Ah yes, more diabolical Netflix shit

Ah yes, more diabolical Netflix shit.

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I wonder if he ever thought about a sexual relationship with the dog.

Finished it today. It was aight.

I don't know how they're gonna do a second season. Feels pretty succinct.

Who gives a fuck? He sucks.

I bet his wife got the knot before she croaked

This actually helped me to get through friend's death. He died also of cancer few days before this was released, so Ricky got the timing perfectly.

Mwaaah the French and especially Sartre

Shame it wasn't you.

Let me guess

>Oi mate God not real if ya believe ya stewpid and it's just evil to lie like that because i say so. I am defined by my atheism

No one is forcing you to pay for a Netflix subscription retards

>paying for netflix


lmao. its literally nothing like that.

It was okay. Better than the other Netflix tv shows I have seen that being said I've only seen a handful of them.

It is though.

>More sappy maudlin pseud shite with no jokes

It's really getting boring now. Derek was drivel. I could hardly get through one episode of this. He's going to keep forcing this teary-eyed dog shit on us until we like it though, isn't he?

Just bring back the podcast with Karl and Steve. I need to know what Hairy Chinese Kid is up to these days.

Attached: karl.jpg (639x420, 83K)

Fuck off faggot

Based stealth sneed poster

if karl needs money he can sell his anus for the enjoyment of homosexuals

Toilberg had me urbi et orbi proclaimed a persona non grata to keep the status quo.

pedicabo tuo, fascis.