why hasn't there been a biopic on koko? she is a beautiful and outstandingly intelligent animal, but also actually real, not that planet of the apes shit.
Why hasn't there been a biopic on koko? she is a beautiful and outstandingly intelligent animal, but also actually real...
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Truly an amazing creature. Koko passed away last year of old age I think, she lived 6 years longer than the average wild Mountain Gorilla. Gorillas are beyond our scope of understanding.
how many of those kittens did she crush before she kept one
so is Leslie Jones gonna play Koko?
Omg I saw that family guy scene too epic!
>tfw Koko had a higher measured IQ than most of Africa's mean
Hug Koko
There aren't any gorilla actors.
nice gorilla
Really sad that she didn't have any children
>that video where michael (the other gorilla they taught sign language) signs his memories of his mother being poached
i cried honestly
cgi? if they put the entire cgi budget into making one single gorilla and an extremely lifelike koko
What about all the other scenes with gorillas?
;_; bad, sad bad
Koko had his one written language, something black africa couldn't come u with in more than 10.000 years. RIP
>that scene with Mr. Rogers meeting Koko in Won't You Be My Neighbor?
I cry everytiem
>she scored between 70 and 90 on various IQ scales
literally smarter than africa
What was kokos endgame
i think gorillas and apes hate niggers like the rest of us. they’re probably sick to death of witnessing niggers poach and kill off their families
Why didn't they breed her with smart male apes? Their offspring could be Zemus and bring about a world of apes
Idris Elba
>Date Added: 2002-05-26
>Mother's Day always accentuates the fact that Koko's greatest wish is to have a baby of her own. We've known this for years, as she often signs the word BABY (see photo at left) and carries her gorilla dolls the way gorilla mothers carry their babies. She even pretends that her baby dolls can sign by molding their arms and hands in play or in response to questions..
>Koko also treats her kittens as if they were surrogate babies. For example, in the video clip: “***Koko and Moe” you can see Koko wrapping a visiting kitten (Moe) in a pink blanket, and holding Moe while repeatedly making the sign BABY, with increasing emphasis.
F :(
I was making a joke but wasn't ready for feels
it wasn’t for a lack of trying as far as i know, they even tried artificial insemination but it’s too dangerous for gorillas and decided to wait for natural conception
WTF I thought 4channel was supposed to destroy whatever empathy I had left ;_;
if she didn't spend her 20s chatting with Oprah, going to gorilla college and chasing her career she could have made a family
koko would be rewarded with food everytime she used various sign language randomly and required interpreters to understand what she meant i.e they'd interpret meaning from one random sign she'd mimic, it's all bullshit
le monke
Koko would like to know your location
i wasn’t ready for this
/pol/ pls
I wonder if a smart gorilla brain would taste better or worse than a dumb gorilla brain. Can the human palate "taste" intelligence?
what do you have against facts? koko is literally smarter than the niggers that poach her cousins
Just admit you don't like blacks
what does my subjective opinion on niggers have to do with the objective facts i just presented
yes, blacks are stupid but they run fast.
that is fact.