Was he right? are shy people really just egoistic arseholes?

was he right? are shy people really just egoistic arseholes?

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Fat people are never right

he was right about delicious green pea-ness

I don't think he meant shy people in general, just a specific type.

fairly certain op is referring to him talking about woody allen, which anyone can see he's a raging egotistical asshole.

He was talking specifically about people like Allen (and I guess Charlie Chaplin?) who use meekness/shyness as a front to hide their egoism and self-importance.

>I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.
>He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.

God the more I learn about Welles I can't get over how fucking based he was

Welles was an egotist too. When his career started crashing down, he just pointed fingers at everyone else and took no responsibility.

post the one about slavs having short fingers
it cracks me up every time

was he right about the french champagne?

I'm an insecure little faggot but with a massive god complex. So maybe, I guess.

If you have problems with social communication fucking work on fixing them
>hur dur im an introvert and all you guys are extroverts leave me alone in my comfy room

Fuck you. There's no 'introverts' and 'extroverts', there's only normal people and mentally ill. Fix your problems instead of renaming them and pretending it's all fine.

thanks doctor 4channel

Normies are just mentally ill people who themselves distracted

what if I dont want to fucking join in with your gay social games fag

>call people mentally ill
>tell them to fucking work on it

I don't think that's how medicine works.

Yes, but it takes a massive egoist like Orson to truly understand

You're either lying to yourself or autistic. Humans are inherently social creatures.

Woody does have good taste in women though. Here he is with his future wife.

Attached: woodyy.jpg (399x336, 98K)

The worst part about having mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't.

Yeah but modesty =/ shyness
A shy guy is just a guy who has a hard time being himself in public. That doesn't mean more or less.

>that’s not true..
>measure them! MEASURE THEM!


He may have been right about some things but he comes off way too butthurt or at least way too offensive on purporse. Men like Woody and the ones Orson is attacking wouldn't come at him like this simply because they dont give a fuck or at heart not assholes. Like I said Welles may have been absolutely right but you have to ask yourself is it really better than being a fat drunken bastard? Woody Allen literally married his step daughter and occasionally makes a decent movie. The other one is dead

different user but i only really enjoy social interaction when people come together for a purpose or to enjoy a common interest. shooting the shit aimlessly is fine but i can't take that in large doses like everyone else. i tend to leave parties and gatherings early unless there is some kind of event or performance or just dancing or whatever. i prefer spending time alone working on hobbies or thinking about projects at work, with some shitposting here and there. people don't really bother me or anything but i can tell they think i am detached. i have close friends but i still prefer to be alone most of the time.

he was dead on about Woody Allen


(((shy people)))

Orson new his Mischpoke.

as an introvernt, i think he has a point.

Where's this from? That's fucking hilarious.

yeah but he never pretended otherwise. being an egotist was part of his persona and he embraced it.



Not in general but he's talking about a specific type of person that absolutely does exist and that Woody Allen is absolutely an example of. Mark Zuckerberg is another one. Bill Gates too.

Everyone’s a hypocrite.

He really meant Jews

I hate how perfectly this quote describes my character. It's unsettling.

well yea, it sounds like he is speaking specifically but it's actually quite general if you take out the context that it's about woody allen. pretty much every person on earth has felt that way at one time or another.

I hated Citizen kane (if you want to know why I think it's shit just ask) but godamn what he said is based

why didn't you like Citizen Kane
and please, no buzzwords like "overrated"

yes pal weve been living in modern type civilization for millions of years

Not that guy, but probably because hes already seen its scenes thousands of times in the last 70+ years of derivative/influenced works, so by the time he came to view the original it would have seemed very boring and trite. Same reason zoomers think half life is a boring game or uriah heep is boring music, because everything they've ever previously experienced has been built off of it.

>welles meets allen
>allen doesn't engage in whatever measuring contests of personalities welles is playing at
>welles feels dumb
>decides to rag on allen publicly instead