Someone I follow on Twitter just suffered a miscarriage and it actually got me thinking: is there any kino about a...

Someone I follow on Twitter just suffered a miscarriage and it actually got me thinking: is there any kino about a couple struggling to deal with a miscarriage/stillbirth? particularly anything comfy

Attached: 1550814039482.png (1293x1293, 1.61M)

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>suffered a miscarriage
it's just a clump of cells :)

isn't eraserhead about this?


I wouldn't exactly call it "kino" or comfy but What to Expect When You're Expecting at least had some discussion of it. I watched it so long ago and solely because it had Anna Kendrick in it, I've completely forgot the actual plot though.

isn't this a horror movie though? I've been meaning to watch it but never got around to it

tell them they are tainted by having a ghost baby in their womb

wanna know how I know you're a faggot?

but i am not

>he hasn't taken the larspill

yeah the Godfather part 2 hehehehe

Rabbit Hole is about a dead kid rather than a miscarriage, but it's a great film.

Broken Circle Breakdown is beautiful

Brawl in Cell Block 99


Attached: indian thriller.jpg (190x180, 12K)


>it's just a clump of cells
literally true

Antichrist, sort of the same deal but not a miscarriage.


Popping in again, this is a little off target as BCB is more about the loss of a child some years after birth, but it's nevertheless a movie I'd recommend to anyone with taste and maturity.


>struggling to deal with a miscarriage/stillbirth?
>particularly anything comfy
how can miscarriage be presented as comfy lmao