Best kinos with this plot? Outbreak was shit

best kinos with this plot? Outbreak was shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Stand


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Time to kill the gays.



>Concept Auris - Toyota concept car teased this year
>C. Auris
>Based on NGA (New Global Architecture) design for cars
>New Global Architecture = New World Order

It's like poppery
Prepare your anus boys, this one has been foretold

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Life, uh, finds a way.

fuck disgusting bloated nuCars and nuTrucks

Whats the matter? Can't afford a CROSSOVER user? Don't you like SOAPBARS user?

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this is how all viruses start
a few blood samples and testing later there will be a cure in a week
mark my words

>A mysterious infection, spanning the globe in a climate of secrecy
Boy oh boy that really makes me think of something but I just can't put my finger on it... can anyone help?

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C. auris is a fungus resistant to all currently available drugs, not virus.

Can't get infected if you never leave the house or talk to any other human being IRL.

>yfw it's in the tendies and microwaving doesn't kill it

>C. auris is a fungus resistant to all currently available drugs
This Captain Marvel marketing is getting ridiculous.

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god I hope it's some african superdisease so it finally kills those roaches off.

>preys on people with weakened immune systems
Literally superAIDS
This is what you get for spitting in God's face too many times.

>"currently available"
thats the keyword

Keep sucking that kike dick, christcuck

Don't worry we're in good hands

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Unironically, season 3 of 24, especially the second part of the season when they are dealing with a very deadly contagious virus being released by a revenge obsessed british terrorist.

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at least it ain't cut, goyim

anyone else think some of these stupid diseases are just made in a lab for the lols?

how do infections develop so quickly?

aids just magically came about just around the time we had the power to make it??

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You are brain dead. Please get an education.

Not him but that's the gayest shit I've read in a while. Of course the Christ cuck would say something like this

there's nothing gay about having a default penis.
I'm sorry you never had a choice.

ah yes spray the crops

it's not even the warning color hair, it's the stare, that dead, crazy stare. She's probably patient zero too

How does it feel, knowing a young purple-haired liberal is more successful than you? I guess going to college for a degree really is a good idea.

fucks sake, it's all over

>Warning color hair
You do realize the colors are meant to deter predators, not mates.

Lab monkey work isn't success, believe me. I wasted a while on that shit, it's utterly unfulfilling.

but sweatie, all men* are predators

>deter predators
nah, she definitely bangs black dudes

i do not think thats true

new drugs don't magically create new substances dipshit

>How does it feel, knowing a young purple-haired liberal is more successful than you
assuming that she's more successful than anyone, in the current climate being a nutcase like this one gives you advantages. People hire you for quotas and politics and god knows what else.

>sleeper cells aren't re...

>doing anything useful or impactful

rip human species

>cries to newspaper she cant fix it

Hey will a gasmask from amazon stop me from picking up shit like this. I would wear it all the time just to look cool

>opioid addict americans will get killed by opioid ressistant virus

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Not really.

Good, there's too many people on this Earth.


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based retard

This is probably the best of the genre unless you get into zombie stuff.

also this

>be nigger
>get sick
>doctor prescribes antifungals
>take a few
>don't finish entire bottle of antifungals
>fungus evolves to be drug resistant
It isn't a conspiracy, it's just dumb niggers who don't fucking finish the bottle of medicine.

Are you fucking retarded? Do you have any idea what we're actually talking about here?

>new york times
Am I supposed to believe that libtard fake news? 99% certain this shit never happened.


how am I sure is not theranos again?

so much this. i hate niggers

And extremely reckless overuse of fungicides on crops, and people needlessly using antibacterial wipes on every imaginable surface. The public isn't well educated enough on the concept that not all bacteria is bad bacteria. There are populations of bacteria considered "good" because they're of little harm to us and they can break down and suppress populations of "bad" bacteria. This "bad" bacteria doesn't seem like a threat, but once the good bacteria is killed off, the bad bacteria springs up and can be much, much worse, which may require expensive research to try and contain or destroy it, if that's even possible at all.

I didn't believe the possibility of another plague, but now I stand corrected. Ignorant people + overuse of antibacterials + overuse of fungicides = big fucking problem.

>SKINNER Well, I was wrong. The lizards are a godsend.

>LISA But isn't that a bit short-sighted? What happens when we're overrun by lizards?

>SKINNER No problem. We simply unleash wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes. They'll wipe out the lizards.

>LISA But aren't the snakes even worse?

>SKINNER Yes, but we're prepared for that. We've lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat.

>LISA But then we're stuck with gorillas!

>SKINNER No, that's the beautiful part. When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death.

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Epidemiology was one of the coolest classes I took in high school. It's really an underrated field. Honestly, without it 90% of people in this board would have died when they were children.

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>Honestly, without it 90% of people in this board would have died when they were children.
You're joking, right? The vast majority of infant mortality is caused by low birth weight.

How delusional do you have to be to think that disease used to kill 90% of kids?

>anti fungicides for resistant bacteria
>on the crops
honk honk

user is talking about people in this board, not general normal population, you know, weak, sick, autistic, inbred people.

>>anti fungicides for resistant bacteria
The fuck are you talking about?

sounds like a pretty shit field to me desu

How come we are being outsmarted by fungi? How can such a simple organism btfo us?

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Monster fungus start spreading.
Captain Fungus in movies.


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Don´t bother, pretty much NOBODY knows anymore how a vaccine is supposed to work.
Only that

Actually pretty much the ONLY WAY TO DEFEND YOURSELF from fungal spores.
Problem is you need a filter with small enough pores, then need to change and dispose of it somehow without contaminating everything again.


dumb as bricks

>we are being outsmarted by fungi?
We aren´t.
It was us who systematically bred hardier and hardier fungus strains by mass spraying crops for (((profit))).

I'm fucking fat though pushing 230

Takes one to know one.


Oh well, it was a fun and wild ride bros, I'll see you in hell

Well I for one is ready to worship Morrigan Lugus. He's the best Supergod anyway.

I do

>made in a lab for the lols?
Yup pretty much, but nobody wants to face the ugly truth.
And soon 5g will kick it ALL into high gear with their mutation rays.

I hope the outbreak starts in China/India, let half the planet's population in that area dwindle before we do anything

What degrees do you have? What is your field of study?

I agree, kill them.

I know and good riddance.

No that's mean.

Die fast vulnerable scum.

about 99 F at the moment

The Chinks don't mess around, if they detect danger they'll just kill everyone who might have it. In the west the government will probably too afraid to offend anyone with the death fungus to do anything. They'll create LGBTQFungus or some shit to support the aids fungus people

Ah so you read and have your healing crystals

>Don't talk anyone
>Don't touch anyone
Incels shall inherit the earth.

I´m a Master of Disaster,
Surveyor of Earth´s fields of Death.

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It's not an infectious disease you dumb bastard, killing people won't do shit. It's a fungus that spreads everywhere, covering the entire surfaces of rooms and can't be easily killed, so as soon as you have to get surgery or get sick enough that your immune system gets wrecked you get fucked by the fungus.

i wish for a future where human augmentation and gene editing is no longer taboo

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I AM mean, you should be too.

Just move to China. They've already gene-edited babies.

>fungi can't be contagious
Based retard

Imagine what some body freaks would do.

He explained pretty much the opposite.

I accept your capitulation

Can't cure viruses.

I have never had an antibiotic before. The last painkiller I had was 13 years ago. Apart from that I've never had pills

How common is pill use really? Is it really necessary for most people?

I genuinely liked how there were no clear protagonists who would survive in this.

become an apex transhuman?

>body is covered in fungi, same as the hospital and every house of anyone who's visited the hospital
>hurr durr let's just kill the person, that'll solve it!
Either you thought it was an infectious disease or you thought killing a person would solve the problem of an ever-present fungi. Either way you were a brainlet retard.

How are you this fucking obsessed, user?

_ e _ s

the fungus evolves because it adapts to be resistant to medicine you utter brainlet

It begins.

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Yeah, that was part of why it was so gripping for me. You really did end up wanting to know who would survive, instead of knowing which ones were going to go. Anyone got suggestions for other movies where you've got that same thing going on?

You take medications if you're sick, user.


>>fungus evolves to be drug resistant
>fungus evolves because it adapts to be resistant to medicine
Did you just quote the wrong post?

Based retard

>Germs growing resistant to antibiotics
This has been known for a while now and it's something both the scientific and medical community has been warning us for years while telling us something needs to be done.

I can't, other films are full of Hollywood cliches like arguing sociopathic generals and altruistic scientists.

>multi trillion dollar medical industry
>hurr durr do people take pills? I don't take them lol
Based sheltered manchild

We've pissed away the gift of antibiotics in less than a hundred years.

We're actually going to back to phage treatment which we never pursued because it sucks in comparison to antibiotics. That's how bad it is.

>get btfo
>b-based retard... haha I win

A much bigger factor is that animals are given antibiotics

She has dozens of publications and a bio PhD, I don't see why she wouldn't be competent.

Bed bugs? Mite?

>give imperfect solution to the whole world
>btw use it in this very specific way or hell will break loose
Did 'scientists' really believe the whole world was going to be responsible about it? Lmao. It's like giving a bomb to a monkey or a gun to an American, you know he will end up shooting someone because of a pizza or some shit

Ban all antibiotics, pesticides and growth hormones fed to animals and problem solved.

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Or, in this case where it's a fungi it's the fact that we spray crops with antifungals to maximise harvests and thus profit. Literally all we had to do to buy ourselves a couple of centuries of easy living as we figure out the next step against the drug-resistant stuff was to stop the major companies from factory-farming and using everything under the sun to maximise their crop profits instead of naturally losing some harvests/animals. Instead we're going back to the days of people dying from simple surgeries, all so some companies could make really huge profits for less than a hundred years.

>The germ, a fungus called Candida auris, preys on people with weakened immune systems
It's fucking nothing.


Good hopefully it only wipes out non whites
God damn I hate modern car design language

Great Mortality 2.0 incoming.

We'll be bringing out the dead on carts again.

Kind of a tangent but holy fuck this book is good. Turns out there's little to no reason to think the BP was bubonic. The plague pits we where we scraped y pestis off of corpse teeth were from earlier Justinian plagues and the jungle bubonic we studied and have with us today still doesn't even produce the main symptoms.

The speed was unprecedented even today. People would go to sleep and wake up dead. Some parts of the continent saw fatalities as high as 91%. Entire estates were lost because it was happening too quick to figure it out.

To the ancient bongs it was very much the apocalypse.

>low birth weight

I was the heaviest motherfucker in class when we were asked our birth weight. Does this mean i finna have some kinda advantage? I grew up to be skelly and tallest in class in my teenage years. Is there a correlation between birth weight and height?

Based deregulation

forgot pic

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>The genome sequencing showed that there were four distinctive versions of the fungus, with differences so profound that they suggested that these strains had diverged thousands of years ago and emerged as resistant pathogens from harmless environmental strains in four different places at the same time.

>“Somehow, it made a jump almost seemingly simultaneously, and seemed to spread and it is drug resistant, which is really mind-boggling,” Dr. Vallabhaneni said.

Is this engineered?

>a hard-to-kill fungus spreading across the world that fucks up people recuperating from surgery
We're literally going back to the 1700s where everyone was afraid to get surgery because of the infection rate.

This is what all the captain fungus memes caused

she looks so close to screaming

It has less to do with profits than the fact we need to intensively farm like this just to feed ourselves. 8 billion people is a lot of mouths to feed, you can't do that purely organically any more.

>People would go to sleep and wake up dead.

kek I thought about that while I was typing it.

>Americans will die for getting circumcised

Auris predates captain fungus a long mile.

>Candida species. C. auris was first described after it was isolated from the ear canal of a 70-year-old Japanese woman at the Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital in Japan in 2009.

based nipponese ear fungi

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We have to pay farmers not to grow too much corn because it'd make corn too cheap to make a profit. We could definitely feed ourselves despite not getting a 100% crop yield every year, there just wouldn't be any huge profit in it or people wouldn't be allowed to grow obese.

Outbreak was shit but Donald Sutherland was kino every time he was in the frame.

>might not be able to do intensive surgeries
>going back to the 18th century
We still won't die from dysentery or other things that commonly killed people back then. It's literally nothing.

The time it takes to develop a countermeasure to a superfungus is much, much longer than the time it takes for said superfungus to fuck up half the globe.

this fungi evolved in japan then guess we can thank the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki. we didn't get godzilla but a deadly fungus. yay.

>We have to pay farmers not to grow too much corn because it'd make corn too cheap to make a profit
Why pay them?
Let them destroy their own ability to make with their greed and let other people fill the void when they crash out.

>so what if we can no longer get surgeries that are routine today? We won't be dying of dysentery so who cares! It's nothing!
These are immense levels of brainlet.

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>medication resistant germs laying waste to the medically vulnerable segments of the population
>planet is on track for 5 C warming by 2100, displacing hundreds of millions if not billions and causing equally as many deaths through starvation and poverty
>ecological collapse due to overly-intensive agribusiness will pull the rug out from under the planet's general ecosystem due to the mass extinction of insect populations and destruction of arable soil
The great filter is upon us

Hiw many times has this happened already? Every 2 or so years there's this big scare about some new mutant disease that ends up being literally nothing. We will be alright

We’re long overdue for a global upheaval. If there was a pandemic that killed off 1/3 or more of the population, it’ll give us breathing space like the Black Plague did for the survivors.

Climate change is a fake Chinese hoax. Same with this.

That's a stupid thing to do. Farmers are having bumper crops because of fungicides and pesticides. Get rid of those and they will not be getting the same harvest.


Nah, a 3/4 drop down to around 2 billion would be better.

Why do incels have these weird power fantasies about world wide disasters? I bet you imagine yourself surviving right lmao

Take a look at what the most common surgeries are. Many of them are done because people live unhealthily, these surgeries could often be avoided.

You've got no idea what you're talking about and keep spouting propaganda. First of all, we don't feed "ourselves" with intensive crops, classic intensive cropping like soi gets mostly sold to the chinks and they don't even eat it, it's used to make rations for their fucking pork and chicken. The whole rise of intensive cropping was caused by them eating more and more pork.
Second, intensive mono cropping causes stuff like this, making fungus, insects and herbs more resistant to herbicides, pesticides and fungicides which ends in a never ending circle where they have to use stronger and more dangerous stuff to humans in order to keep those threats at bay, without even counting the soil degradation artificial fertilizers cause.
Intensive organic multicropping is viable but no one promotes it cause there's no profits in it for big agrochemical companies and the farmers are already in debt out the ass to those so they won't take any risks.

batman animated series ?

most incels are jews

Pearl Jam video.

>dude just eat more fruit and you won't get cancer, hernias or appendicitis! XD

>keep spouting propaganda
>precedes to vomit drivel from some vegan greenpeace blog


Parts of Europe has such regulations, but good luck getting that kind of regulation in USA

>no argument
>proceeds to insult and make assumptions
Buy a gallon of roundup and drink a glass, you'll do the world a favor.

>stop feeding your animals antibiotic food
>they get mad cow disease
Bravo Europe

That just proves my point.

>vaccines for fungus
most american post of the year

>Intensive organic multicropping
Are you seriously trying to imply that crop yields that discount the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides could pick up the slack for the banning of these things, given that the explosive growth in human population during the 20th century (especially in underdeveloped nations) was directly attributable to their implementation?

You're one of those retards who genuinely believe an all-fruit diet will save you from cancer, huh?

Mad cow disease is a prion disease.

if yes , we are in deep shit because someone very smart is trying to kill a shitload of people indiscriminatly

if no, we are still in deep shit because mother nature is trying to kill a shitload of people indiscriminatly.

How about we don't feed them antibiotics OR other ground-up cows? To me it seems pretty obvious to not turn your food into cannibals.

Fuck me. Cancer free now, user?

Thanks user. I'm just finishing up The Hot Zone, great read.

So far so good but the way it works is you keep doing scans for the length of time as your original prognosis so I'm not considered in the clear until another 6 years.

If it does come back though there's no fucking way I'm going to go through the treatment again. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

you would need an atrociously nasty pathogen to kill 2/3rds of the world.

Are you under the assumption that you can't make organic fertilizers or something?
And multicroppping itself takes care of plagues by mixing different plants that are resistant to them on a same crop. Most plagues are actually caused by mono cropping actually, since insects and and fungi have more resources there than anywhere else. Big swarms of locusts weren't even common until intensive monocropping started.

>tfw im a PhD student in molecular biology
if she's anything like the people on my lab, she's probably stressed and depressed.

May I ask what type of cancer?


Colon. Had to have a c-bag for about a year while doing chemo and radiation. The radiation is worse at first but three months into chemo you feel like you're on death's door. It sucked so fucking hard, user.

Or just the combination of the massive upheaval with war and death from disease that comes with climate change making areas uninhabitable and the exodus that follows, coupled with something like this fungus fucking over the surviving population.

Intensive farming has been around since the 1930s, long before Chinese got rich started eating more pork.
Herbicides, pesticides and fungicides are used regardless of monocrops or crop rotation.
>Intensive organic multicropping is viable
Source please.

>Doing anything against Neurodegeneration

No, of course not. I'm saying that surgeries to deal with cancer are just one of the many surgeries which are common in 2019 and that many if not most other surgeries either can be avoided with a more healthy life style or aren't life saving.

Besides I'm always skeptical of alarmist claims because they so often turn out to be nothing.

>Are you under the assumption that you can't make organic fertilizers or something?
You can but their potency and production volume are not comparable to artificial ones, hence the demonstrable yield boosts afforded by the artificial ones in comparison to what humans have been doing for the last 8000 years prior to their invention.
And plagues are bad but mass starvation is not any better.

There is simply no way out. We as a species have hit the planet's carrying capacity and a large number of us are going to die, one way or another.

The benefit to climate change btfoing us by 2050 is that it will destroy society before we have the opportunity to finish destroying all of the oceans and the soil as would be the case in a BAU scenario extended to 2100.

That's pretty rough. Godspeed, user.

>Colon cancer
Lol you almost got killed by butthurt

Does the fact that actual Kikes hate Christ with a passion (no pun intended, based Mel) resonate with you or are you just memeing?

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It's not even the Jews, WASP women with dead, crazy eyes are the real enemy and always have been.

OK Jews are responsible for giving them any real power but still

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Touching people is a selfish act. Humans should only touch for the sole purpose of procreation.

So basically we’re living at the start of The Last of Us? Where’s my Ellen Page qt to protect and love at least?

Chinese insectoids are going to regret that. Trust me.

It's what I get for not doing anything about shitting blood for a year.

> It's a Truman convinces himself it's just a combined ulcer, hemorrhoid, and red dye #5 episode.

Since this is about to be our reality it seems relevant to ask: was Joel in the wrong?

regret implies some degree of self-awareness but I get what you mean

>Most plagues are actually caused by mono cropping actually
Where can I read about this? Google is not really giving anything other than different factors for mice, locust, mosquitoes, etc.

Letting cancer grow for a full year sounds like a great plan, user

It was perfectly clear that the approach had already been tried multiple times before and there had come nothing good from it. The scientists were in the wrong for thinking that trying the same approach over and over again would yield different results, and destroying their research subjects in the process each time like a bunch of morons.

Time makes fools of us all.

Everything is fair game when civilization collapses...

How does it evolve?

Natural selection.

How do you instigate natural selection?

Add selective pressures.

What are anti-fungal medications?

Selective pressures.

What happens when niggers don’t kill the entire fungal population by taking their entire prescription?

The fungus adapts.

>The fungus adapts.
The dude abides.

Checked lucky 7s

And I don’t remember where I read it but I read a theory about the plague not being bacterial but viral.

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That’s not vegan propaganda you massive retard that’s shit that meat eaters say to vegans to show them how retarded their diet is.

Let me guess, soon there's going to be a vaccine, but it'll only be available to a select amount of people.
Really makes you think.

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The speed which it spread was more akin to a virus and the weather didn't slow it down like it would've if rats fleas where the carrier. There was also no mass rat die off.

It's also interesting that before germ theory people still had a pretty solid understanding of animals being disease vectors so it's not that likely they couldn't put two and two together if it was the rats.

No you are stupid.

Is there any way to actually stop this or should I just start preparing for death?

Wise men always expect death either theirs or their loved ones.

When are we ever free from death?

Eat more drugs.

Yea Forums is the proof that men can also be completely useless.

>doing anything vs doom shrooms

Because millennials are wild creatures, they are a bunch of rabid dogs who only know about le ebin as fug culture war.
And, like all rabid dogs, they deserve a painful demise.

Why can't I get actual answers on this goddamn site?
If this shit will kill everyone then I might just spend my last years in my basement instead of being productive

>Why can't I get actual answers on this goddamn site?
Because your questions are retarded and so are you

How so?

>insert empty platitude here

Sorry bud I'm just neurotic as fuck and I don't know what to believe anymore

The topic of this thread is nothing but vaguely scientifically flavored gossip and you're asking if you should prepare yourself for death.
Well yeah, you should. Like another user said, mentally preparing yourself for death is generally a good idea. But this hardly has anything to do with apocalyptic speculation on fucking Yea Forums. *Your* world will end soon no matter what

Because your question was already answered , they will just make something that will kill the fungus, just like they did for the ebola virus a few years ago. It's no big deal.

Thanks bud!

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>Yea Forums - Television & Film

Will check out. Thank you for the recommendation my man. Looks interesting as hell.

Vaccines are over-rated and a product of misinformation among the general public

Candida auris mainly affect immune compromised patients so you're in the clear for now. However, drug resistance is an increasing problem all over the world. It's a huge problem and will be one of our biggest challenge in the future.

It's pretty inevitable. When I was a CNA we couldn't force people to take medications that weren't absolutely necessary for them to live, and even if it was it would be the nurses and they couldn't force it. One of the biggest skips of patients is antibiotics. People don't think about it because they're too busy to for some reason, but when you don't finish your antibiotics properly you create a very high risk of allowing whatever's infecting you to become resistant to the drug and spread elsewhere. It might be gone for you, but something or someone else is carrying it, and it's stronger. That's also how some flus get so bad, massive spread without treatment, and people that think it's a good idea to get a flu shot during flu season instead of a month or two before, since it actually takes a few weeks at least to work. Food for thought.

You're not wring, but over-prescription is a bigger problem 2bh.

The brain rot has already set in.

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I don't disagree. Antibiotics however are amazing when used properly and people are killing off most of an infection now while giving whatever may be left a chance. It's frightening but whatever I guess, most people won't think twice about it.

t. big pharma trying to find a reason to keep their prices high as fuck
>W-we need to make new expensive drugs because diseases are getting stronger and shit. trust us goy.
how much more money do you need????

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On every greeting people should stick a finger up each others butt and lick it clean.
It´s life affirming and empowering.

>fill animals with antibiotics
>fill fields with antifungals

what could go wrong?

only good post ITT

Based GOP is protecting big pharma, user. Don't worry.

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Boost your immune system, it´s the ONLY thing that helps.
You do it by ingesting massive doses of vitamin C and other Vitamins that our current crap food is deprived of BECAUSE of the damn mono-culture crops.
That look good but are massively deprived of actual nutrients.

Guess what is currently "under investigation" by the (((health safety bureaucracy))).
Get those vitamin supplements while you can and stay THE FUCK AWAY from anything with artificial sweeteners in it!!

The reason the animals need so much antibiotics is because we took them away from the fields in the first place.

>t. literal plebian with no medical knowledge
Vaccines are literally primers for your immune system to fight infection and OD'ing on vitamin c does nothing because you literally piss away what your body can't actively metabolize.

>falling for the vitamin supplement jew

This is true and "fucking retarded?" replies are wrong.
You absolutely must finish any course of antibiotics you take.
Just because you feel better does not mean that the bacteria et al is gone, only weakened.
You must continue the antibiotic attack until it's completely dead and gone.
Otherwise all you do is kill off the strains that are easily killed but leave the more resistant ones, and guess what they survive and reproduce and now you've got an even bigger problem requiring even more antibiotics.
I had a slav flatmate once who didn't even finish half of his, I fucking told him to, well his throat thing came back and he had to get a second course from his GP.

>yfw you live in the countryside and you're gonna get to live long enough to watch all the retarded city fucks die first

Make sure to post lots of videos of people throwing themselves out of buildings for us, boys

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yep; let's be honest, most problems like that can be solved with natural and simple solutions.
Like in Europe right now (maybe elsewhere too) there're more and more problems with flies and worms coming out the ground and killing trees (all kind of trees).
Only now, some people are starting to realise that having some sheep and chicken around the trees can basically solve the problem in no time.
Instead of doing that, farmers have been pumping tons of toxic shit in the air for years...

Attached: what could go wrong.jpg (734x570, 109K)

>fight infection
Literal pharma propaganda.
Have they seriously stopped teaching in school that vaccines ONLY help with viral infections?
Has the western school system deteriorated SO badly?

>supplement jew
yeah because you can make sooo much money with fucking ascorbic acid and other vital vitamin pills.
Fucking brainlets everywhere.

>yeah because you can make sooo much money with fucking ascorbic acid and other vital vitamin pills
not the same guy but yeah, of course you can. That shit is worth billions.

t. polio

Sure, when we lump EVERYTHING together.
Diapers, hankies and toilet paper are a multi billion industry too.

Guess how much a cancer shot costs, JUST ONE.
Compared to 6 damn bottles of vitamin supplements for quarter to half a year.

user, you're really fucking dumb. Vitamin C is one of many properties of oranges, lemons, pine needles, and many other grown substances. When you supplement an extremely accessible food you deprive yourself of the tens of thousands of nutrients in a single orange that we're still studying to find out every benefit. If you eat literally any amount of oranges, you're wasting money on supplements. Eat some spaghetti, fuckin' hell that's vitamin C, protein, carbs, fats, all kinds of goodness supplements contain none of. Food is where you get nutrition, moron.

>Have they seriously stopped teaching in school that vaccines ONLY help with viral infections?
>Has the western school system deteriorated SO badly?
Why this place is infested with morons now

t. same big pharma shill.
vaccines are great for people but not so much for big pharma. Actually, it would probably be better for them to get ride of vaccines. Treating active diseases would bring much more money than preventing them.

At the same time we have supposed "drug resistance" shit and more and more anti vaccine propaganda being pumped everywhere...
Both things are good for big pharma in the end.

hmm really makes you think.

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user, antibiotics are cheap and one of the most effective creations of mankind. Go whistleblow about your conspiracy shit somewhere else. You're why we're dead as soon as a Super Mono appears.

>big pharma wants to torpedo their own product lines (and here's why that's a good thing for them)

>Guess how much a cancer shot costs, JUST ONE.
Nothing, because I don't live in a supercapitalist shithole.

I don't wanna die before 30, they'll come up with a solution r-right?

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> antibiotics are cheap and one of the most effective creations of mankind
yeah, but now they misteriously don't work anymore because of the big bad "drug resistance" shit
But I'm sure at some point a new product that cost 20x more could solve the problem tho.

>a wants to torpedo their own product lines
you mean like apple and others do every year?
yeah that would be crazy...
If you want to sell new and more expensive shit, you need to get ride of the old one first retard.

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>yeah, but now they misteriously don't work anymore because of the big bad "drug resistance" shit
>But I'm sure at some point a new product that cost 20x more could solve the problem tho.
user, I don't know in which fucking shithole you live in, but where I am from the way bacteria develop resistances is explained in high school.

Cope user
We are totally dead

>hmm really makes you think.
There´s seemingly shills for EVERYTHING now.

Either the damn algos have become so advanced that we´re arguing with fucking bots all the time, or the NPCs are so mentally fragile that they´re incapable of accepting any info contradicting the official (((marketing))) speak.

>dude just take your vitamins and you won't get cancer
Go and kill yourself like Steve Jobs.


That´s NOT what I said you fucking liar.

Of course they will. But you'll still die before 30.

>is explained in high school.
hahahahahahahahahaha oh wow.
>Remember kids, if a nukes explode near us, just go below your desk, you'll be safe.

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It's not the same thing. You can find the same mechanisms explained in any biology book.
Are you for real?

Alright bad grammar tinfoil idiot, let me explain since you apparently didn't read it the first time, which isn't a surprise considering how little we all know you read. Antibiotics are made to destroy an infection over time. You ever set down roach houses? The roaches (infection) absorb the roach poison (antibiotics) over time and are wiped out. If you stop using the roach poison (antibiotics) on them, they (roaches/infection) can literally develop a total resistance and you need something new and a lot of the time even more powerful. If you don't allow antibiotics to do their complete job, taking it when you need it, finishing the entire bottle of medication even if your dumb ass thinks you're all better halfway through the bottle, you help create a stronger version of the infection. Did that help any, or do I need a greentext retard version?

Hi there fellow scared citizens.
Are you all afraid of the big scary disease ravaging foreign lands and killing dozen of old homeless people in the capital like you saw on the (((news)))?
Don't worry my pharma compagny has developped a new and great product that can cure anything. YES ANYTHING.

It's expensive because it's good and the only thing that can save you! So don't hesitate (or think) for a second and buy it NOW. You don't want your children to die right?
pic related is only 1999$ the bottle. one bottle a month is enough.

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Good God I hope you don't reproduce.


yeah I bet you'd hate to see that, right my long nose friends.

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even fleming told years ago that this would happen, enjoy
maybe isolated communities will survive

>maybe isolated communities will survive
I'm living in a cabin in the middle of the woods, I'll be fine.

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He will not.

Let me guess - homeschooled?

look who's coming in force.
Hello boys!

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>new world order
>that's the best design they came up with

i think we're gonna be okay

>only incels survive
>ayy's feel sympathetic, come to help
>fucking wizards and hermits get all the space waifu's in the end

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>I hate good looking cars!
>why can't we get shitty looking cars like in the 70s-80s?

Don't worry. We can all go into space like in Interstellar if diseases get out of hand.


>shitty looking cars like in the 70s-80s
fucking kill yourself lil zoom zoom. I bet you drive and love your fucking prius you faggot

the andromeda strain (the movie)

Candida Auris is a fungus.
They call it a "germ" which is technically correct but it's not a bacteria.

I hope it wipes us all out.

this/every thread in Yea Forums forever.

>Ebola is gonna wipe us
>Solar flares are gonna send us to stone age
>NK is gonna nuke the world
>bird flu is gonna wipe us
>Climate change is gonna sink us into the abyss
Fuck of already. I've been promised and teased about the end of days too many times. I don't fucking care anymore.

12 Monkeys

>Outbreak was shit
??? Much better than Contagion.

They're usually knocking about for years before the media kikes catch wind of them and blow them out of proportion.



Someone should do a Stalin style purge of the entire legislative branch.

>>Ebola is gonna wipe us
nobody said this
>bird flu is gonna wipe us
we went close with the spanish


Mad Cow disease was because of ((((farmers)))) feeding cows to other cows. Theres similar diseases in humans when we cannibalise one another such as Kuru disease.


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Fucking this.

>Honestly, without it 90% of people in this board would have died when they were children.

Sounds like it would have been better that way. Getting to die in childhood is a blessing.

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No. But this is the literal criteria for a contagion to be considered a "species killer". A single infectious fungi, evolving independently in different parts of the world at the same time with the same properties that can kill humans, and possibly other species. This is not coincidence, this is a new apex strain. The kind of thing that causes a true pandemic.

____ _ _ _ _____ ___ ___ _ _
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\____| /_/ \_\ \___/ |_| |___| \___/ |_| \_|

The above referenced post is an example of someone who has already contracted the contagion. DO NOT READ IT.

The contagion is neither bacterial nor viral nor fungal in nature, but appears to propagate memetically. It is a thought, or rather a way of thinking. It is a mental infection that preliminary findings indicate overstimulates the regions of the cerebral cortex responsible for pattern recognition, effectively rendering it a communicable form of schizophrenia.

If you have already read the post, DO NOT - REPEAT - DO NOT READ IT AGAIN. If you fear you are already infected, or are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

1) Making associations and connections between seemingly unrelated events that others are not.
2) Abnormal levels of insight into the emotional states of others.
3) An increasing fear, suspicion of, or antipathy for living in a society.

Please dial *23 on your phone, immediately enclose yourself in a dark room, and continue repeating the following:


and help will arrive as quickly as humanly possible.

We thank you for your cooperation.

Jude is so fucking based.

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>dude inject yourself with this virus, it will totally make you stronger!

>drug resistant germ
its from china isn't it we told them faggots stop messing with kids genes before there born

I thought Pontypool showed us that the cure was to be lolsrandum?

Sorry man, but I just had to but in. It's clear you have never read anything about antibiotics and probably don't even have a basic biology degree. AB resistance is LITERALLY tested in labs and antiobiograms are used to find out what SPECIFIC cultures in that population are resistant to different classes of antibiotics. This can't be faked, and we wouldn't want to fake it in the first place. Antibiotics aren't even that expensive in the first place.

Jesus fucking Christ you are retarded.

we should hang all general practitioners and pediatricians for overusing all of our antibiotics and antifungals.

I bet that bastard wouldn't survive a ginger, garlic (I think) and honey paste.

I'm fairly sure all 3 of what I listed is antifungal, maybe not the garlic, I forgot.

I don’t think you understand what opiates do or why people take them, or even what fungus is. Your post was frighteningly stupid.