What is this movie trying to convey?
What is this movie trying to convey?
Get out
white women can't be trusted
Reverse racism is just as bad
Jordan Peele thinks that white people are jealous of black people and secretly want to be black and nobody has told him otherwise because he only hangs out with guilty white liberals.
Personally, I enjoy not spending $500 a year on lotion.
Black is in fashion
I never watched it. Never even really heard anything about it. But I just assumed it was pro race mixing, and anti-white so I naturally I wasn’t very interested
That you can make a shit movie but if it's about race, it's considered a masterpiece
Which is especially weird, considering he's half-white himself.
If you're any part black you're pretty much just black.
That if you remake "Skeleton Key" with racial bait it will go from average schlock to Oscar worthly masterpiece.
Mulattos usually go out of their way to try and be as "woke" as possible to compensate for their lack of authentic blackness
That afro-american is one of the WORST actors I have ever seen. God damn, fuck awful
taking the piss out of hyperleft liberals who use black people as vehicles to promote their agenda
Nothing we already didn't know.
You shouldn't trust a single damn woman
>brother just bonks random blacks and drags them to parents house to be hypnotized
>sister dates them for months until they willingly go back to the parents house
Why though?
Women are inefficient
she loves black dick and black vagina.
It's an anti racemixing movie and tells people of color that by dating white people they will slowly lose their identity because it will be replaced by a new white identity.
It's basically "white genocide" creepypasta with a black paintjob put over it and of course a lot of media attention because everyone in hollywood is too busy to clap at the monkey that did a trick instead holding him to the same standards as anyone else.
Have you seen Peele's wife?
but peele is a hyperleft liberal who uses black people as a vehicle to promote his agenda??
>Reverse racism
You shouldn't post pictures of Mikan, user, it's not safe
Yes, and Lovecraft married a Jew. What's your point?
That she's really ugly. Like REALLY ugly
Here's a high def version. I apologize in advance
Why did Peele marry that woman if he was against racemixing?
I always took part of it to be that society cares a lot less about random black people going missing therefore they are pretty perfect for the whole project
Get the strongest and fastest one with little to no family
The twist of the film is that white people are stealing black peoples bodies and putting their consciousness into them because white people know that blacks are genetically superior. Unironically that's the plot.
Other way around.
And regret.
i didn't say peele wasn't a liberal but the movie was obviously mocking out of touch liberals.
That entire movie is his fantasy. He wants to be kidnapped by white people and made into a Mandingo sex slave but he inherited none of the alpha black genes
Peele, you're gonna be okay bro
the message of the movie is: nothing will never satisfy niggers.
> race doesnt exist = racism
> race exist, let me be nice to you = YO WANNA STOLE MY BLACK BODY, DAMN CRACKA
you can find nice blacks individually, but as a group they are the most annoying people possible.
the fact that they think that a white would wish change into a black body, jesus christ. LOL
What the fuck
How come no one called this shit out? Literlly pushing racial supremacy
The grandfather only thought that because he was an insecure little bitch about being slightly slower than Jesse Owens. He was crazy and took a, "if you can't beat em join em," attitude way too far
The others had varying reasons, like the blind guy just wanted to not be blind. The whole superiority thing is called bullshit by the blind guy. The others just want to enjoy both essentially being white and being able to say nigger
Because it didn't. It would be like saying if they kidnapped Asians to take their bodies to become good at math pushes racial supremacy. They are just crazy people taking individuals who are good at certain things for a joy ride while justifying it by acting like its some great admiration of another race that is the main motivation
Hes not against racemixing, hes insecure cuck with inferiority complex to white men (just like most mixed males, especially hapas and mutts) hes against white dudes fucking black chicks or any chicks for that matter
Too bad theres little he can do about it and making a movie that normalfags forget 20 minutes after watching wont prevent black women from craving white dick
Why do women of mixed race love white dick?
This, black sells right now. Only reason they care
>It would be like saying if they kidnapped Asians to take their bodies to become good at math pushes racial supremacy
And it would be correct to say that. If if that was a movie directed by a white guy about black people stealing tall blond blue eyed white guy for his genetics everyone would lose their shit
Black people can't be racist.
>he hasn't heard of n-word fatigue
Uh oh
He's right though, there's a stigma about black bodies and white brains and the movie shows how ridiculous the concept and its believers are.
If you think the movie promotes black supremacy you're just being obtuse.
Well, maybe for a term paper in black studies.
Every woman loves white dick despite what cucks, insecure black guys and hapas tell you.
Enlighten me, sounds rather interesting
Take your sentence - change "dick" to "income" - and you have your answer.
They are the most loyal women.
It's what happens to people's brains after seeing afro-americans and afro-american behavior on a continuous basis. Watch the well dry up, very soon
>majority on all of them
>whites aren't the master ra-
The same reason leftoids didn't call out Banana Peele for outright openly saying "I won't cast whites" when they eviscerate white directors merely for not being diverse ENOUGH and demand that Game of Thrones and The Witcher be stacked with brown people.
Leftism is entirely built on double-standards and Double-Think. They never wanted "Equality".
No it doesn't and no they wouldn't. Because at the end of the day both the scenario I laid out and the one you laid out would just be a group of people kidnapping individuals with traits they desire. They're not kidnapping every white person are they because they are just inherently better. They are taking the best ones they can get. At the end of the day one group in this plot was able to orchestrate a large amount of kidnappings, pioneer an operation to take their identity, and force what remained of that human being into non-existence. Clearly the kidnapped group is not so superior, or they wouldn't be so easily taken advantage of
Would've guessed black girls would be higher for white from personal experience
i dont know how to read this graph. am i retarded?
There's a massive amount of hoodrats who are only into "gangstas".
Movie is a coded cry for help from Jordan Peele. After he married his Jewish wife he found out that he was being used by their community because his skin color was fashionable at the current moment and useful for their agenda. He was trapped with no way out. So he made this movie as a warning to the other people of his race to beware of the Hollywood Jew. It's no coincidence that the light skinned people in the movie have traditionally Jewish professions like psychologist. Peele needs help. He's trapped.
Why weren't they asian brains then?
Peele, you have to stop posting on Yea Forums your wife has found several threads and gets mad when people point out her HUGE NOSE
>Because at the end of the day both the scenario I laid out and the one you laid out would just be a group of people kidnapping individuals with traits they desire.
Yeah and youd have to act like oblivious retard to not notice the obvious racebaiting when its a group of a family from the same race kidnapping an individual from other race, especially given that the black director constantly whines about muh whitey
Send help asshole! She'll be home soon.
fuck man now I'm not sure I know Chelsea is a bitch though so its possible
Man that is a frightening face.
Deep-seated instinctual alarm bells are going off.
the whole slavery plot wouldn't work with asian antagonists, and making fun of asians isn't socially acceptable due to their minority status.
the premisse of any white person - maybe any racial group - thinking about becoming black is insane.
but of course a guy who looks like jordan peele have this fantasy. he looks like a fat bigger baby, the ugliest thing.
yes but so am i
Race baiting is different than racial supremacy
Yes obviously a large point of the film is racism. But the film is more of a deconstruction of assumptions about racism because the kidnappers take pains to show they are not racist. With the point being it really doesn't matter whether a person is racist or not if they are still trying to take complete control of your body, the end result is the same.
Sometimes jew win, sometimes jew lose
>the whole slavery plot wouldn't work with asian antagonists
It would if Peele wanted to be contemporary, just look at what China is doing in Africa.
Or he's pointing out that people who go that far to make sure everyone knows they're not racist are actually very racist and they're hiding something. It's not normal to focus solely on the race of a new person you meet while discussing nothing but race and also saying you're not racist. But that shit happens all the time with liberal white people. It clearly makes him uncomfortable and sets off his instincts that something isn't right.
>just look at what China is doing in Africa
That too. Especially when they go as far as to act like their dad losing a really important race was not at all frustrating because at least a black guy won. It is so absurd the MC points out that it sucked for the loser
Well then you were pretty far off in your assumption. The movie is about how black people find the trend of virtue signaling rich people treating blacks as "novelty pets" in the name of progressiveness is super creepy and disturbing for black people. Peele literally said this in an interview, paraphrased of course.
The entire interracial thing isn't even a meaningful part of the plot, it's just a ploy to get him into the community so they can lobotomize him and take his body.
she looks like LA beast
Wakanda forever
what a bullshit poll. Did they ask every single person on the planet? No i don't think so. Fake news
Nah it won't happen because they will just grab a different "minority" to milk, see: female remakes
It will only get "more diverse" to prevent said well from drying up.