Episode IX trailer is dropping in 48 hours. What are your expectations?

Episode IX trailer is dropping in 48 hours. What are your expectations?

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I hope that there will be many lewd scenes of Daisy's sexy abs in it


I think Rey will be in it.

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It'll be terrible

>we live in a culture where people are hyped up for literal movie advertisements

Daisy Ridley is 26 and she already is startin to look past her prime.

I hope that she sits on my cock

Nonexistent. I don't give a shit. Not even looking forward to the shitposting.

Isn't she a hermaphrodite or something?

Girls are at their prime usually when they're 17

i want to touch her bely !!!

Damn, she cute.

I genuinely don't care enough to watch the trailer. I mean I'll probably see it at some point when it inevitably pops up somewhere while I'm browsing but I don't care for this shit anymore.

I don't think so.

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A minimum 2:1dislike to like ratio on YouTube

A low-key retcon of TLJ since they wont have a basis to tell a story otherwise.

Is it??

I didn't even know.

>Perfect girls don't exi-

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Probably just a weird looking woman, but there's always a possibility

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>perfect backs don't exi-

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Reminder that there is no way she can procreate

I expect Mark Hamill to be in it or i’ll give it a miss.

It’ll be nice to see some new ship designs.

way too bony

A lot of attempted damage control and things that do not interest me.

Neither can you, incel.

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>Trailer starts with a black screen
>Single piano note
>Alec Guiness' voice: I've felt a great disturbance in the force
>Quick montage of snippets from The Last Jedi with eerie viola strings
>Fade to black
>The Force Theme starts playing
>"We're sorry" appears full screen in the star wars font

She is such an average looking bitch. What the fuck were they thinking.

She has a condition that causes her to have more male hormones than she should have. She can't have kids because of it.

They were thinking they could sell tickets to average looking bitches.

Is this condition called a penis? Because I wouldn't be surprised.

No, sadly it's not. Not even a half-penis like the hermaphrodites have


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I thought you were into it, sorry

yeah sure buddy

they'll throw in something totally out-of-left-field to try to make people think it will be different this time.

but when the movie comes out it will just be haphazardly abandonned like the idea of TFA being about searching for Luke.

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Are her teeth real?

>48 hours
Where did you get this number from?


>searching for Luke

This time they are searching for an ancient legend.

Hmm sounds fishy. I know some actresses out there have androgen intolerance and other intersex associated disorders. But I've never heard of someone having too much testosterone fucking up someone's fertility.

I'm not saying you're flat out wrong, but I'd like some citations quotes etc. Especially stuff directly specifying Daisy.

And that's a good thing. World's overpopulated anyway

They'll put vader in it and/or something prequels related, screencap this. I'll fap to Daisy Ridley's feet a whole week if I'm wrong.

Daisy claims she has endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

That's probably just a cover up, she's probably has xxy klinefelter syndrome or has Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. It's more common than people think and Hollywood has been hiring those people for years and covering it up. Blaming infertility on miscarriages, or never wanting to have kids, or in the early days they would claim botched abortions made it impregnation impossible.

I wholeheartedly think Jane Russell was one of those intersex people that used the botched abortion story to cover up the truth.

u wot mate

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She's part Skyrim elf though right?

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I didn't even watch the VIII and the Solo, I almost don't care about Star Wars after the VII it's a fast-food franchise like McDonald's or MCU that makes products and generate money for owners.

They go through cycles, 16-24-37-46 they seem to hit a different peak every ten years or so. Not necessarily hotter than or even as hot as the previous peak, just different. Apples and oranges thing. Some guys can only appreciate the first two peaks, but connoisseurs can recognize the benefits of each peak.

Are you the user who makes the paintings?

Star Wars celebrations on thursday

>klinefelter syndrome
It only concerns males.

Hype has never been lower. Not even going to watch this shit. I've learned my lessen. I will keep to the original 6

Honestly I doubt it. What makes you think this?

Pls let her have a dick. Or at least a huge clit I can suck on


She literally looks like a fucking android.

lol what a manlet you are. I bet you wouldn't even gargle her golden delicious

It effects people with fucked up chromosomes, and can cause people to look more like one sex over the other

her abs tho hnnnnnng

>It effects people
It effects males and not females.

>3 stars
>stars in 3 Star Wars films
It's symbolic!

Shes a futanari

Yeah I get it but do you call a person that looks female but is actually XXY?

It will be shit.
Star Wars is dead.
I won't even pirate this crap.

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see you in the next Star Wars thread

Less than I where for solo so absolutely nothing.
Hope this series dies and looses them a shit tonne of money

Tell me more
Probably intersex same as the nz pm

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Not going to watch the trailer, not going to watch Episode 9. Not going to watch any further Disney Wars after the hateful TLJ. Fuck Kathleen Kennedy, JJ & Rian and their politics. Disney Wars is dead to me.

oh but they my lad

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oh but they do*

>but when the movie comes out it will just be haphazardly abandonned like the idea of TFA being about searching for Luke
Yeah I rewatched the 2nd TFA teaser and they literally had a younger Luke's voice talking about the force being in his family and then directly to Rey that she has it too, then in the movie just bam Old Silent Luke for 7 seconds

Yaaaasss. Finally Star Wars is for me!

she's barren, a woman with zero value.

a physical incel.

Doesn't exist, klinefelers look like tall orcs.

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she's fucking barren thats for sure, also a coke addict

Shes so pretty

wow, looks like we found the only person who cares about a new star wars movie. How are you pozzed Disney marketer?

But seriously, are they going to make Kylo the bad guy, because he has lost twice, losing a third time is just par for the course, introducing a big baddie in the third fucking movie isn't going to cut the cheese and Disney doesn't have the nuts to turn Rey/black-guy bad.

Princess Leia is still alive, lol.

I for one can't wait to see the entire board filled with OH NO NO NO threads once the trailer is up.

Wouldn't think she was much different than any other slag

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It will be dropping Friday just before noon Chicago time. Today is Tuesday. 78 hours.

Single Piano Note is the worst modern movie trailer cliché.

yeah huh

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There are no panels thursday.

Friday will be the Episode IX trailer, then The Mandalorian on Sunday. People attending the Clone Wars panel will probably see the season 7 premiere.

Star Wars Episode IX: ___________Skywalkers_______

Screencap this.

Kylo is the bad guy and the chose one too.

She's so average what the fuck is wrong with you retards.

Find a flaw

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She’s fucking gorgeous ...

which alien is this?

she's not my loving wife and the mother of our children ;_;

I'm conflicted about it, I hate Nu Wars, but I love Daisey.

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>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

The sexy one.

if daisy shows her tummy and feet in the movie i'll be content.

Couldn't care less. At least Infinity War has some popcorn-tier plot worth waiting for; here, I can't find any reason to care.

Based and thispilled

Who said she was ayran? She's neither blonde, nor has blue eyes. Doesn't mean she's not attractive though.

>You will never cum inside Daisy's ass and hear her say "I can feel it in my stomach!"

Don't flatter yourself

>Tuesday afternoon
Why are you here?

She would be kind of cute if it wasn't for those unholy chompers.


>yfw Rose isn't in it and it actively retcons TLJ

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But her teeth are sexy, I would like her to bite my penis.

Intersex is a new term for hermaphrodite.

Really? Different tastes I guess. I find them unsettling.

Too late when it's suposed to be a connected trilogy telling one story, it's not a film series like MCU where you can forget a bad entry five movies later.
Only way to redeem it is making a new episode 8.

I meant androgen, not testosterone


This is my main motivation for watching it also

>unholy chompers

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Greenscreen madness
Jar Jar Abrams Trek 9.5
Some mystical sounding BS
Some inspiring sounding BS
Trailer shots
Mary Sue Rey
Emo Vader
Token nigger
Token nigger waman

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She died off screen.
Chocked on black dick

klaus kinski's looking well

Cocaine Daisy

>Implying you wouldn't cum in that mouth

im sorry george

I have no expectations. I mean, I expect it will be a competently made trailer for a movie I have no interest in seeing.

Not a footfag but damn those are pretty nasty

Rose became a Senator like Jar Jar before her

As if Rian cared when he made TLJ and had an ending that doesn't set anything up and honestly felt like a conclusion. It would be worth the trilogy if it was just a visible tantrum where directors smash each others toys.
>TFA - Kylo has this helmet to compensate for his Vader obsession and to hide himself because he is ashamed of his past self
>TLJ - Kylo smashes the helmet cause Snoke said it's ridiculous. This makes Kylo accept himself somehow and he paves his own path free of trying to be Vader 2.0
> Episode 9 - ....Kylo rebuilds the mask because he's still trying to have an intimidating prescence and be like Vader!
>Episode 10 - No he doesn't, he hates the mask
Episode 11 - Actually he does like it

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So they give the director's chair to the same guy who fucked up the only chance to get the old characters on screen one more time to pass the torch. Even with a shitty trilogy, they could've at least had that moment to look back on. But no. Disney really fucked up the best chance they had to rekindle interest back to Star Wars. Fuck em.

References to the OT plus references to the PT because NEEEERDS.

I can't wait for Episode IX because it'll be the final one but Disney will probably release Episode X-XII with old Rey at some point.

I'm glad this feminist SJW trash is ending, they raped Star Wars and now they're fucking up the MCU.

The prequels are masterpieces compared to the sequel trilogy.

i hope finn doesn't stay the bungling comic relief Johnson turned him into

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I didn't imply he cared, having the third part of a trilogy be a reboot will make it worse though, seriously, start over as the finale?

>She would be kind of cute if it wasn't for [her best feature]

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Watch solo it was pretty good except for emilia Clarkes character

>What are your expectations?
that the producers/studio will have learned nothing and they will double down on "we don't need the white male fans, this is for women and POC" stupidity

I expect I won't watch it

lmao that trailer park tier tattoo

This is an utterly patrician take.

The problem is that it's also a game of diminishing returns. Most women hit their "17" peak if they aren't morbidly obese or utter dogs, but there's a good subset of them who let themselves go or are too used up to hit their "24" peak.

From there, it's a Permian Extinction-tier die-off of physical attractiveness as 90% hit the wall or otherwise let themselves go, to the point where they're haggered, unfuckable lumps by the time "37" hits.

There are, however, a small minority of women who either bloom late or take exceptional care of themselves. Like the elves finding the straight road above the sea to the undying lands, these women sail clear over the 27-33 wall and become MILFs, often appearing more attractive at 37 than they were at 24. The oft-described "mommy cinematic universe" features such women, as Amy Adams, Jessica Chastain, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Christina Hendricks are all examples of women who were objectively hotter in their late 30s than they were in their 20s. Michelle Monaghan and Eva Green are other examples of such a woman. Most of these women will hit another peak in their late 40s, but from there on out, they *will* decline.

Beyond these regular mommies, however, is an even rarer group of women, women who keep getting even more attractive after 40. Sandra Bullock, Julianne Moore, and Jennifer Aniston are all examples of this. These women, if they take care of themselves, are the ones that continue to remain attractive and fuckable long past their 50th birthdays, joining such legendary company as Jane Fonda, Helen Mirren, Christie Brinckley, and Susan Sarandon in "grannies that most men would cheat on their 30-something wives with" territory.

So yes, user. As a connesieur of older women, you are, indeed, spot on.

Nah, it was rushed and suffered greatly from prequelitis.


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>I love Disney
but y doe?
See: youtube.com/watch?v=9hLowmoU5nU

>What are your expectations?

None. Fuck Starshit.

I take offense to this post. Pls delet