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Captain Kinomarvel
Schlomo Shazamstein
Captain Sparkle Fingers
op btfo
Kino of the century.
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Milky Mary is cute as fuck
Normal Mary is cuter desu
That's the milky one
Normal Mary is far cuter, literally all of my friends were confused why she got uglier when she reached her 'peak'.
Also why she became an old hag instead of 12-14
It's made 50 million already on a budget of 100 million. If it reaches 250 million it's probably already broken even.
Also why does Disney withhold the budgets of their movies for so long? I thought it was just a big budget blockbuster thing, but Shazam already has it's budget listed and I seem to remember BvS having it listed very early as well. Meanwhile Black Panther and every marvel film that came after still don't have their budgets listed
>look up box office numbers
holy shit it's real
what the fuck are you talking about nigga? do you even math?
If that's the "idealized version" of herself, then the poor girl sells herself extremely short.
surprisingly kino. There's a lot of things to nitpick but it was so enjoyable it made up for it. The villain's dad looked like he was already at least 50 in 1974, how the fuck did he look the same 45 years later?
I guess that, when my biggest problems with the movie would be that the story takes some "shortcuts" in Billy's characterisation and the fact that they "downgraded" the actress for Mary Marvel in the finale from hot as fuck Grace Fulton to slighly less hot Michelle Borth, you can say that the movie was fine.
Ikr they could have at least greyed his hair. The movie was pretty good. Way better than Captain Marvel.