Plan To Defeat Thanos Scene | Avengers 4: Endgame (2019)
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I can't wait to watch all the incels seethe and writhe whenever Captain Marvel speaks her mind
> implying the based russos don't know what they're doing and wont have her BTFO by thanos when they confront him
he's going to backhand her halfway into orbit
I don't like this scene now. The moment Thor gets up and confront her it feels like it's a completely different scene that does not connect to what has happened before. Unless there's something that's missing from before it that contextualizes why he's making a statement of fancy here as opposed to...? Something he had a problem with before?
Like I like the scene of her interacting with the Avengers and I like the Thor scene, individually, but they like, don't feel like they're follow up right.
It basically feels like they made the Thor scene for the trailer.
why does this make me seethe
>Thor's just eating in the background
This man had lost everything and then he lost the battle too. Say something nice to him.
Ever noticed how women can only solve problems by "smashing" them, or "ending" them? It's like the mind of a fem*le is incapable of constructive thinking, of transformative ideas. Their cognition is so limited that the height of their thinking boils down to ME NO LIKE ME BREAK
Alan Silvestri is really giving it his all, I see. That was basically the Contact tune at the end when Thor gets up.
>now you have me
>thor grabs his axe and her stare after it
>Capeshitters 4: plan to defeat Big Purple man
Into the trash.
and that's a yikes from me, dawg.
What the fuck has War Machine even done in these movies to justify talking to her that way?
Cunt Larson
I dont understand this movie why doesnt Thanos just deconstruct them.
I'm pretty sure we see that the Gauntlet was severely damaged at the end of Infinity War. He either can't use it to its full capacity or can't use it at all. We know the stones are still functional, but their powers without the Gauntlet are severely limited compared to with the Gauntlet
He's black.
>because before you didn't have me
But Comic Thanos can kill any of them in one hit.
>space demigod is now nothing more than a scruffy hobo eating with his hands like an ape
He was very smiling and making jokes at Thor Ragnarok after the Asgardians went extinct
Yes, Thor was a very poorly built character in Ragnarok
Almost everyone's powers in these movies are downgraded from their comic counterparts.
His frustration is understandable. It's not just him. They did everything they could and failed. By saying that, she has literally put herself above all of them, not just him. Even if it's true, that must hurt. He knows it too, since his next question is where she was all along.
Of all the Avengers, Warmachine must be the one who feels the weakest. Literally a cripple, got crippled by accident in an infighting, by a friend, in a conflict he was dragged into by a friend. He was always a second fiddle to Tony. Etc.
>uses black humor to deal with pain
>while literally shaking from tears
>"badly built"
>People unironically thinking the Avengers aren't going to get BTFO by Thanos and Captain Marvel won't be the most embarrassed one of the lot
Thanos is going to slap her around
Even Doctor Strange?
so this is when they go to fight thanos and then he pretends to kill himself and the stones
She's so uncharismatic
Particularly Doctor Strange.
Have you heard the theory that Rhodey is actually a Skrull in disguise ?
I haven't but skulls are good guys in the MCU so that wouldn't compute.
It's so obvious she's gonna kill Thanos for the YASSS audience.
anyone else amazed by how bad an actor mark ruffalo is?
is this fucking real?
why is hulk talking as if he's laughing?
He's the only one saying "about that Superhero life" though. Out of every Superhero in that room, he's the least accomplished, and the least super. If its supposed to come off as bravado it's the wrong time and the wrong place.
I'm amazed by how well it works for the character he's playing here. I recognized the bad acting but at the same time it's also "banner is ultimately a scientist nerd" and his cringe feels appropriate.
Why won't she smile?
>literally smiles in the trailer
What did user mean by this?
I’d be phoning it in too if I only had 5 minutes of screen time before turning into a giant screaming cg monster for the rest of the movie. Capeshit doesn’t feature the kind of roles actors are passionate about, they’re just useful for getting careers and other projects off the ground.
He's testing her to see if she can back up her talk
That shit needs to stop. Seriously. It's time to make new stories.
There are a couple of actors who are trying though. Like I think Chris Pratt does a really good job as Peter Quill. He's able to pull off both comedy and emotional moments
someone post the HD picture of her face
>tfw no brie gf
why did it have to happen to me of all people?
>It basically feels like they made the Thor scene for the trailer.
wouldnt surprise me. they made the avengers flying and jumping scene from age of ultron for the trailer.
Why do cap and thor look weaker? Did they shoot this scene off season while the guys weren't lifting heavy? You can see it in their necks and shoulders
theres a screenshot leak of this going around
>because before you didn't have me
Yeah Pratt actually puts some effort into. His emotional scenes with Thanks have been pretty good.
and then she gets btfo by don cheadle
But this scene was in the movie and actually made sense to have that scebe in the movie.
They also made the entire airport fight scene of Civil War for the trailer. Remove it from the movie and literally nothing is missing and nothing changes.
That didn't feel retardedly out of place tho
this is like the ultimate cinema sin. Never make your main character an egotistical self centered narcissistic ass hole.
Why is she always sopping in grease?
She's not the main character.
Honestly Don speaks for all of us.
Where the fuck was she when Chitauris attacked, or when Ultron attacked?, even Dormammu open a new asshole in Hong Kong and she did nothing.
oh you meant that that clip isnt going to be in the movie?
they had to introduce spider man into the mcu somehow
Stop bullying top tsundere waifu plebeian.
That guy in your pic became an entertainment lawer btw, pretty weird huh? heh
Also, saying "now you have me" is kind of shitting on the dead teammates, implying they were not competent.
To a soldier like Rhodey, that's disrespectful to fallen comrades.
They did it in the most cringe way possible.
because captain marvel is a shitty character
t. Yea Forums
that's a smirk
>Brie as a tsundere waifu
>"i-it's not like I care about your opinion, b-baka otoko"
she wasn't planned to be in it at all. some disney exec decided they needed their wonder woman
Is it just me or does Evans looks like a photoshopped AIDS victim?
s-stop it
What the fuck is that editing? Is that a finished scene in a real movie?
Why should she have cared? She has even less connection to Earth than Quill. She's there becasue a galactic snap happened, not becasue half of a backwater planet died.
>be stronk wamen
>kill purple bad man
>onion face reaction posts
>best movie award 2019
It's just you.
I'm very happy that the inclusion of a mildly bitchy blonde bimbo has made all you capeshit watching neckbeards realize that the MCU actually blows. Maybe now you can take the next step and start watching real movies. There's plenty out there.
You should stick to facebook and recycled memes
Why the fuck does Black Widow fight in these big actions scenes? Everyone has something to do except her. Her talents lie in 1 on 1 combat, espionage, spying and subterfuge. Not jumping around a combat scenario taking out hundreds of armed guards.
>mcu blows
>endgame has a projected 900 mill opening
really makes me think
I stand by that. The wrost Star Wars movie is considerably more engaging than the best MCU movie. And the worst Star Wars movie is pretty damn bad.
didn't Thor say "i like this woman"? or it is just me?
>let's go kill Thanos! You have me now!
Videl vs Spopovitch 2.0 kino incoming lads
>The wrost Star Wars movie is considerably more engaging than the best MCU movie
nice try Rian
He was always awful, why are you surprised?
>it makes a lot of money so that means it's good
Well, for one the worst Star Wars movie was made well before Rian Johnson could even dream of ever directing one.
All's it made me realize is that my cock craves a blonde bitchy waifu.
I ain't about dat supehero life but I'm seeing this day one.
>He was very smiling and making jokes at Thor Ragnarok after the Asgardians went extinct
Are you aware of the myth of Ragnarok you stupid fuck
>Opening night of Endgame
>Captain Marvel: "Well you didn't have me before"
>All the women and little girls in the audience stand up and cheer
>Hundreds of Youtube videos are going to be showing this from audiences all over
You know its going to happen.
>We have Tony and all his problems with Thanos since the first Avengers movie
>We have Thor lost everything in Ragnarok
>We have the other heroes having a really big loss since they Join up
>Thinking captain fungus will be Anything of relevance in Endgame.
In the Russos i trust...Heck i could even dare to say Thanos Wil kill or capture Captain Marvel in the First battle and Its the reason we barelly see her in the trailers.
But again they blatant lies in trailers before soo some of these scenes in the trailer might even not show up
Alright give it to me straight, which heroes died during Thanos snap? I'm still seeing a lot of OP capeshitters in the poster.
You see How the russos are smart by using war machine as the the Guy telling her to tone Down.You would see billions of clickbait articles already If It any other else
It doesn't matter what she'll do in the movie. Incels will do the mental gymnastics until the consensus becomes "she got btfo'd'. Like she could literally kill Thanos and they'd find a way.
>Not watching the trailer on the Marvel YT channel with better quality and captain cursing
you guys disgust me
>because before you didn't have me
Starlord, Drax, Mantis, Groot, Spider Man, Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, Wasp, and other major characters such as Hank Pym and Nick Fury.
You guys are missing the point. Captain Marvel is obviously way in over her head.
Calling it now, she’s going to try to take on Thanos immediately and only make things worse, and thus she learns a valuable lesson about the power of teamwork.
>Don speaks for all of us.
A nigger speaking for me? He looks like those ethiopians that eat flies. Fuck you nigger, shitty troll I ain't even mad
Gamora, Vision, and Loki also died non-snap related deaths.
So all the OP other than Strange and Witch survived, how convenient.
can't wait until she one punches her way to victory and makes you white boys seethe
>Calling it now, she’s going to try to take on Thanos immediately and only make things worse, and thus she learns a valuable lesson about the power of teamwork.
Isn't that the plot of Justice League?
You’re still missing the point.
Crave this
>adults watch this stuff
That's her character arc, she didn't learn humility in her own movie, she took down the Kree with ease and now she's pumped up and full of herself, she thinks she can triumph where others failed then she's going to get humbled hard by Thanos or one of his minions even and come to terms with the fact that she needs to change her attitude.
That's pretty much Carol in the comic books too, Captain America used to berate her constantly because she was such a fuck up.
It is thematically convenient. There's a reason why Thor, Cap, and Stark are the main trio in the trailer. They're probably going to die in this one, considering that Carol is planned to lead the Avengers in the next phase.
Does anyone remember the leak from a couple of weeks ago? It was a short thread, but it covered the whole first act and then the OP disappeared. It covered this scene pretty much verbatim.
Hello, fellow sane person!
This wil wont happen and everbody knows that...the same way everbody knows you Will never be a woman trannyfag
>Wonder Woman specifically tells Cybrog he can't handle everything on his own and that she had to learn the same lesson
>Aquaman telling Affleck to fuck off and realizing he has to team up with the others when the box gets stolen with no effort at all
Sup brotendo, isn't it fun watching normies lose their shit over nothing?
I still would desu
Yep, sure is fun to be the few people here that’s not a pretentious sexist racist.
Someone forgot to lock up the tranny discord I see
It's photoshopped right?
Based and bluepilled
In all fairness, you've slightly touched up that image.
It's pretty obvious you've never seen an MCU movie.
Every man in that room had more ass than Captain Wagegap. It's sad and laughter inducing at the same time.
>after excessive fan complaints, we have recast the role for Endgame
>meet your Captain Marvel
It's pretty obvious you've never seen Captain Marvel
Stop with this meme bitch, she's too old and not even that pretty. Pick a young hottie or fuck off.
It's pretty obvious you've never seen a vagina
So they have a time machine to go back 10 years? sweet
White male virgins rent a lot of space in mind do they? Is this the new fetish? I know how there's a sexual component to this.
does boipussy count?
You think you're cucking white men with this stuff. That's what this is all about, I understand this now. And you get super super mad when you realized we're not really cucks because it kills your sexual fantasy.
I gotchu senpai.
Why is Cap riding Iron Man like a motorcycle?
Now we're talking
Her head looks like a potato and her hair looks like that old video game shit which looks like a glued rag.
>Anyone who disagrees with me is an incel
>introduce super powerful person last minute
>that person defeats the big bad guy that has been built up over 20 years
yasss queen slay
What's wrong with potatoes? It's literally the best carb you can get.
>accepting a villain in your team
Do people unironically think this will happen?
There's higher chance of Dr.Doom appearing mid film.
what about oatz
Of course it does, I'm not an animal.
>best carb
If you want your teeth fucked like Brits and Russians who coincidentally had potato-only diets during extended periods of history.
Potato starch invades tooth "pores" the easiest out of all carbs, and when it turns acidic you are fucked. Get rid of that shit.
i want to suck on those tits
>If you want your teeth fucked like Brits
Brits on average are one of the nations with the least cavities per person (they used to be number 1 but I haven't checked the data in 5 years or so)
>Potato starch invades tooth "pores" the easiest
This is the dumbest thing anyone has ever posted. The reason starch leads more easily to cavities is that it stays on your tooth if you don't take great care when brushing, as opposed to sugar that just gets washed away
she's not even 30 yet kek
Can anyone tell me why the regular humans beings of the team lasted so long in any scenario?
>The reason starch leads more easily to cavities is that it stays on your tooth if you don't take great care when brushing
While potato starch enters the teeth the easiest. It's what science says, and it's reflected in the fact that people who don't eat potatoshit all have better teeth than people who do. Potato is for subhumans, as Irish, Amerifats, and Russians showcase.
I'll switch to sweet tatoes then, captain seething.
just look at Ellen Page, shit turns you into leather from the inside out
>ywn mommy gf
It sucks tbqh
>While potato starch enters the teeth the easiest
No. Carbs don't "enter the tooth", that's not how cavities work
>It's what science says
It isn't
>Potato is for subhumans, as Irish, Amerifats, and Russians
Weird how it suddenly isn't for Brits anymore now that I told you the claim about their teeth being shit is wrong
Before you get your panties in a bunch, you guys do know that Captain Marvel is going to get killed by Thanos right?
>Ellen Page
That's cancer beyond anyone's wildest dreams. I'd rather face a thousand bries.
or maybe... the wall?
Because they never bit more than they could chew. During the Battle of New York Black Widow and Hawkeye were just fighting mindless goons and during the Sokovia Event they mostly were on crowd control. Most of the time they're protected by the rest of the Avengers, like when they were storming Hydra´s castle or fighting Thanos' children.
Black Widow doesn't go directly against Loki, Thanos or Ultron.
>Weird how it suddenly isn't for Brits anymore
Irish are Brits, it is still Brits and more, and you were 1st in the world because you were still on potato dogshit diets. Thankfully you moved from potatoes and suddenly your teeth improved.
It's funny how you have no argument for being the 3 subhuman teeth societies and all have 1 thing in common: potato diets.
Would be pretty kino desu.
Heard caprain america's getting axed too.
>Is this a personal attack?
>tfw even Hawkeye made Loki his bitch
that just implies that the Russos also hate her and want her to be BTFO
They would never do that
Sweet dreams are made of cheese. Who am I to dis a Brie ?
>Irish are Brits
They aren't
>you were 1st in the world
I'm not British
>It's funny how you have no argument
I can spell out what I'm saying if you didn't manage to read the implied arguments: You are wrong about how cavities work, you are wrong about different types of food starch influencing the likelihood of cavities, you are incorrect about the subhumans you mentioned having the worst teeth, and you are incorrect about correlation being causation, even if your correlations weren't made up
Feel free to get madder and spout the exact same bullshit again, you haven't managed to post one sentence that wasn't factually wrong
Who's more kawaii, tsundere Brie or tsundere Hitler?
>that has been built up over 20 years
When has Thanos ever been built up? In every fucking post credits scene he's seen being mad about some underling failing his task and then in the first movie he really appears in it turns out he could have gotten all the stones in 2 days if he had bothered to do it himself
>I like this one
>They aren't
They are more Brit than you are.
>I'm not British
You are Orcish.
Calling someone wrong doesn't change the fact that every statistic with teeth going bad as a trend in society is correlated to an introduction or mass consumption of potatoes. Potatoes kill your teeth just like they killed your brain apparently. When potato is ditched from diets, teeth suddenly improve. Potato-eating subhumans always make me laugh.
her all vegan diet most likely
Thor confirmed cuck
>mfw this happens
>Captain Marvel in battle with Thanos
>"Heh leave it to me. He's all mine"
>Thanos grabs her and rips her in half
>"This was your secret weapon?"
>Thanos asks with a smirk on his face.
I want to be that pencil
>They are more Brit than you are.
Okay, so?
>every statistic with teeth going bad as a trend in society is correlated to an introduction or mass consumption of potatoes
Post, let's say, 3 of those statistics
Don't forget that there has to be a causation of specifically potato starch over any other kind
tfw no powerful and genocidal anime gf
>to be showing this from audiences all over America
in the newest trailer black widow says he used the gauntlet again
I'm just a regular white dude and I bet I could slam 4 beers before getting yu gi oh here to tap out with a smile on my face
BASED AND /pol/cels on suicide watch
Potatoes are literally my favorite food so you can fuck right off with that good advice.
>Okay, so?
So you don't know shit about Brits.
>Post, let's say, 3 of those statis
I'll post you 3 nations where every person with bad teeth has potato diet: USA, UK, Russia, and i'll add Poland and Bolivia to that too.
>eating food known to be the food of choice for subhuman societies in poverty
>still no captain marvel hd release
do you think it will drop before endgame?
I thought Thanos got rid of half of the entire universe.
Feel free to get madder and spout the exact same bullshit again, you haven't managed to post one sentence that wasn't factually wrong
More than she has, lmoa
>being this buttmad that every toothless subhuman has potatoes in their dishes
LELELELE, subhumans do as subhumans do, keep eating shit and becoming like that shit in appearance.
This is a scene? Really? Not a trailer? This is fucking garbage, people watch this?
>every toothless subhuman has potatoes in their dishes
They don't, and you still deflect every time I ask you about your claim that potato starch is worse than any other
Feel free to get madder and spout the exact same bullshit again, you haven't managed to post one sentence that wasn't factually wrong
I stand corrected. Universal snap, then.
>They don't
They do though.
>being this mad that potatoes are for subhumans with subhuman teeth and appearances
Keep defending your ugliness, it only hurts yourself.
I've noticed that my gf's only negotiation tactic is to threaten to remove herself. If something isn't going her way, she says she's going to leave, or breakup, or go home, etc.
I've also noticed that when women say they want to have "a conversation" about something, what they really mean is they want to have *a concession* about something. ie: they want you to concede/give up part of your position regarding that something.
>deflected again
Okay. Feel free to have the last word posting the exact same thing again.
Anyone else reading, please remember that starch sticks to your teeth like a bitch
The Captain Marvel movie would have been 300 times better with this costume. Prove me wrong.
So I guess this pretty much confirms that this is where the AVENGERS title appears. I mean the song ramps up.
Have you even seen Brie's disgusting blown up tits and nonexistent hips? The only thing she should be allowed to wear is a sack
Anyone else reading, remember to ditch potatoes if you want to avoid your teeth dying and turning into an ogre like this potato-subhuman user here. Eating potatoes also makes you look like poor person, not out of circumstance but being a garbage person like your choice of food is.
I'll bite.
I like that she smirks when she realizes Thor was basically shittesting her. And he liked that she liked it, too. This is perfectly in-character for both of these heroes.
>sucking on plastic
When did comic art degrade so much? That looks fucking awful.
I get the feeling that they included that scene to make CM connect with this universe a bit better, but this scene is done very poorly. As far as we know Thor has no relation or knowledge about CM at all prior to this scene. If Thor mentioned something like hearing stories or legends about CM saving other planets that he knew, then it would've been a nice tie in. But no, all it took to get Thor's approval was to stare at him for 3 seconds and be a woman.
Thor is fucking tired of all this shit. He probably thinks he'll have to solo Thanos at this point. With Vision, Scarlet, and Strange dead, he's probably not even wrong. So when she says she has power, he bites.
Because let's admit, everyone in that room is under their weight class.
that's one of the best parts of the whole mcu though
>Wowee Zowee!
>Right in the infinity stones!
I disagree, it's just a video game cutscene. The scene where they discuss the accords, in the same movie, is a far better scene.
Personal opinion, of course. I like content, not powerlevels.
I just wanna watch Thor and Captain Hottie go at it and make an R Rated spinoff or something, I dunno.
Thanos will force her to smile
Don't bother arguing with people who think "le big epic CGI fight with no stakes" is the best part of anything
Actually I'd say don't argue about capeshit in the first place but you seem eager to discuss your opinions. At least you aren't quite on the same level of pleb as the nigger you're talking to
whats' wrong with that
> crashes your franchise with no survivors
Are there any leaked email confirming this? Haven't seen any nor been bothered to look until after I see End Game. Surely Russo brothers would have asked why shoehorn in another character so late in the game. Maybe was Russos idea? Perhaps was more than just a insert so make more films after End Game.
the hammer/axe is Thors symbolic phallus, he stands up (fully erect) and places his phallus in Cap Marvels face. she is not intimidated
Source is his sexist /pol/ ass.
Some things got pushed around a bit but she was always planned for pre part 2. It's been like that since 2014.
why are we not getting a new doctor strange movie though the first one was pretty dope
I can't embed the second video. Any idea why?
I'm sure we will. Chiwetel Ejiofor basically set himself up to be the villain of the next one in the after-credits scene.
I don't think I've seen more uses of word like than in this post? Do you use that many likes in real life?
Don't forget Heimdall
Everyone does
I am growing old and these movies come out slow, I hope I get tickets for the first week for Endgame though.
Shit you're right. I guess I should like cut down on that in the future.
You idiots do realize that CM will get her ass beaten the first time facing Thanos?
That's how it always works.
>Captain Marvel is the key to defeating Thanos
How absolutely seething is Yea Forums right now
>I hope I get tickets for the first week for Endgame though.
Dude buy tickets now, I could already only get tickets for the 28th.
>eating food known to be the food of choice for subhuman societies in poverty
Subhumans also drink water.
Stop drinking water, user.
>WTF is a /pol/ass?
Think it's a bit much to have a new character show up and then I assume become the lead. Why not wait until after End Game. Guess they wanted to have Capt. Marvel interact with established characters before they are retired.
The ticket apps haven't even opened registrations yet, they are hoping that it would crash the systems, that's how much hype it has for a foreign film down here. People are so hyped, and I think its a good thing.
So much for Inhumans.
She was planned to be in it since at least 2014 when the schedule was first announced.
She's not leading in this movie. It's only a theory for phase 4 based on theories of main characters dying in this movie and the fact that she leads the avengers in the comics.
You won't turn into a subhuman ogre with decaying teeth from water, you will from subhuman food like potatoes. I guess your subhuman brain can't comprehend due to all the starch decaying it as well.
Can't wait for Civil War 2 Carol.
I see user, hit me up with those certified sources which proof that potatoes turn you into a subhuman.
Have high hopes it will be great either way. Russos did really well with the first one, looking forward to them finishing strong. Also doesn't next Spiderman film deflate things a bit? If it's set in the same universe and set after the events of Inifinty? Spiderman is clearly alive there.
Hes Aways been shit.
what the hell is a black bolt
this faggot
A character with super voice that can destroy an entire city just by talking loud. It's so strong he can't control it and has trained himself to never make a sound, not even in his sleep.
He has other minor super powers too, like limited telepathy.
People go on about how Iron Man, Doctor Strange and Thor were cocky in their first movie, but they also had struggles in their first movie and actually became better people by the end of the movie.
Captain Marvel never struggled in her first movie. She was still a smug bitch at the end of the movie.... and she's still a smug bitch in this movie.
>Captain Marvel never struggled in her first movie.
Did you even watch it?
nah, he looks strange. there is something off.
Potato is all starch dogshit. Nutrition followed by poison is still poison. Stick with avocado or just any vegetable with no starch.
Strange is the only one who really changes of those 3. Stark's development is sort of neutered by consecutive movies and Thor only really changed after losing everyone. They both just stopped being total cocky assholes but remained 50% cocky assholes. Strange did a complete 180.
You're talking about her design right? Because she's a complete retarded fascist bitch, in Civil War II
She didn't have any glaring character problems like those three had, user. Being temperamental in and of itself isn't a character flaw. She got the job done in her own movie, didn't fail at anything becasue of her temper and not because the movie bailed her out.
She changed her opinion about good an evil being so clear cut and became less prone to be manipulated. That was her character arc.
Oh fuck me they're really going all in on this aren't they. She had better get her fucking ass handed to her for her hubris. I might actually not even see this now.
Everyone is an incompetent, retarded moron in Civil War II.
the fuck's going on here then
No I'm talking about that. I wonder how they'll adapt it, if they will. Especially if important members of that arc die here in this movie, like Tony or Cap.
Medusa. Hair powers. D-Don't... don't ask about it.
I'm pretty sure any superhero in the room has has mental maturity above 16 can beat Captain Wagegap, because that's the level of her mental maturity as represented there.
The absolute state of Marvel tbqh
That's a joke page, user. Civil Wars II is such a meme there are entire parody comics about it.
Brie was cuter before her plastic surgery
Me on the left
>pic related gives the answer
plastic surgery??
Brie was never cute because she always had that mouth to tarnish everything when it opens, kind of like a loose anus.
Yes. She knew how to do everything. Her greatest "struggle" was when she was tied up.... and that was only an emotional struggle. By the end of the movie she blew up a fleet of ships and went across the universe to be a Mary Sue.
In her acting presumably.
That's 50% more than Captain Marvel.
I know right
Carol's War is great.
This is horrible to watch. It's clear she's not comfortable doing it. Doesn't come off as arousing at all, just reads like abuse filtered though very thin acting.
why is she covered in ectoplasm?
Well damn you learn something new everyday. Although the first link says that potatoes' glucose is fine as long as you balance it out with other food. But I'm more of a noodles guy anyways.
That wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I kind of like the little smirk she gives him to let him know exactly what he is doing. As the most powerful entity in that room his acceptence is what will decide whether they accept her or not.
He's testing her will. If she flinches at a tall guy calling his weapon then she is all talk. She doesn't. Plus, he's Asgardian, this is how they roll. Loki would have flinched. Cap wouldn't have. Tony would have probably pulled some bullshit to needlessly escalate because of his ego. But her reaction was to simply go with it.
I like it in that she doens't seem insufferable. What I don't like is that this clearly isn't the wonderous trainwreck of human garbage that is comic Carol, and thats what makes her entertaining, not her power or heroic spirit. I was sort of worried they would sanitise her and turn her into a cross between Cap (stoic heroism), Tony (sarcasm) and Superman (duh). I'm even more concerned about that now.
If this Captain Marvel was also an alcoholic asshole it would have been a better movie than the boredom it is.
What the fuck is going on here
Don't you have a trilogy to be writing Rian?
You're looking at my dreams
>even in a stripshow she serves as an anti-boner
This is some talent, i have to admit.
>cgi smile
He ranks higher than her
Rhinoplasty, also quite possibly a boob job.
She used to have this country bumpkin girl thing going on which was at least kind of cute. How she's a generic thin nosed thot.
You know you would
Did they CGI his beard off for Captain Marvel reshoots? His cheeks and bone structure, even mouth is off. You guys are right, that scene looks strange.
>changes her physical appearance through surgery
>hates men
I'd like to know her life story one day.
I would try my best yes, but the entire time I would be thinking about her rotten toenails. Even if I told her to wear socks I doubt it would help.
>RDJ is basically real life Tony Stark
Is this even considered "acting"?
I mean he's not bad, I saw him in 'The Judge'.
If you want to watch it by the way
Okay so Doctor Wizardfag saw every possible scenario to take Thanos down, right? Why wasn't contacting Captain Stoneface Legohead one of them?
It was. Fury contacts her as he turns to dust.
why should anyone listen to a literal who that no one knows and didnt show up for help when in need?
introducing her literally a month because endgame was a terrible idea
Why would she get plastic surgery to look worse?
Yeah, Fury does, after we see Doctor Strangecuck talk about how there's only one way they beat him and Starmeme ruins it. Doctor Virgin really didn't know about Captain Empowerment, someone powerful enough to be a secret weapon? Bullshit.
They made changes to Tony Stark to fit RDJ personality, which is why the character got so popular.
your girlfriend's a bitch
are you an actual brainlet? everything went according to his plan. he even reassured tony by saying "now we enter endgame" as he died.
I suppose posting 3 nations that have high sugar intake has nothing to do with your dumb ideas about potatoes?
You mean 3 nations who are historically unique from others for abnormally potato-rich diets, before some finally stepped outside of that subhuman domino.
What's with that haircut? Like some Prince Valiant shit
He was trying to save face because his plan was ruined by a retard planetman. Whatever your headcannon is, is wrong. With time changed "Endgame" for him is waiting for enough changing scenarios to take place for there to be a future where they do beat the California Raisin. At no point does this literal wizard/seer even contemplate Captain Fungus.
Aw hell no this means the leaks were real? Fuck this shit.
He’s become intertwined with the character, no matter what he does he’s simply going to be known as Iron Man from now until the end of time.
Same with Daniel Radcliffe, Tobey Maguire, Carrie Fisher, etc. He knows this and has made peace with it so he’s content to just collect his gazillion dollar pay check and larp as Iron Man offscreen at press events
Leaks? Got a link? I'm curious now if this confirms them.
I guess that's a thing.
I don't even like this chick, but I love how much she triggers this board just by existing.
You are retarded, its fucking Marvel, the 1 scenario they would win is currently happening.
We had several leaks saying similar things but yet also different things, especially in the second and third acts. One particular one had several version of it but it included this scene as well.
It was either a case of monkeys and typewriters ("but now you have me" doesn't really take a genius to write), or Marvel literally leaking spoilers and mixing them with lies to throw everyone off guard about what really happens in the movie.
She's an Airforce Captain, he's an Airforce Colonel. He literally outranks her.
As if they would ever allow female character to show weakness of any kind.
She *was* an Airforce Captain. She went KIA and became an alien space police who literally outranks the entire fucking planet now.
The one who was objectively wrong?
Hopefully in the post credits scene we get rogue, who is now in the MCU thanks to the fox merger sneaking up on Captain Marvel and taking her powers and putting her in a coma like the based comics
So you didn't understand a bit of it -and- you can't compose a sentence. It's capeshit, not rocket science. A guy that could see everything about the future at no point mentions or alludes to a secret weapon. Face it, Captain Shitforbrains was an end credits afterthought because she was never in the plan. They made Doctor Genie-Arms wrong, which means he's either less powerful than they attempt to present or they're terrible writers. Your choice, but those are your only options.
>look through 14 million timelines
>never sees mememan fuck up his plan
you are fucking retarded
i remember my high school IT playing the whole fucking movie at the school library during lunch on a quality cam rip 2 days before the movie came out. Dude was a fucking legend
He did, that same plan he presented could've been ruined by any single one of them not following his orders. It didn't work because one person didn't follow the futuresight, and as soon as it began to happen he knew it was over, he tried in futility to salvage it. How fucking stupid can you be?
Nice. I thought we'd only seen dem titties from the Fappening, didn't realise she has a history of slutting it up for fame.
Damn, forgot to spoiler. Welp, see you guys in a few days.
You are either trolling or an idiot then. Let me break it down.
>its a marvel movie
>its a disney movie
>its a family movie
>Thanos will be defeated
>theres 1 scenario out of however many million scenarios dr strange said that will work
>that will work to defeat Thanos
>if Thanos is defeated then that scenario happens
>everything is going to plan since Thanos will be defeated
Now i fucking broke it down for you as basic as i can so an intellectual midget as yourself can understand it
I don't think the MCU would throw away using shapeshifters as the bad guys, it's too juicy a plot point. The thing is you'd want the actual characters to have been in on the action and theoretically, the skrulls can't mimic superpowers so any of the Enhanced people are out.
No one ever talks about how Scarlet Witch can literally bend Vibranium. Most powerful metal in the universe. She melts it like butter, no problem. She can destroy an Infinity Stone.
She. Carol. Vision. These stone-powered people are all OP as fuck.
She got abducted when she was in her 20s, half of her life was on Earth. Quill got taken when he was 8 or so.
>There are seriously people who talk about new capeshit this seriously on Yea Forums
You're either physically or mentally too young to be here.
She said "He used the stones again." Possibly a big difference.
But then Superman completely BTFO of Stephenwolf or whatever by himself. I hope the Russo’s don’t do the same with Cap Marvel
His plan was to stop him there. This is where the "he knew all along" meme falls short. He didn't know. He knew there was a small chance there had everyone followed orders. Then he gets his ass whooped and hands over the stone to keep Stark alive. If his plan was to have half of humanity wiped out to wait for "Endgame" they wouldn't have had to bother fighting him so hard on his own planet. Gaymo. Moron. Fucking think every now and then.
She said "we use the stones again". That's the plan to get everyone back.
Her memories were erased and her biology altered. She never really reconnects, only partially, even during her own movie. She comes to Earth looking down on humans and this primitive planet and she never really loses that. Her human past and human nature only gives her an alibi accept her rebellious personality that her commander tried to suppress. She fucks off back into space at the end of the movie.
Best scene in the movie might be when she and Fury are driving to the desert base and he calls her out on acting like a renegade soldier and she just looks away.
>outranks the entire planet
she has white priviledge
Don't call him "cap" you fucking embarrassment.
Branching paths, user. He may have seen it but still made an attempt to avoid it and win her and now. It is a human thing, to think to change fate. He may also have fought as a ruse, as to not tip Thanos off that this path leads to his destruction. It may have been too suspicious if he was too calm about it.
>Black guy was first to die
yikes, this movie hasn't aged well
Checked, and fair enough. Bitch mumbled.
Stop defending marvel garbage
At that rate any number of choices to fight him and feign loss are a possibility. Somehow allowing half of humanity and, in turn, heroes to die is the only way Fury was going to contact The Foot? It's not cohesive. Literally telling him "yeah this is a threat we basically don't stand a chance against but for real this time" should have been enough to minimize losses if she's that powerful.
>calling this garbage
have sex
am I supposed to like her now because she has tits?
Rocket's character development is even more impressive that Thor's.