>make a legitimate, well thought out analysis with various sources and valid critiques
>get called /pol/
Why even try anymore?
>make a legitimate, well thought out analysis with various sources and valid critiques
>get called /pol/
Why even try anymore?
Short answer: Don't. You were wrong.
Have sex
Infographs and youtube videos don't count as valid sources, and "muh white genocide" doesn't qualify as a well-thought analysis. Have sex incel.
reddit's calling you back
They're too dumb to read what you wrote and identified you as pol probably based on some superficial detail of the movie or your argument
Film criticism > sex
Reminder that willful abstention literally gives you superpowers.
Zoomers and pol took over.
Best few episodes of star wars in your image btw
Post the last argument you made that got you called /pol/ then
I am curious
I supported the removal of Jews and niggers world wide.
Go back to /pol/ fucking loser.
>cry about da jooz and le ess jay doubleyous
>think this is what a "legitimate, well thought out analysis with various sources and valid critiques" is
/pol/ is an insult now ? So this site got taken over by reddit?
>Being surprised when NPCs start screeching because they can't handle cognitive dissonance
It still surprises me because they live doublethink lifestyles anyway. Still, you're getting a yikes from me, just for being surprised.
Sadly, have you not seen the reddit invasion after the Trump election? It's like every leftist on the internet migrated here as some part of a crusade against Drumph and bigoted "right-wingers".
Pol has always been an insult by anyone capable of rational thought
To be fair you need a very high iQ to call people pol
You have to go back.
did you mention the jews?
>get called /pol/
and? Obviously whoever is responding to actual arguments with that loses no matter how smug they come off
but most of /pol/ came here from reddit when reddit cracked down on incels and nazis
>muh Mary Sue
>muh forced diversity
>muh evil SJWS ruining Star Wars with their bullshit
are not valid critiques
>iT waS tHe JeWs
>actual arguments
You don't realise it yet, but you're in /pol/
This. That's why they are constantly raging about reddit.
Because they are still ASSBLASTED about getting downboated and banned when they were redditors.
Paid for you by the Israeli army.
>talking like a myspace 13 year old
>constructing a strawman to make yourself feel better about being the intellectual midget
Ok user. Ok.
It's to dismiss your critique by attacking you on a personal level.
It's very popular right now with people who want to defend their agendas but don't have the mental capacity to do it with arguments.
Getting called a virgin in the process is just the salt that stems from their own sexual frustration. Just like real incels this new kind of sjw estrogen incels also blames everyone but themselves of their sad lovelife - but instead of society they are blaming their incel counterpart.
"Because you don't wanna fuck me I don't get fucked and that is why you are at fault for my problems" is basically their MO.
And they take out their frustration on topics that are "superficially popular" like big bidget movies that pander to their agendas, not because they find real enjoyment in them, but because their superficial popularity - hopeful to become popular themselves by association.
This explaines 95% of the discussion on Yea Forums atm.
Fuck niggers and fuck jannies
>Jews can’t do anything wrong
Getting called /pol/ is now a badge of honor
>Constructing a boogie man to misdirect all your anger and hatred of your dad towards
because your review is not this eloquent, sourced masterpiece, it's you screeching about moh scocial justice and conspiracy discord trannies.
I'd tell you to post it, but I know you'll pussy out
If only you knew how right you are.
get wirh the times, /pol/ in vogue boogeyman is now discord trannies
Guess they realized using reddit is kinda inappropriate when half of them are r/TheDonald refugees
because you're a boomer who doesn't realize you use labels to shut down opposition you aren't meant to rationalize with them. old people should unironically kill themslves because they want to have actual debate on a board filled with, and i'm not joking, mentally unstable trannies and alt right gentlemen.
Sounds like a thought terminating cliche to me.
Not liking /pol/ does not equate to be reddit, you fag.
Nice projection user! You're right, pattern recognition and basically all higher mental faculties that contradict mainstream programming are just incel cope strategies for not being able to accept maintream media approved "woke" ideologies. Thanks for clearing it up, user!
>tells him to have sex
>claims white genocide isn't real
like are you tranny /pol/ incel liberals even trying anymore?