Are there any Amazon original shows worth watching?
Are there any Amazon original shows worth watching?
The Simpsons Episode 231
only bosch is good but jack ryan sneaky pete and high castle are all watchable
Only Man in the High Castle and maybe Jack Ryan.
>mfw all the richest women in the world are only rich because of divorce...
the woman he had an affair with is so ugly too what a retard
[citation needed]
Why the fuck would you ever get married if you're a billionaire? Surely you can love a woman and have a family with her without actually marrying her.
If you're going to throw away a good marriage and all your money on some side pussy, she should at least be a thousand times hotter than your wife. Why do guys always do this? So dumb.
Bosch, Kamen Rider Amazons and Comrade Detective.
lmao discord btfo
It should be illegal for anyone to have that much money. Anything over 10 billion should be taxed 100%
i could have my pick of prime virgin boipussy daily for the rest of my life for 35 billion
1. this is just britain
2. it mentions that 2 of them earned their wealth
3. of the remaining not all of them got money from divorce
try harder
sucking the right dick pays off big time
a lot of women wouldn't be okay with that and wouldnt stay with you. Also as a man, starting a family with someone and not marrying them is a good way to ensure you wont have custody of your kids if things go south
The best advice my mother ever gave me was to only date women that hate other women.
The best women vocally hate other women and the worst men vocally hate other men.
There isn't a single women in the top 10 richest women that didn't receive her fortune via some form of inheritance.
They were married before he had any money.
if you're a billionaire and get married without the most ironclad prenup signed in the presence of as many lawyers and judges as possible you are a fucking retard
feminists btfo
Taxed by whom? Israel?
Man In The High Castle is great
haven't seen Jack Ryan yet
another trannies
>I dont know what I'm talking about
>I'm a moron
>I'm a tool
You are correct on all three points sir
They were already married when they started Amazon together. She was a part of it from the beginning, so she does have an actual legitimate claim to the fortune.
Hey don't be unfair, Steve Jobs' wife is rich because he died!
But what is the logic here? Why would women who hate other women be better? What benefit does that provide?
The Man in the High Castle has been some unironically edge-of-your-seat espionage thrills and chills in a unique sci-fi setting with excellent world-building.
The Tick
>*gets (((subsidized))) for a decade and then continues to dodge any (((taxes))) while finally making (((profit)))*
It wasn't really his money to give away if we want to argue (((semantics))), which we can because he's a Jew.
Inheritance of L'Oreal from her father
>Alice Walton
Daughter of Walmart founder
>Jacqueline Mars
Daughter of Forrest Mars and granddaughter of Frank mars, founders of Mars
>Yang Huiyan
Stake transferred to her by her father, inherited
>Susanne Klatten
Heiress, daughter of Herbert Quandt, inherited 50.1% stake
>Laurence Jobs
don't need to explain
>Abigail Johnson
Grandfather founded Fidelity Investments, inherited
>Iris Fontbana
Rich husband, Andronico Abarroa
>Gina Rinehart
inherited from her father Lang Hancock
>Kwong Siu-Hing
Wife of founder of Sun Hung Kai properties
When you're that rich getting married is a huge risk there's plenty of women who will stick it out until they see the opportunity to get rich by divorce, bonus if they have kids so more comes in regularly.
Because most women are despicable and only care about money
Jack Ryan if you are a Tom Clancy fan, either way it will bore you to death. Hanna is quite good, also The preacher. And you can give a try to (((american))) gods.
why do men want to provide for women so much?
Imagine being so unbearable someone paid you 35 billion dollars to fuck off
I want to provide a protein hit to her throat if you know what i meme
because she let him do butt stuff
People with autism shouldn't concern themselves about sex.