
>never faxes anything

Tolkien was a hack.

Attached: F83FC930-6240-471E-8CB0-6E621D8C5383.jpg (450x400, 27K)

You couldn't see it happening because he did it stealthily (in the shadows).

Shadowtax, Lord of Hidden Tariffs.

no, you just never caught him faxing

did you seriously fucking miss that 20 minute scene where Gandalf used Shadowfax to send a fax to Lothlorien to call for aid at Helm's Deep lmao

>Théoden's Bane
>it kills Théoden

Would a brief faxing scene have been too much?

What was his fax policy?

>That is one of the EY. . .
>. . . unless my records are corrupted
by some malware.
>He is the lord of all accountants. . .
>. . .and has been my advisor
through many audits.

>>Théoden's Bane
>>it kills Théoden
What the fuck are you talking about? Durin's Bane?