Looks like Tolkino is back on the menu boys!

Looks like Tolkino is back on the menu boys!

Attached: Tolkien.jpg (1474x2250, 700K)

>A Life of Courage, Love, and Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition 1080p YIFY please seed

What did they mean by this

What a fucking stupid idea. Has there ever been a biopic that hasn't been fucking dogshit?

Formerly 35GiB

Does Lily "hairy ape" Collins have any lewd scenes in it?

full hairy frontal. a shocking and confronting scene

It's gonna be dull cookie cutter oscar bait

Attached: 1446564510081.png (514x352, 30K)

too white and male to be oscar bait

Is that Beast

I don't like this guy, just reminds me of that nerd beast

I hate biopics. They can never do anyone justice and really iron over any nuance or idiosyncrasy... it's just... not them.


What's the betting he plays it with a posh charming accent instead of the brummie black country yam yam drawl he actually had

based as always

They’re going to make him a cuck aren’t they

I think that's your fantasy. At least the casting is done so you can't ree about Tolkien being a black trans lesbian

If they really wanted to make a movie about Tollkein, they'd just follow a college professor who goes back to his office and smoke opium and scribbles on a notebad for eight hours a day, occsaionally giggling, "hehe, elves."

Will his talented son Christopher be in this?

What did this faggot do besides write some fantasy fiction?

it's clearly going to be about his time buddying around with CS Lewis and then spend most of the second half on the Western Front before finishing by coming home to marry his wife.

Fought in WW1

How do Orcs have a concept of menus?

he fought in a war, lost his friends and fell in love. During and before this he made up some languages and their fictional histories.

I can see why they call him Dome

Attached: 800px-Dome_Karukoski_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (800x1133, 162K)

Brummie and black country accent are different things. He didn't have much of an accent anyway as he went to king edwards, the grammer school for the well-to-do around Birmingham.