What's their favorite movie?
What's their favorite movie?
Pulp fiction
I wish I could grow such beards desu.
>tfw can’t grow a beard
>tfw hairs turn inward after every shave
>tfw hairs grow every 5 hours
>tfw skin gets scratched with every shave
>tfw good jaw but it’s filled with puss-ridden wounds every time I shave
I’ve bought a shaving machine and I’m kinda getting the hang of it, by using that accessory where you just roll it over the skin, but it doesn’t get everything and I still have the “hairs turn inward” problem... Jdimsa...
Something really gay.
Hair-removing cream
Brokeback Mountain.
How do we take bake beards from the gays Yea Forums?
Brokeback Mountain
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Just grow a beard if you want and stop letting other people dictate your decisions
Every Judd Apatow film
what a shitty meme.
can't you enjoy craft beer without being labeled as a fucking onions hipster
By not acting or dressing like a faggot.
It’s just a joke dude. All kinds of people enjoy craft beer, including guys like this who have huge beards and exclusively wear brewery T-shirts
What A Girl Wants
I mean, Im pretty sure they are more handsome than 90% of Yea Forums. That said, lmao at craft beer culture.
>Wish I could grow a beard like that
>Then I realize I don't like having a beard because it stinks and it is annoying
It only stinks if you don’t shower ...
see Muslims
use shave powder my guy its just powder that you mix with water to make your own hair removing cream and or run hot water on your face and shave with the grain not aginst
Honestly that guy top-left looks the best. He has a beard and still shows off that chad jawline.
By making them manly again, faggot.
I had two guys that look like this live next to me. They pounded each others ass and had a little bulldog pet. They seemed really fucking gay.
>I’ve bought a shaving machine
Who the fuck talks like this?
I am very likely older than all of these guys (31) but I look about 10 years younger than them
I love a good shave.
By keeping yours after these faggots move on to the next trend in fashion/grooming.
>tfw beardlet
>can grow disgusting mountain dew tier neckbeard
>sparse hair everywhere else
no you can't you cancerous hipster
drink real beer and stop trying to be a special snowflake
Another user here. I already had mine before these became trendy.
the Joker trailer