If you're not watching Space Jam at least once a year you're doing something wrong with your life

If you're not watching Space Jam at least once a year you're doing something wrong with your life.

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i'm sad because the sequel will be souless

MJ is still a nigger no matter what the Jews say.

Please ONLY respond to this post with "based".

>live in Birmingham Alabama
>Go to annual Space Jam screenings at Barons Field
>Watch movie with team, and enjoy hot dogs

Feels good man.

one of the most boring movies with the most charismatic sports player needing to talk to imaginary cartoons
This movie blows the 2nd time you see it even if it was back in 1998 and you were 11 years old


you don't ask for based posts, you earn them fucking cringey retard

lebron > MJ
debate me. you will lose

I live Space Jam.

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>half the rings
>twice the refball
don’t need to debate you because you’ve already lost


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Space Jam sucks. Only Reddit likes it.

A sports magazine literally just did a survey of anonymous NBA players, asking them who they thought was the goat (among other things)

>7. Who’s the best player of all time? (117 votes)

>Michael Jordan (73%)
>LeBron James (11.9%)
>Kobe Bryant (10.6%)
>Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (1.7%)
>Magic Johnson, Allen Iverson, Kevin Durant (1%)

The original was the very definition of a souless cash grab

a similar survey of division 1 college coaches (cbssports.com/college-basketball/news/candid-coaches-whos-the-real-goat-michael-jordan-or-lebron-james/)

>Michael Jordan - 82 percent

>LeBron James - 18 percent

It's literally the same sort of argument as tom brady or aaron rodgers. You can always make all sorts of asspull arguments for the latter, but common sense simply points to the former

>muh rings argument
you must also think tom brady is the best QB of all time becuase of his rings

nigger, there's a lot I'm going wrong with my life
NOT watching Space Jam annually is the least of them...

For me, it's Looney Tunes: Back in Action.

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I was surprised by how bad Space Jam was when I rewatched it. I really like some Loony Tunes stuff but the movie feels incredibly weak given what they had to work with

eurofag here. What's a lebron?

He's like Ronaldo, if Ronaldo played a sport that requires skill and strength.

belichick is 100% responsible for every ring brady has. if prime rogers were on the pats instead of brady he would have 8 rings

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football players run more in one match than your nigger pets do in their whole career, friendo

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>jogging is a sport

H-how do you guys keep from jerking off in public when Lola’s on screen?

space jam is objectively a shit movie

I masturbate to Lola at least once a week, does that count?


That's a funny way of spelling Lawrence of Arabia.

How many furries did this fucking movie create?

easily Michael Jordan's best film

This. Its a funny movie because its such a forced case of trying to make Looney Tunes cool, and capitalize on Jordan's success. It wasn't a good movie

If it's more than -1, it's too many.

I was 8 and didn't even watch basketball and I liked it for the looney tunes, that was the target audience

why are the animators such pervs?

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If you're not playing the Space Jam pinball machine at least once a year you're doing something wrong with your life.

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Facebook faggot

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>make a hot furry girl a gross human

That movie is for children user

They did it for the lulz obviously.

>no fur

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>no fur

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We all know how this happens.

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judy a cute

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>you will never have a bun gf

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time out

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I need to buy this.

remember when R Kelly was the shit with I believe you can fly and then we found out he groomed and peed on countless little girls

the 90s were truly an innocent time

>If you're not watching REDDIT-

Stopped reading right there. Fuck off.

I've never seen it.

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>has niggers
>has nigger "sport"
>is half cartoon
Im niether 12 year old, nigger lover nor self hating individual to watch that. Notting personnel kid


OP is not a fag and is speaking the truth.

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Brady makes the plays happen

>lola will never bully you after a workout by grabbing your hair and sticking her sweaty butt in your face
why did I have to be born

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Space Jam is literally the only movie in my life that I saw in cinemas more than once.

Do bunnies wear deodorant?

Also this flick is overrated and aged very bad. They should have got James Harden for the sequel, at least he's cute.

Space jam is the movie zoomers use to pretend they were 90’s kids

>nor self hating individual
well that's got a kek from me Bob

Animals with fur don't sweat.

I raise you

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