Lisa gets to be whatever she wants to be

>Lisa gets to be whatever she wants to be
>the writers decided that Bart should be miserable in all his futures

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We should all be more like Lisa.

Idea for a future episode: Bart becomes President and makes America great again. Meanwhile, Lisa Libtard gets raped to death by the Mudslimes she loves so much. Bart builds wall.

not bad

my favourite simpsons was the time mendoza jumped the gorg

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That same episode you took a screenshot from has him as a Judge as an adult though....


Are you all going on about the new Simpsons movie? Is it any good?

Yes, but Lisa often feels miserable and unappreciated in the present, so it all evens out.

Bart was never racist.
Nelson as President makes more sense.
And Milhouse is just the type to become and alt-righter tard.

Milhouse is already supposed to become a /fit/fag, so alt righter isn't out of the question.

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Martin is one destined to be an alt right cumstain

Martin strikes me more as a cuckservative. Fiscally conservative, but socially liberal.

Good, I'm not some feminist SJW faggot but Bart was literally the most annoying character on the show.

Just watch the episode where Lisa has a good babysitting business going and then he acts like a fucking black child degenerate for no other reason than he's a jealous faggot

He was also a horrible role model to a generation of "XD IM BEING AN ANNOYING FUCK FOR THE SAKE OF IT" kids


the ammount of episodes of Bart ruining something for someone is minimal compared to Lisa's or Marge's

>Islam is a race
Hello, Lisa Libtard. Why don't you go get raped to death by the Mudslimes you love so much.

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I like the one where he terrorizes former president Bush just because he's an old lame republican XD


It's an issue of how hard they work, not what their genders are. Lisa is bound to have a better future than Bart because of her work ethic and character.


And she does not exist.

That's what he gets for being a trump supporter

Building a wall to protect, not contain, is rascist?
lefttards kill me
President Sneed would deport you faggots to that Venezuelan paradise you all crave
Sorry comrade
There is no feed

bart's a fuck up and lisa is a grade a student, its been that way since day one you bummer

The retards on this board are such incels they think Lisa, who by all means represents a more virtuous lifestyle is lesser than Bart, who has the moral compass of a negro

So the only way you end up happy is by becoming president or some other unachievable success?

have fuck reddittard

You dont have to be an intellectual powerhouse to become president.

El Barto es basado

Horribly done.
Bart builds the wall
Millhouse runs against Bart and fails with is pathetic guacamole based campaign
Lisa moves to Canada

2 terms, 2 genders, and you dont get to change seething tranny

American "banter"

milhouse is lisa's woke trans wife

Isn't Martin suppose to become a gay dude then a trap?

I dont hate trump. In fact, I like how mad he makes people. For that reason alone, I hope he gets another term. Other than that, I pay very little attention to politics and dont even vote. He still isnt an intellectual powerhouse though.

No. He gets disfigured and presumed dead in a science fair explosion, and subsequently lives under the school as a Phantom of the Opera knockoff.

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sneed feed and seed

Why didnt Milhouse count?

we should have a weird rule34-themed holiday?

Based and Bartpilled

That future in supposed to be positive. Bart is chief justice of the supreme court thanks to Homer's discipline. Even in Lisa's Wedding, Bart is shown to have a job as a demolition man as means of paying for law school. It's every future sequence after this where Bart is portrayed as a sad-sack loser.

Literal NPC speak

Ironic in that when Sneedsons had an actual audience, Bart wasn't popular with a lot of viewers because of his unapologetic brattiness.

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Are you retarded? They are Sunnis.

>Sneed gets to own whatever he wants
>the writers decided that Chuck should be formerly happy in all his futures

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>tightening up security and building a wall along our southern border is racist?

Honestly im just going to accept the fact that this is bait.

Only reason why Lisa gets so many episodes is because her VA is the only one capable enough to still do the voices

Everyone else is either old as shit or their voices are ruined

>islam is a race
the not-so final, fairly obvious redpill

Reminder that this is basically Bart's future.

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barts a pretty sad kid desu.

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>Your sister is graduating med school while you barely passed highschool and get to enjoy a minimum wage job for the rest of your life
Haha could you imagine?


We should stop political activists shitting all over something we love while also getting into their faction and doing as they do?

So based im not even gonna formerly this thread

Martin would probably commit suicide at 17

Martin is also gay now too




Martin strikes me as the type of person who reaches a breaking point in high school and then becomes a social pariah for his entire twenties.

Isn't he suppose to perish in a science fair explosion?

So a janny?

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It's all of us user

>Bart is Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at age 50
Pretty impressive

He's a great success in this scene tho

He looks like a janny


Lisa almost never ruins things. She just clashes with people socially or ideologically.

Remember that episode where Lisa gets a restraining order against Bart and proceeds to torture him by constantly poking him with a screwdriver tied to a stick which ends up causing nerve damage to his arm then to top it off she forces him to live outside the house. And of course this episode ends with Bart apologising to Lisa

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See how defensive he gets when people don't pay attention to his forced meme? Even Milhouse isn't this pathetic

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>tfw you help get your sister through college and she's going above and beyond what you'll ever accomplish
I'm okay with that. At least one of us gets to be something, and I'm happier that it's her.

>Judge Bart: I sentence all niggers to be exterminated.

>Bart: We did it, Dad. We finally executed the last woman/minority.
>Dad: Aye. I'm proud of you my son (formerly ashamed of my daughter).

It was for the 9/11, retard. Bart is red pilled to the max.

Based mods clearing put the reddit trash

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yikes and cringepilled

Can I say sneed?

sneed's ficl and sicl

why did you prove yourself wrong with your own pic
what did you mean by this

I think it's a 'what could have been' thing. Zombie Simpsons writers have hated Bart for decades and the thought that he could end up as anything but a loser has never crossed their minds. I always felt bad for Bart since he's always in his younger sister's shadow and from day one of school he was labelled as someone that won't succeed at anything.

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Who was in the wrong here?

he formerly was

so how long until they retcon the supreme justice thing into being a prank president Lisa pulled on him?

I remember feeling really bad for Bart in this episode.Lisa really is the nigger of the family

Old Simpsons Bart was always someone who didn't try hard, but still had potential to be an upstanding person. It's very likely he would have grew out of his rambunctious phase.Zombie Simpsons decided to throw that out the window and make him Homer Jr.

martin is the kekistani who strangles his own mother because she took away his xbox

Holy shit, now THIS is epic

But they were born in Guatemala

being supreme court justice seems like a pretty good future

Formerly Germany

Get help, love. Call Interpol, get me a hacksaw. Anything!

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