162K)

Honestly you are right about this. James is obviously not the smartest tool in the shed, he’s basically an innocent.

Imagine being so brainwashed by macho culture that a male showing genuine excitement for something enrages you goddamn.
Not trying to be rude bro, hope you get better.

Attached: 1554023376398.png (454x520, 13K)

I'd be shocked too if I witnessed society like this.

Is there anyone who can tell me why do you hate him so much?
While I agree his fanboyism was too much, but why do you hate him? He is just doing what he loves to do, and earns money for it, while many of you are wageslaving all the day, go home, shitpost on Yea Forums and repeat everything ultil you die.

how is this a meme? It's laughing at mass murder.

Attached: 1548470093842.webm (600x336, 1.46M)

It's laughing at a video of mass murder

Attached: 1554838936975.jpg (1280x892, 188K)

Honestly jealous of the infantile joy this guy is still able to feel.

I could win the lottery and I don't even think I'd react like this.

That guys's hamming it up for the camera. You don't really think he actually has an orgasm over a fucking movie trailer, do you?

Yeah I do.

>no hair
>toys and posters behind him

He is a manchild, so yeah, he can react to it like that.

100% pure bred Muttmericuck

yeah but how else will they get you's?

I hate when people say this, but I honestly believe you would benefit greatly from having sexual intercourse

Worried about being spoiled by perhaps the least spoiling trailers that have been released for a capeshit movie in the past decade?
These trailers and spots show nothing except that Clint has a cool haircut and Thanos has a blade.

I felt this way about with a friend for Wotlk when I was still in high school. Yes, I'm ashamed. But it was a good night.

Wait, I thought he was the other comic guy, the fat one that tells you what happens in the comics. Fuck this piece of shit Rob is the true based comics man .

Attached: A067F266-303C-4805-BADE-359FF9A7C3FC.jpg (960x524, 97K)

This is the best one.

have sex incels

based redditor

This but unironically

is he acting?

What pisses me off the most is the "please like and subscribe" shit on the bottom left

Anyone who says please like and subscribe should be tortured

He’s a grown ass man who acts like a kid when he’s watching comic book movies. I swear I will never understand how you white people managed to almost conquer the entire world, when you have the most patethic and effiminate men to exist on this earth. People on here who act surprised that you are dying out are ignorant as fuck. You deserve it because you are weak.

>when you have the most patethic and effiminate men to exist on this earth

It wasn't always like this.

Attached: 1473851095215.jpg (410x410, 68K)

Useless faggot, should be banned from YouTube purely on the basis of absolute shit content.

>comments disabled

You say this and yet I highly doubt you're a masculine man yourself just from the fact that you post on imageboards.
You're apart of what you believe to be a problem.

post the real version

>I highly doubt you're a masculine man yourself just from the fact that you post on imageboards.
>posts on an imageboard
8/10 bait. I almost got hooked.

>act like a manchild on camera
>do it for attention
>you get the attention but not the kind you like
>idk if I like this anymore....

Attached: 185818643878247826316.jpg (306x306, 9K)


10 year old me wouldve thought that room was "too much"

>He just stops going on any social media until he saw Endgame, since he don't want to get spoiled.
So how are anons going to reach and spoil him?

the thing doesn't have sentience, I wouldn't feel too bad.

Attached: 15261100469921.gif (250x250, 987K)

Now this right here is the most obvious case of projection I've ever seen on Yea Forums.
No, you sad sack of shit, being an effiminate manchild is not a requirement to browse this mongolian yak fetish forum.

Who is he?


but what if bullying aspies brings me joy user

He doesn't want to be spoiled. So .. interesting enough the whole they are reworking their marketing concept sorts pans out.

>Better go see the movie quick before it gets spoiled for you!
>Don't be a loser and get spoiled from the biggest movie of all time
>Make sure you bought your tickets so you don't get spoiled

Attached: 1531317311127.gif (365x400, 551K)

he knows that we live in a society and that someone is going to shoot up a kinoplex.

watch the whole clip user


He’s acting you mong

is this a youtube comment?

I genuinely dont understand how anyone can like anything this much.

I'm sorry who is this? What does he have to do with Yea Forums? I haven't been on this board in a while, someone give me a quick rundown.

The NZ vid was top kino

they drink the milk so hard

you both clearly aren't in the know

Attached: cockroach farming.jpg (1400x1452, 609K)

I haven't done anything and even I am proud.

which one?


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Punished James

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I kind of feel bad for him, I feel like he must have some mental issues or something
Seems like he's not all there somehow

>muh capeshit ruined by them feminazis

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>autism hand flailing

No, that's what people want to see. Reaction videos are disturbingly popular, and the more ridiculous/over the top the reaction is, the more views they get. Search up shit like people reacting to Red Wedding or Glenn's death, videos have like millions of fucking views

do you have the same opinion toward faggots and their "mancave" full of sports shit? At least I could talk with this guy about movies.

damn if that's the same capeshit webm reaction guy he sure got fucking fat

Macho culture is perfect.
If you don't grill/drink, go to sporting events, work out, or casually play sports with your bros on the regular, you're not a real man.


Some of you are altright, don't go to the interracial breeding grounds tomorrow

He quit to avoid spoilers. Who cares.