ITT movies that were definitely written by Yea Forums
ITT movies that were definitely written by Yea Forums
The gun throw was the only non shit thing in the trailer so no
are they only pushing this street shitter on us because the hollywood jews cancelled Aziz or whatever after MeToo? I used to think Aziz sucked, but kumal is so much worse.
>complaining about Kumail, who can act
>not commenting on Bautista, who cannot
Interesting, I wonder why this is
they're pushing him because he's an antiwhite leftist scumbag. leftists love the "enlightened brown minority who tells white people how awful they are" schtick
>anyone who tells me to stop doing something is "anti white"
Stop being racist and people will start being nice to you, user
makes ya wonder how this guy isnt a household name by now? hes somehow an even bigger faggot than koomil nahuhajungi
I mean....................
Like if you fed "Collateral" into a Yea Forums thread where dubs replaced the cast / car, and you got "Bautista," "Nanjiani," "an Uber," and "a dog," then i could totally see Yea Forums doing that
>whites just need to do x and-
no fuck off
>i hate it when people tell me to stop doing shit behavior
You must have some real strong opinions about mods, then.
>do as we say or we'll attack you
fuck off leftist subhuman faggot
>i don't have to do anything, it's everyone else who needs to change
>okay, attack me
Why should I bother, you're already being threatened by a dumb summer comedy with dick jokes
You seem upset.
i'm threatened by enemy propagandists and the hostile movements they represent. again, fuck off leftist subhuman faggot
I used to think TJ went nuts and at first was on their side when they said TJ was a dick to work with but.. but now that the dust has settled... i thin TJ Miller was clearly the real good guy here.
fuck off
says the subhuman crying because his favourite celebrity shitskin was insulted on the internet. cry more commie nigger
-One of the best guests on Doug Loves Movies
-The Big Sick is one of the best romantic comedies ever written
-actually decent standup
-his wife has kept most of the comedians who worked at The Meltdown from killing themselves
Just about the only bad thing I can think of is that he unironically loves DMC Devil May Cry and doesn't get why people hate it
>-One of the best guests on Doug Loves Movies
not much of an accoplishment... one of the most unfunny podcasts ever. doug benson WEED DUDE HAHAHAA MUNCHIES BRO!!! HAHAHA IM SO HIGH god what a gimmicky assclown
you don't listen for doug, you listen for the guests
hes a woke preachy cunt as a comic. i guess as an actor hes ok sometimes, mostly good as a punching bad from beard dude on silicon valley.
>dumb summer comedy
>"hostile movement"
Beta faggot.
intelligent comeback, todd
>Just about the only bad thing I can think of is
wasn't he on the Apu is bad bandwagon? and didn't he say how hard it was for him as a kid growing up? I know one of them were
Why were you so offended by Apu?
Don't forget how Kevin Hart was in a movie basically every 2 months for like 3 years, until he tweeted a naughty word 8 years ago.
He's been in nothing lately. What the fuck happened to him?
is that dog slammed or smashed?
I actually find it insulting what passes for a comedy script
its a paki you faggot. you ever compare an indian to a fucking goatfucker again, i will skin your schoolshooter ass spineless pigskin
keep telling yourself that there is no way you could be related to a country literally right next door to you.