Suck my pussy

Suck my pussy.

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They wouldn't even show her face.

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fart and shit

Someone needs to do a parody where Rod Serling does an opening monologue to the bizarre nature of the current year and this iteration of The Twilight Zone.

A man. Best known for his work on a comedy show and that weird cameo in S1 of fargo, gets a show he doesn't deserve nor have any expertise or knowledge of. Proof that anything can the twilight zone

oh but all the wonderful ratings for Nanette were accurate.

Both of the episodes they released were just OK. First one had kind of a cool idea but was way longer than necessary; second one was better and more tight but the ending was kind of meh. It was fun to see Russ Hanneman from Silicon Valley though

are you mad you can't downvote troll leftists anymore? Good. Stay mad.

have sex

You're not allowed to say that incel, that's my line. Have sex.

That's not funny, my brother died that way.

What if I've had sex many times and still think this media is cringey?

First one was a generic Faustian deal with literally "The Shining"'s movie ending in it, and he didn't even learn a moral, I though he was going to name the devil, the 30 rock guy, and then reset and learn to quit comedy or something, I don't know.

>remaking shit that white people did but shoe horning blacks into the cast is the peak of afro-american achievement
Harlem Renaissance people would be extremely disappointed in the black activism of today. It's just literal monkey see, monkey do.

I used to have some hope for blacks but it looks like the Jews wrecked them forever. F.

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>The Twilight Tyrone

>I literally don't understand how anthology series work and haven't watched the new twilight zone

its all so tiresome

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They were okay. They at least felt like Twilight Zone. Peele sounded like he was half doing his Obama impression though.

>watching nu-tv
I have over a thousand laserdiscs, why would I watch TV? Laserdisc still has the best audio and video quality too. The difference is like downloading a jpg of the Mona Lisa vs seeing the real thing in person.

I mean... did you forget about the movies he made? Those felt like they could be modern day Twilight Zone episodes, regardless of if you think they were good.

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I've only seen "The Comedian" and you're right that it was too long, but I was stuck by how unconvincing the writing was in general. Now, most of the original TZ episodes were nothing special... but this one felt like they had an idea for the beginning and the end but no way to connect them. Halfway through, the guy had literally no motive to keep killing people. He clearly hated doing it. Also, every time he killed someone new it was all "whoa, he did NOT just go there!" when we already got the message 20 minutes in.
And Jordan Peele cannot play the serious narrator.

It could have been about how using people as tools to further your career will leave you empty and alone, but I think they made the right choice going with "ranting about Drumpf is more important than trying to entertain"

>ywn spend NYE watching the twilight zone marathon on the sci-fi channel
post best kino episodes

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Reminder Serling was a huge sjw who was angry about censorship of his views

ive always loved little girl lost. there was something very haunting about it

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He learned a moral, dum dum. Don't shit on your family and friends just to receive what you desire (fame, money etc.).

The Midnight Sun was good. Enjoyed these kinds of cheap little twists a lot as a kid.

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>I mean...

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I couldn't quite figure out the show's attitude toward this stuff. Was his shitty second amendment joke supposed to be funny and under-appreciated, or was he meant to be a hack with no comedic talent?

It's called subtle writing, retard. The fact u can't tell means they did a job of making it complex. Reminder Serling had the same beliefs but just disguised it with aliens

>mage after watching get out and seeing the trailer for Us i literally told my gf “these are basically twilight zone episodes, he should reboot the series”

Should I start betting on race horses

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A Stop at Willoughby, Walking Distance, Five Characters in Search of An Exit

This post is abhorrent in so many ways

"its all so tiresome"

Is this the hip new alt-right dog whistle call to arms phrase? I see it in every /pol/ thread and me and my discord crew were jsut wondering every time I post the screencaps.

You're a faggot in so many ways

but amy shumer is a leftist.


>they did a job of making it complex. Reminder Serling had the same beliefs but just disguised it with aliens
Lol. I don't consider myself a racist, but Peele is a dumb nigger

So can someone explain the two episodes?
What actually happened?
Were they that bad?

He's best known for his pity Oscar now.

a black woman told an indian man to suck her pussy and a white guy got beat up by minority passengers for accidentally helping the evil white guy.

>dog whistle

Is this the hip new alt-left dog whistle call to arms phrase? I see it in every /mlp/ thread and me and my discord crew were jsut wondering every time I post the screencaps.

The episodes are bad right?

One stars an alt-right man. He gets drunk at the bar and has a racist rant about immigrants. When he leaves the bar he finds he is a Palestinian refugee on the streets of Israel. He runs away from IDF troops but a helicopter decapitates him.

>comedian episode
>the usual devil tricks guy twilight zone format
>dry intentionally shitty humour
>guy cant get any laughs so he does a drumpf joke out of desperation, it doesnt work either
>theres a lesbian nigger woman
>acting is decent, the main guy is supposed to be awkward and unfunny
>ending is predictable but decent

>plane episode
>like the original episode but has some aspects of other classic episodes
>reminded me of And When the Sky Was Opened for some reason and the ending reminded me of Mr. Garrity and the Graves
>my assumption is that at the end hes in hell and them mobbing up on him is his punishment for causing the crash, not that they actually survived the crash
>pretty good overall though

They're sexy.

they're fine. if you've seen the 80s and 00s episodes its comparable honestly. not as good as the best episodes but just "fine". they feel like twilight zone at least instead of black mirror or something like I originally expected

Why do woke progressives keep fetishizing lesbians? Isn't that what they're always mad at straight white men for doing?

Peele played a better serious role when he was joking than when he is actually "trying" to be serious. This shit is off putting.

Yeah they really should have had him only narrating like in the early Twilight Zone episodes. I can't look at the pudgy fucker sitting at a table with his face and not burst out laughing.


>defending this garbage reboot
Peele? Call keegan, he needs you, man