The Sopranos

We've got to discuss The Sopranos. Here is a question for you. Is Tony Soprano really that unlikable, like this guy below is claiming? I disagree with that, and other assertions on the blog. He seems to have a cognitive dissonance, compared to viewers of the show that I know, and his reasoning is off on other things. Here is a quote from the site:


The old saying is that the protagonist should be likable. That we should want to go out and grab a beer with him and paint our nails and giggle as we rub our genitals together. Put that out of your head. Forget likable. Likable is not a meaningful quality. The audience says that, but they don’t mean it — otherwise, they wouldn’t be interested in the likes of Tony Soprano. Or Don Draper. Or Lisbeth Salander. (It’s harder to pull off an unlikable female protagonist, but that’s because we’re a fucked-up society who embraces flawed men but not flawed women.) Instead of likable, aim for livable. Meaning, we need to find this character compelling enough to live with them for the duration of the tale. I don’t want to get a beer with Lisbeth Salander any more than I want to get a beer with a Bengal tiger. But I’m happy to watch do their thing."

Next up, here's another similar attack on the character of Tony Soprano. What do you think of this one?

Attached: Tony Soprano.jpg (300x300, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Tony is likeable as well as despicable we know he is a terrible person but root for him anyway because we see enough of ourselves in him to let us know he is human after all

Tony is likeable because he has views like most people, or because he is social.
Like when its carms dads bday. He is normal, gets along great with everyone, then like normal people gets pissed off when the snob acts like a snob.
Most everyday people can relate to that and think tony is in the right.
Yet at the same time you need to remember he kills people.

Its like when melfi gets raped, everyone was hoping hed find out and fuck up the rapist. He's likeable for some views but hated for some of his life choices and things he does.

How can you not understand that hes basically your everyman. Everyone is basically tony without the mob life. Other than the mob shit how is tony bad. He isnt hes like everyone else

Chuck Wendig, man... The other writer isn't any better.

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I didn't find Tony 'likable' most of the time. I found him interesting since he had conviction to do the best to his family and business while he had to overcome different obstacles

this. also /thread
How the fucking is OPs question even legit after the Sopranos spawned a gazillion of shows like BB and Peaky Blinders?

Tony is morally fine until like S4 or 5. When he started hitting on Adriana I almost stopped watching the show cause it felt like they just turned him into a huge asshole out of nowhere.

people like strength and power, whatever they tell themselves

>Tony is morally fine until like S4 or 5.

I had no issues with Tony at all

>Tony a good boy he dindu nuffin!

Come on now. As far as murderous mob leaders go Tony's a big fucking teddy bear. He only fell morally for me when he started resentfully fucking with Christophers sobriety for his own ego. Gets him back on shit, kills him as a result, then celebrates it? All after trying to fuck his woman? The fuck tone?

he cheats on his wife, lies constantly to everyone, including himself and is a murderous criminal. Apart from that he's a totally cool dude.

>he cheats on his wife
based and redpilled

>acting like a nigger
>red pilled

what are some scenes you know off by heart?

>can we segue onto something more pressing?
>the floor is yours, senator
>i spoke to john, the split on the office park is way out of whack
>same as the esplanade
>apples and bowling balls, tony, with fuel costs these days
>like you're not passing those onto the drivers?

>tony soprano is a one dimensional scumbag with no depth
>hannibal lecter, the genius psychopath murderer, might be the best character in all of fiction
how retarded can somebody be? how does he get paid to write such complete shit?

You think fucking the same bitch day after day is "honorable" or something? It's in mens nature to fuck different women, you some kinda low test faggot or something?

the fact that melfi didn't tell him about the rapist ruined the show. that could have been so, so good.

I do indeed disagree with some of his actions such as killing Ralph or not doing more for Vito or atleast he have someone from his crew kill him as opposed to having Phil stepping over Tony and killing him himself

That show is great but it's hard to find a single character that's actually likeable. The Sopranos does a great job of displaying what real mobsters are like. I remember a scene where Tony was contemplating killing Paulie and it just shows how sociopathic these people are. They're ready to kill their close friends over rumors.

Honor is a white man's concept, I'm assuming you don't understand. And delaying gratification is what all of civilization has been built on, nigger.

Tony was a terrible leader though. He was petty and kept on turning on his allies and friends and it bit him in the ass by the end with the war with NY. He had nobody left.

Tony is a sympathetic villain. You want to like him, but you have to keep him at arm's length, so you don't get dragged into his shit, like Artie did, or the guy who owned the sporting goods store.

The reason we like shows like that, is because most of us will never get to see that world.

>Honor is a white man's concept
>Japanese Culture, Identity, and Civilization is built on it

I think you are a turbo virgin tbqh

It's more to do with the fact that we come to realize he's a tragic character who does everything he does because he deep down never had a chance to be anything else
It's not that we justify what Tony does, we simply pity him for not being able to be different. There's much humanity in his character

I just finished watching the finale literally a couple of seconds ago and I must say

what the fuck was that

what a shitty ending, it was so anticlimactic and I was expecting Tony to get killed but it never happened

What the flying fuck, did they just run out of material or something? Fuck, that actually annoyed me.

but for real, it's supposed to be left up to you to imagine what happened. you've lived inside the head of a mob boss for six seasons, so of course you think he got whacked- that's what tony would expect. chase pulls you from the simulation in a brutal way, reminding you that you are a passive viewer; your journey with tony is done.

it just stops right in the middle of it, though. Like we don't even get the questions answered about Sil or any of the retaliation that came from Phil being whacked, it should at least have continued until those questions were answered. But nope, it just cuts to black as if nothing ever happened.

God that was such a shitty ending and I almost regret spending my time watching the buildup just for that. At least now when I'm going to re-watch it I'll know that the last episode sucked the most.

>continued until those questions were answered
Why? Not every question needs an answer.

I bet you thought Livia and Janice were bad characters because they are unlikable.

All that stuff besides the cut is open to interpretation.

>A whole thread for this boomer garbage
If I wanted to watch useless weak brown people killing other weak useless brown people, I'd watch Narcos.
News flash: if every single person in the show is some deadbeat that the world would be better off without, then nobody is gunna watch the show.

watch it, zoomer

Alright, I’m not reading this thread other than my replies. I’m on Season 3 episode 9 (The Telltale Mozzadell) it’s already maybe my favorite show of all time. I have however run into a couple of spoilers on accident. All I want from you is a simple “yes” that’s a big plot point, or “no” it’s not a huge deal you ran into that and it won’t ruin the story since either it was a minor happening or was fairly obvious of happening

> I know Steve Buscemis character (whom I’m not introduced to yet) either dies or gets fucked up
> Something about Tony Killing “Tony B”

wasn't that the point in tony soprano, though? that normal people wouldn't ever like this guy and that's why his mental health is so shitty?

just watch the show, spoilers don't really matter in this story

Wondah what Harpo's doing fa his Shunday dinneh?

>Bash bash fun
>inner conflict gay

You'll get spoiled

How many cocks you suck last week?

Attached: How_Many.jpg (878x702, 121K)

How does one write an interesting character?

Not a big deal imo and you see it coming form a mile a way
leave the thread now before you get shit spoiled

Tony is likeable. That's why he is so interesting and you genuinely feel for him. But at the same time, Tony is a mobster with sociopathic tendencies.

We see his journey and story and we root for him.
