Think it's time we had a good old American Psycho thread
Think it's time we had a good old American Psycho thread
NO! Don't post this here, use that coaster.
I'd say you're about right, mate. So much to disdubs, I mean discuss.
Dubzguy is a pretty cool guy eh is hip to be square and doesnt afraid of anyone
Shocking lack of dubs in this thread
Reminder that all the murders were in his death and Bateman was the loser of the office.
I think it's time I had some good old dubs.
Watch this
Do you like Phil Collins?
check 'em
Thanks friend
Impressive, very nice
cool beans dude
Motherfucker, I just finished the movie 10 minutes ago. How does Yea Forums do this?
Also on this rewatch, I am 100 percent sure that Bateman is just imagining things.
he killed hookers though
I dunno about that either. In my opinion,he just drew the murders and imagined them,all of them. Because come on, if your daddy was God himself, you couldn't get away with murdering people with a chainsaw in the middle of the city.
On an unrelated note, I never noticed how people really hated Patrick.
nice old meme
I watched it last night again too. I did notice in the chainsaw scene that one minute he has the chainsaw, then in the next scene it's mysteriously absent (where he starts biting her ankles), then it's back again in the next.
It was almost certainly all in his head
And when the chainsaw hits her the scene morphs into a drawing Patrick is doing.
>In my opinion,he just drew the murders and imagined them,all of them.
Despite what the director said (that the murders happened) I personally feel like this makes more sense to me. Especially from the direction of shots from where it goes from the woman killed by the chainsaw, directly into him drawing the dead body on the table as Evelyn is trying to talk to him and he seems really zoned out. That came across as a fantasy to me.
>I never noticed how people really hated Patrick.
I think it's safe to say they all hated each other, and were constantly wearing masks to conceal how they felt. Notice how they all hated Paul Allen. The only one who seemed to like Patrick was the gay guy, he was the only one who actively tried to keep engaging with him.
The pleb asks if Patrick really commit the murders or was it all in his head.
The intellectual asks how did Paul Allen get a rez at Dorcia's on a Friday night
The main scene that confuses me is Paul Allen's apartment viewing at the end. Regardless of whether I look at it through the lens of the murders being real or imaginary, I can't figure it out.
Is he the most interesting and brilliantly written character put to film?
The saddest thing is that even the gay guy didn't like Patrick, he was just lustful.
he lied
Me too but since I firmly believe that the murders were imaginary,maybe the real estate agent thought that Patrick was just some guy from the street who wanted to see how the rich people live and she shooed him away.
Thats very cool user. But its nothing
His performance in this film is the greatest performance of all time
Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler is a close second
Yes he is and checked
>have a good thread about a genuinely good movie
>the DUBZ squad shows up
I feel you. Personally I take it as the woman just thought she was dealing with a crazy person. I feel like that's the only thing that would fit. Sure it helps boast the "the murders happened" ideal if she knew, but considering the city massacre that happened the night before, there is no fucking way that was successfully covered up. You can tell me all you want about Pierce & Pierce covering it up, but at the point with all the dead cops, they can't deal with that, no way.
Also I feel like the lawyer's reaction is important too, he genuinely thought Patrick was joking. I feel like if something did happen, he would have had a different attitude and perhaps would have wanted to avoid him.
He gave the maƮtre d' head, something Patrick wouldn't do which was ultimately his true downfall.
Thats nice user, but can you beat this?
Think it's time we had a good old Dubs thread
I show girls American Psycho and my CD collection from the movie before fucking them as I pose to the mirror.
I saw that this thread was blessed. So here's my contribution. Check 'em
now youre fucking with me
Excuse my retarded brother, he's, how you say, retarded. Now check my digits.
I think American Psycho sucks.