Was gonna go out and take down criminal scum

>was gonna go out and take down criminal scum
What was his problem?

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no more hugs, Will



Carlton Banks, the biggest ASS who ever lived

What a DOoushhhh


He saved Carlton's life. If Carlton goes out and gets revenge, he'll be arrested and ruin his life, which makes Will saving Carlton's life pointless. Essentially, Will doesn't want Carlton to throw his life away for nothing and disrespect Will by wasting the life Will saved.

No I meant what I said, "I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK"

Make me a sandwich G

That's Banks

He didn't want to have to deal with a blatman as well as Ben

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would you make me a sandwich

oh, ok

>white mugger
What a shitshow that episode was. They have to have a BLACK ENGLISH BUTLER in the main cast but it's somehow unrealistic to show black-on-black crime.

why he aint love me no more bruh? the fuck.

The series starts with black on black crime. RENT FREE

Television shows have an anti-vigilante stance because the current world order uses the police to enforce its will


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would you make me a sandwich?

Yesss!....... DIEEEEE

Uncle Phil was so fucking based

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You let those damn boys out of there or I'm going to sit down


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>Carlton refuses to return the gun then gets a spin off Punisher like story

Knocking a tune on a door isn't a crime.
Or do you mean Geoffrey taking his sweet time to answer? That's no crime either.


>be american
>have to worry about getting shot and sued constantly

The show takes place in Bel air so I'll allow it since most blacks can't afford to even exist in the area.

Getting into a fight is a crime? Did someone press charges?

Assault is a crime, yes.

I went there on holiday once, it was horrible. I got sued for theft because I didn’t return the bullets shot into me by Cletus

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You’re a retard

Bystanders can't press charges on behalf of others.
The most Will and those guys would've gotten was a disorderly conduct misdemeanor.
Police also would've judged Will was a shittalker and escalated the situation.
Most of all, shooting a gun at someone is a lot more serious than a fistfight at a basketball court.

>Bystanders can't press charges on behalf of others.
Assualt is a crime whether or not someone presses charges.

I'm Henry Firth.

Oh my sweaty summer child,
Police don't act in those circumstances unless property damage is incurred (and then the property owner can lodge a complaint) or they themselves witnessed the altercaton.
If neither party presses charges and no third party has grounds to lodge complaints, cops will fuck off somewhere else.

Not in the US

What point are you trying to make? A crime is a crime brainlet.

Fat Phillip banks: Banks wants to empty all the banks and fill our streets with banks. And run a bank making operation out of his banks

Wasn’t the mugger just a glove?

It was a BLACK glove.

but dad arent some of those BANKS?

incorrect little zoomer

But now I’ve got bigger problems. Laura’s a nigger.

White people are the most insecure people ever

I hesitate to call those sorts of posters people.

There's a few times this does come up though, like when Will and Carlton are just driving back home in Uncle Phil's car and they get pulled over since it's two young black guys in an affluent white area driving a nice car at night.

Carlton got a gun for the wrong reasons. Self-defense is one thing but getting a gun out of fear, anger, and paranoia will only make things worse because you acknowledge that the weapon has power over you. When Carlton gives will the gun, he sees that it's loaded and he breaks down in tears. It wasn't about protection at that point. Carlton was prepared to kill somebody.

Also, Will comes from Philly and thought he left all that bad shit behind but now Carlton comes into his hospital room strapped and he just wants to tell him to cut that shit out because it doesn't lead anywhere good.