post funny Yea Forums pictures
Post funny Yea Forums pictures
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>constantly wearing hats to hide his receding hairline
oh no poor guy
when you are thining and your hair gets wet (sweating/rain) it becomes very evident
Is it perspective or is that a huge girl?
The hats in every photo tell women he is hiding his balding.
Cavill doesn't care what full-grown women think
cholula is the best sauce
>all those non smiles
Is that bitch about to get slapped?
you just know
delet this
Sorry henry
didn't know he was a cunnyfag
Literally nothing wrong with family love.
For real though he looks really really good in that beanie pic. Like wtf I'm not even gay.
Based cunnysseur
As long as you just wish you looked like that instead of wishing to hug him you are not gay.
Hello Beautiful
People like this should be systematically sterilized.
homosexuals are scared of women
so I can creampie her every day haha
Super Man---let?
>cuff covering his hand
Tell the man to get a better tailor
she's a big girl
>i should put no effort into finding a mate
>a human being should judge themselves on their status of being attached to another person
fuck off seriously
What does he say Yea Forums?
me on the right
Duh fresh
That guy is taking so much gear, it's sad what you have to sink to in order to be successful in hollywood these days.
jesus wept
She is either a escort or a stripper but probably both.
Better to live fast and die young than never live at all
You lads have to be able to put yourself into other's shoes. It's easy to dismiss an actor or actress as someone who is always perfect and doesn't have to stress a day in their life about anything.
The reality is that, yes I am a regular bloke just like you, and yes, I get terribly insecure about seemingly superficial things.
At the end of the day, your image is part of your brand when you're in this business. It shouldn't be that way, but at the same token, you wouldn't want to see a balding Superman, would you?
Currently, I am doing whatever I can to keep my hair, but as some of you already know, hair loss can affect pretty much everyone, regardless of who they are.
I would also encourage anyone who has a similar problem to not be ashamed of it, as it's not the end all be all deal breaker that you think it is.
Love yourselves first, so that others can love you too.
Drew Carey got the last laugh on making Colin be the girl in every scene.
I think he can pull it off like Jude Law
class vs trash
Post a nude selfie while doing a Superman pose.
That's very cheeky mate. Thanks, I'm good.
jew vs goy
fargogurl finaly meets Yea Forums
I think he can pull off a Sean Connery.
Youthful Arab migrant vs recessive "native" european
whats that face
Stone cold killer, who was the girl?
You ain't JUSTing me!... Phew she's gone.
mogged hard
This is bait but it sounds believable. Like the use of mate and the good grammar though.
Neither of them are arabs
The absolute state of those shoe laces
The tailor probably struggled to get the right length as cavil was probably probing at his hairline at the time
If I got off on being trans I’d probably still have the decency of dressing as a man around my folks
this one is funny, but also funny that his 15 minutes of fame is dunking on a manlet in front of ugly girl.
Gotta give you credit for using the dollar sign only a true fan would do that.
Jerry Seinfeld is the alpha we all want to be. He literally has fuck you money and fuck you reputation and knows what he wants and knows who he is. If any other comedian with the last successful project that aired in the 90's was approached by a current pop star,he would leech on her, but not our Jerry!
I think you meant to say throughout, and thanks, I try.
classic Yea Forums moment
do you have this made right?
Who's the girl?
Colin Mockery of all that is sacred
I'm putting together a team.
being smol is underrated
David Gandy does that to everyone.
be constantly insecure that that all the attention you garner for the rest of your life is completely undeserved
He is gay, right ?
Not from that side profile he doesnt.
Henry look better here and is dressed far better.
My favorite.
>that nose
>that “beard”
>that hairline
>that jaw
How is this guy considered a 10/10?
For the love of god can I get a sauce
I'm.. still kinda here, y'know?
Play nice.
Poor cunt probably walked for 3 days straight to get to that very moment.
wtf xD
It's a mystery.
You can tell it you know, it's Yea Forums. Everyone is faggot there.
Based Gandy
Check out the dog
Henry, fuck off and stop browsing /teevee/
Is there a bigger self-absorbed cunt in the universe? And I'm not talking about her used up vagina.
>Julia gave up acting
he must keep his wallet in his left inside pocket
We live together - Touchy feely
Haha I'm only 5'11" but even I think manlets are gross. Any man under 5'9" looks like a child.
Absolutely based.
Also, Hollywood delenda est.
Gets me every time
Here's a Yea Forums video
what the fuck.
Balding is genetic. I take steroids and I have perfect hair (and not much else).
post proof, fag.
If a 45 year old actress with two beautiful daughters(?) can't find love, what hope is there for the rest of us?
What, is the second row Colin Mochrie? Sucks.
Sup dudes
Sean only wore hairpieces for movies, because the studios made him do it. He was completely open about his balding in his private life.
True, but anything that raises DHT in your body accelerates male pattern baldness.
*eats your ass*
based and Yea Forumspilled
maawaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH the Freanch...
You DO realize that would be kind of PR suicide, right?
Anyways, it doesn't bother me, you lads are pretty funny in your own way.
Took me a while, kek
whats with his voice?
This is great. Got anymore?
Henry, I'm your PR. I browse here too, it's ok to post pics for publicity. Don't deny your fans.
I’m so lonely I don’t even get horny anymore... I’m just sad and angry...
is 5'9.5" manlet? don't hold back user
You know he has enough money for a hair transplant?
see an escort
>Haha I'm only 5'11" but even I think manlets are gross
5'11 is manlet status though.
When is she going to realise she isn't SA. She's full blown American. It's embarrassing that she tries so hard to be.
Fuck an escort mate, just get it out of your system.
that dog lmao
>That guy is taking so much gear
Wut? This looks like a pretty standard controlled amount. Enough so that this is achievable natty with a few years of dedication; he just took the Hollywood fasttrack to get there. Did you just learn the terms gear and juice, and wanted a reason to use them?
Is that the ex-wife he had to pay alimony to?
Look at the size of the fucking heels on his shoes. What a beaky shit bearded faggot.
Seriously what the fuck is going on in that image.
what the fuck is rian doing
>manlet gains
On the one hand I am indeed mirrin', but on the there anything more pathetic than manlet gains?
Being tall and NOT working out, I already had whores approach me out of the blue when Im out and about sporting their classic "fuck me" eyes. Then when I started working out, this shit went into overdrive
Whereas girls ever talk to manlets first?
that's brooke shields you dumdum
Since you got dubs. Starts around 2 minutes.
Fuck an escort you fag, it's not that big of a deal
Eh, what’s the point? I’m deathly afraid of sex so I’m not running after it. I’m just jealous of the normal, well adjusted people.
That's a pretty normal male hairline for his age. It just looks really bad because it's brushed back.
Flat hairlines aren't common for white guys past the age of 20. You know that don't you? I mean, it's not like you're a 15 year old playing big man on the internet, are you user?
dude dat nigga plow trough pussy like a tractor in a corn field
Yeah, as if that’s going to fix what’s broken... Some folks just weren’t meant to have a happy ending. And that’s alright, I guess. I still have my work to somewhat fill the void.
>deathly afraid
Were one thing to get rid of that ridiculous notion. Sex is fun. A good escort can help you get into things. Just get a GFE one.
Someone add this too
Mandatory webm
Sex is fun if you’re tall, handsome and specifically have a nice dick. I’ve heard way too many horror stories of women laughing at an average cock, so no thank you. College is almost done and I have 0 friends or even acquaintances, and past this point it’s a death sentence to be a 23+ virgin. So I might as well write it off completely and accept my fate. Maybe after some time I’ll become asexual.
An escort is not gonna laught at you user. If you're honest about being a virgin (she can tell anyway) see can help you have a good time. Just do it.
Get over yourself my man. I have crippling depression too, but NOBODY likes self-pity.
Man the fuck up, if you bang an escort you'll realise it's no big deal, like the other user said get one that does GFE, you're only 23, it's not too bad, take up a hobby, start working out and stop masturbation to porn, go to /fit/ if you need advise, don't be so defeatist
pls respond
Bro, the thing that makes your life suck isn't the lack of sex. It's your misery about not being able to get laid.
Ironically, that misery is also what prevents you from getting laid.
If your slim it might look ok. Most short guys try to get big and muscly and it makes them look worse. Just say you're 5'10"
But what’s the point? Sex itself isn’t something I’m looking for so the act itself is meaningless.
I know that. Which is why I’m confessing it all on a Tawainesse Ghost Story Imageboard. To the rest of the world, I just lie. And by “world” I mean the strangers I pass by since I don’t even go to Class; I just take the exams. I do well with professional relationships, and since I’m not seeking anything more, it’s fine by me.
Why would I want a GFE? That’s even worse. It’s both fake and devoid of any meaning. And I’m not 23, I’m 21. By the time I finish I’ll be 23, and the boat will have sailed by then.
Nah, 5'9" is short for a guy but 5'11 is the cut off. I'm not just saying that. I am usually the tallest person in a group or room of random people. If I'm not the difference between me and a 6'2 doesn't look as bad as 6'2 beside 5'9 or 5'11 beside 5'9.
sex is ovvertated. really.
jacking off is better cause you can watch any porn you like and you are in control of time and shit.
But I’m not /trying/ to get laid. For example, I’m a giant pussy who can’t watch a horror flick. Sure, it’d be nice to be braver, but there’s nothing I can do about it. Same with intercourse; it’s something I just can’t have. I’m not stressing over it. I just get jealous when I see vids pics and stuff of couples and such. I’m lonely, but like I said, I’m not “horny”. And I’m even moving past the “lonely” aspect too. I’m content with being alone. I just care about my work now. And that’s good, I suppose. Less distractions.
right has the school you're going to any societies you could join, and sports you could do, you have to put your self out there man, if you don't you'll just stay where you are, you can get past this, but you have to make the effort, nobody else can do it for you, and even if it's uncomfortable force it, you'll be stronger after it. you can make it user, but it's up to you.
I don’t watch porn. It made me feel depressed so I dropped it. It’s been a few months now. And I jerk off once per week or so; just to keep the plumbing working.
GFE is great. It's not about her pretending to be your girlfriend, but about having a more intimate form of sex instead of just a porno pump and dump. Are you in America or somewhere else?
Poor AJ, the eternal fuckup.
>all the jealous incels "laughing" at Henry cavill of all people
>considered extremely handsome by the majority of men and women
>gets called superman unironically
stay mad
it is
Aww, are you mad someone insulted your fantasy boyfriend fag? hahaha
What the fuck
that's half the plot of Hidden World
>most South Africans, black and white, dream of getting the fuck outta here
>South Africans abroad want to come back because "muh motherland"
it's pretty funny tbqh
t. South African
No fucking way
weird yankee fellow, stop obsessing over yourself and try to lead a good life
Yes, those "daughters" are 2 boys.
I’m an Eastern Yuropoor. Our Unis are just like school. You take a test after HS and depending on your score, you can get into only one branch. So you can either study just Physics or just Math or just Literature and so on and so forth. Curriculums, classes and stuff are all dictated by the Board. The Uni is 30 minutes outside the city. Kids rent houses in the city, so you can’t socialize in the Uni, since there’s no real “Campus”. Clubs and stuff are held in random parts of the city and are mostly filled with Left-Wingers. There are two parties; Anarchists/Commies and Cuckservatives. Both smuggle the answers to tests and whatnot to the students. The Professors themselves do an awful job in the morning, so that you can hire them as Private Tutors. There’s no real way to socialize. 3 years later, and the same people who talked together in the first day of the first Semester, are still together. No clique gets breached. Most just have previous acquaintances from their cousins, siblings and stuff, or at the very least people from the same city, as they pick Unis close to home. I’m at a Uni 6 hours away and people from my city go to the one that’s 2 hours away. I haven’t met a single person from my place. The few people I talked to in the beginning stopped talking to me, ghosted me and hanged out with people originating from their cities and villages.
what is that doggosaurus sniffin' under the tabel?
But why would I want that? I’d feel as if I was being mocked. It’s artificial and has no meaning. And I wish I was an American...
Not an American. And sure I’ll try to lead a good life. It’s just that I’ll never know intimacy. Besides, with my luck I’m probably sterile or something, so what’s the point?
>no-no you're mad not me !
kek have sex ma mayne
That child is fucked, no way he doesn't grow up to have serious issues later in life.
You know escorts are people as well? Just explain them the situation.
>look at that fuckin' treasure trail
>I'm not even gay
have you friends back home?
Okay Henry. I know it's you because of the way you type. We were in the same guild in Ragnarok online
You can do better than that, hit me with a better insult.
But I don’t see the point user. It’s going to be uncomfortable at best and sad at worst. Let’s say I cum in the hole of a person that’s being paid to pretend to enjoy it. What’s the point? Nothing is solved.
Right, if this is your take on leading a good life then I do hope you can read books to reeducate yourself.
There may be other factors at play here, I think she's prolly a little nutty cuz her mom killed her dad in front of her
Because you'll see that sex isnt a big deal and can be incredibly fun.
those feet are super gross
They are just stories. All the shit you hear about "The roastie laughed at my cock, she just wants a black guy" is all Yea Forums, /pol/ & /r9k/ bullshit to get insecure people like you to hate themselves.
It really doesn't happen user.
t. works in sex and sexual health
This is what happens when u lift like a retard
You're a top lad, Henry.
PLEASE for everyone on this boards sake, have sex.
Cavill is 1.85. Is that considered a manlet?
explain this henry
He can only look into a future of unrelenting payment
He didnt even spell her fuckin name right, there's no i
Imagine being a sex worker
>making things up online
Is there anything more embarrassing?
Nope. They all left me during a 3 year period. People I knew my whole life. By the time I left for Uni I had no friends. Just two people I talked to at School, and even though I separately knew both of them longer (meaning I knew guy A for 5 years and guy B for 2), they bonded when I introduced them, and started going out themselves. Our school would have us take mandatory “excursions” every month (just a trip to the city center for the whole morning), and they’d sneak about before I caught up to them. So I was left alone and just run circles around the blocks until a Games Workshop ship opened, where I could buy a small WH40K book and read it while drinking a hot chocolate at some cafe, until the time came to go back to school. Honestly, nobody has ever really liked me. Even those “friends” I had since Elementary, just used me to play with my toys, vidya and borrow money. They abandoned me on a 3 day trip without warning, so I was left all alone with the teachers mocking me.
All of them are finishing Uni now. They all have new friends, go to Vacations every summer, have gfs, all that jazz. Some people just aren’t meant to be fully happy. I still have my work, so I’m content.
>OK, next up is Scenes From a Hat
>Ryan and Colin are up first
>The scene is....hehehehahahahahahahaha....sorry, the scene is Colin plays the role of a father who's son has come home to announce that he is getting a sex change
>Laura Hall on piano!
Why?What will sex do for us?
Dammit user, why can’t you accept that some folks just aren’t cut for romance? We just make due with other things. Our lives are emptier but they can have some meaning.
Yeah, I’m sure that after I have sex with a hooker I’ll enter the dating game and happily settle with a gal who’s had 5 bfs already and has had a healthy sexual life... It’s not about the sex, it’s about the score.
>inb4 Muh tradwives
There aren’t any. All places are degenerate. The romanticized Eastern Yurop of /pol/ doesn’t exist.
I’m not talking about the cuck stuff. I’m just saying, at 22 most girls have had a partner or two. By the time they’re ready to get married at their 30s they’ve already been ducked down 5 or so times. I’ll always play catch-up and I’m too insecure for that. So I’ll just opt to not play the game.
Post the one reddit stalker and chloe
This is the most dissapointing thing I've seen in my life, and I'm a penis inspector.
can't liberals understand it's gender dysphoria and it's treatable
>muh degerency
Fine, then die alone as a miserable bastard. Just dont sperg out and go around killing normal people.
I do not get the hate for Maggie. There is literally nothing wrong with her body and Yea Forums would be lucky to land a woman half as good.
>All of those failures as fathers
No sympathy.
brah cavill looks way better than him. much clear face definition, great nose, nice clothes, etc.
Not true, she spent lots of time there throughout her life and speaks afrikaans. she's south african af, she might even be dual citizen if i recall correctly
Why would I kill anyone? What’s to be gained?
wuds going on heres ;DD
Bond,James Bond
>muh receding hairline
That's actually how bonds look is supposed to be.Look at Flemings drawings
I did this with my mom at that age and while I did manage to have sex I have an addiction to mommy porn tho I'd never want to fuck my actual mom
I think
Bro ur on some weak ass shit, start listening to andy frisella, take control of your life you weakling
It's playful teasing.
Irish drinking song about your tranny fuckup son
Jesus, why do you think that having given up on romance means you’ve given up in general? I’ve said many times already that I’m content with my work. We’re not all meant to lead the same fulfilling lives. Mine’s not perfect, but it’s good enough. It’s missing one component but I can deal with it.
People like her are insane!!
I believe this. You're a good lad, Henry.
He's getting laid.
And You?
>mommy pls stop
Imagine actually believing this, this is the pinnacle of cope
What do you call this stance?
What’s your dick size Henry? No homo, I just wanna know haha.
i guess he probably paid her?
no way she'd stand that shit for free
Those massively overweight /r9k/ weebs have better form than her lol
Fuckin crackers
How would you know about r*ddit?
The stories you read here, are either fake or worst case scenarios
Don't project them into your life
Thanks for the perspective on this, Henry. Good post from a top lad.
Yeah that looks about right desu
The Martian was pretty good though
Please come back as superman!
No, wrong, we ARE all supposed to lead fulfilling, well-rounded lives, that's the whole point of being alive
Please kill everyone on set of the Witcher
Yeah, your moms done royally messed you up.
When will you be free?
>literal 3yos have gotten more action than you
Eh, I’m not talking about here. I’m talking in general. From other boards, magazines, interviews, real life and such.
Well yeah.
I guess. Some people are just defective then. The guy who’s sterile would love to have kids too, but he can’t, and there’s nothing he can do. Sometimes all you can do is accept your lot and do the best you can with what you have.
Probably the dumbest post on Yea Forums
your opinion on anime titty?
Incredibly disappointing thread
There is an i tho. Look at his post again
Its not that big of a deal. Im nearer to 50 and being as old as I am I can assure you that its not that big of a deal. Its wondrful but at the same time meh.
fo ya
This one really gets to me. Why the fuck would he agree to do this next to a guy who is much taller than him? What did he hope to achieve? Not only is the dude taller than him he's also more fit. And on top of that it's in front of a girl. Why would he do this to himself?
Jeremy Reiner kinda looks evil to me.
Where the fuck do you fags find this shit.
in the odd case that this isn't a LARP, Henry you seem as if you're a pretty cool dude
I was gonna post this lol
why doesnt he just get plugs
I love Jerry as much as the next guy but he has the money because of Judaism powers though....
Bloodline: fin~
haha wtf is happening
Henry pls fuck my bussy
not even king of the manlets 5'10" lmao
>wh*te people
truly a disgusting race
To be fair. That last one isn't a tranny, it's from dumb article years ago of "our daughter is a anime fan" back when anime was still not normie as shit.
They can make anyone jump 10-20% points or more with PS
I like how I'm not dieing, in fact, I'm waking up every morning.
Very upsetting
on your next "Im totally just visiting and dont belong here" reddit stay, dont come back
>35 yo
Yeah I wish I look half as fresh when I 35
>the fucking heels on his shoes
This is how I can tell that you are a subhuman lardass American pig swine with shitstains in your underwear.
you subhuman Ronald McDonald failed abortion have been wearing Chucks since the day your whale mother shat you out. you are one of those assbirths who eats deep fried butter slabs and goes to bed with his sneakers on, bringing dog shit chunks into your house.
Is he the second coming of jon erik hexum?
you aren't fooling anyone. you are still living with your mom in her attic.
henry i wan't you to choke me and cum in my arsehole
This picture is 90% Jewish
There's always a bigger fish.
nice one henry
Imagine going through puberty without blue balls... fuck.
really depressing desu
pretty based
accurate except for the anime part, which is probable ghibli stuff, one punch mane, and cowboy bebop
>sex is ovvertated
mommy my peepee feels funny
don't sweat it sempai
I always thought she was just Italian but apparently she's a jew :/
>Elon Musk standing on the table
Every single one is jewish. Is that the joke?
Is your W key broken?
i like nick
sex is overated but feels much better then jacking off
god I miss women's touch
And uglier. Being slightly taller than a tall handsome dude in this scenario means nothing lmao.
Have you tried taking some biotin, Henry? You should try it, it helps with maintaining healthy hair and prevents hair loss at the same time. Hope you have a good one mate!
Shitty edit, Sopranos is the least reddit show there is.