What's next for Rachel Bloom after the end of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend?
What's next for Rachel Bloom after the end of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend?
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the taste of my dick in between her tits if you know what I mean
>be named Bloom
>grow massive tits
bravo Nolan
Milk Production Business
oh she will, for now she's just a sexy jew
Girlsway contract performer specialising in submissive stepmother roles.
big milk
How did the ending go? last ep i watched was when she refused to go out w/ Daryl on a barbecue trip or somtehing.
Topless scenes.
They did the Sopranos ending. It was massively unsatisfying and I have no idea why, other than her tits, that I continued watching after original Greg left.
I swear to god they've gotten bigger every season. is she getting fatter or is it just jewnetics.
>Pretends to be le quirky 'not hot' girl
>Knows fully well how many guys fawn over her milkers
My gotte!
Didn't she get fat?
Based titlet-bullying Bloom
i haven't watched the sopranos at all so i have no idea what the ending would be but did she at least end up w/ Nathaniel?
She's obviously getting fatter.
Why was Greg so good.
Goddamn this show was great for a short period of time and the actress that plays Heather should be forced to dress as a 19th-century barmaid forever.
I've never seen this I just want to know was their a finale thread for You're the Worst?
How did this even end? I quit right after Greg left
She’s gross IRL
Goddamn you are one low-test individual. I would willingly destroy that like a goddamn West Bank housing project.
Holy shit doen't even look like the same tits
*slurp slurp slurp*
The magic of brassieres
me in back
My gf has the same body type
desu brahs, I sometimes consider breaking up with her because I'm worried she's going to turn into a fucking cow as we get older. Would based Pierce look down upon me for doing so?
Yes fat chicks are disgusting and the lowest possible denominator. It’s all about that skelly gf
sorry but she's already a fat cow
imagine that but lower
veins on big boobs are hot and I don't know why
>wife is getting fat
>tell her she's getting fat and needs to start watching what she eats
Why is this so hard?
>t. virgin
>Bloom has a history of mental illness, having been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and OCD, about which she has candidly spoken
She's too Jewish. Her husband looks like a lesbian so he's probably Jewish too, which means that their kids will be mentally ill too. She should have gotten some goy dick. That's what my mother did.
You know the jewish women grow the big tits not for their lover but for their son right? not as in for his infant nourishment either. it's a control thing
Fuck off, jew
h-how low?
Stay mad goy. We are taking your best men. My dad is a math prof.
this. those sexy blue tit veins are a must for me
Kek he really does look like a lesbian.
My mum has the same brap goblin build.
Would absolutely crush hard
Still look good
Are those Hugh Jackman's tits? Jesus Christ
Fake gay and aids
Did somebody use them for punching bags?
They look beat up like hell.
shes pregnant, they're swollen
The toilet humour ruined the show for me. I tried to force through the seasons but when it came to a poop song I couldn't watch more. It's a shame because a musical comedy worked surprisingly well for the first season.
>That song after she destroys a family by ensuring a mother can no longer see her daughter
Because she will double down and stop eating except for binging unhealthy meals, gaining more weight overall
>wearing flats
it's cause your mom had them when they were super engorged and she was breastfeeding you (she probably wasn't big breasted before pregnancy)
sorry lad
t. same fetish here
SHe didn't end up with anyone. She discovered self love. It kinda sucked t b h
>floppy pancakes
>no hips
>no ass
>no thighs
>probably no cavles
how do women manage to get this ugly when all they have to do is not eat so fucking much
slam pig
by eating so much
Holy shit! What a heifer! Did Pierce get to her?
so she got obese and stopped using makeup/basic appearance maintenance? Sheesh, waste of potential. Why'd she let herself go?
Don't enable these fat sows, asshole. Show them how unworthy they are when they balloon up like that. Have some standards! Fucking hell, are you black or something?
If you ever needed any proof of insane jewish nepotism in Hollywood then this is it. How the fuck can a show with the worst ratings ever get 4 seasons ? Series finale had 380,000 viewers, that's incredibly bad.
I bet if this show was on Showtime like it was originally supposed to be we would’ve gotten some topless scenes
It's not hard to have gigantic tits when you're a fat cow.
She really wold have, you think? She seems like a big tease.
The wall, most likely
Funny you should say that. Reminds me of what happened to that politician in xmen 1. Turned to liquid.
Hahaha, just imagine if she did that to your face as a power move haha
Wouldn't that be funny
Volcel if you wouldn't. I would love to and I dream of them to flopping around on my face
>How did the ending go?
It was the expected 90210 "I choose me" ending, with her rejecting all the guys and embracing her love for musical theater by writing songs. Super lame.
I only watched season one and like 3 episodes of season 2. did they ever top Sexy French Depression?
whats it like having a khazar milkers gf
Bras are amazing technology
It's fun for a while but it does get old. My ex had big tits and she really got off on tit play (hard biting and rough handling and such). By year 5 it had gotten pretty boring for me and was more of a chore than anything. Still fun to look at though.
>implying i still wouldnt
Fattie enablera is why i went volcel