Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#339 PIXELATED Edition
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


The buttons on RR's jacket are silly

no thots allowed

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He's a good boy who did nothing wrong.

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Zapan a BITCH

other way around
bitch broke his nose

lmao this general is fucking pathetic. I love it

do you often come here? what did you think of the film?

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OC (not mine) from earlier for those who haven't seen it

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This interview with Tron: Legacy's director is pretty interesting and I wonder if it at all will parallel Alita's future. Alita had almost the exact same run at the box office, however, broke even faster because of far less marketing in the states. And with James' clout pushing the movie and the sequels basically already being mapped out, I think the likely hood of an Alita sequel getting made is more likely than the Tron 3 that's been in limbo for years, which was never cancelled, just hard to find the right time to release. Just something to consider. An Alita sequel is definitely in the talks, that is certain. It's a matter if it happens very soon, or happens in 5 years.

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Easy lover
She'll get a hold on you believe it
Like no other
Before you know it you'll be on your knees
She's an easy lover
She'll take your heart but you won't feel it
She's like no other
And I'm just trying to make you see

She's the kind of girl you dream of
Dream of keeping hold of
You'd better forget it
You'll never get it

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Tron Legacy did get an animated series at least

And I understand that "too old"

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It's not as funny without the ~20 minute gap between the first gif and the second.

I had no idea the second one was coming and it made me laugh my ass off when it did. What the user should have done though is posted the first gif at the beginning of one thread, then waiting 3 hours and posted the second gif in the next thread.

what does this have to do with anything

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Iron City music, progressive rock, Noise and industrial.
Wasteland music, revolutionary songs, blues and country music.
Music Zalem?


It's just hard to determine with Alita, it's a rare species of film with a big name director attached and the sequels already written. Other movies like Edge of Tomorrow, Tron, and Mad Max, all suffered problems getting sequels off the ground for different reasons, either lawsuits and shit and/or the sequel wasn't already written.

that would have been funnier but I still think this is a work of art

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Chiren was the best character. Prove me wrong.

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Plantasia by Mort Garson maybe

The guy who makes that stuff is really good at getting the first post so I don't know why it didn't cross his mind.

that part about starwars and capeshit is pretty sad.
however i think they should wait for vr improvements before producing tron 3

She is underrated like the other characters. Her scene where she confesses to Vector is one of my absolute favorites of the film and gives me goosebumps every fucking time.
>"You had her heart in your hands... and you let her live."
>"I did."
>"...Because I'm a doctor... and... I'm a mother... and somehow I forgot that."

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I liked some parts of her character but there are some parts I would get rid of

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Chiren was an important tragic foil but the best character per second spent on screen was Romo

reminder that Jennifer Connelly and her husband (Paul Bettany) have both played characters with jewels in their foreheads

This cutie patootie right here can crush your head with her thighs. Chiren can't especially now that she's just spare meat parts

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>Oohhhhhh noooo... looks like she's gottt usss

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That scene contrasted to the one near the beginning where she grabs Alita's hand and looks at her with disgust is what really makes it for me.

She's probably the best OC in the movie.

Normally I cringe at OC but I thought they integrated her well.

speaking of thighs I'd like to be crushed between...

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No, and the movie was shit

go see the movie though user

have some oc of a dead meme before i go to bed, goodnight all

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I'd recommend you watch the movie

night user I'm going to bed too

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sleep well fren

I thought the way she pretty much accepts Alita as her stepdaughter was really heartwarming.

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>"I'd give him my life if I could."
>"...Maybe you can."

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it's like pottery, it's art

needs more artifacts

Also, what're the odds the place Alita heals both of them, Hugo and Chiren, the two most far gone characters in the film, most in need of healing, is in the church?

She was sort of made for the OVA. I wouldn't really call her OC

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Pottery, pure pottery. George would be in awe.

This film is literal art and it makes me tear up the more I think about it.
>"Let's look at the bright side... your tears are working."
contrast to after all she's learned and grown
>"Don't ever feel sorry for yourself. You're the only one built for this."

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I wonder how insane this film would have been if Lucas was involved

night everyone

don't let the threads die

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They don't ever die, they just slow down. Have a cozy sleep.

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sleep well. we'll keep them alive


The whole movie is a biblical allegory. There's a shitload of Christian symbolism in it. Think about it, an "angel" falling from heaven, willing to save anyone she meets, dying and being reborn, the villain being "from the underworld", there being a "tower of Babel" in the form of pipes to Zalem...

What is the Biblical significance of motorball? Is it a Ben-hur reference?

Oh, I know about all that, it's just interesting the scene involving the two characters in most need of saving, they're both saved in the same scene and same location, which is also the church.

Did you miss the part in the bible when jesus came and shredded the skate parks of jerusalem?

Good words to the perfect Alita heal vid.
Now I´m ready to face another day in hell, cya later Alitabros.

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I never read the Gospel of John.

>This might genuinely have been the reason some "unknown force" tried so hard for the film to fail

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sleep well friend. come out the other side stronger than before

What bugs me about this scene is how dumb Chiren was to tell Vector she's quitting. It's like quitting the mob. You don't hand in your resignation, you vanish and run as far away as you can. Does she think Nova's minions are allowed to walk away whenever they want? She knows this group has no problem with murder.

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Very much so.

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She's sticking up for what's right, even if it kills her. That's how you know she's truly been healed.

I think it's about moral absolution. She's facing her past demons because that lets her move beyond them, rather than trying to run away

It occurs to me she was basically created so they could have more T&A in the OVA. She's pictured naked in bed in the OVA (as opposed to in lingerie in the movie) and has another scene where Vector fucks her on his desk.

One of the selling points for OVAs was that they could feature adult that wouldn't fly in TV animation, but Gunnm didn't have enough of that so they added Chiren. She also makes the body parts for Zalem revelation more personal than in the manga, so they did figure out an interesting use for her character.

Pictured: Chiren in a past life.

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Wasn´t dumb at all, she knows she´s not built for running away.
This way she got it over with quickly and may have had the (VERY slim) chance for the boss to actually let her go.

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Why is Elon Musk wearing a camera on his head?

Telling Vector she quits doesn't accomplish anything, she can be more help to Alita and Ido if she's still ailve. I get wanting absolution but there are more positive things she can accomplish by not walking into certain death.

They took a throw away character from the OVA and made her a fledged out character with a backstory, fatal flaws, and resolution. She has genuine purpose in the story now and serves another big force for Alita's development. Another reason I like the film more than the manga and OVA.

That's the great contrast between Hugo and Chiren though. Hugo takes that approach and runs, he doesn't stand up to Vector. Chiren accepts her fate, she's fully accepted her sins at that point and she doesn't attempt to stop what she knows is coming for her. Hugo only becomes fully healed at the last second, after he's attempted to flee.

That's Camera Man, a new model cyborg. His main power is pretending to be a wall.

>Telling Vector she quits doesn't accomplish anything
Of course it does, it made the character even more believable because of this emotional decision, which already began back when she covered for Alita and preserved Hugos head.

She´s smart enough that she knew her fate was sealed back then.
Iron City isn´t just a city it´s a FORTRESS and her pampered Zalemite body couldn´t possible escape it, let alone exist in de outside wilderness. She knew she had sealed her fate in that chapel.

After the kinda weird threads earlier I should have something stupidly /comfy/ and cute incoming. Thanks to whoever suggested Alita catching a cold. I think we all need a little cute right now. Of course this doesn't mean that I'm not still working on the rest of the story ideas too.

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where do i buy a camera man

True that it'd be hard for Chiren to escape from Nova, I wonder why he doesn't sic the Centurions on Ido as well. Maybe he's keeping Ido alive so he can use a threat against Ido's life as a trump card against Alita later.

Also Ido does a lot of good service for the community; him providing free repairs for hunter warriors indirectly helps keep crime down which is in the interests of Zalem

Oh totally. He used Hugo to get to Alita, next he'll use Ido. However Ido never dies in the manga, and they made him more prominent in the film, so he's fine, but it'll be curious what they'll do.

More pixel art

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She's a cyberdoc, so she has skills that are in demand anywhere there are cyborgs, she should be able to barter for passage, probably has some cash on hand too to pay for transport. When she went back to Vector was before Nova sealed the city and started the manhunt for Hugo.

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I cannot wait for movie Nova to get fleshed out in the sequel.
He basically got BTFOed in every which way by Alta and switched from annoyed to absolutely enamored with her. Suddenly even needing more subtle leverage over her through Ido.

Which is actually perfectly understandable for an immortal, as boredom basically is its biggest enemy.

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>fagtory no more


This is a good way of preserving the mad-scientist aspect of him without it being too silly for the film context

That half robot cowboy with the robot dogs was probably my favorite ancillary character from a movie in a long time. That's such a great design.

It seems Nova's goal isn't simply killing Alita, maybe he actually wants her to get stronger, hence not hindering her rise through the motorball ranks. If he wanted to destroy her at all costs he could put her on the bounty list with a huge price on her head, have Ido and anyone else connected with her killed, etc.

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Because we're doing actual movie discussion I wanted to follow up on these. I think that vertical movement is such a strong way of showing power levels in films, since while we can basically conceptualise someone being fast on the ground, being able to make giant leaps is so out of human possibility that it's really easy an effective shorthand for how strong cyborgs are.

> have Ido and anyone else connected with her killed
Well actually...

In the manga the dog master is flesh while Clive Lee is a full cyborg, I wonder why it's the other way around in the movie. McTeague has his dogs to fight for him, he doesn't need a machine body, whereas the meat Clive has made 207 kills with... psychic powers?

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He also has two short-swords, which we see during the motorball sequence

RIP Hugo gone but not forgotten

He killed Hugo, which certainly had an impact, but he could have Ido, Gerhad, and anyone else who associated with her whacked, like motorball coaches and tuners. And then he could put her on the bounty list so every hunter-warrior would be coming after her. It doesn't seem like he's going all-out to kill Alita.

Also, in the manga the name White-Hot Palm is literal, his hands heat up to extreme temperatures and he uses them to tear Hugo to shreds.

I was more referring to what will happen in the manga in the future when everyone in town turns against Alita because Zapan murders everyone while looking for her

>It seems Nova's goal isn't simply killing Alita
Oh no, he definitely wants to keep her.
Notice how he launched the ring only AFTER Hugo wanted to go with Alita and very likely leave Iron City.
But no more rings followed.

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I'll be honest I figured there was only one ring per tube which then got slowly hoisted back up after use. I wonder if the citizens of Iron City know about them in general.

There's plenty of rings at regular intervals.

is this manga/ova canon or did i miss something in the film?

In the manga Hugo made it past several rings before getting wrecked so I'm guessing the movie uses a different set-up.

I believe I noticed more rings waiting behind the first one launched.

I think the film changed how the rings worked, they made them defense rings that are only activated manually, while the manga and OVA rings are clean up rings meant to get rid of rodents.

Ahhh that makes sense. Ty mangafrens

I wonder who Zapan will successfully kill in the film.

McTeague, his little dogs and his daughter

Oops, meant to respond to

Himself cause he's a bitch

I think there's probably a way to contrive the rings such that they drop at regular intervals automatically, can be dropped manually if need be, are automatically dismantled when they hit the base and then automatically spent back up the tube to be to be reconstructed and dropped again in Zalem.

It just came to me. Another point for the whole "biblical allegory" thing. Characters don't die until after they've confessed their sins. Chiren admits she's forgotten how to be a mother, Hugo goes into a tearful tirade about how he regrets jacking cyborgs for parts. Alita is the one who forgives them.

Admit it you all just want to fuck her

I have no desire to rub my dick against metal.

you must be new here

I'm not sure Alita is even in a mental state to even think about stuff like forgiveness. Letting Zapan and Chiren sneak up on her isn't something she would have normally allowed. She's totally at Zapan's mercy and he even side-steps to let her go into the church, because his sadistic plan is to force Alita to kill Hugo herself - or having to watch him die slowly.

He could have decapitated Hugo easily in the alley, but like a well-fed cat he just has to play with his prey.

I wonder if the Centurions are programmed to not enter places of worship, or of they're just not keen on entering confined spaces without good reason.

Imagine being Hugo in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Alita, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your mechanical body and horrific anime monster face. I would totally kiss you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is disassemble another 16 year old in his hideout. Like seriously imagine having to be Hugo and not only sit in that chair while Alita flaunts her disgusting nanotech body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her rusty joins and octopus lips, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected her panzer kunst. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking anime eyes but her smug attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, CYBORGS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking anime face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of humans and sex robots and later alleged disassemble victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Iron City. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the oil that's breaking out on her rusty stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "adorable (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for training with Gelda in Mars. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single cyborg in this room before the factory security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Hugo. You're not going to lose your future in Zalem over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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Based cameron

I hope everyone is sleeping well and dreaming of good things tonight!

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>Did you want drips? 'Cause if you do, that's cool, but if you don't, you gotta keep it moving.
>That's intentional.

what is this

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Check Fungus please.

a page that shows how Jewish is a film

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try Sleeper

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1973 or 2018?

what the shit is the 2018 one?

the 2018 one just appeared there too, don't know what it is but it seems like forgettable Sunday evening garbage for middle-aged to old women

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Here's the sleepy evening story as promised. I hope you're all taking care of yourselves. Shoutouts to the user with the niece who loves Alita; you inspired part of this.

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Proper rip when?


not till after cinemas probably

Call me Desty Nova, eternal light
These gravely digs of mine
Will surely prove a sight
And don't forget my dog, fixed and consequent

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I agree. Only dark hair and blonde Alitas allowed

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>26 Poster
>138 Posts

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Have sex

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This looks fucking awful
Can somebody nuke this circlejerk already


This, it's fucking sad to see these tourists shitting up the whole board with their cancer.


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Beginning, middle and end of thread would have been best. That way theres still the delay for real time anons but it's all in one spot for later viewing.

don't ever change

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I'm here for the long run friend. Next story is probably gonna be a bit more sad though it should have a happy ending.

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Shouldn't the details about the Blu-ray release have been released by now? Is it normal for it to take this long?

Flops don't get bluray releases.

Yes and no


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Does anyone else comb thru threads they missed while at work, sleeping, etc? Sometimes I think its a waste of time but then I find one of these gems.

Attached: I FoundYou.jpg (1080x1920, 984K)

It was a different time.


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>Jew in the Shell is a Must-See
Said no one ever. Howerver, the original movie (1995) is definitely a must-see, especially for cyberpunk fans.

I do becasue I like being cozy in bed for a bit while I wake up

It was a Matrix clone then and it's a Matrix clone now.

11,000 sigs boys and goils

oh boy here comes the shitshow discussio about this again

>It was a Matrix clone then and it's a Matrix clone now.
Matrix came out 4 years after GitS. Wachowski trannies even said GitS served as an inspiration for Matrix.

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I signed the petition to rehire James Gunn and what did I get? Nothing. Not falling for this one again.

quality bait

Thanks for the update, Jerome.

Uhh, you a fucking retard? Do you really think serious film-makers would take their ideas from a cartoon? Maybe they should rename it to the ANImatrix if you think it's anime? Fucking tard holy shit kys

Nice bait

Lots of interesting symbolism in this piece of art.

Was the artist a fartposter?

Man this is a good one.

Attached: 1553711250367.png (400x333, 91K)

Comfy vibes to remind us all why we love Alita and the community here.

stop jeroming others jerome

>tfw uneaten bluray

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Quick Grevious! add this to your collection


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Jerome is anti anime now! How cute!

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Good morning bread. Today I'll be seeing /ourgirl/ again and hanging out with my Alitafrens.

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Mornin' guys

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Always with the goddamn boops.

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Morning! Have fun fren

Mornin' frens.

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Isn't it cool to forget to attach the img....

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It's ok you fixed it

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That arts amazing, and nice numbers. :)

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Would add it but I'm not on my pc right noe.

Whats wrong with it?

Alita be praised.

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The art isn't mine but the numbers are

Another comfy day /ALITA/

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Another comfy day fren. If anyone wasn't awake for the last thread I recommend you all go back and check it out there was some really good discussion there.

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Poster below me is a fartposter hold your nose.

Hey guys

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We're getting BTFO by reddit and chyna.

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How are you doing, fartposter?

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My god...

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I pre-ordered the hot toys fig, that's worth more than most of that.

>Good thanks fren,
>just playing with my cool figure I got in the mail yesterday.

Attached: hey.jpg (1024x962, 251K)

this is beyord-retard level of sickness

>no manga

Like how? It's just a bunch of stuff.

Question, what is the point of 3D Blu-Rays if most TV's nowadays dont even market 3D/ have that feature. Is 3D at home just a meme? How would you even watch the Blu-Ray in 3D?

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VR headset

I will hopefully be there some day

Some day...

Attached: IMG_20190408_064003.jpg (3264x2448, 1.77M)

I've got a Oculus, would that even proper 3D?

t. brainlet

i'll get one eventually, i have the psvr but it sucks for movies

Thicc collection

All this Alita stuff and not a single wall frame with a 35mm film scan

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Ill check that out danke,

And dis frame best frame.

Attached: 1554383188848.jpg (2387x3395, 3.33M)

These are great

Where can I get one of these? eBay?

Ya, just search Alita Film cell or something like that. theres 3 different scenes they make.

Alright have a good morning burgers it's sleep time here in the future

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>gets the most advanced cyborg body ever created
>achieves self-actualization and is at-peace with herself and her body
>is faster and stronger than ever before
>can generate plasma and perform master-tier gymnastics
>agrees she could rip hugo's arm off and beat him with it
>voice still goes faint and knees go weak when she kisses hugo

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Good morning, burgers.

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>ships from the uk

But I want it now

We should have to parody up in a few weeks

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no u

is it a figure or a statue?

Yeah, turns out there are actually some perks to living in bongland, however its a huge ball ache to get any of those Arizona cans over here.

Bonbi is cute, but she's no Alta.


>With the recent Disney/ Fox takeover, reports say that Disney is convincing James Cameron to take his Alita passion project and produce a streaming series. Essentially Disney is looking to continue the Alita franchise on Disney+ as either a live-action or animated series.


What's the precise term for the food item she is eating? Is it a burrito? A taco? Fajita? I want to be accurate for some probably lame OC im working on...

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wtf is this anorexic tranny

Okay that's I'm going to go to war against Disney.

In any other thread, about any other character I would write something indecent in response.

Fuck that, nothing at all would be preferable to a streaming series.

tf are this blog sources, it also says that Cameron has greenlit a sequel

>reports say
Voices in the head of the author of the news?

Hello /alita/ frens, i got me a poster today from my cinema

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Begone thot

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>Its one of my new figures I play wid fren's,
>It was a bit expensive but I sppent all my poket money becuz Alita is cool.

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How the fuck do you make Alita's sequels on a TV budget? It only gets bigger with more action as the series goes on. Hell half the damn appeal is the visual spectacle of it. That would be dooming it.

Someone said it’s a gyro but idk

Digital drawing was a mistake. Both Berserk and Gunnm looked the best when Miura and Kishiro only used ink and paper. Same with animation. The old cel anime is still unsurpassed. Looks so much better than digital animation with all of its corner cutting and post-processing. Literally soul vs soulless.

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Literally, nothing prevents the launch of the sequel of the film and the tv series; they do not exclude each other.

Yeah how about we just stick to the movies, huh?


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>motorball tv series
that would be fine for me

Cameron said he has all the 3 movies lined up and sorted out and mostly scripted for WHEN the sequels get green lit by a studio. So I doubt Cameron would just trash all work that and turn it into some shitty TV show.

Cameron I know your reading this, dont fuckin' do it, or else I wont go see avatar 2

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The movie was written as a trilogy, what story would you even tell with a TV series that isn't going to be covered by the movies that can be told without spoiling what the movies are going to cover?

How do you even put Alita and all the cyborgs she fights on-screen without millions for performance capture CGI?

It's hard to say. It looks like a burrito, but I think there's lettuce in it, and you wouldn't see that in any self-respecting burrito-maker's food. So maybe a gyro

>tv series
Fuck that. You can make a prequel or a spin-off series based on other characters like Figure, Jashugan, Kaos etc., but Alita's story can only be told on the big screen.

Reporter probably vaguely remembers the speculation from a Forbes post last week talking about how a Disney+ series could be a possibility. Given that Cameron controls any sequel rights, it might as well be HBO or Amazon Prime as Disney+, but the only thing Cameron and co. have talked about are theatrical sequels.

It's over.

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Is the law-user here? Looks like you've got your work cut out for you.

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I meant that can make a television series in the world of Alita without Alita.
Alita for movies.

Don´t believe ANY of the crap this tranny posts.
Cameron doesn´t need Disney for ANYTHING!
He´s got ALL rights and EVERYBODY in the business would kill their granny to distribute his films.
Also after the shit Disney shills pulled, he would be mad to allow Disney so much control over Alita.

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>Reporter probably vaguely remembers the speculation from a Forbes post last week talking about how a Disney+ series could be a possibility
that's what I was thinking
not exactly trusting this source

I kinda agree with you, but I'm not gonna say digital drawing was a mistake, depends on who you ask I guess. But Gunnm is just gorgeous and impressive to look at. But it owes a lot to Kishiro's talent (and by extension any mangaka's talent). The Ghost in the Shell is also paper and ink and, while it's a good manga, it's not as good looking as Gunnm, for example.

It's only the beginning.

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>charming fingers
>fabulous mouth

What work? With no real legal process and representation, there's no legal work to do really. Just really simple investigations mainly done to create the appearance of consequences for harming production. (Harming workers is only illegal because it harms production when the worker becomes unable to preform their work. In that sense, truancy is just as bad as murder.)

Who said we hated the unicorn store? We just choose to get our unicorns and rainbows from a different store than the one directed by the Son of Lars.

Law-user wanted to create a list of the "legal" system in Iron City by gleaning information from the movie

Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!

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Nice. what are the measurements?

No need for laws,

simply no one is above the factory

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That shot in the trailer is one of the reasons I wanted to watch this movie. I did not see GitS live action, Ready Player One or Mortal Engines even if the ideas interested me. I have seen Alit at least five times now. I don't know why - it's not even my favorite movie this year, but I keep coming back to it. I saw Titanic once in theaters and twice on video, and Avatar only once with very little interest in the sequels.

goblina general

Disney gives Cameron complete freedom of action, budget and his entire propaganda machine for Alita.
But for this you must become faithful sardaukar of the Mouse.

really says a lot about our society

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you guys are fucking sad. These threads are needless waifu circlejerks.

Companies as big as Disney are fraught with studio politics and infighting between cliques. Even if the top management were to support an Alita sequel, there's bound to be anti-cyborg bigots who will try to harm it. Hopefully they'll be laid off in the massive redundancies which are happening this year. They can "promote" them for all I care, as long as their promoted away from actual decision making.

I'd be willing to do a lot of unpleasant things for good Alita sequels.

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Just bought the last alita arizona bottle from the gas station. This is my second one now and from the same place as well.

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Good morning, Jerome.

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How do you adapt this scene on a streaming budget?

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OK this HAS to be samefag - I refuse to believe that you were able to make a relevant and high quality Dune OC in that short a time. I'm not even mad.

These threads have given us plenty of interesting discussion about the movie making process, technical issues, script writing, and studio politics - as well as discussion about the world of the movie, OC and new memes. I have noticed a bit of a slowdown, but these have been some of my favorite threads for at least a year.

Dune came up last night, I got it from the previous thread You really should check in on the OC you missed while you were sleeping, I always do.

The barjack arc is kino.
Can't wait for the 3rd film

I love how Alita looks in that wedding dress. It's outstanding. Hope they keep that when they get to movie 3.

dam i missed that

the chocolate must flow

>while incels autistically post white knight shit ion the hopes that their wholesome waifu will finally hold their hand, she’s out there living by her own rules, getting fucked by Chad Slayer

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>You guys are PRUDE, never letting Alita be lewd
>You guys are PEDOS! How dare you think lewd of her.
Kill me.

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Post your favorite Alita posters.

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How's everyone doing this morning?
I just drank a bit too much tequila, trying not to throw up. Other than that, i'm doing pretty well. Stay healed, lads.

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stop drinking, it's bad for you

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Whoever came up with this gem

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Yeah, this one is so funy.

We'll, she is 'running'. Running INTO the danger, haha.

Drinking is fine with friends, and in moderation when alone. However I'm not sure If I condone downing so much tequila in the morning that it nearly makes you throw up.

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>Dear Diary
>Mr Frog and Wholesome fren visited me today
>We took some pictures outside
>It was great!

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You guys are not actually believing this clickbait bullshit right?
The hell is wrong with you.

I know everyone's seen it, but the colors in this are amazzzing.

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>pretty sad Alita doesn't use the blood warpaint after the bar fight

Kind of fitting because it seems like Kishiro took at least a little inspiration from Dune for some of the stuff from Last Order onward. Venus and Jupiter seem to be loosely based on the Bene Tleilaxu and Ixians and Mars is a lot like one of the various feudal planets in the series.

I dont thinks its the last time shes going to warp paint up.

well I hope so :3

LO has a heavy Dune vibe.

Kinda accurate, I mean Ido literally did find her in the trash...

Based and bonbipilled

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Attached: Battle Angel Alita - Holy Night and Other Stories - c004 (OShot) - p114 [dig] [Sonic Finger] [Kodans (2099x2999, 1.74M)

gay ass faggot

>Last Order artstyle

I wonder what's going to happen next.

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bake new bread

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something smells fresh

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Dibs on new bread. Hold on.


>Last Order

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I’m doing okay, just a little bit anxious about the meetup tomorrow
Will probably just chill all day today and home and play some vydia

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