Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#338 PIXELATED Edition
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Anybody have the image of Alita screaming while she punches that metal table or whatever? I need it for an OC.
Which part of the scene though? The table? Her scream?
Probably somewhere let me see if I can dig it out
Oranges are overrated.
>user it's late
>How about we go to sleep
>Yeah you can sleep here today
as long as dad doesn't find out
>Sure kid
The scream, specifically.
first for heals
If I invent a robo-Alita-waifu will you guys finally stop this damn general?
Don't do it!
flan is overrated
rare Rosa for the night crew
Literally yes
Christ, you’re all pathetic. Imagine posting in a general for a forgotten (for any normal well adjusted people) real life adaptation of a shitty anime movie. Seek help, or alternatively; a job.
She's a cyborg, not a robot.
I fucked Alita!
>Imagine posting here
>Posts here
You got us
Okay but go see the movie though
Did you see the movie?
No, hug Alita.
>giving your fleshlight a name
No but it would be great if you helped us get them sequels.
I just offered to build a robo version of her
Nice, how did it feel?
probably not but it couldn't hurt to try
Oh he's a bright one
>not goat
>I'm going to bed, user
>make sure to close the door when you leave, okay?
>You wish
Did you guys know there is a (kinda) Alita fleshlight?
This so shitty. The pupil and white of the eye shouldn't change color.
OHHhhhhh nnoooOOoooo
Looks like she's gott usssss
I'm just going off the anons that bitched in the last thread, user.
I like it but you could probably go even more blue user
See guys? Even China thinks there are similarities to Titanic.
Also I'm doing it in the spirit of the original film, in which the eyes basically had a generic blue glow because the effects weren't precise enough for anything else.
Fucking nice. Why is Dune art always so fucking kino bros
the Avatar one has two clits
that's how it is in Dune
Honestly at this point I'd take a bullet for Alita if she were real. Never felt that for even my gfs or family members. She's just so pure and perfect.
Post all your pixelated Alita
With Alita's protection you wouldn't have to.
Don't worry, you got it right, user. It's the accepted appearance of "blue with in blue" eyes of Spice Addiction from every adaptation.
I tell you what, I wouldn't mind helping Rosa get out of her stillsuit
I think they should be darker but I get the reference to old dune. Be interesting to see how they do it in the new movie
I found a higher quality rip of the film that doesn't have many watermarks over the film. Will post screencaps soon.
I swear to God if they ever announce that there won't be a sequel or blu-ray I WILL show them the error of their ways. I have nothing to lose and I feel like Alita is probably the highest point in my life that I'll have in a while.
I can't go much bluer or detail will start to degrade fast
how about don't do whatever that means
It was even lighter in the tv mini series. It's pretty much fine as long as all parts of the eye are sort of glowing blue.
1776 will commence again!
This is how the New Zealand shootings start.
Zapan a good boy
He dindu nuffin
he's just using someone else's pictures from a couple of threads ago, that's not gunanon
This. both of those pics are actually mine
user I share your enthusiasm but please when 1776 begins again it needs to be for more substantial reasons than a movie sequel
Just got home from my 11th and likely final viewing. I don't know what it is with this movie but I just never want it to end. Since the first time I saw it I've always sat through the credits and stayed a while after that just so my brain could catch up to what just had happened. It's like when you're little and you can watch the same tape over and over again without getting tired, except this is the adult version of that. I had never been this deep into anything in my life before. Maybe it's because I can easily project into many characters, or that this movie incorporates a bunch of topics that I love and makes a full experience out of them. It also made me drop some bad habits and pick up some good ones. Regardless, I learned to value this movie as art and as something greater that I just can't explain. I'm gonna miss having it in theaters.
I don't get why people shit on the dialogue in this film
imho the only line that I found super awkward was "She humiliated you sooo severely"
Glad to have you with us user
>Cameron saw the Gunnm OVA before making Titanic
It could very well be the other way around.
Status: Healed
Because it's not full of a bunch of pseudointellectual arthouse drivel that tries to pass for "writing"
Fuck off troll.
This film is literally fucking everything. It's perfect. It has no parallel in the world itself. No experience has or ever will come close, except for a sequel.
So for them to deny me that is akin to denying me life itself. Bet they wouldn't like if I returned the favor. And yet it would be the only thing that would be fair for me to do.
You can't argue with me over this.
Damn guys when the inevitable dune thread comes along we're already gonna be ready to flood that bitch with crossover OC, it's gonna be like the Schlieffen Plan of Yea Forums
Um, okay user, calm down a little.
I'm actually kind of surprised how good the dialogue is considering that Avatar was full of awful lines like "check out all that cheddar"
Fuck, I meant to respond to
Poease do, but make sure you actually kill Iger.
I don't think Alita had a single line as profound and well-written as even the minor lines in BvS.
>And what falls is fallen.
Where's all this pixel art coming from??
>well written
1. Why do these threads exist
2. Whens the web-dl coming out and will it even be watching
3. Whens pornos and rule 34 coming out
I'm planning on moving to Austin so I can try to work at Troublemaker and help the sequels get made, throwing a fit won't get you what you want and it'll just make all of us look bad
Hey man I love Alita too but we need to be more united before we go off and try to start a war or something...with the way you talk you're just gonna end up as the next lone headline shooter with a manifesto that will not only probably ruin Jimbo forever but also finish the job of killing gun rights for the dems.
You gotta choose your fights carefully man.
I like both Alita and BvS.
china straight up got all the marketing while we got nothing
>Mmmm, boys!
>Is she with you?
Nothing as resonant is ever found in Alita.
Just pulled it from the Chinese page user linked in the last thread, it was for a promo phone game
I found this gem reading the Gunnm wikipedia article.
>Landau half-jokingly stated that the project may be titled Alita: The Battle Angel, because of Cameron's tradition in naming his films with either an "A" or a "T".
sorry was gone a while
sounds like a plan
any other seattle-Alitians going to make the pilgrimage to AMC pacific center tomorrow night?
What in the actual could Jimbo fail his own country like this
Landau has said it more cleverly before: "James Cameron only does T&A movies."
edgy wanker
I guess Fox China is different from Fox US, so Fox US was restrained with the whole merger going on, while Fox China was given free reign to market however much they wanted. They're still very active with fans on social media over in China and have given recognition to the fans doing meet ups and buying out theaters. Fuck Disney, I swear.
Yeah well I've fucking had it with Hollywood and Disney. It's like Alita was made just to prove to me how corrupt and horrible Hollywood is. How filthy and disgusting it is. Like they made something perfect to show that they could, only to follow it up with shitty rom-coms and Captain Marvel. It's like I'm being taunted.
I may have tolerated it in angry silence as a child but I'm a grown man now. I can retaliate now. They don't know who they're fucking with.
There's a few other clunky lines.
"No... it's completely blank."
"Underestimating who I am."
"If I was as strong as you, I'd climb that tube to Zalem right now."
The last one's not a bad delivery, but a plot hole: why does Hugo think she's so strong at this point? All he's seen her do is be unusually talented at Motorball.
She's clearly very strong, and cyborgs are stronger than humans generally. Those other lines are also great.
Chinabros really pulled their weight with this movie. Based bootleg country.
Good, I knew that the owner of those weapons was not the kind of irresponsible moron to talk shit about playing shoot-em-up on the Internet.
Please for the love of God don't go on a mass shooting over Alita
That would do 100 billion times more damage to our cause than that stupid james woods tweet
>you do not deserve the thread coin
Shit guys I'm calling it. We are witnessing history. Within a year,
>an user will be martyred for Alita IRL
>Alita will get banned in all media
>All Alitans will be on an FBI list
>Yea Forums will be shut down in part or totally
>Dems will shove through bans of virtually all guns
>1984 will be complete
Let's say something true is a kind of like joke because it might sound weird.
It's not joke and he said it on an interview
Also note how Rosa is so distracted looking at Rob she doesn't realize the interviewer was talking to her.
If Hugo thinks there's lots of cyborgs strong enough to climb up to Zalem, why hasn't he seen any of them do it? It reads like the line was intended to be later in the script, after he's seen her fight or something.
Okay, take your meds now.
No it fucking wouldn't. It would send a fucking message. It would usher in a golden age of Hollywood where the filth and decay would be washed away and you'd be left with actual quality cinema like Alita, but being released all the time.
You guys need to stop laying down and taking it. If we refuse to act nothing will change.
>hey user I'm cold
>user you can leave I got this covered
Man, Jerome is on a roll, he's making some top quality bait, or this user is really unhinged.
Do it for her.
Good thing the dumbass making the threats is posting guns that aren't his. He does not deserve such weapons but it's not as if his parents would buy them for him anyway.
I'm not fucking psycho wannabe revenge shooter user, I'm just worried catastrophizing user laying out the worst-case scenario. I'm not the one that needs meds.
>user don't leave me alone with this stranger
>dad, help!
>If we refuse to act nothing will change
That's true. Boycott shit movies and go watch Alita again instead.
Who is this guy? I'm out of the loop.
I don't need a robot.
Stop trying to derail the fucking thread.
Some guy that some user started spamming us with one or two threads ago, I don't know anything else about him myself
>You're gonna play dumb just for user's feelings?
>Does it bother you that I'm not completely human?
>You are the most human person I have ever met
Literally _every_ _single_ movie about AI invokes this theme. They might as well start calling it its own genre by now
I really hope that's the case. I can't tell what's real and what's not anymore, or what or how many anons are claiming to be the gun owner. It's a real circus in here.
Isn't that the guy from Game of Thrones? Tony Stark?
established a while ago
user I've seen it 14 times and I've refused to watch anything else for at least a year. I'm just one person though. It's not enough.
A message NEEDS to be sent to Hollywood. Everyone knows that. Alita made it so blatantly obvious to me. This has to be done.
/alita/posters are attractive, well-adjusted go-getters
Alita's not an AI, she has a human brain, but it is kinda cliche. I remember the same line from the anime Armitage III.
>movie about AI
But Alita doesn't have AI, she's got a human brain. Do you even know what an AI is?
The guy making the threats is not the owner. I am. He saved the photos from gunposting we did two days ago.
The real owner posted this:
I'm not taking this bait.
Yeah he's the Tony "Iron Man" Stark, I remember.
nigger, I postedwhat more proof do you want?
I want to shoot niggers like you.
Trolls are getting creative
That's it, the Iron Man on the Iron Throne. Didn't Sean Bean cut his arm off or something? I haven't watched that show in like 6 years.
Think about what happens if your message doesn't go the way you envision it in your head, which, by the way, is the most likely scenario.
Gov cracks down on all us remaining gun owners with a previously unseen fury, spurred on by all the surviving hollywood elites who are now lock-step anti-gun.
Entry teams start doing midnight raids on all suspected non-compliant gun owners. Some fight back, a few manage to take out attackers, but all end up dead or in jail.
You would just be quickening the pace of tyranny. Think about it, you know it to be true.
>tfw Rosa will never stare into your soul so hard that she forgets where she even is
>framing yourself as me because you have the same gun
Nice false flag Jerome. I will admit you're getting more clever but we're still three steps ahead of you. I gave you the fuckin idea to put the stickers on there you fake fuck.
This is an interesting tactic, I'll give you that. How much are they paying you for this? Are you one of those "next-generation hybrid interactive digital marketing consultants?"
It's just a movie.
Dude, he's obviously just unhinged right now, let him be. He won't do anything, those aren't even his guns.
>Implying I'm not the one that forgets where I am
Yeah he cut his arm and beat the shit out of his friend, though I'd say his friend won the fight.
Wat was his name... Steve... Steve Lannister?
Captain Westeros?
How can you be so cowardly? How can you be so afraid? You have the tools to fight tyranny right in your own home and you won't use them?
When will you realize Hollywood has been coopted as a propaganda machine when it should be used to produce art and art alone. We can return to a state of purity if we are willing to fight and make sacrifices.
Oh, don't worry, he's not going to start shooting. He's hoping for people to agree with him and start encouraging him and making Dylann Roof plans in the thread, which he will then screencap and include in the Buzzfeed article he's writing.
That's the one
Jerome how many images from these threads have you saved with the sole purpose of derailing the thread? It's getting pathetic.
No no, I'm a regular poster here, I'm saying to not give the user the attention he wants, if it is Jerome. It must be some new tactic, it's pretty good.
Sorry, I'm just getting worked up because I'm an ACTUAL patriot and I consider guys like this IRL to be as much the enemy to the cause of liberty as any authoritarian jackboot.
Armed Americans cannot afford to fuck up right now, at all. We need to be a unified front and a beacon of the highest conduct. It's the only way to avoid a shitshow of even greater magnitude with much more loss of life.
Lotta projection there man.
Maybe eat an orange and relax?
Sorry, we're not giving the screencaps you want for your shitty clickbait article. I doubt you'll be employed much longer, there's no time like the present to learn to code.
he is probably some baiting FBI agent
I actually kinda suspected this might be the case. That being said, I am pleased with the overall upstanding response of /Alita/ to this troll.
That's actually not a completely stupid theory, either way it's no benefit to any of us to keep talking about it
>Jerome tells you to calm down because he's a Hollywood agent and is afraid of us retaliating against Hollywood's constant propaganda bullshit
>you actually apologize to him
Stop being led around like a dog on a leash. Wake up and realize what's going on in these threads. Alita is literally a watershed moment in the history of Hollywood.
Nice try Jerome
I feel like one of these bar patrons watching the fight whenever something like this happens in these threads. Just more entertaining goodness.
>I call for actual action
>thread suddenly derailed all to shit
If you can't see what's happening in here you're fucking blind
here fren use this next time
Or this.
>action user
>multiple anons posting the same guns
>don't-do-it anons
>spectator anons
Man there's so much shit going on in this thread right now you'd be an idiot to claim you could even connect all the dots.
Speaking of excellent lines, the comment from Tanji that Alita has "some serious malfunctions" is a subtle way of showing his inherent prejudice towards cyborgs. Every cyborg we see in the film has (ostensibly) a human brain. Him using the work 'malfunctions' denigrates the humanity of cyborgs; making them seem closer to machines than people. It comes way before the discussion about hardbodies and primes the viewer with a subconscious understanding that there is a rift in society between cyborgs and non-cyborgs even though they live together at a surface level. It's not just outcasts like Romo who see this divide. It's just a shame that the next line is so awkward because it means the quality of this one goes unnoticed.
True Alitans use Alita-related reaction images that's all I really know right now
Does anyone who knows more about vehicles than me know whether Hugo's unibike would be practical in real life? Couldn't find a pic of it so cool Zalem shot unrelated.
No ready why it couldn't be with good enough stabilisation.
If it's got a gyroscope to keep it stable, it's completely viable.
I mean if we have the tech to make segways work I don't see why a unibike couldn't be a thing
I'm telling you guys, look at what just happened. I proposed actual action other than just a simple Hollywood boycott and the three thread EXPLODED.
How isn't that obvious? They're scared. They don't want us to act. But we pretty much have to at this point.
Eh parts of Hugo's bike aren't that realistic (mainly the lack of a hub) but they did use actual working monocycles in some background shots apparently
Yeah I assume that it's handwaved with some bits about anti gravity tech
That is to be expected. We do not stand by in the presence of evil.
>when you realize this will never happen and all you have to look forward to for the rest of your life is playing the alita piano theme in your head
And he refers to your as "your freak girlfriend." There was a constant subtle undercurrent of cyborg dehumanization between Hugo and Tanji, it helped make it easier for them to rob them of body parts.
Pitting cyborgs against organics helps to protect Zalem's power. Would be an interesting angle to explore in the sequel. It's also what makes Social Justice Angel posting so much fun.
We know when people are trying to shit up our community and we care enough to curate it
these are 100% legit, ty anons
Thank FOX for them.
Yeah for sure- Hugo even points out that he 'never killed anyone' in a feeble attempt to rationalise what is essentially manslaughter by negligence. But he realises too late that the harm he causes is to real, genuine humans rather than the lesser class of cyborgs so to speak.
are you fucking kidding me?
>btw that pixel art is premium legit
It's all fun and games until the population you victimize produces your ultimate love interest
>I think these were the ones in the background
The main problem with Hugo's bike is that designs like that are very difficult to stop, because when you brake, even though the wheel stops in relation to the body you'll still roll forward and smash into the ground unless it has a serious gyroscope
I wish we had a widely available copy of the movie for anons to compare them too, because I would love to discuss the sound design in the movie, from the fight scenes to vehicle sounds, the work done in this is exquisite.
We will soon user
hopefully this gets awards for sound editing, because it's actually really good
oops forgot to link the pic
Shame it took a personal investment for Hugo to empathise with those he saw as being 'other' than him
The fucking whirring sound that winds up when Alita is rolling in the shot there, holy fuck, part of it is thanks to Junkie XL's score, but hearing that in the theater made my jaw partially drop.'s time.... for the feels
tfw straight my whole life then suddenly homo for romo
is this normal?
I think you do actually get to see the serious leaning he does when he decelerates but I'd need to rewatch it to be sure
Best track in the whole album sorry Peaches
i think that's the advanced tech part of it so it's not a regular motorcycle. it probably has gyroscope instead of shocks or some sort of backwards balance.
Also wow after an attempted derailment we get straight back to discussion thanks evening frens for keeping the thread good
I still have Stinger, a random motorballer and two backgrounds to post
>when ido slams down the hammer in the first fight
>when ido turns off the hammer in his flashback
>when alita touches her chest for "well!"
>when zapan touches the floor tracking hugo's blood
>when mace gets blasted in motorball
literally too much to go through without studying the film again. so many good points for sound editing
>freak girlfriend
Yeah imagine dating someone like Alita, haha that would be crazy right?
What if that chassis/seat portion of the bike had wheels within it that are in contact with the main wheel? During normal forward movement, these wheels would just be turned by the main wheel, with no power to them, but when stopping the wheels would run backward, effectively propelling the seat forward with relation to the stopping main wheel so that its absolute position remained on top of the wheel. Hopefully you can picture what I mean.
Love the action in this track near the end.
Love the orchestral strings, very somber and heart tugging.
Amazing Junkie XL drums as usual.
Great slow strings in this one, very poignant.
Heavy strings here, very sad mix.
Even heavier version of the previous song, amazing strings.
Grand finale
I love the whole soundtrack, I can't pick one favorite.
You guys are making me so fucking ready for the BD
Yeah with these the gyro and center of gravity is as low as it can be and I think the top speed is only like 25 mph so it's very manageable
I will say I like I See Church better than Motorball on the whole I think, though the beat before the drop in Motorball is super effective at making you feel like you're being thrown straight in to the middle of a race.
imagine the entire world of cyborg sex and cyborg prostitution that you know exists, but isn't explored. having sex with cyborgs in Iron City is probably akin to using fleshlights nowadays (sorry but if you use fleshlights you're really lonely)
Yeah I can't imagine it's easy to move fast through Iron City. Even the hauler that almost hits Alita at the start can't be going more than 40 kp/h
CutOut's story touches on that a little bit if you're interested.
That's actually kind of an interesting idea if I'm understanding it right
post it
The action I think comes out the best during the underworld fight, the motorball stuff is great, but the theme mixed with the fight in the sewer fights got me more. And the slow classical songs I like more than the standard Tom work, he got his traditional song going, What's Your Dream? is one of my new favorites.
Bridging divides like that is never easy, that's what makes Alita such a compelling hero. She doesn't just beat bad guys but makes the people around her better than they were. Iron City is set up to turn people against each other, all the advertised paths to Zalem require you to fuck others over, either in the streets or on the motorball track. It's an exaggerated portrayal of how the real world works, which is why the story has such an impact on people and why the media hates it.
I'm kind of surprised there's no elevated walkway or monorail or anything (realistically) but there's nothing like that in the manga
Context might help but this is the relevant chapter.
What's this from? I know what it is but I've never seen one like it before
I'm a huge sucker for skyrails and walkways (hence I LOVED the scene of Ido and Chiren on the market roof) so I'd be down for that in the sequel
Hmm, never thought of it this way, but it makes sense. Now it's all even more compelling.
is this statistically what happens over time in these things?
If you watch carefully you can see the seat buck a little whenever hugo stops so you could be right
Also underrated is the opening chords of Discovery. They IMMEDIATELY make me see the panning shot from Zalem to scrapheap which shows that they grab you really well. It's the mystery combined with a really careful rebuilding
I really like Tanji tbqh, he’s very believable, acts just like a real asshole teenager would (my favorite Tanji moment is the cocky drive-by high five slaps before Alita makes him eat shit)
Fuck there’s so many brief lines that carry a lot of weight in this film, it’s beautiful
Like with Zapan’s face: that single insult inside Kansas sets up all the context for how devastated he’d be if something were to happen to his face
Ok guys, should I have:
>cocoa pebbles
>fruity pebbles
>very berry cheerios
>Cadbury Caramellos
That's why fans of the manga have really looked to Alita as an inspiration. She's much more than just a fighter, she's a savior. She really is an angel.
Oh right I forgot about that, there are quite a few walkways now that I think about it. There's no easy way to get from one side to the other though but maybe the city is kind of divided up into pie pieces that are self-sufficient
Um, Cocoa Pebbles are the best.
Yeah it's a probability thing, you reset it and each time you drop the balls it will always make a bell curve at the end
the bassoon (is that what that is?) at 1:06 in In the Clouds fucking GETS me
>you lay down on the bed
>the old mattresses flex to your chubby tall man weight
>she lays down
>legs on her side snap
>you fall on her
>you both laugh
What's really interested is that the film places a huge emphasis on actions over words. Words consistently fail Alita specifically (EG the attempted bar speech) but she's constantly unable to talk her way through situations (again think her conversation with Ido regarding being a bounty hunter). She shows that actions are what make fundamental change happen in the world around you, which is a counterpoint to many of the quip-heavy films like the MCU or say the Pirates films where actions are undercut by words rather than being a necessary extension of them. It's why those films feel non-genuine. There's no real relation between the threat or problem at hand and the engagement of how the characters deal with it.
Uh maybe berry cheerios
I love how they even left that little scar on the bridge of her nose
>chubby tall man weight
god damnit man that took me out of it
>Ok it's no longer funny user, get off me
In the manga it's kind of the elephant in the room that never gets discussed despite being one of the first concerns people would have when considering if they want to trade their flesh for machine bodies.
We see cyborgs and organics sleeping together nude so presumably sex is something that happens between them... but the cyborg in question has a hard metal body, I can't imagine it would be fun.
Alita has sex with Figure but at the time she has a "soft machine" body, which is an advanced design from Zalem that's soft like flesh but has strength on the level of a combat body, it looks very human on the outside.
Being cyborgs, though, they wouldn't necessarily need genitals, they could just have some kind of "orgasmatron" connected to their brain that they could use for stimulation. Maybe have a couples' version where partners can stimulate each other.
I mean Alita has access to rooftops which makes travel a breeze. I imagine it's in Zalem's interests to make effective travel hard since it stops people from organising as well. Especially since both hunter warriors and cyborg threads have not problems using vertical space to get places (see for example Romo's entrance; Grewishka's dives in to the underworld; and the entire post trial chase accross roofs.) The only notable cyborg who doesnt use vertical space well is Zapan, and I think that highlights his arrogance. He doesn't need the free advantage to hunt
Next time I'll increase it to obese for ya.
could just be that cyborgs in general are assumed to be stronger/fitter (“nice shot.... for a meat boy”)
I they have to paralyze them with taser rods or they’d just get roflstomped
And that's what's so appropriate about his fall and redemption. He becomes the very thing he tore apart, given a second chance, but still blows it. Only with death can he atone for his sins.
This is true too, a thing I noticed, is there's a theme of lying and breaking promises all over the movie.
>"I'm doing this for us remember? You can't miss it!"
>"I won't trust me."
*misses it*
>"From now on I don't want you out before dark."
>"I promise."
*breaks promise next day*
And so on, and so on.
Also, Alita being way overconfident and getting into situations fast, and smooth talking her way into bad situations, like her egging on Nova right to his face, while he just laughs because he clearly has more power over her. In fact, her scoffing at him is probably what persuaded him to flaunt Hugo around like a puppet.
I got the pic from a previous /alita/ thread, don't know where it comes from.
Hell to continue the point, Alita herself constantly uses height as a dimension unavailable to organics in the world of Iron City. From the break-kick against Grewishka at fight #1 to the entrance when she's hunting Vector she takes full advantage of showing off the value of verticality. Even her entrance with Hugo after she gets the berserker is non-human with the drop she does from the roof. Probably puts Tanji on edge a bit
>yes ido, yes, take me apart!
Kishiro is a weird dude
The movie in general, like you say, actions speak louder than words, all over the film, character lying to each other right to their faces, keeping secrets, etc. Hugo not telling Alita what he's doing when he leaves her at the motorball game, Ido not wanting to talk about why he's a hunter warrior, not telling Alita where her name is from when he gives it to her, but the actions that come out of these talks are what sent the stones for the next scenes to happen. Every event that happens in the film is a direct result of a character's flaw, it's beautiful.
>he doesn't know girls are inherently masochistic
Just like real life. Alita is the most human film I've ever met
tall, chubby, obese, all sizes are welcome fren
>tfw you will never have Alita's veiny cyber intestines squishing around under your fingers
lol no ew that would be super weird
You again
To her it's like a parent taking care of a child. She felt so safe in his care, and despite her want for independence there's a part of her that misses those times.
good night frens, great last couple of threads, thanks for the anonymous friendships
What is this what's happening
I’ll take the bait so I can soap box about shooting sprees
They’re so fucking gay and hackneyed at this point that no one remembers you as an individual after a week: you become another spec in a nebulous cloud of weirdos that people use to justify bullying and ostracizing awkward guys and no matter what you claim your motive to be it’ll be folded into “incelism” by the media
“incel murders people because his 3d anime waifu didn’t get a sequel”
Nothing would be more pathetic and that’s ALL you’d be remembered as.
And if that’s not enough just think of what Rosa would through knowing her performance, the performance she loved so dearly, was what inspired a mad man to kill innocents
>hair color
>different eye makeup
>teeth slightly showing
I don't like it but I respect the effort fren even if it is just using something like faceapp
night fren I'm heading off to bed too
>"I was surprised to see her in our daughter's body. You were supposed to have destroyed that years ago."
>"I couldn't."
>"Doc's going to be pissed."
>"Whose rules do I live by?"
Clearly still his, because she looks upset and cowers when he comes along.
There are so many other examples I could go through, but I need to go to bed. Good night anons.
Capeshit quips are a way to keep audience expectations low. They smooth off the edges of the story, so when something dramatic or scary or sad is happening, someone makes a quip that deflates the situation and reminds us that it isn't real.
Telling dramatic stories that evoke genuine emotion is a challenge; compare the Matrix with its sequels. When everything is shot through with ironic humor, no one expects anything to really be that serious so the audience doesn't ever get their expectations high enough to disappoint. They get little crumbs of emotion and bits of interesting story, but none of it is to be taken seriously so if there's a plot hole or an emotional moment falls flat, it doesn't bother people because the story's just a big joke anyway.
Rosa would be SO fucking devastated
Jim and Robert's careers would probably survive even if they never made any Alita sequels but Rosa would take it so hard that I don't even want to think about it
Sleep well friend
You oversimplified it man, the media would never be nice enough to say it was an incel and leave it at that. They'd have to bring race and gender into it, ideally to slam white males however possible.
In addition according to the media an AR-15 is used in ALL major shootings, no exceptions, and that is it's primary reason for existing.
The end run is to create the narrative that white males with ARs are the enemy of society. They want this narrative so they can disassemble the 2nd amendment. It's that simple.
the technical term for capeshit quips is "bathos"
Looks like someone on the Letterboxd crew is a big fan of Alita.
Is it actually? Because I'll use it if so
>someone makes a quip that deflates the situation and reminds us that it isn't real.
I just cant stand it, the quippy ironic humor that smothers the recent movies , i cant take any of it seriously the movies just feel like im watching a Twitch stream of Superhero : the game being narrated by famous people as they CooP the story mode.
Very good breakdown of the internally enforced mediocrity of capeshit.
Yeah I saw a youtube video that goes into detail about Marvel's over-use of it, I'll try and find it
Lotsa anons AFK right now it looks like
People have work tomorrow- it's getting towards the quiet hours of the night
Actions vs. words... there's another reason they're gunning for Alita. Their entire paradigm is based on the idea that words create reality: biology is a social construct, statistics don't mean anything unless we say they do... you know more examples.
This always happens in the middle of the night, especially on a Monday morning. Lot of anons busy and can't post. I would stay up more, but I have to sleep before I collapse, I've been in the threads all day.
Man I've never seen a more diverse general on any board ages, nationalities, worldviews, and topics discussed, this is by far the most interesting general on Yea Forums if not the whole chan.
The ausfags and euros will keep the lights on
found it:
this one is also good:
It's also why they hate Alita as a character. How dare a woman choose to be feminine, look slim and sexy-ish, and fall in love with *gasp* a white man and do anything for him. Granted, her doing anything for Hugo is a flaw of hers and it's a point of the movie, but that's also why the media hates it, it's traditionalist in a lot of ways, which is surprising because it's made by a Mexican, a Vegan Anti-Trump scientist, another Anti-Trump latino, and a multicultural group of people in Texas.
Shit man it just keeps getting deeper and deeper...
Is Nova based and redpilled?
Oh man, the feminazis will REALLY hate Figure Four.
A group of confetti, but apparently a group of based and redpilled confetti.
Or JC just forced them to act redpilled for the movie.
Alita has brought a lot of people together
Moreso than the political angle is that it's a human story which is unapologetic in being emotionally honest. The characters have depth but they're never trying to surprise you as the viewer. You understand why they have the flaws that they do, even as those flaws lead to bad outcomes
reminder that we have confirmations of one girl and one black person on here so we're pretty damn diverse by Yea Forums standards
Right, which is why it has resonated with a lot of people, because it understands basic human nature, there's no beating around the bush or sugarcoating it's script with superficial hollywood writing. The characters treated like real people with problems, and while that sounds commonplace in many films, in contemporary blockbusters, this is pretty much nonexistent now. The Marvel films have the most psuedo drama ever, it's fake emotion done for the sake of having conflict. Alita's entire story structure is built of characters and their flaws setting the stage for future events. A character fucking up has major consequences for the rest of their lives and everyone else around them, and I wish more screenwriters understood this.
Kek. Saved
serious cry-fuel to think about
she might even internalize it by blaming herself for what her character “inspired”
god damn it just think about all those clips we’ve seen of her bouncing around in the mocap suit enjoying the shit out of the magic of it all: if unhinged user goes through with it she’d never be able to remember those moments fondly, it’d be so tainted
Yeah Rosa doesn't deserve this
>There are pussies in this thread that are not willing to die for Alita
Ha's she done nothing for you? Do you even care about her?
You have to stand in line.
Anno should make another Godzilla movie.
I wouldnt worry about it, ariana grande had her concert fuckin bombed by muzzies + overdosing boyfriend, and it's like nothing ever happened
I'd be willing to die for her, but not kill for her.
Alita is one of the few "strong female heroes" popular recently who is totally believable as a woman and as an action hero. She shows unmistakably feminine traits; she cries even for enemies, she craves the protection of a caring male figure even as she wants to be independent, she desires adoration and romance in the particular way that women do. And these are not weaknesses, they are strengths and without them there's no way the story could work.
The storytellers of Hollywood have long since lost any connection to real people, so their female heroes are male characters with female bodies and clashing, unbelievable personality traits.
What does Lou's pee taste like?
If I die, how will I watch the sequel and shitpost?
Checkmate atheist
He's busy with Evangelion 4.0 or whatever. I liked the other rebuilds, but I hope he ventures off after the next movie.
have a happy Rosa frens while we ponder this
>He's busy with Evangelion 4.0
Anime was a mistake.
I thought Evangelion was well and done
It's the details that really make this film great
>Ido puts the spilled mug back up
>split second take that sets the mood of the scene
I-I want to protect her
where are all the pixelated pics from?
alt right cretins need to remember that the pendulum can and will swing back
I’m starting to feel the exact same irritation with alt shite retards spazzing out and shoehorning their worldviews into every corner of the internet now that I vividly remember feeling about tumblr SJWs back in 2010-16
You must be able to remove yourself from the equation, if that's what it takes
New bread when
>she gets killed by a doll
>the end
What a waste of time, goddamn. What happened to the author? did he just stop giving a shit?
Alright frens, good run today, but it is now time for me to make haste to my blanket fortress and submit myself to the wiles of the z gods within.
I like you Flynn, but that philosophy didn't work out too gud for you.
Health problems led to him thinking he was dying so he wrapped it up asap. That ending was later retconned when he continued the manga, which still continues today.
The part where she turns jeruzalem into a big flower and turns organic or some shit?
glad you liked that movie
the pixel art or the shots of the movie that got pixel blurred
sleep well fren
4.0 theatrical and 4.44 special blu ray "sorry we fucked up" edition still need to be made, and Anno has been dragging his ass on 4.0.
Doesn't really matter to me. I'm a hardcore Eva fan, but Rebuild 3.0 killed the hype and showed how flawed 2.22 really was, and there's very very little that can happen in 4.0 to fix the fuck up pile that is 3. I've become more or less detached from the Rebuilds, and only accept the OG + EoE as canon.
read LO, it's good
the pixel art
Wasn't this a means of sending her brain to Zalem? with the original ending being the tree?
Why would Linus Torvalds be a fan of Alita?
>The Mouse cucked Tron 3 out of production
If they greenlight cameron for Fallen Angel then all will be forgiven
that’s because Ariana Grande is not a human being
she’s 100% a soulless valley of the dolls pharmaslave like all starlets if not a literal android
Rosa is a human being.
thank you
I needed relief
We got 4 pages or 170 posts to go senpai, it's okay.
>pixel art
Chinese website, I think it's official Fox promo stuff, it's from a mobile phone game
I was unaware saying that there are certain objective facts, facts unaffected by any narrative that humans care to construct, makes you "alt-right."
Mittens here identifies as an Abercrombie model. Do you agree with his worldview?
We're past bump limit and we only have ten pictures left, right?
>objective facts
ok what are these facts
not saying I disagree with you but I'm curious
Lou is such a good character aaaaa
Wow Ajani you look great
Ok I'll make some bread before I go to bed
Most underrated film in existence, but its not forgotten at least
This deserves it's place at the top, nothing like titanic will ever be made again. (and yeah rose was a roastie big deal)
This will be one of those pictures.
Dr. Nova here would like to remind you of one basic fact.
It wasn't retconned, Last Order picks up where that ending left off. That scene is still canon.
This was retconned.
If I dragged climate change stats into an unrelated conversation I could claim I’m just stating some facts devoid of motivation but it’d be obvious I’m a self righteous tree hugging environmentalist douche
If you weren’t afflicted by the Big Asperger you’d cringe at yourself
This was the original ending, it stopped here in 1995 and he didn't intend for there to be anymore at the time. The space flower ending came in 1998 after he did some sidestories, but that ending was retconned in 2000 when he started the sequel series Last Order which has it's own version of the events following the original ending.
I identify so hard with #10
One of the things I think that user was alluding to is that no matter how hard one feels, no matter how much plastic surgery one undergoes, no matter how many hormones one dumps into their body, you can't change your DNA. And we're all more slaves to our genetic make up than we're comfortable with. Little Billy won't ever become a girl, he's always going to be a man, and Sally ain't never gonna be a man no matter how much she wants it to be true. The idea that sex and gender are completely separate comes from a pedophile masquerading as a doctor/sexologist who's "experiment" to prove gender is a social construct, actually showed the opposite and in the end cause so much psychological trauma to two twin brothers killing, they killed themselves while everyone was praising the "doctor" on his false findings.
Never forget!
Never forgive!
Do NOT stand by in the presence of evil!
True + very nice digits