Your thoughts/opinions on the Alien trilogy?

Your thoughts/opinions on the Alien trilogy?

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Alien is a great movie. The rest are shit

I haven't seen alien yet and I can barely remember the third film but aliens was pretty good.

t. ridley apologist

both 1 and 2 are great for being 2 different things in the same universe

I bet whoever made that image was so smug afterwards

Alien >>>>>>>>Alien3=Aliens

Alien: good
Aliens: good, for different reasons
Alien 3: mediocre ripoff of Alien; gets some forgiveness due to studio meddling
Alien: Resurrection: An awful film, and yes it IS your fault, Whedon
Everything Else: Shit too shit to be worth even commenting on individually

It really made me think. Also checked.

This says a lot about our society.

>"Yeah fuck the modern world"
>instagram handle at the bottom to harvest likes from other individuals collecting likes of their own

it's the last mainstream film (von Trier doesn't count) I remember showing kids being killed.

>Alien and Aliens
Everyone knows they're good.
>Alien 3
If you wanted Alien 2, this wasn't so bad. It kind of captured some of that feeling from the original. If you wanted Aliens 2 then you can't help but be disappointed. It gets worse if you ever read some of the alternate scripts or that comic with the space communists.

Resurrection took all the wrong lessons from Aliens and yet every work since has aped it.

AvP2 killed a kid in the first 5 minutes.

Alien is a classic: first serious sci-fi with realistic and grimy looking sets. Legendary creatures, top direction and kinography, top writing. It's a perfect film

Aliens went a different direction and accomplished kino as well. I'm glad Cameron didn't try to repeat the first. A great success in every sense of the term, it defined what aliens were for decades to come.

Alien 3 is the bleakest movie I have ever seen, and a dark conclusion to the trilogy. It's not as good as the first two, but it's not a bad movie, just horribly, horribly depressing.

The real final entry into the series is the game Alien: Isolation.

Attached: consider the following.jpg (600x600, 32K)

They have their place in history, especially Alien. But as pure movies today they are pretty mediocre and are more interesting to watch for it's "historical value" and film-making techniques.
Alien is a horror movie that isn't scary. Aliens is an action movie that doesn't have very good action. Alien 3 is just a worse Alien, Alien 4 just feels like a crappy straight to VHS sci-fi film.

chucked and sneedpilled

Alien3 was superior to Aliens

this really says alot about our society

Don't tell me... how to play....

Why do you guys always try to talk objectively about art? Why can't you just say "My favourite is" "because X and Y"? What's hard about that?


Alien Resurrection is better than Alien 3

Alien: great, one of my favorite movies
Aliens: good
Alien 3: terrible
Resurrection: terrible
Promethius: decent/good until the ending then it’s absolutely terrible
Covenant: mediocre at best

Because Aliens is objectively the weakest of the three canon movies

It's almost like they are being contrarian as a way to bait people into responding to them.


That's objectively not true, though. Aliens has over an hour of suspenseful inquiry into the base becore any action happens, which is more than Alien, and once the action explodes, it's glorious too.

I don't see how anyone can diss Aliens.

>I don't see how anyone can diss Aliens.

Mostly because it's the 'normie' film of the franchise that brought in the idiots who speak authoritatively about what Alien is without even having seen the original film. It doesn't help that it was the last non-onions thing that Cameron ever made, either.

>Mostly because it's the 'normie' film
Could we discuss cinema without bringing your mentally ill concepts? Seriously? All these fucking made up terms are nothing but the expression of paranoia, confirmation bias, delusions, and all that shit that comes from mentally ill people. Get a goddam grip. There's no such thing as a "normie", you fool. Get a fucking grip, for God's sake.

I think we need to talk about the bonus situation

Not an argument.

>There's no such thing as a "normie",
I like Aliens and I was with you until you said this and everyone realized you're dumb

So anyone here read the comics? What are some titles worth buying?

>some random children's cartoon villain made up on the fly by a couple kikes 80 years ago to make a quick buck is now somehow considered a complex philosophical and political ideal destined to guide an entire generation

fuck wrong thread


What's so great about a crummy alien? I'd like a movie about a pale of water!

Irrefutable facts.

Because this board is full of autistic retards who are obsessed with ranking films.