*beer clinks*

It's out.

Attached: hitb.png (1282x767, 613K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>It's actually out

>I hate it because it's not muh marvel
>dc didn't give us a paycheck 0/10

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oh, its actually real, thanks!

>in less than two minutes in says it's 'magic' that this movie was bettter than almost a decades worth of capeshit
at least watch the video first goddamn. i know it's 30 minutes long, but surely you can wait until then to shitpost

>he's right
That's it for the Raven's Claw,
Okay, time for the Falcon,
[Power Down]
That's it for the Falcon,
Okay, time for the Raven's Claw,
That's it for the Raven-Falcon,
Okay, time for the Falcon

Maybe you should watch the video instead of proving yourself to be autistic

>tfw haven't seen a movie in the theater in 15 years
>always have to wait to watch their reviews until movie can be downloaded

>more capeshit
>still no mention of new Korine kino

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tfw I miss the days when Yea Forums hated these faggots

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>They immediately called it one of the best superhero movies of the last 10 years


>OMG OMG I LITERALLY can't wait for the next RLM video!!!

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>Mike busts out a food analogy right at the beginning of the discussion

>compares it to the Rami Spiderman films

I gotta see it now.


I wish there was a way to filter this reddit garbage

Well, there was that one part where Shazam punched that black child from his class that bullied him and yelled "Stay in your hood, nigger."

*gives glowing recommendation to tepid capeshit in your path*

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Why did Yea Forums hate them?

the fact that you know that sickens me, go back to rebbit

>mike shitting on snyder and ayer


>Latest RLM review comes out
>they hate the movie

>Latest RLM video comes out
>they like the movie

The fact that a post on a Finno-Korean pot stirring enthusiast website sickens you is pathetic. Have sex.

>implying anybody has ever given a fuck what you think
all you do is make noise and embarrass yourself

>people getting excited to pour someone else's ideas into their brain because they didn't know what to think about the latest superhero movie on their own
this will never cease to piss me off, literally nobody can think on their own anymore

>what was last jedi about?
>it's about a woke lady with pink hair teaching you that men are wrong about everything
Funny how every time tlj comes up they shit on it more and more

The don't like every movie, they like every stupid movie. Mike just consumes mass media and waits to die, and Jay is a pushover faggot that lets him.

trying to fit in this hard with ancient memes
isn't today a school day?

Well, that movie really does get worse and worse the more time you have to think about it.

My fake thumbnail was better

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I didn't know that it's an ancient meme to think that someone who gets sickened from a post on Yea Forums is genuinely pathetic. I must have missed when that meme caught on.

that's a incredibly new "meme", who do you think you're fooling?
god damn twitter niggers keep invading after doing all their research on "the hottest meme websites"

Reminder that everyone who whines and cries about evil bad Reddit in RLM threads are contrarian pussies who can't emotionally handle enjoying something that has gained even a small following.


one of the reasons I know I don't NEED to see Shazam is because of how low the movie is clearly setting it's own expectations.

I mean it's making a genre for children into a COMEDY for children. it's feather-light and is never going to be harshly judged by anyone interested in seeing it.

That’s a shit boomer tier thumbnail

Can't wait to hear them tear this DC piece of shit to shreds!

For anyone whose interested, the best way to tell if Mike and Jay have NOT been paid off is when a HitB covers two movies at once. Us having to share with Paddleton is as good as proof that they really did like both of those films: they were investing their own time into talking about them like with Re:view .

Based Mike dabbing on pathetic DC kiddies

You may legitimately be retarded

fucking cringe

>malaysian basket weaving forum is a new meme

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>another capeshit review
BOTW > Half in the bag

shut up mike. we know the whole internet is marketing.

fuck Cinemassacre and fuck Reddit Letter Media

are you twelve? lurk moar or fuck off

>"one lonely bearded man came to watch Shazzam by himself"
>"just stay home"

he'll pay, they'll all pay

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Mike has a Hitler mustache

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Imagine being so dumb that you can't tell the difference between a shadow and a mustache

>rlm talking about the no singles policy at the end

F-fuck you guys then

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seems like they loved the movie. from casting to the jokes to even the natures of the jokes (cute shenanigans, the scene with them taking a drink of beer (they're doing THAT in 2019?!)). refreshing that a movie could be itself again, without all of the corporate meddling. maybe if it does well we'll see more movies like it, a good mix of action and comedy where the comedy doesn't detract from the action.

Goddamn it's amazing what good facial hair can do for someone

That shit cracked me up

Jay has the biggest hardon for Sam Raimi so you know when he says that he thinks it's good

fuck off faggot

i like spider-man 1 and 2, haven't seen 3, but i cannot stand evil dead 1 or 2.

That and Mike looking at the camera when he talks about being too fat and trying to lose weight were the funniest parts.

>they liked it

Man I dunno what it is about RLM but they're a head above all others quality-wise. The vibe they give out is just somehow perfect. It's fucking weird.

Mike actually said that Shazam reminded him of Rocketeer.

>i cannot stand evil dead 1 or 2.
Get fucked

>Shazam trailers baited me with Eminem and Kendrick into thinking it will have good music
>Sike it's the same le epic taiko orchestral badum dum and then the strings nanana nanana buildup epic wow never heard that before

Kill me

There is, you idiot newfag

>It's out.
Uh, no, you stupid fuck, it's in (half IN the bag).

op here
that would imply half of the bag is out, retard

Do you just not like splatter horror movies?

>the comic book movie that has its hero flossing in the trailer turns out to be legitimately great
weirdest timeline

DCmoron didn't even watch the video and made himself look like a fool, how embarrassing.

>no singles policy

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there were tests of patience. it wasn't scary, the demons were annoying, the only neat idea was that once you were there you couldn't leave but every other thing was stupid including the chainsaw arm. i haven't seen the 3rd one of that yet either

>movie is extremely dumb
>they love it

Imagine only watching the Evil Dead movies for the story

They were popular so Yea Forums had to hate them for being too mainstream. But now Yea Forums is mainstream so Yea Forums likes them


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Every time they shit on the last jedi outside of the last jedi half in the bag is fucking gold

>Half in the baaag!

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how is this not advertising. How are you all not reddit cucks for these obese, retarded shills.

OH BOY, I can't wait to sit down and spend half an hour of my time listening to some fuckwit drunkards give opinions! Hell yeah, giving a shit about what people think about a movie is so BASED. Who cares if I can get the same product off of this board at a hundred posts a minute on a variety of subjects (hell they even have wacky jokes too wow!), or God forbid make my own opinion up, when I can watch Reddit Letter Media critique it! Haha wow, I bet they went to film school and never dropped out, and make their own 10/10 masterpiece films! That's why their half assed reviews are so much better than me just not giving a shit haha!

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He said it was great, user.

op here
im a retared

hahaha oh no no no

Half in the Bag only reviews capeshit and bad movies

>Mike making fun of the manchild who went to the theater by himself
WTF bros I can't believe /ourguy/ did this to us!


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most based have a like

Yah don't forget how great it is to listen to the one morbidly obese manchild squeal with delighted laughter in an incredibly high decibel level that isn't the slightest bit annoying

Sorry tourist maybe you can find another guy to be yours on reddit

doesnt mater since that Fuck begs us for patreon money in order to watch 2 movies a month

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Why do people being interested in what other people thought of something trigger Yea Forums so hard

>begs us for patreon money
They have only ever mentioned their Patreon twice in the last six years, user.

Yea Forums's one cultural touchstone since it was founded is that it's contrary. If something becomes popular enough they'll switch to hating it.

Literally everything triggers Yea Forums. Bunch of whiny pussies.

Dabbing on people seeing the film alone too, telling them to 'stay home and masturbate.'

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You cracked Yea Forumss code! It's what makes me write a paragraph of exhausted hatred at the stupid dichotomy and erase it moments later.


Criticism is the second oldest profession.

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>No no no! I have to be told what to think! You have to be told what to think too! Validate me!! no!!!!!

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but it has both, unlike sue side skwad

simple movies properly executed are enjoyable

he isn't the only one
half the critics compare it to the raimi spider-man

>DC is bad, Marvel is good
Here, I saved 30 min of your life

that makes it worth seeing since for 160 episodes it's been
>Marvel, The Gold Standard

They legit said the movie was great and one of the best superhero movies in the last decade

You should have saved yourself the embarrassment of being completely wrong instead.

they are trying their best not to say that the movie was great.

2 minutes in jay said this movie was corny.. but in a good way

>they are trying their best not to say that the movie was great.
They spend the entire review explaining why they thought the movie was great. What the fuck are you talking about?

the movie IS corny (and that's a good thing)

literally never happened, we made threads about them because we liked the content and a few would show up to be contrarian. A lot like it is now, except the threads are more popular. I always found it pathetic when anons pretend Yea Forums used to hate something for some sad purpose.

that's because Marvel IS good, DC are the ones who've been making shit movies

Pre-order now to win a free Funko! keychain

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dc morons being moronic

I might see it now.

I knew Mike would love it, I just didn't expect Jay to do so too

he is the bigest sam raimi fan

>even two fat faggots telling me not to go alone because I have no friends

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Sam Raimi didn't make Shazam


But he could have

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Only to kids movies though. They didn't say don't go watch movies by yourself in general.

>Thanos is a much better villian, than Joker
Marvel cock is so deep down in their throats

Why does Yea Forums think you can't hear someone else's opinion while still retaining and forming your own? Is it autism?

They never said that. But yes, he is better than the DCEU Joker


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I usually agree with them on everything except on Wonder Woman and It, Wonder Woman was just not good enough, it was on the level of one of the lesser Marvel movies like Thor 2

is jay eternally btfo?

>I usually agree with them on everything

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lonely bearded guys at the movie theater eternally BTFO

>everyone is an NPC but me
>fucking mindless drones just waiting to be told what to think
Pic related is who you're talking to here.

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>still seething about tlj

>It's another capeshit review
Oh for fuck's sake. If they don't review pic related these guys are actual frauds. Jay claims to like Gilliam but they already snubbed Zero Theorem. Why do they keep ignoring flicks that are at least worthy of discussion in favor of comic book moopies and netflix trash?

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just stay home

no one gives a shit about this, you want clicks you review capeshit

You almost had me with that one, mouse. But I wont fall for your tricks.

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"Kids need to see some horrifying things every now and then."

-Mike Stoklasa, 2019

You you be less of a fuckniggerfaggot please?

Me on the right

That’s what makes Raimi something special. Even when he’s just acting as a consultant, he takes an active interest in all aspects of the production.

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I fucking hate this world

Shazam’s perfect LEGO hair cracks me up every time. It would actually look more at home on Brie’s LEGO head.

>bombing so hard they're already advertising the blu-ray

>nobody remembers Chuck but me
oh well

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I remember liking it but I stopped watching when his nerdy friend got super powers

Just re-watched it a month ago. It's one of my comfort shows.

Well I re-watched it up to season 4 and then stopped for obvious reasons.


Being this retarded.


shazam should be fucking ripping people's heads off and smoking. when he drank that beer he should've chugged the beer and threw the bottle at some bitches head

I love this show.

I stopped around season 3, what happened?

liked and subscribed

They loved it!
Marvelfags on suicide watch

And daily excercise.


and a diet that isn't shit (this is the most important one)

They told me not to go to the m-m-movies by myself what will I do after my mum dies? Autistically ask out a girl and have her stand me up or reject me again? What am I meant to do?

The review was on point for the most part

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>can't match the box office for Captain Marvel combined
Incels btfo

But I can't go to anything but kiddie capeshit movies or else I'll be subjected to movies with adults having relationships I'll never have which makes me suicidal.

Did you not watch the video? Just stay home, torrent a camrip, and then cry yourself to sleep. That's what I do.

You can watch kinos by yourself, but not movies marketed to children. Then you have to wait to torrent it

What would brenton tarrent do if he was here right now? He'd make a shitpost or two that's what brenton tarrent would do youtu.be/sNJmfuEWR8w
Most of the normies in my 7pm showing where adults not children tho

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Season 4 was still good, but in season 5 the writing got pretty shit, Morgan got the intersect, but it was broken so he started acting like a douche. Thankfully that was only for a couple episodes. But then Sarah gets the intersect too, loses her memory, and turns evil

>Most of the normies in my 7pm showing where adults not children tho
yes but they were in an acceptable social gathering

>"I've been trying to lose weight, nothing works"

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I was the only one laughing tho.
I even said shieeeet when he thought the black lady was his mum lol


Take your mum to shazam fren. Try to treasure every moment with your loved ones.

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Psyche I already took her she liked it.
Wasn't a fan of pet cemetery tho two women walked out of my screening haha

did it even hit theaters in the us?
at best jay may mention it in the yearly recap


This review inspired me to show up to my local cinema wearing a greasy, stained sweatshirt alone to watch movies for kids. Thanks, RLM.

Based and best part of the movie

>tarrent is a fucking manlet
oh no no no

Really Kino Review they even bash Marvel in a way and the Last Jedi.

They didn't explain the red spot on Jays shirt.

If you're Scandinavian, having Berg in your name doesn't mean you're Jewish

Another guy here. Glad to hear your mom enjoyed it, fren! Now back to your original question:

We have a couple of tools at our disposal that cuts the legs out from under chucklefucks who like to ridicule people. They’re called “logic” and “shame.” You’re paying to be there, you’re not hurting anyone, and last time I checked, it’s still a free country. What if you’d taken a date? Does that make it only *half* as unacceptable to see a PG-13 movie or is it *twice* as unacceptable? In an age where we can’t even call out someone for the way they look, for having a weight problem, for a grocery list of other things, why would anyone think it’s OK to ridicule and try to shame people for being socially awkward or even suffering from some kind of anxiety disorder for all they know?

Screw them. You go see what you want to see.

I was praying that that’s what he was doing from the moment I realized where he was. Thank you, based God.

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Its blood from the last guy that wiped his dick on Jay's shirt after some rough anal sex.

What I don't get as a bearded lonely fat guy is I'm not hurting anyone and I can't tell if rlm meant it as joke or not.
Either way I'm sick of this single guys at cinemas stigma I've seen older and younger women go to movies alone so what not everyone has friends or the time to get a group together to go.

I stopped watching them a year ago and my life has drastically improved.

They're going to have one of those one day arthouse showings on the 10th of this month. It will get some kind of general release at some point after. I'm pretty sure they would have to do another review this month for it.

Why isn't this stickied?

Yeah man, I wouldn’t let it get to you. I mean that so sincerely that I’ll tell you that it doesn’t matter if they were joking or not. It’s completely irrelevant. If they were joking, it’s insensitive. If they were serious, it’s even worse.

they didn't. they were popular for the plinkett reviews (revenge of the sith review got a sticky iirc). it wasn't until the TFA/R1 fiasco that all the contrarians on Yea Forums started bubbling spit and crying

Tbqh it felt kinda idk mean spirited? Not that I'm a snowflake type but yeah idk it rubbed me the wrong way so either it's just le edgy dig at their own fanbase or came from somewhere out of spite? I've had normies throw the fact im a virgin with no friends shit in my face my entire life which is weird because they then say before or after hurrr what a waste why haven't u had sex Ur a good looking funny guy blah blah bs

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Its more like 'uuuurrrrrr duuurrrr muh funny funny' also the Disney check was totally delayed because they had to buy all those CM tickets.

all these nerds getting buttfrustrated about seeing movies alone is the best outcome of this review

Basically this.

Mike and Jay are manchildren with no taste

>Not that I'm a snowflake type
You sure about that?

If I was why the fuck would I be shitposting

If you weren't, why would you be so butthurt about an obvious joke?

I'm about to watch it. What should i expect ?

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Eh I'm not butthurt just kinda sad and curious.
Their review was nothing special either apart from the tlj quip
Yea Forums rlm threads have always been absolutely shit it's why I love them

Half an hour of friend simulation followed by cringe
The movies good too I guess

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common filth reviewed the new korine kino

>friend simulation
nice, that's why i watch them and come to Yea Forums

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Red beard bro here I'll be Ur fren fwen

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We have been telling you that since last week.

did this nigger actually say that marvel movies are mostly serious with just a small bit of comedy???? are you fucking kidding me? marvel is nothing but shitty quips and fourth wall breaking bullshit

I remember watching their Hobbit review and they said Lord of the Rings was too difficult to read and lost all respect for them

THat's not what he said. You may be retarded.

we get it you're an elite Yea Forums memester

wonder woman fucking owns. its the only good capeshit

he literally says it at the very beginning. talking about marvel movies are cake, where the cake is it taking itself seriously and the icing is the thin layer of comedy

At least make an effort to watch the video before you look retarded

The Cosmonaut Variety Hour > Half in the Bag


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Relationships just aren’t for everyone. I tried for years to have a stable relationship. Then I spent years just trying to let one happen. Then I spent more years trying to meet someone in the middle, a true give and take, where you’re honest and are both committed to improving yourselves and the relationship, but nothing ever worked out.

For some unlucky people, it just never happens. That’s enough sadness to carry. Din’t let anyone else dump any more grief on you.

I think Mike just sees this as a kids movie so grown men shouldn't be going

Yes. That’s precisely what he said. It’s practically the exact opposite. Chadzam is a superhero movie that happens to have a funny premise. For pretty much the entirety of Phase Two onward, the MCU has been so ironic and self-aware that the *characters* don’t even take the threats seriously half the time.