Why didn't he just leave when Bran said chaos is a ladder?

Why didn't he just leave when Bran said chaos is a ladder?

He's supposed to be a mastermind

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Cuz Sansa needs to slaaaaaaaay him

In his defense, how could he have known that Bran could see everything, including the past? At most he could chock up Bran was there creeping when he talked to Varys.

Petyr hasn't seen anything mystical in his time, iirc.

>dodges your logic

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>Bran was there creeping when he talked to Varys.
That's quite a stretch. And if Bran was there creeping that would mean he made it to King's Landing undetected and creeped around for a long time. Baelish would have investigated this occurence further.

This is a giant plot hole...

Dear God

Based Bran who quoted the only worthy scene that D&D made.

someone post the bane version pls

miss sansa im see i aye

I know, right?
And really, why would he shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane

sadly true

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did you even watch the show, he legit hands a woman a faceless bravos coin like that little creature from ice age had earlier. Clearly he paid for a faceless man to take his place while he escaped winterhell

He did leave, he is actually alive and escaped winterfall. The littlefinger that got his throat cut was a faceless man Littlefinger hired.

>faceless bravos coin
It wasn't a bravosi coin and you can't prove it was.

Even if it was a faceless coin, its probably just an artifact now. Writers may have had an idea for that, but they are in the home stretch are cut it out.

panicked and thought this was a picture of me for a second


There's no logic or reason in GoT anymore, it's just a trainwreck now.

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This is such a dumb video on so many levels. First off, because a plot like this would have come out of no where, and does not synergize with the plot direction at all. Littlefinger's story is over, done. Simple as that, the tv show does not linger on dead characters, if they did than Lady Stoneheart would be part of the show.

But the final nail in this dumb theory is the fact that there are only 6 episodes left, and no time to even add LF back into the story whatsoever. Can't believe people are even wasting time discussing and "theorizing" this nonsense. LF was never even a main character in the show, he's never been the protagonist.

sadly true

waste of the most intersting chracter on the show tbqh

It's just dumb autists trying to rationalize the bad writing around Littlefinger with a "master plan." They give Dabid and Dabid way too much credit if they unironically believe this shit.

How do you explain the scene of him talking to the blond chick then? That scene has literally no purpose otherwise.

Maario Naharis

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It's just a scene meant to show that Littlefinger still has his secrets / agenda, and is being deceptive behind Sansa / Arya's backs. That's all.

If you're expecting some major "tweeeeest" in the final season regarding LF you really need to control your expectations because it's not happening.

I cannot believe people are even discussing this. This was not the real Littlefinger, just a hatched job by D&D. Littlefinger would NEVER devise such a retarded plan.


It's been a while since I read the books but isn't his power supposed to only work around Weirwood trees or something? He wouldn't be able to eavesdrop on recent conversations in the throne room at King's Landing.

Because D&D are hacks who can't do anything write without the books to draw from.

You are gonna eat your words user

I can't believe there are people on Yea Forums that actually thought littlefinger (and stannis) was going to "win". Like how fucking braindead can you be to think that?

hilarious shit...

I never thought LF would win but I expected to at least reveal his master plan and go out with a bang instead of just getting killed instantly

The show doesn't have time to finish the main storyline and explain to normies how little fingersurvived. LF is done for.

screencap me then senpai, because it ain't happening.

Do you honestly trust the dabids to pull off some epic tweest with only 6 episodes left (2 of them battles, 1 of them just the intro episode where not much happens)

I'll never understand why they stopped giving a fuck, they should have the decency to write something that actually makes sense

this. it's funny how some autists still keep trying to read more into these scenes, even though D&D have proven many times now, it's always the most obvious explanation. what you see is what you get, there's no ebin twist. LF is dead.

LF's schemes and Stannis's "im-da-rightful-king" brooding were good television. Expected D&D to keep around a good formula, rather than get the shock from killing them off. I guess D&D couldn't come up with anything else for them.

It's honestly sad how far the show has fallen. It could have really been something special. Oh well, I guess.

The episodes are more like 1.5 hour long movies. 6 movies to bring back LF is entirely possible.

fuckin hate this guy. his fackin face and his mannerisms and his voice. get him off. not to mention he's in some lame meme

Yeah it doesn't make any sense no way little finger, who has no idea bran can see things in the past, something to his knowledge is entirely impossible, wouldn't absolutely think that bran can see the past immediately

Honestly, I'm just amazed we got what we got. I never expected to ever get a large budget fantasy show of this quality and for that I'm grateful. It's flawed, yes, and there's so much wasted potential but it's not all D&D's fault. Maybe if GRRM had finished TWoW earlier things might have been different, but at the same time I recognize that the books are simply too big for a tv series to be condensed into. There's just so much more to the books, so many more characters, so many more things happening that it just doesn't translate to a 10 episode / season 1 hour long format tv series.

But he had no master plan, other than convincing Sansa to be his gf lmao. See, for LF to have a master plan, there needs to be world with political intrigue and power games where he can play. After D&D had run out of book material though, they effectively cut the political intrigue and turned the show into dragons vs. zombies fantasy. LF can't play if there's no game.

Episodes 1-3 are 55 minutes each. Episodes 4-6 are 80 minutes each, so not really. Battle at winterfell is episode 3, and episode 5 is another episode with a lot of action / CGI.

I want it to be true because the faceless men plot feels like it's not over, even though it is. The reason is they wrote themselves into a wall and just concluded Arya's story to get her back to Westeros asap, and it's likely we won't see any more of the faceless men now. That said there's no way any of these intricate theories are true, but it's fun to fantasize.

Get this hothead out of here.

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That last seasons plot with Littlefinger was such ass. There was absolutely no logic with his plan there what a waste of a character.

>Roose just snaps his fingers and makes Ramsey a real Bolton and not a bastard

I really don't get this, seems world-breaking. Why the fuck wouldn't any lord with a bastard son just make him legitimate? Stupid as fuck. You get a real heir, or another heir, who can further your line, marry noble-ladies, etc

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The king has to do it and it's rare.

How is it not D&Ds all fault? They clearly exposed themselves as hacks considering the shows quality dropped like a rock right after they ran out of source material. If they were talented they could have continued the story proper, but it's obvious they can't write anything besides "Dude zombies, dude dragons"

Why did they call back to a line that wasn't even in the books?

It's kind of GRRM's fault as well. He really dropped the ball after the third book. Not just the overall quality, but AFFC and ADWD are really just one book in two parts that's all setup and no payoff. He literally needed to finish TWOW for the story to make sense, but he didn't. So in reality, everything after ASOS is an unadaptable mess and D&D were completely fucked in that regard.

Even if they were capable of doing a little better job, the shit we are getting is what the normies want.

Only the king can legitimize bastards. Member when Stannis offered Jon the same thing on the wall for his loyalty?

>some D&D apologists are posting in this thread right now

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Any logical person assumes time travel instead of coincidence

Well done.

I'm not following this season, but can someone tell me how Ban knew he said this? Can he read minds now or some shit?

>build up a character for 7 fucking seasons
>he's a mastermind puppeteer behind everything
>starts wars and betrays everyone
>dies because muh magic

you're right user, this was the first thing in the show that didn't make sense.

I have written a letter to D&D complaining about the logic holes this created and trust they will respond shortly.

He has some psychic powers that allow him to be in observer mode pretty much anywhere, anytime, in the present and in the past.

They kinda got fucked over though. Imagine being 4 seasons into the show when gurmy suddenly comes up to you "oh guys so I told you I'd finish the new book in time? that was a lie, but I'm sure y'all can do this on your own"

>practically the architect for the entire premise of the show
>can't get any more fart and dick jokes or nudity out of his brothel scenes anymore
>trunks comes back in time to show how strong the androids are by killing frieza

he rewatched S1 on his treeflix

Fuck this I"m going to go investigate UFOs

Wouldn’t the Faceless Men need Littlefinger’s face in order to identify him? If not, why did we spend half a season watching Arya wash corpses to prepare them for their faces to be removed?

*imitate him

The >muh magic excuse has been in the show for quite a long time already so it comes as no surprise. Dany has had the >muh dragons excuse since season 1 or 2

Flying shaushers.

>I want it to be true because the faceless men plot feels like it's not over, even though it is.

there's foreshadowing in the books suggesting that the FM brought about the Doom of Valyria.

most likely book theory has the White Walkers as a noble warrier race and the FM as the actual manipulaters behind everything.

it's an alternative explanation for why GRRM hasn't been releasing any books: TWOW goes in such a completely different direction that they didn't want to muddle the continuity of the show while it was still airing.

shh, you're upsetting the autists

Yeah but the dragons haven't done anything on the level of killing off a huge character like LF

They have changed the story a lot no doubt but nothing like that...

Skilled faceless men can imitate people who are alive. Jaqen uses Aryas face for example.

He was confident that he had Sansa in the palm of his hand. If by chance Bran was suspicious, Littlefinger knew he could talk his way out of it. He got cocky.

>TWOW goes in such a completely different direction that they didn't want to muddle the continuity of the show while it was still airing.
That.s quite a conspiracy you have there...

These. Littlefinger was just a loose end at the time of his death. They just got rid of him and got a nice little reconciliation between Sansa and Arya. That's all there is to it.

It was shitty writing and you know it.

There's an interview out there where they talk about how they've been trying to force a zombie polar bear into the show for many seasons because they though it would be super awesome. Their priorities are on the same level as children. They get no sympathy from me


They did a pretty good job adapting the first three books though. Not their fault gurm was too lazy to finish TWOW in time, and they're obviously too mediocre to pick up where he left off.

there's a zombie bear at the Fist of the First Men in the books, they just couldn't afford the FX for it at the time.

I am just stating what Littlefinger would have thought if he was worried that Bran was suspicious. Remember when he killed Sansa's aunt and then got her to lie about it? And then he convinced her to go marry Ramsey even though the Boltons butchered her family? Sansa held the power in Winterfell at that moment so he would've felt pretty safe. Also, if he had left, he would lose everything he worked for. He had burnt all his other bridges. He put all his cards on Sansa to get him to power. Leaving then was not an option for him.

They just copy pasted 90% of everything from the books, and of the things they did change the only good thing was the chaos speech. Everything else was a downgrade.
We don't see most of the fight at the fist in the books or the show iirc. So if they were following the books they wouldn't have shown the bear anyway

D&D have no restraint, if they could have done a BADASS FIGHT SCENE they would have abandonned the book's structure in a heartbeat.

ditto the battle of Green Fork in season 1, which Tyrion sees much more of in the books.