
That was actually pretty fun. Gorgeous cast also.

Attached: Jason-Momoa-as-Aquaman-and-Amber-Heard-as-Mera.jpg (963x491, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:

and amber is a goddess

it was capekino

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DC did Amber Heard a disservice. They made her look old and ugly in close ups in Aquaman when shes top shelf.

What? Amber looked amazing all the way through. Her acting in that final scene was awful though.

Did Arthur and his giant Zerg Queen kill all the crabpeople?

movie made me forget Amber is a complete succubus IRL

Attached: 1548422297732.webm (1920x804, 3M)

Isn´t that the bitch who ripped of Depp´s finger?


We dont know what happened yet. Amber is always very nice to her fans though. Even complete autists who have no idea of social etiquette and basically molest her.

Would pay alimony for a chance at that.

>Amber is always very nice to her fans though. Even complete autists who have no idea of social etiquette and basically molest her.


>copy marvel movies
>whoa it was great

>amber heard knows johnny deep is a hack
>seduces him, destroys (exposes) his reputation, takes his money and gives it all away to charity

absolutely based

Amber's attractiveness goes too far. She is like an unobtainable plastic barbie. Inhuman

Plenty of pictures of weirdos (Yea Forums austist level) hugging Amber and her being complete okay with it.

I've never seen any, post or bullshit

You serious? That's why Yea Forums loves her. Those pictures always come around in Amber threads.

I browse here everyday and never saw any Amber threads until this Aquaman movie came out


Depp is a pussy and an asshole. He deseves it.

Attached: lv51Xw5.jpg (2160x3840, 613K)

Nigga what? Have you actually seen pictures of Amber? She's a natural beauty.

>Bad cgi
>Bad writing
>Anti white rethoric
>Race mixing propaganda
>Anti border enforcement and isolationism
It was shit, son

she wear heavy makeup in every picture I've seen in her in so no not really

and yes she has probably had some plastic surgery, it's common practice in the industry

worst dialague out of any superhero movie ive seen

Just google Amber Heard no makeup. She's stunning.

>anti white
Lel, okay explain.

imagine sticking up for a dumb roastie

Do you browse Yea Forums with your eyes closed? Granted, it would be an improvement Tbf, jannies often nuke Amber threads. Gotta make room for /pol/cels and pedos I guess.

This place is a shithole.

whatever, post some of these alleged pics of Amber hugging incels

mate, internet's full of them

Attached: amber.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

>tfw I couldnt place Dolph at first
His face looked bloated, mustve been all that water.


Attached: amber heard roses.webm (2000x1600, 2.99M)

>tfw no grown up Ariel gf

Imagine getting mad at a woman because she's attractive.

DC always come up with the best Halloween costumes for girls

300 iq version of Mera coming through this is what kinolets actually believe

Attached: mera-2000x2000-amber-heard-justice-league-hd-2644.jpg (2000x2000, 470K)

>getting mad at a woman because she's attractive.
not one is doing that you white knight faggot. people hate her because she's a sociopathic bitch

Attached: aquaman.jpg (1024x768, 202K)

Dude looks like an orc and the girl looks like a porn actress.

Not him, but apparently because the evil prince was a white dude whereas Aquaman himself is a mutt (half Atlantean/half surface dweller). I don't get the criticism since Orm had reason to be pissed off at Arthur, and it's implied they'll make up in the next movie.

and what do you look like?

Ive been described as a modern art masterpiece

amber is past prime timeline now, it's all downhill from here

Bullshit. Besides, she has beauty to spare, so she'll never be ugly.

Prefer that one a lot over the hexagoncore we got.

Holy shit, Momoa is such a sexual fucking tyrannosaurus.

Attached: 080e14c56495b319ba0e4b53720d3129.jpg (665x1000, 76K)

It's more about the lack of colors and edgy lighting probably, i.e. the znyderstyle

she's got no one to divorce and drain of life/money, she's going to age like milk over the next two years

I would gladly sacrifice all of Yea Forums to empower Amber

Damn, I know I should´ve saved the fucking pic for white knighting retard salad tossers like you.

Shouldnt you be focussing on Tesla, Elon?

oh wow, one picture of her looking uncomfortable next to some ugly dude

The guys are having tons of fun, the poor stunt woman is cringed out of her head and absolutely terrified.
This is a fucking clue, Amber-suckbois.

>ywn sit on amber's lap

you don't understand, part of the appeal of Amber is that we WANT her to be a psycho bitch who abuses us

She kinda looks like Nicole Kidman here.

This brave queen looking Mera is better than that slutty Mera we got on Aquaman. But always happy to see amber on tight, shiny latex.

Amber is nice to women though.

Attached: amber perfect.jpg (1936x804, 154K)

after she rapes them, maybe

Amber can peg me anyday of the week. No homo.


he clearly stated no homo user

Her smile is adorable

imagine her punching you in the face and while you are dazed she mounts your cock and rapes away your virginity haha

But Im not a virgin anymore user. Doubt many people are.

y-yeah of course none of us are virgins

>She is like an unobtainable plastic barbie
Or a goddess.
They better keep her as Mera in Aquaman 2

Attached: amber.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Dont forget she tried to say that jason momoa was abusing her little daughter by touching her chest and butt in the aquaman premiere.
Do you remember those clips and people acusing him of being a pedo? She started that

Attached: aquaman kiss kino.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

I'm sure she started WW2 too

No she didnt. At least if you're gonna shitpost, put some effort into it.

This one is real. She was behind the rumor. Maybe you are a newfag and dont know about the accusations

Fucking newfags

>REEEEEEE why doesnt anyway take my shitty bait ive been spamming on Yea Forums

Attached: AmberH.webm (1280x520, 1.33M)

I see the DC shills are out in force today.


stay forever butthurt, Brie

Very artificial sex appeal! And when you know what type of crazy bitch she is, your dick will wilt further! Be better, men! There are plenty of whores out there that are worthy of you!

not everyone wants to have sex with your mother user

Where might I download this for free without torrents, my fellow kinosseurs?

Typical mong who thinks with his dick and will fuck a whore with terrible character because he has no standards.

no user i already said i don't want to fuck your mother

fucking shit i fapped to this the first time i watched it on telly


>gorgeous cast
That’s the key if the movie wants a box office hit in china

No shame in that user. Other Yea Forums posters fap to boys in skirts cumming over their thighs. Id say youre healthy.

I mean just seeing her invite momoa made me say "fuck yeah i'll come with you anytime you want" while jacking off

Too bad she can act about as well as a can of tuna

Fuck off tumblrwhale

>replace white character with a poc
>it's a huge success
Coincidence? I think not

No u

I'd like to taste her tuna, if you catch my drift

Let's not forget Momoa does shit like this with his daughter and gets away with it
the power of Hollywood.

Attached: 1554479941674.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

You'd do the same user

So was Dafoe originally gonna be the baddy? Felt like he had a little villain thing going on.

Nope. You just think that because it's Dafoe and the guy always looks like a villain.

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Color me surprised. I was expecting a Blofeld like scene at the end.

>that 80s aesthetic
Does it come with an 80s bush on Amber?

No but there's several good nude shots that show how gorgeous she is. Just no complete frontal nudes.
You also have nice frontal boob shots and a sex scene in The Informers.

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Thats a great outfit. Very classy.

Realistic red hair and she actually looks like a warrior. Now I'm glad they made her a whore instead so it's easier to fap. But Snyder knows how to make actual kino.



Attached: amber-heard-miu-miu-fragrance-and-croisiere-2016-collection-launch-in-paris_4.jpg (1280x1759, 184K)

Are you excited that Captain Marvel is gonna deus ex machina 10 years worth of movies with her ugly feet and boy nipples?

No, it might come as a surprise to you, but I dont really care about capeshit. Ill judge a movie by its own merits and so far Snyder has only produced literal shit. Havent seen captain marvel yet.

>she actually looks like a warrior.
This is exactly why Hack Snyder is shit and James Wan awesome. Because the latter respected the original, when Snoydur tried to inject his dark style everywhere, even if that means deconstructing a character - like Superman.
James Wan's Mera is the real Mera, not some kind of girl with an edgy armor

Attached: Mera.jpg (500x611, 110K)

Yet you clicked on this thread. So you get off on going to threads on topics you don't care about just to tell people you don't care about them?

I just said I judge a film on its own merits... But no, I clicked because I saw a picture of Amber Heard.

I can respect that. It's just personal preference. I thought Aquaman was great and visually stunning. I guess I just like how Snyder grounds the characters in reality. Maybe it's the Marvel oversaturation that makes me sick of easy interpretations of the material. I like that Snyder makes challenging films whether people like them or not.

the shape of those tits...

any more lads?

Attached: 1523717846273.jpg (480x454, 48K)

I'm glad you didn't take it personal - because it wasn't. I am one of those autists that hate when a character isn't portrayed correctly...

I do have some leaks of hers, so yes.

Attached: leaks.png (540x396, 19K)

>white girl ass
lmao, sad!

not the guy but yes please

I mean, this is basically a stealth Amber thread anyway.

A gentleman and a scholar, thank you my man.

She knows those tits are hot af


wtf, post I missed it

follow the link

Attached: ah.png (1936x802, 1.8M)

You're welcome

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tell me bros, be straight with me. what are the changes that neet like me would have at massaging bazongas like that? and eventually marrying the owner of said bazongas and then start a family with her.

>Tfw probably wouldn't have a problem with getting physically abused by her due to my femdom fetish
I know I shouldn't feel jelous, but I do

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EZ PZ, just get an escort
Well user, Im not gonna lie to you

"homie, you hustlin backwards if you chasin a bitch. stupid, chase the paper they come with the shit."

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i admit it's one of the few supershitflicks i've watched recently but i really had to fast forward through some of the standard cringey dialogue which is appearantly forced in everything to appeal to ADD Zoomer scum

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This movie was shit tier. The standards of DCucks and China are so abysmally low.

What was bad about it?

All cartoon hero movies are like this with the exception of the Captain America ones. After Nolan's Batman only Cap has come close.

>get rich as shit
>get played by a gold digger and divorced
OK bro, money is cope if she's not a good hearted girl and if you don't have looks. Money guarantees stability but looks keep her with you.

>he married the bitch

Leo Dicaprio would like a word..

Attached: 1496008345999.jpg (489x499, 27K)

>I am one of those autists that hate when a character isn't portrayed correctly...
Then why the fuck do you read American comics? Characters change wildly even from issue to issue. Don't try to feed me that bullshit, you dumbass.

the early ones were all very different though, they didn't all follow the same formula, hence we only really remember a few like the raimi spider mehns

Based, the Captain America movies are kino

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Janny didnt try to have you banned?

Attached: 1551795369011.webm (1800x1800, 2.98M)

Attached: 1551807886144.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

She's hot, but this roastie is toastie. Her career is over.

Was the hair CGI?

Nice, got more?

Attached: 1551805606567.webm (1700x2000, 3M)

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Attached: 1551802377828.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

No, they really filmed all the scenes under the ocean...

Is that the face she's making when she's taking a particularly big dick

Where are her legs?

>kissing the love interest in the middle of an all out war or everyone's ashes
fucking DC "heroes"

>not taking any oppertunity to kiss Amber
Nigga, you gay? Fuck those fish and crabs

Was it ... kino?

What the fuck? How?

look up fingerboxes and you'll understand. crazy technology

It was

I cant stop laughing at how awkwardly still his body is just floating there

Arnt they making a spinoff based on the Trench?

Stop hyping that cunt up, she's no super siren. She's got a black heart.

she may be a cunt but how many times i came to her? i lost count

She's a 10/10 in terms of attractiveness.

Attached: Amber Heard bath.webm (1080x800, 3M)

She should sell that bathwater desu

Well, I guess if you think Marvel = not desaturating the hell out of everything


I'd drink that water

James Wan wants to do it yes, because - as a director of horror movies - he loves the idea

I could watch her breathe for hours, not gonna lie

>stick dick in her
>Depp's residual cocaine is still in her

what would you do?

>Realistic red hair
fuck off, it looks like a dollar store wig

In my opinion, yeah. Definitely. That's an awesome scene. And that fuckin shot...

Attached: pl.png (1917x913, 1.7M)

Have amber lick it off

Just post her tits already for FUCKS sake

Some user posted them earlier, but the janny agent oranged them

Arthur killed so many of his future subjects. The man is ruthless.

fuck yeah it was

The wonders of makeup

Attached: 344664B9-88DB-4632-962E-BA143EDD6ACF.jpg (962x1038, 337K)

would still fuck

You think she looks ugly without?

still gorgeous even without make up. amazing.

Congratulations, you just discovered a normal person on a bad photo.
Also, she's far from being ugly

Id consider that a beautiful woman.

More like the wonders of makeup + flattering angles

pretty gay post

Get laid, incel

Says the one calling Amber ugly.

Was about to say that...I guess I was too slow.

Attached: 35.jpg (622x1028, 196K)

That's still good lol.

>Says the one calling Amber ugly.
Where did I say that? Fact is, she looks better in her movies thanks to professional makeup and flattering angles. This isn't an insult, it's a simple fact.

Yeah no shit makeup will make people look better. You purposely posted an unflattering picture of her, implying she's not good looking in a natural state.

I didn't make that post, you insecure retard.

To be honest, make-up in cinema is a bit mandatory because of the light and cameras.Without it, all actors - men and women- would be ugly and shiny, like they were sweating like pigs.

Then why the fuck are you replying to my post in the first place?

Amber Heard is an official Yea Forums endorsed waifu

Thats legit based, i hope she does the same to Elon Cuck.

Did she really give it all away to charity? Thats pretty funny, if true.

Why are you replying to mine, retard? I started out by replying to the poster you're accusing me of being. You're a moron.

I would let her suck my fortune and my soul if she'd also suck my dick....if i had a fortune and a soul.

Relax anons, you're scaring Amber

Attached: 7.jpg (1057x529, 60K)

Marvel dropped a huge bollock with their retarded female casting. Who in the name of fucking hell fire decided those wooden acting (and racist) pigs would be a good Valkyrie or MJ when women like Amber Heard exist?

Amber Heard is a really bad actress.

so terrible..

Attached: amber heard 22.jpg (2900x1028, 800K)

I want to hug her

This bitch crazy
Johnny Depp didn't pay enough attention to her one day so she shit their bed
Like she stood on the mattress and dropped a hot dook on the mans bed

That's not even gonna punish him, it fucks with the maid who has to pick up your shit and try to salvage the duvet cover

Attached: 4L_rtB3Iaeb.jpg (480x640, 107K)

Are all hot chicks crazy? What would it even be like being that hot? Can you imagine?

Did this really happen?

yeah I heard about it on here right when it happened

Y'all don't got google in ur country?

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s 15-month marriage was known to be volatile, but the April 2016 incident that finally torpedoed the relationship was a pile of poop that was found in their marital bed, according to new report from the U.K. Mirror.

The troubled “Pirates of the Caribbean” star accused Heard of dumping the feces as revenge for his being two hours late to her 30th birthday party in April 2016, the Mirror said.

But Heard denied the poop accusation — and continues to deny it in a statement to the Mirror — blaming the deposit on the couple’s Yorkshire terrier Boo, who had bowel problems.

The excrement was discovered by a housekeeper the morning after the couple had yet another of their explosive arguments, and the 54-year-old actor stormed out of their Los Angeles penthouse.

The housekeeper thought the poop was too large to be from a small dog — that it appeared to come from a human, the Mirror said. Moreover, a source close to the 55-year-old actor told the Mirror that there was “strong, photographic evidence that connected Amber to the feces.” The source said the feces was left as a “prank.”

A representative for Heard said to the Mirror: “There never was a joke. It wasn’t something done to be disrespectful.”

Amber Heard is so pretty and Aquaman was a lot of fun. I was surprised because Mamoa didn't seem like that good of an actor but it was really enjoyable. Anyway, is Elon Musk like really handsome or something? I mean, why cheat on Johnny Depp? Sure he's got a billion dollars but does money really matter when your spouse has a net worth of 200 million

>strong photographic evidence that connected Amber to the feces


Did someone take pics of her pooping on their bed?

You don't get how people who lust for power work.

Yeah he was late for her birthday party.

Attached: amber perf.jpg (1280x785, 93K)

All women are crazy. All of them. Mental illnesses as far as the eye can see. The hotter they are the more serious it gets.

user, with women, there is no upper limit. She could independently be the richest woman in the world and still only want to be with men who are richer. She could be fucking the hottest man alive and still believe she can do better. The hotter and richer a woman gets, the more laughably absurd this begins to look but it is the case with all of them. The minute she feels like something better has finally come along, she'll try and do everything she can to trade up.

Women don't live in reality. They live in an altered reality that exists soley for women. To be honest, it's party the fault of men because we treat them differently. Gentlemanly culture has created a delusional gender. Whenever I treat a woman like I would treat another man, they think I'm being abusive.

Does pure, true, romantic love between a man and woman exist anons? Can a woman truly love a man as he loves her - fully and with all her spirit. What's the point if love is a lie! Amber is so hot though, good lord. Also, sure Elon is rich but Depp is way more handsome and stuff. Doesn't that mean anything? Man I'm scared to get wealthy cause maybe a woman might just love me for my money. At least when I'm broke maybe she's there for me

Unironically, no. I do not believe so. Sad to say. I always wanted to believe otherwise. I don't think women are capable of loving anything or anyone except their own children, but not even all of them are capable of this.

I don't believe so, no. There was a time I did, but through years, and after several experiences, I realised that "pure romantic love" is more fairy tale than anything else.
I don't hate women, that would be stupid, but I do not trust them - especially when they talk about "love".

Superior Momoa on a superior Atlantis.

Attached: moot nudes.png (600x869, 1.24M)

the visuals are really fantastic
in 50 years, when capeshit will only be a corny memory in the history of cinema, aquaman will still be completely watchable because of that

The CG will age as badly or worse than the CG in the Star Wars prequels within 5 years. It already looks like uncanny valley shit frankly speaking.

i would drink her bath water

is not about the bleeding edge technical stuff, but the artistic one
some 50's aliens/monster schlock still look awsome, because of the craft and the imagination they put in them, while others look cheap and silly. artistic work in aquaman was Exceptionally good

based Momoa. I can’t wait to do that and more to my daughter.

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