New Endgame clip
New Endgame clip
Who the fuck cares about capeshit?fuck off this board
looking a bit chubby here, chrissy
not a good angle
I really hate when they release a bunch of clips or trailers (or show too much of the movie in the trailer). Just let me watch the movie when it comes out for fucks sake.
why did they cast a robot as captain marvel?
>I like this one
like base brie gives a fuck about what whitey thinks
we got some of the new movie toys in at work today, what do think the function of this suit is? back of box shows Black Widow wearing it too
Chad machine roasting Brie is gold
I liked this clip. Seems like it really is true they try to fuck with Thanos, get raped, then do time fuckery and Marvel slinks into the background for most of the film with the spotlight firmly on the OG.
shut the fuck up. you're gonna see it anyway regardless. Disney could practically show a picture of a turd for 3 hours with the marvel logo on and you'd still pay to watch it
Cause it's three hours I'm guessing 20 minutes will fly by before we get the title card.
>Captain America..
>Let's go get this son of a Bi**h..
The top comment so far. Normoids were a mistake.
Thanks company wars guy.
>before you didn't have me
the entirety of marvel fans summed up desu
"Language" quip is hated by Chris Evans and it's also one of the many things that got Joss Whedon fired, so glad the Russos took over
>WW2 vet doesn't like swearing
I never got this, why did they force this joke
So the "let's get this son of a bitch" leak was real?
Is the "wowie zowie, right in the infinity stones!" quote real as well?
Why do they even hire her if she is so controversial over twitter and refuses to do basic stuff like smiling?
It’s the next frame you fucking idiot
this clip is probably tampered with as well
Thor has grown to be one of the best characters in the entire universe
That's not a real achievement when such non character like Black Widow, Hulk and Captain Marvel exist
>Where were you when trans kids needed protection?
What did Rhodes mean by this?
wow capeshit is so gay lol
last one I watched was Ironman like 10 years ago
Because old people should be non-threatening and docile grandmas that don't make decisions and should be euthanized and the voting age should be 16.
>b-but you didn't have me last time!
Holy shit, the leaks were true!
>Leave those wicked white men to m--
why do you keep watching these
you're no better than the faggots you make fun of
This was fucking terrible. Almost like a parody. Pretty sure Mark Ruffalo looks directly into the camera like he knew it was all a farce and that Brie is horrible.
Suddenly Scarlett Johansson feels more charismatic
But Mark is also terrible
>Why didn't she smile
>I don't know, she just didn't.
>Who the fuck cares
Makes 1Billy and is talked about on this board till the day this site is shutdown...
The only leak we had was someone described this scene. So the leak was confirmed, but they didn't give us much else except they get in the Quinjet and Rocket asks who has never been to space before and a couple people raise their hands and Rocket tells them not to throw up.
I agree but this is next level of phoning it in
Ruffalo looks CGI.
A small detail, but why did they insert that shot of the hammer flying to Thor's hand? I prefered it when he just held out his hand and it flew into it right by Captain Marvel's head.
Hulk was the real one all along
Sense of speed.
It felt faster and more impactful the other way. Now, it just looks like shit.
Ruffalo is mentally retarded. I thought this was widely accepted...
How can I not support Thanos, when I look at these white knights leftists cucks
They're White.
so are bidden, bernie, the clintons...
t. fatty
>mfw this literally confirms leaks as she says exactly what the leaker said she would say in this scene
absolutely based
Based War Machine
Thats his point retard. It looked much faster in the prior take in the trailer. Now it looks slow and unremarkable
Are you retarded? This scene was described in detail a month and a half ago from shareholders meeting. The leakers only then started adding this scene and lines in their fan fics. Keep up dipshit and learn to lurk
Pic related deserves his own movie now. More than ever
Dude he literally looks like and sounds like a fucking retarded potato.
>"What are you going to do to me, little girl?" cackles Thanos
>Marvel smirks and strikes
>cut shot of the planet's surface and Thanos's scream of anguish being heard
>all the male Avengers instinctively cover their groins and wince
>"R-RIGHT IN THE INFINITY STONES!" bellows Thanos before falling over
>"That will teach you, evil whi--er, purple man"
>"THAT'S GONNA BE SORE IN THE MORNING!" shouts Captain America in a Boston accent
>Thanos throws the Infinity Gauntlet at Marvel
>"Just dust me now and make the pain go away!!"
It's called being an Italian.
Why are you being aggressive?
my nigga nostrildamus. He don't predict the future he smell the future you dig
James Rhodes was a better actor and more funny. Don sucks.
He also was more of a jerk, but still
dare i say, /ournigger/?
Terrence Howard, I mean.
top kek
Just rewatched Iron Man 1/2/3 and you couldn't be more wrong. Howard fucking SUCKS as Rhodes, his delivery is constantly wooden (take for example the scene where Rhodes and the air force are watching the thing they think is a drone and Rhodes finds out it's his best friend inside it) he barely fucking reacts. He is a completely garbage actor and Cheadle is better in every conceivable way.
These films would be much better if they hadn't recast Ed Norton.
Ed Norton doesn't have the right personality for Bruce Banner. check the comics, he should be a beta nerd, not a smug male version of Brie Larson
>captain feminist talking like she owns the place
what daytime soap opera is this
Cpt Fungus literally got blacked, and for once it's a good thing
Who gives a shit? Beta nerds don't make for good TV.
>Thor's axe comes to his hand at will just like Mjollnir
I am triggered by this
They didn't have enough money or tolerance for both RDJ and Norton back then
Explain to me why that's bad / inaccurate so I can post it in every thread if I don't see you do it bro. Isn't the Axe forged and linked to him just like Mjollnir?
>yfw thanos blows them all out again
You know, it really says something when RDJ looks like he's had less plastic surgery than Chris Evans. I barely recognize this gay fuck. Love RDJ though shame about all the capeshit. Back to School still is my fav
why do you fucking manchildren enjoy this?
well done
He was good in spotlight.
Fucking mary sue it all right at the end.
god I hope this bombs so bad the capeshit trend dies for good
miss the beard
I couldn't put my finger on why she is so annoying in this scene, but now I realized, it's the Rey look.
Jesus christ fuck that movie
holy shit is mark ruffaloa having a stroke?
Thanos beat Iron Man, Strange, and Spiderman in combat. Captain Marvel's powers seem to amount to Iron Man's repulsor blasts, and some enhanced durability/strength.
She's not stronger than Thor. I think the "She's the strongest character in the MCU" is that personality/never-give-up/can-do attitude strength. Like someone who survives cancer with a jovial personality strong. Not could-beat Thanos in an arm wrestle strong.
Marvel will try Thanos 1 on 1 and get her shit kicked in just like everyone else.
It's going to take everyone working together to beat him, that's the theme of every Avengers movie.
If she's so powerful, why didn't she stop Thanos when he was going around wiping out half of every planet? He didn't even have any of the gems.
She's going to solo Thanos
Disney isn't going to let Thanos defeat feminism
There are other planets that needed help. Fuck you.
>Thinking about Drumpf, what a bastard.
Except Thor guy non of them is.
Yeah I'm sure that planet needed more help than trillions of people
>chris evans isn't white
this, but unironically
>clearly white guy
>he's not white!!!111one
Ky fgt.
Kek. Skillful
Ok so now I’m hard. Omg omg omg
Act 1;
Find Thanos, realise Time Stone is locked, give up and go home
Act 2;
Time Skip, Ant-Man arrives, Time Travel via quantum realm, lots of fan service
Act 3;
Thanos attacks Avengers HQ, House Party Protocol V2.0, 'Avengers Assemble', Death of Captain America, wedding scene for Tony & Pepper with all heroes and side characters, time skip, Tony visiting a memorial for Steve Rodgers next to Peggy Carters grave.
That wasn't good.
How mentally ill are you?
He's gonna murder Captain Marvel.
that's so fucking retarded. I would think Thanos killing half of fucking everything would be more important than whatever fuck ass planet she was helping. Knowing her retarded character she was probably trying to save a bunch of an alien jews from a space holocaust.
Why is Bruce fucking smiling when talking about how hopeless it is tosave everyone?
bad acting + bruce is a nervous cuck now for some reason
They are going to kill Thanos and give his home planet to the Skrull. It's a deep metaphor for eurofags.
gauntlet immunity
Well fuck Peggys husband who died lol
she looks like a little girl trying to act tough
Give Bruce's smile ability to Capt. Marvel ffs.
>Thanos attacks Avengers
I see no reason for Thanos to stop farming and do this
Yeah. More than likely the avengers are gonna attack him for da stones.
I'm going to the movie later and you're coming with me user. We're gonna improve you. Also, have sex
I miss edward norton
hood + mask ronin looks good
looks like cgi
yeah, which we've already seen in another special look. So currently that round of leaks is basically vetted but no new info, really
He's probably looking forward to getting off the gear.
Evans has done irreversible damage to his asshole by abusing laxatives for that minimal water weight extra cut look. Normally he'd do this just for scenes where he's shirtless, but he was taking them round the clock and totalled his sphincter. Reeks of shit all the time without regular enemas. He's got the asshole of an 80-year-old man, so at least you can call him a method actor.
Why would farmer thanos need to use the gauntlet again? Not enough space foreign workers?
the fact that brie is a central character makes this a pass for me.
Yea Forums is a Marvel board, sweety.
you know they do more then one take with these things right.... ?
fucking dumbass user.
They seem really fucking desperate for people to like Captain Marvel
Terrence Howard was fine as an Air Force Colonel who got assigned to be the liaison between the military and its biggest defense contractor. It would have been awful hearing his voice while the War Machine armor was on screen.
>"I have telepathy"
He's Jewish, though.
>user refueses to accept the truth
Why are you so avidly trying to defend her? Especially when you're so obviously wrong?
>first post in almost all sw or marvel threads is "who cares?"
first post most ironic post
Quantum Realm suits. They are gonna use the QR to go back in time to warn their past selves of the coming threat of Thanos and what he plans to do. But unfortunately by doing this it creates a paradox which makes the Avengers displaced in time & soce thus giving an out to the actors who are tired of the movies.
Bathe. You will feel good once you're clean.
Talk to people in person. It's not as weird as you think to just randomly just start talking to someone (men or women).
Stop doing drugs if you do them.
Cut out the porn. You'll begin to see women as real people instead of sex objects.
That acting
That dialogue
Thank you for respectin whamans.
he was perfect in age of ultron
they fucked it all up
dunno about that, but ruffalo is awful as hulk
I think whats his face from the 2003 one was good, but he's a big boy and banner is supposed to be a manlet, right?
He attacks avengers HQ later on in the movie retards. This is after their first fight and the avengers hatch a master plan to gather the stones
Thor's axe is a telepathic, sentient being. In the end, Thor and his axe waifu will elope together on some far off planet.
How do you know so much about his asshole
its an ancient Yea Forums secret
he's lying
Think it's gonna be awkward when Rhodes and Strange finally meet and Rhodes finds out Strange passed on the surgery to fix his spine?
Dr Strange looked at a million possible timelines, and in none of them did Terrence Howard get a next time, baby.
Ruffalo looks and sounds literally retarded. What the fuck happened to him
Is that DSP's reflection in the lens
I can't lie, the Russo brothers took the Captain Marvel shit sandwich and made it tasty.
The shtick of Carol Danvers as a cosmic busy body, and then the judgiest of Avengers (Don Cheadle) calls out her shit, cancelling some SJW magic, then Captain America's stoic glare that in 0 words says "yeah bitch what the actual fuck get the fuck out". Then Thor is like fuck this (but then he's a cosmic busy body so he'd get it). Then she's all like, well, "I'm little miz badass".
And Thor is like, "well fuck, she's a bitch but it's something we didn't have before so with a 10% push on top of our 90% we could wild card a different outcome this time".
And then it's like, the old Avengers gives way to the new, passing the reins.
Fuck, the Russo brothers are good, man, they can make anything in this universe work to its fullest potential.
I'm in. Fuck Captain Marvel, but the Russos will save the old MCU and fuck the new MCU that's not my problem.
Two different takes...retard...
You might be right. Stones work only in their original universe.
Based and progressivepilled
Guy who works on the audio mixing for parts of this film told me Thanos isn't farming, he's defending himself. He's using the stones because the entire universe is pissed at the dusting and trying to kill him during this movie.
>thanos is casually farming
>stones start reacting to the avengers getting them from time stone
>thanos attacks
there you go
>all the characters left alive are the most boring of them all sans Tony and Banner
what did they mean by this?
looks preddy gud
Just copped tickets for the 27th. Not the biggest capeshit fan but i'll be fucked if I miss out on the this absolute circus finally coming to an end.
>bruce: "just like that?"
>captain america: "just like that."
Shouldn't Cap and Bruce already know that they need to sacrifice someone in order to use the soul stone? Didn't Thor have those visions back in AoU, he obviously told them in that movie.
Oh gee, what could possibly go wrong when they fight Thanos again half an hour into the movie?
I'm pretty sure Thor was only aware of the stones in AoU. He was adventuring before Ragnarok to find out about them and what will happen.
He obviously thinks they will keep trying to stop him, so he goes to snub them out.
it looks like one of those wheedon reshoots of justy league
The movie he was barely in?
why do you call it capeshit if you watch it? that's like calling yourself a fag
I'm afraid I'm gonna ask you for your N-Word pass, mister.
Don't worry, he'll be one of the main villains for Secret Invasion.
Only way Joss knew how to give cap a character was by making him an old timey cornball
Thanos only killed half of earth it turns out. Leak has a line about thanos using the glove again on another world
I hope he stays hulk for the entire time i cant stand this cunt
What's with the "I have telepathy" in the background at 0:49?
I noticed that too
>marvel got so btfo by the Joker trailer they release ANOTHER endgame trailer
This is getting sad.
i want him to rape me
more powers for captain marvel
It reminds me of Blizzard during its WOW days, how they would deliberately wait for their competitors, sometimes even for months, only to release a trailer or an expansion on the exact same day as them just so they could bury them.
Funny how both of those companies are ran by kike subhumans.
>it's not enough to win, everyone else must be destroyed
I want Thanos to fuck captain marvel while the other avengers are tied up. In all her holes.
holy shit
i just hope scarlet witch comes back for a good amount of it. she's the only really likable female character since black widow is the blandest character of all of them (which is saying a lot) and marvel is unlikable and aggressively sassy and annoying 99% of the time
Will it be about saving tranny kids?
Then everybody clapped. Bravo, fucking bravo.
I rewatched Civil War and I noticed the small detail that's Paul Rudd telling her that she's great, even after her nuking a small office on the news, and the next shot has her blushing in the background.
If Captain Fungus is so strong why there's only one timeline they can beat Thanos?
It's completely obvious big poppa Thanos is gonna serve her some humble pie. She isn't nearly as strong as she thinks she is.
She was saving poor refugees, that comes first.
>being australian
So is it just me or are all the actors covered in cgi all the time now? They all have some uncanny valley shit going on here... What the fuck?
Seems to me thanos is no longer a threat since he accomplished his mission and the dead are not coming back.
So what are the avengers trying to achieve. The only motivation is has to be revenge which goes against the whole being a hero narrative.
>the dead are not coming back
You can't be this naive
Are u on crack? All I see are people shitting on marvel films here
>everything works out in the end
Obviously, this is capeshit they'll do some timey wimey bullshit and bring everybody back and beat the big bad purple man
All I want is for Cap to do something epic. I don't care about anything else. I fucking need this. Cap made me lose 100 lbs, join the military, stop my degeneracy and ultimately become a pillar in my community. There is no other character that has had such an impact on my life, unironically.
Those are just DC shills paid to make Marvel look bad.
I was hoping Thor was gonna whack her head off
It seems they're going to get the Captain Marvel pandering out of the way early. She'll get her shit stomped by Thanos, then either be out of the rest of the movie or very humbled.
yeah about supporting trans kids. Absolutely based amirite
Vision and Scott are the two people who made Wanda smile.
It would have worked if she said it while smiling. But the delivery was just cuntish.
>Thanos only killed half of earth it turns out
The guardians got dusted in space you retard
What would you do if you were Chis Hemsworth for a day?
send myself half his money and erase the evidence
Apologize to the world for being such a shit actor and ruining Thor
>a superhero movie made me become a dog to the government
jesus christ lmao
Worst character ever
This was a good thread
Actually kekd. holy moly
Just like Captain America LMAO
who the fuck is Ronin
>she just didn't
>top pic
Captain Marvel is unhappy with the Avenger's service and wishes to speak to the manager
literally the most forgettable character in the series
This looks like shit. They are just gunna go in with no plan after they got wiped out and big strong captain marvel is going to be the trump card?
They'll get their asses kicked. She will grab Stormbreaker and Thor will tell her to go for the head. She will do it, and as Thanos dies she'll quip "huh, good advice" or something
Some things are no laughing matter.
That's not Falcon
>Like someone who survives cancer
Not a good analogy when talking about Captain Marvel, user.
we live in a capeshit society
Y not
Cheadle is a better actor but doesn't feel like a military man as much as Terrence Howard. He had a bit of swagger that Cheadle kind of acts around.
You're watching a movie where someone spins their hands and makes magic circles, iron man is so powerful he can take on a moon, and a guy turns into a huge angry green rage monster, yet a norse god calling his weapon is what triggers you
>I don't think capeshit is the one for you my man
>what is he even doing?
God that monkey is adorable. We're like sufficiently advanced aliens for them.
Hulk gave him advanced autism
He is unironically a crackhead
I choose to think his character is literally going nuts over all the crazy shit that's been happening. He's laughing in pain over how under-powered they are and how impossible the task seems.
Downey ruffalo cheadle renner are all 50
Hemsworth and Evans are close to 40
Johansson is 30+ now which because she's white makes her look about 50 and larson is a couple of months from hitting 30 as well
Rudd is the only one of old age that still looks relatively young
Entire cast should just be shot as CG like alita
Scarlet is Jewish, not white
The clue is in the name you fucking simp
Find a different name for yourself then you fucking nazi because her skin color is the same as yours. God you faggots aren't even thematically consistent.
These type of arguments are always so silly. Man up and argue better. This is worse than an ad hominem.
I'm amazed at how few people remember what this word means. Despite it being central to Avengers 1 (Coulson's "death").
I'm pakistani
Why did they have to change it's meaning with Captain Marvel? That was so lame. Being the avengers because they're avenging is way better.
Hemsworth and Evans are the only ones that are actually believable in what they're doing. Everyone else is shit.
Fury had the Avenger Initiative, which he mentioned in the post-credits scene of Iron Man 1.
But only once Coulson "died" did they believe in it and become The avengers rather than SHIELD's experimental superhero division.
The name preceded that, but the emotional connection is what made it a reality.