Has he ever done any movies where he's actually Australian? I feel like he could be a good actor if I didn't have to listen to that lisp he puts on whenever he plays an American. Which he doesn't have in his speaking voice so I'm guessing that's just how Australians think all Americans sound.
Has he ever done any movies where he's actually Australian...
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Animal Kingdom is one I recall. Pretty good movie too.
But he does have a lisp, even when he's doing his natural accent.
Captain Marvel he uses his own accent.
I dunno what it is. Hugh Laurie also acquired a strange lisp when he played House. I think maybe us burgers slightly elongate our s sounds at the beginning of words, and britbongs/ausfags just can't get the timing right so it sounds like a lisp.
It is hell of distracting, makes thread related sound like a fag in TDKR.
The movie where his nephew cucks him
He pretty good in Killing them softly and plays an Aussie.
Australians only use their real accent when they make movies about Australia.
The rest of the time they're either American or British.
He has a movie where he fucks his daughter
Are these the same movie? Sounds pretty exciting.
Jason Clarke has this bad. He almost always seems to play Americans, mainly because he's clearly put a ton of work into getting that accent right.
>Jason Clarke
Australians don't have an accent as such but have to bung one on to play a Yank or a Pom.
Jason Clarke is from Space Australia.
Same with Christian Bale. I wish Americans sounded as cool as Bale thinks they do.
Rogue One sounds general Australian. It's not Ben's natural accent, though; he's very ocker in interviews
Which is odd because he was going for "working class Imperial" (i.e he rose through the ranks, rather than coming from privilege).
Maybe he really has an American accent, and he puts on an Australian accent in real life for show
he was born in Australia but he's actually a jew
Clearly some of us do. That's where he got the impression from.
I don't know what ocker means but he sounded British there. Most Imperials are British, I think it's described as a Coruscanti accent in-universe.
He plays an Aussie in "Killing them Softly". Great flick.
he's been in Australian kino for decades
Ocker is the nasally accent most are familiar with.
>he sounded British there
Not really. Long vowels and true dipthongs are more common in Western and South Australia, but still Australian.
one of his first films he is distinctly Australian
He's australian in Captain Marvel when he's a space alien.
So, space aliens are australian?
or kiwi
Australians speak out of their nose. Americans speak out of the front of their mouth.
But he has a lisp in any accent.
That movie was weird. And he gets btfo randomly and that made me sad.