HEY Yea Forums

HEY Yea Forums,

I am an employee for Netflix with access to new content. I have just finished Stranger Things 3, I also have access to information not yet public about upcoming Netflix Originals.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>did stranger things s03 get shittier as expected?
>when is the OA season 3 going to be released/estimated
>when is sabrina season 3 going to be released/estimated
>do you have any pics of shipka's feet

> in my honest opinion, they didn't let they didn't let the fame degrade the quality, better than season two, not as good as season one
> from what i've heard, it's well into it's script and casting stages, with plans for shooting within a couple months
> same with sabrina
> we're not at that stage in our relationship yet

Any news on...

BoJack Horseman?
The Dragon Prince?
Carmen Sandiego?
F is for Family?


what are the most popular original shows/movies? yall are usually tight lipped about ratings

which exec is Amy schumer blowing? coz why the fuck does she keep getting specials?

Why are you working for a Jewish run destructive Anti-White social engineering project?

Is that really the best thing to do with your time and energy? Destroying western civilization?

> bojack is entirely renewed for season six
> the dragon prince is renewed for season two
> i believe carmen sandiego is in the works
> disenchantment is a go for another season last i've heard
> i don't believe that it is renewed
> plans for a movie and/or special are underway
> she-ra is a yes (don't quote me, it's not certain)
> hilda is in limbo, however i believe it will pull through and get renewed

You fuck

I am enjoying most of the content where the characters are all White and I don't really see any niggers, thanks. Also if you could get rid of Bollywood shit and Gook movies that'd be great, thanks.


> the dragon prince is renewed for season two
> i believe carmen sandiego is in the works
Based retard

> in terms of first week, sabrina season one had the largest audience in the least amount of time
> stranger things season two is an overall winner in terms of cumulative views
i don't have access to stats currently, this is as of two months ago

> defenders is not renewed
it's a tragedy, but not enough viewers or overall interest to continue the marvel / netflix franchise

any publicity is good publicity, she is public as hell with her controversy, it makes us a good dime or two

> with some of our largest demographics being latinx and asians / asian americans, we tend to want to cater with our shows
> it's alright, just about a six figure salary

> we want to cater to as wide a demographic as possible
with a noticeable increase in largely asian, and middle-eastern countries, it is cheap and beneficial to breaking our quotas

how does S.T. season 3 start?

Is everyone there just in denial about the 25 Billion debt?

What's gonna happen when your loaning availability ends this year and you can no longer buy shit with money you don't have?

When will you admit that the only reason you don't release your viewership numbers is that it would make people realize that most of your income comes from people who barely use the service and aren't wise enough to cancel it?

I don't give a fuck, fuck the towelheads, the yogis, and the fucking chinks you fuck listen to your White master

with communists

Other races get their own shows.
Whites have to suffer every other race in what should be our shows.
On top of that we have the constant theme of niggers with White females.
Don't give me that "We're catering to diverse demographics" excuse.

It's all Anti-White social engineering and you know it.

Are you seriously going to make Haunting of Hill House Season 2?

Know anything about the Witcher? Are you aware how bad you fucked it up?

They get subsidized by rich Jews to keep Jewing the goyim.

Other Jewish outlets like (((Buzzfeed))) aren't financially profitable either.

any upcoming sjw propaganda free original?

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> if all else fails, we're in deep shit
we are attempting to remain topical and increase viewership with our newest hit: love, death and robots. we are going to use this as a means of creating new and interesting ways to consume entertainment on our platform (much like bandersnatch with our 'interactive' approach)
> we hope that strangers things season three and the promise of a new type of entertainment on our platform with love, death and robots, we can increase viewership and gain profits
otherwise we might just die within the next five to ten years

Are Netflix people worried about Disney, Apple, competition in general?

sorry man, punisher already came out a while ago

I hate that weeb shit you fuck cancel it

> aggretsuko has the most viewership in japan and america
sorry, that 'weeb shit' is here to stay

do you guys care at all about piracy?

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when are we getting more interactive shows like bandersnatch? how well did bandersnatch perform?

will the resident evil show be good? who are they casting?

>just about as much as amazon prime and hulu
which is to say not so much so long as we continue to reign supreme with our original media


> bandersnatch exceeded expectations, and we had high hopes
> keep an eye out for our love, death, and robots series in the future ;)

>we are attempting to remain topical
Is that why you greenlight so many provocative/political shows?

Is Love Death and Robots actually well-received (in terms of the numbers you don't actually release)?

I was thinking about it and I think that after Netflix got in ground floor on streaming and got big with its first couple of originals it kind of followed the model of just greenlighting everything, most of it ending up not really incredible. Making more and more originals seemed to be Netflix's strategy rather than investing more in the means and availability of its viewing, which is now possibly going to stagnate due to competition.

nice. keep em coming.

Dark season 2 when?

What controversy could possibly be attached to Amy Schumer you dumb larper

> we attempt to present shows that are topical
> the only agenda we are trying to promote is that of the popular ideas that already exist in mainstream culture
it's not much of an excuse, rather a marketing strategy that has proven effective, we have tim burton films on our platform if you want cinema with a white cast.

the fact that she is both popular and disliked means that she is talked about and promoted through the publicity she gets

not OP but I think hollywood desperately needs new content. capeshit is the last frontier of rehashing I think, and that's going to sputter out after endgame most likely. network TV shows are beyond trash, HBO is going to be in trouble after GoT ends. Hulu just puts network shit out. the only real competition it seems like netflix has is prime video originals and they have a massive amount of catching up to do. if LOTR does well, that could give them a big leg up, but IMO mediocre original content is better than anything network TV and hollywood has to offer currently.

what else has netflix got coming up in terms of animation

>the only agenda we are trying to promote is that of the popular ideas that already exist in mainstream culture
If someone hypothetically has a fantasy movie with Christian themes/subtext would it stand a chance at getting greenlit?

> yes, absolutely
> yes, while it isn't exceedingly popular, it is proving to be a topical and well-received show to our viewers
> more originals means more content, and while i believe in quality over quantity, it is proving effective for the niche interest in specific cinema that cater to more of an audience overall

> themes of christianity are not all that popular in mainstream culture, so i don't doubt it but it's unlikely
these are simply facts of matter, i do not believe that that should be the case

I only have one question:
Travelers season 4, yes or no?

What about Dark Season 2?
Any news on anything Devilman related?

Also, as one of the few that liked the movie: Death Note 2 when? Wingard still involved?

Neck yourself kike.

> a directorial debut / interactive surrounding a popular videogame is in the works

Are you guys planning to do any more Western series or movies?

> no :(

> if quentin tarantinos upcoming film sparks interest in westerns among the hipsters and niche community who it may market to, absolutely

Saddest panda. Unfortunately I only started watching with season 3's premier. Criminally underrated, but it had a good run.

how do I pitch a cartoon to netflix?
I've got the pilot script written and am currently animating it.

> firstly, deathnote is stagnant however progress has and will be made on it,
>expect more news on it's shooting in the next few months

as for dark:
> expect news on it within six months, a public announcement will be made soon
my professional assumption: it will be out sometime in 2020

I think it's a market that's there, but just only presented with low-quality, pandering films like God's Not Dead or Unplanned that are treated by entertainment companies as if they are the only entertainment that should have any sort of religious undertones and still be successful.

>a popular videogame
Please not fucking fortnite

Have you watched the Witcher series yet? Is it any good?

> an animated shortfilm / show / movie would fare much better with you to submit to networks like adult swim, or cartoon network.
seriously i've heard that their work environment for producers is much better than ours, do not attempt to come to us as a first resort

I'll neck myself if it's fortnite

> it is not fortnite

isn't netflix supposed to have the most creative freedom for creators?

it is an interactive series based off of an old videogame

Why are all the Disney movies on Netflix in 480p?

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Why don't any of you idiots ask for proof and just believe the larping troll?!

yes, however networks such as adult swim (especially) are much more open to concepts, where if you have no experience in a professional setting

examples include:

Can you get more berzerk with less CGI

would you know a way to pitch to AS without it being on the live stream? otherwise, how does one pitch to netflix?

Doom?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That would be fucking sick Im not going to lie, the time is ripe too

because only a retard would give proof and put their job at risk, and you can generally tell if they're larping by the quality of the answers. the thread will die instantly if they're lying or a shit larper. if you want a blue checkmark go fuckoff to plebbit.

Even if it's a larp it's still way more interesting than all the bullshit sneed and MCU threads.

Why do you label pre-made shows you have nothing to with "Netflix Original" just because you bought streaming rights in some territories?

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probably wolfenstein to stay topical and we'll be killing alt-right nazis not real nazis

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bring back daredevil and the punisher, you fuck

ok this guy is fake news. daredevil was one of the biggest netflix originals

> proof
how am i supposed to provide proof without putting myself in jeopardy? the proof will come from any question whose answer proves to be correct within the following months, and even then i would not release information detrimental to my workspace if word gets out over this forum

How much racemixing can we expect from our Netflix Originals? Like absolute Blacked levels?

I thought daredevil was killed because of the disney streaming service

>t. absolute newfaggot
This is why we can't have nice things.

> even with its immediate success, our viewership became pretty pitiful with time
it's almost certainly dead unless we are able to get the rights to completely extend ourselves into the MCU

After Bandersnatch, Bear Grylls, and you seem to be implying that LD&R might have it integrated in further season, is there any other project involving your Interactive experience coming up?

Also will you be getting all the DC Universe shows in Europe? We got Titans so far, so maybe Doom Patrol and the other upcoming ones?

>f is for family not renewed
Confirmed fake and gay

Whens Berserk coming out?

> when we buy the rights to a show, it may also be in the contract that we get full rights to the show, so we slap our title onto it in territories where we are allowed to
> we do it because people do not care
it's an easy way to create a profit and increase subscriptionship, plus it worked damn well for 'end of the fucking world'.

yeah, but you originally said not enough viewers which is blatantly false.

Did you acquire Brie Larson's Unicorn Store to profit from the buzz surrounding Captain Marvel? If not, how did the process of getting this undistributed movie (for 2 years) happen?

> they haven't publicly addressed it however i believe they are backing away from the title
i'm sure they will announce soon that it is cancelled if no serious productivity is made

Any news on Cowboy Bebop except the cast?

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Is it possible we can get a new season of kenny vs spenny?

> this is speaking to the whole marvel / netflix film universe
while we did see immediate success in daredevil, and jessica jones, the overall viewership of the whole film universe was not nearly as high as we would expect in order to continue the franchise

Was the cost of making Sense8 so much, compared to the number of people who watched it?

When’s the new black mirror coming to Netflix?

How hard is it to pitch a project to Netflix and be greelit?

So what’s the problem with it then?

What exactly are they backing away from?

where are your data and analytics people located? I work in finance so there's data jobs in any major city, but it'd be cool to work with tv and film data. what city would I have to relocate to?

what d&d creature is the new monster of s3 called?

Phone them

When do you plan to leave because your company is hemmorging money and paying pedophiles?

FOR COWBOY BEBOP FANS (including myself):
> from what i hear it does not follow any plotlines we see in the original show
> as a standalone storyline with a shaky arc and an even shakier cast, our hopes here for the show are low
however these sentiments have applied to most of our live-action adaptations, so no groundshaking words from me here

Why do they let people who clearly hate the source material showrun potentially great shows

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Any news on Scorsese's movie?

> since our monster is not revealed right away in the first episode of the show, i think it's best to leave that unanswered
however we do see that it does have powers such as controlling the will of animals, as well as an unknown force that we see almost right away in the first episode, causing rats to combust

Is Ted a pretty cool guy? My parents used to work with/party with him when they were in their 20s. Allegedly he used to crash on our sofa back in the day.

>tfw parents said he used to tell them i was going to be someone special and a huge success in life

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> 'f is for family' as a title they don't show to much interest in wanting to continue

Is that you Andy? Andy you fucking rat.

I actually work at Netflix, and going by OPs answers in this thread, he is either placed extremely low on the corporate ladder or he's just full of shit.

The monster in the trailer had a appearance with no eyes and tentacle/stalks which lead me to guess beholder.

Thanks for the info

are you similar or higher on the totem pole?

also pls respond

t. Reed Hastings

> big news, wait about two more months :)

Can you respond to his?

i do not know him

I'm not answering any fucking questions on this mongolian yak fetish forum. I value my job. Ask the larper instead.

Larp thread

all I want to know is what city or cities the data jobs are in. literally not related to content or anything.

Then why are you here? Get the fuck out, you pretentious cunt.

To let those with an ounce of critical thinking abilities know that OP is full of shit. That doesn't affect you, though.

just between you and me op, how does ST3 end?

Just answer about the witcher series, is cavill trash tier or shit tier as geralt?

alright, larper what's the name of s3e1 stranger things? prove your worth shit

stop believing a larp

Any news on The Happiness of the Homosexual Squirrel? Was my friend's show greenlit?

>stranger things season three, episode one is titled 'suzie, do you copy'

Need tits for confirmation

dubs confirm it

Episode names of season 3 is already public information, you larping dunce. It's even on fucking Wikipedia.


>"Suzie, Do You Copy?"
>"The Mall Rats"
>"The Case of the Missing Lifeguard"

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As someone who also works at Netflix, it seems this is proof enough he isn't a larp, but he sure as hell is a fucking poor employee

in which case, i can also say, for the record, that a central part of this season is a russian testing site trying to recreate the expirements of hawkins laboratory

does natalia dyer have an eating disorder?

is she fucking the jonathon guy irl?

I hope this piece of shit gets fired for releasing this information

No, Yes

Fucking Andy STFU now

Its totes a beholder

The dude made two since 2015, with Django being his highest grossing flick in 2012. In the age of capeshit and reboots, I'm sure that would've sparked some interest by now.

i do not know andy.

okay, here's a whopper to the 1-3 self proclaimed netflix employees here, how exactly does traditional hollywood view netflix?

do the leaders/lawyers try to shit on you with contract/licensing of content? are the hollywood jews actively trying to combat netflix's success?

are some actors or actresses too "old school" to work on netflix titles vs. traditional hollywood? etc etc

Any news on Evangelion? Can we expect the Rebuild movies to be in the platform any time soon?

Then you might be Emily, you treacherus bitch.

Why do Netflix originals look like shit? Is it because you shoot on digital instead of film?

i do not care about my job, however i do care for my reputation, that is why i am anonymous.
i dislike netflix's destruction of the way film and cinema is consumed, and so i am choosing to do this, pretty much petty spite or complete apathy


> billy is a lifegaurd
> steve works at scoops ahoy inside a mall
> there is a power outage in the mall
> russians are prevelant throughout season three
> eleven discover an interesting aspect to her powers later on in the season

Don't you have anything better to do than baitpost?

pls respond

i am off, enjoy season three and don't worry, netflix will rot and die of crippling debt within a few years. :)

wanted to larp but dragon prince s2 and carmen san diego were released like in january

How fucked are they in debt?

does netflix actually have an official BLACKED policy for shows or this that just schizo autistic /pol/posting???

like 20 billion fucked

cry harder, whiteboi. the white race will soon be extinct, and the races of the world will dance on your graves

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OP, I have to know, Mindhunter S2, The End of the Fucking World S2, and Ozark S3, when?

>pretty much petty spite or complete apathy
>refuses to name D&D character name.
So you don't care, but care enough not to reveal you don't know because you haven't watched, and this post is all info gained from watching the trailer.

How come you guys have nothing good on Netflix and how come anime isnt English.

>Yea Forums
do you mean Yea Forums
oh you're from reddit you stupid sack of shit
kill yourself

When is Netflix going to pick up Jean Claude Van Johnson

well guys n gals we got some shit out of this thread, here's a friendly larp check in the future

stranger things
>S3E1 starts with communists/russians trying to recreate the experiments of hawkins lab
>monster pops rats
>we don't see it in E1
>billy - lifegaurd
>starcourt mall has power outage
>russians pop up throughout (main villian?)
>eleven gains power/new type of power

love, death and robots
>trying new things (like interactive)
>big things coming

>interactive based off of old videogame
>season six - bojack horseman
>dark - 2020
>aggretsuko - special/movie

check 'em

what about the russians at the start of the new season? didn't see that in the trailer


Talk to us about the Witcher

Mindhunter S2 when. Same with the trailer

Where can I preview season 2 of Dark?

bump because I'm also interested in the answer for this

They don't want Republican money.

Lmao, nobody thinks they have a policy. Some of their execs just have a fetish and can't keep it out of their work.

No experience with Netflix but as someone who's just worked in entertainment (albeit only in an office setting) Netflix is seen most as a thread by traditional TV. Much of the actual production of content in Hollywood doesn't care about Netflix (or even where the fuck the things they work on end up as long as they get paid), but corporate headquarters of places like CBS and NBC don't like Netflix because it's taking away from TV much moreso than film.

>start out as more or less just relaying info
>these posts are more clearly anti-Netflix
this guy is imitating the OP, who himself is probably larping.

Can anyone with that Yea Forums addon that gives all boards poster ids confirm or deny?

interesting, makes sense. thanks user.

Yea Forums doesn't have IDs and no add-on can add them, add-ons just flag new IP addresses

Is stranger things continuing its decline into diversity?

Why are you a bunch of pedophiles?

Are you guys building a capeshit universe with the mark millar stuff

Fucking Kings Quest kino confirmed boys!

Can you please ask the Sabrina producers to make more scenes with her naked? Thanks.

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roberto is pretty degenerate, we'll probably get some good fap material in time