Main character is openly mysoginistic and racist

>main character is openly mysoginistic and racist
>you're supposed to empathize with him on top of that
Would Dr. House be allowed nowadays?

Attached: badass-quotes-by-dr-house-980x457-1486740267_1100x513.jpg (1100x512, 52K)

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He wasn't really misogynist or racist imo. Whenever he taunted Foreman about race or Cameron or whoever else about sex, it was always done to bait them and was heavily tongue in cheek.


he is the villain so yes

even if a character flirts with mysoginy/racism nowadays they're shunned

House wouldn't be allowed today because he's an self-destructive, out of control drug addict and actually gets what's coming to a self-destructive, out of control drug addict. That's way too realistic, where's the happy end for our lovable antihero???

But the only genuinely good person in the cast ends up dying of cancer and House gets to spend his time bromancing and motorcycling.

>Would Dr. House be allowed nowadays?
Who the fuck cares?

Woeful post. Plenty of shows nowadays have endings that aren't happy and feel-good.

such as

netflix daredevil

This show died when he crashed a car into a house with no repercussions whatsoever

Yeah let's just make the MC a fucking God, that's a good idea

why didnt he fuck cameron

Because they didn't know it was going to end so abruptly. The first season ended happy and feel good.

Season 4 was the absolute peak of this, with a different direction, massively shaking things up and the finale was kino

>rides off into the sunset on a motorbike
>gets what's coming to him
unless you're about to tell me that Wilson hallucinated House, or that House will end up killing himself without Wilson soon after the ending, then you're wrong

1) he went to jail
2) he had no criminal record
3) he probably would have been sent home IRL with a suspended sentence

What exactly is the matter with you and this patient? Why does he intrigue you so much? Why does he piss you off so much? You had dozens of other patients, but no other has made you feel so annoyed. I know he smells weird, he's ugly, fat and doesn't care about your jokes, but does that make him so different that you have to go to great lengths to find out what's wrong about him? Unless... Unless you are projecting yourself on him. Yeah, that makes sense. He's miserable, you're miserable. He spends all day browsing Yea Forums looking for shitposts to delete, and you spend all day there too. You're not mad because he's stopping your fun. You're mad because you see yourself in him, and you're trying to find a cure for him because that would mean you have a cure for yourself too. Then you wouldn't feel so screwed up about wasting your free time shitposting on a malasyan foot appreciation forum. But let me tell you, House. You are not like him. No matter how useless, sedentary and miserable you are, you will never be like him. Because you do it for fun. While he,... well... he does it for free.

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No, and that’s a good thing.
Scary movie shouldn’t ever have been made for being racist, homophobic, transphobic and ableist

>you are black
>this vexes me

He lost the woman he loved, pushed away all but one friend, lost his medical license, was in jail, never kicked his drug habit and the world thinks he's dead. I'll admit it's a bittersweet ending, but at the time I can't think of another show that was so brutally honest with how their character's life would go down. Season 7 was fucking painful to watch (but in a good way), to see everything House had built up in terms of his drug habit and his relationship with Cuddy break down because he's just broken.

No because he’s white and we have too many white lead characters on tv handclap emoji


Or... maybe I think he's an idiot. Just like you!

>le sociopathic asshole genius

just like my animes

Will House be recognized as a classic or will it be forgotten?

Attached: that feel good.gif (633x758, 13K)

I already forgot it. Chase was cute though.

unironically this

you think he should be shot for driving into a house? are you by any chance a black person in america?