
so is it worth it to give season 9 a try? the last 2.5 seasons were ultra bullhorseshit so i dont know.

any anons watched it?

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Every season has gotten progressively worse since the show started, if you disliked the last 2.5 then you will hate the latest.

>wastes Quints on walking dead post
This is a dubs thread now checkem

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oh lol havent seen that

Season 5 was the best season they ever had what are you talking. Each season got better until season 6 final.

peak brainlet right here

It's still a bunch of a characters no one gives a shit about (except fat nerd girls that are still into Daryll (who actually gets some lines in S9)) making stupid decisions and getting into pickles with walk-speed zombies.

Pros: occasionally an actress is kinda cute and guys seem to like the tiddy latina, some light Negan screen time

Reminder that the only correct way to watch TWD is to watch the pilot then pretend the rest didn’t happen

rick's final ep was great
but since theres no rick or carl anymore its pretty pointless a show

What happen to Rick

Zombie Shane came back and ate him

It was really obvious that they couldn't afford better cameos for his dying hallucinations though

Yes. There’s a reason it’s the highest rated season among critics. The second half of the show is really impressive in terms of how they’ve managed to get you to care for the characters again. Daryl feels like a completely new character that has actual development. I haven’t enjoyed TWD for a long time, however Season 9 could definitely be my favourite ever. It’s worth your time. Just a shame that nobody is watching.

zombie deer got him

Attached: startled.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

that means fuck-all when half of the cast is gone and none of the remaining characters are interesting to hold the show on their own

The problem with this show is the 16 episode format. It should be 8, 10 tops. They always have about 15-20 mins per episode that is just pure filler. Going to the 16 episode format is what killed the narrative of this show.

Peak brainlet right here

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S9 has easily been the best season yet. Alot of fresh shit.

Whisperers ACTUALLY make the zombies a threat again. About time.

Some of the newer characters aren't that great yet, but the majority of the cast IS fun to watch this season.

I have no problem with S9, except that it could have all been covered in about 5 episodes.

Maybe the first time I agree with this sophist

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Who appears in his visions?

>Each season got better until season 6 final

so are you one of the TWD writers or something?

like seriously what the fuck are you smoking. It's still the same boring snorefest that it has been for the past few seasons now.

How come a deaf chick and fat chicks survived? How is it possible to be fat after all this time when there is no junkfood or fastfood to eat?

>rick's final ep was great
Are you fucking stupid?
>dude he got blown off a fucking bridge 300 feet away and got abducted by aliens.