Why can't American TV do fanservice like Japan can?
Why can't American TV do fanservice like Japan can?
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Too sexist.
what's going on here?
what is going on here.
japan's media isn't controlled by a minority that is hostile to the host population
how stupid do the japanese think their men are?
>liking sexy women = stupidity
hmm... okay washboard-san
Not really sure you can call the degenerate hikki NEETs that actually watch this trash in Japan men by Western standards desu.
>Heavy Object
This anime started off decent but ended up being mediocre as shit
This really stimulates my breeding urges
Good taste ain't stupid
Japan acknowledges they've an entire generation of horny men who'll never get a gf
America doesn't
My dick has never so much as twitched from 'fanservice'
there is fan service. Niggers for liberal onions.
Japan churns out shitty 12 episode anime every year with copypasted characters because these people buy figurines and merchandise making the producers boatloads of money. Good anime is a rarity because there's no money in it.
To be fair, OP's webm is aimed to a very tiny minority of social rejects.
This. Soccer moms would complain it's damaging to children and feminists would complain it's damaging to women.
Name a capeshit fight scene better than this
based illya poster
this wasnt at all sexy.
Is anyone else just tired of fanservice? After 30 years of exposure, i don't even feel a twinge anymore.
>oh wow the character showed off her tits
>now she's embarassed
>oh hey, she smacked the MC and called him a baka
At this point, I don't even care.
causee its blatant and pathetic
>haha she fell and you can SEE PANTIES
>lol something spilled on her and IT LOOKS LIKE A SPERM HAHA
Japanese humor and fanservice are beyond terrible
no faggot
Is this peak cunny?
Have sex
>posts on anime website
>hates anime
soon we wont even need 3d when 2d accurate waifu printers are available.
have sex with me >:3
>two characters stand still while shit randomly flashes and explodes around them with EPIC slow-mo
Fucking hell, fateniggers are a disease.
oog cartoon lady give me bone
are japs so fucking barbaric and pleasure-minded that they need every dogshit cartoon of theirs to have tits pushed in their face? do they do anything besides working 500 hours a day and jerking off?
it's neat the pleasures you can afford when you aren't being told what to do by jews or meeting diversity quota's.
>Look mom I did it again! I replied everyone!
Now go to sleep kiddo, It's late.
I thought jews pushed the extinction of the white race, something anime exceeds in
Abe is a jerk.
I'm sure there are plenty of people from previous generations that never got a gf, they're just all dead and the dumb sexnorms forgot about them.
signed in just to upvote this
It's from the movies
is it a new movie? Give name...
so thats why Japan has a hikkomori problem bigger than ever? or why thousands are living at internet cafes instead of renting apartments?
>Why can't we have fan service
Yeah why can't we have 40 years of asexual male role models and present the idea female sexuality can only be 'accidental' and immediately tied with anger and shame.
I sure would like our birth rate to drop to nothing and have 'herbivore' neets shitting up my country too.
Heaven's Feel II: Lost Butterfly. It was only out for like a day in the US, so you probably missed it. The Blu-rays will get uploaded eventually, so you can just search for those instead. Also, it's part of a trilogy of movies, so look up "Heaven's Feel: Presage Flower" first.
seems pretty comfy 2bh
Was yours from camrip? Nyaa have camrip version.
>sex isn't something to be ashamed of
BASED retarded normalfag
>I sure would like our birth rate to drop to nothing and have 'herbivore' neets shitting up my country too
There literally nothing wrong with a declining birthrate if you're not importing shitskins by the boatload.
You are wrong about the money. Good anime is rare the same way good Hollywood movies are rare. Most of them are simply made for dumb people.
Good media, like good anything, is incredibly rare.
I know it's good animation, but there's something about the animation in Fate that bugs me. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it's that it's too messy and borders has so many effects that it almost looks like CGI at times.
kino shot
I went to see the 2nd movie when it premiered. I didn't see the first, but I played the VN, so I could keep up with the story.
>Heaven's Feel
Is it an hour of cooking with some stuff happening?
It probably is mostly CGI.
That was mostly in the first movie. Second movie has all the romantic stuff in it; it has the big rainy confession, and Shirou and Sakura even have a straight-up sex scene. The third movie is where all the cool shit's gonna go down. I can't wait to see 9 Lives Blade Works get animated for the first time.
What do you mean like cartoons?
If not plenty of American shows have tits, sex and ass.
Jap cartoons allow this stuff because anime is catered to a niche group of people who watch this stuff late at night. The companies make money off these superfans from overpriced blurays and merchandise.
Heavy Object > Index
because western characters have to adhere to some kind of internal logic whereas gook characters can obey inscrutable chink "logic"
>OP's webm is aimed to a very tiny minority of social rejects.
heterosexual males?
Overexposure desensitized you to it. Only addicts still like this shit.
Are Ufotable and Bones the only animation studios worth anything anymore?
It's because you cant tell what is actually happening. Too much flashy particle effects. Its awful.
Because fanservice is rubbish and part of the reason anime is so terrible
>there's like 2 moves
Its dumb and it always was. Idiots know it too, its why they overcompensate and call everyone who doesnt like it a pleb or some dumb shit.
The America media doesn't have as as many incels to make money off like Japan does.
Is that madden gif generator still available?
Japan has all the fap material in the world and they still can't make babies. Fucking brainlets.
have sex
I always wondered how japanese women feel about stuff like this. Western women would be up on their feet screaming sexism and shit
The adventure shows from the 90s/ early 2000s like Xena had fan service. To a lesser extent, the CW shows still have some fan service.
what a waste of 45 seconds
Only good fanservice is mecha and cute boys.
Just gonna leave this here.
Cause it's to contrived and retarded to be sexy. It's like fapping to an episode of the big bang theory.
Also, making what is supposed to be cute innocent characters into total sluts like they are Californian roasties aren't exactly my idea of fanservice.
At least that's what I usually come across. Still some pretty good fan-service out there of course, but these days it's often just lazy and shitty and not even trying to be sexy.
They probable don't really get exposed to it enough to where they really give a shit. Much like western women.
That looks retarded as fuck.
This is objectifying women.
What the fuck are you trying to say
Anime is simply better suited to do this than live action, imagine trying to replicate this in live action it'd be literally impossible
It is exactly what it looks like as described by the dialogue you fucking troglodyte.
get checked for impotence
>can't get it up = can't be interested
That's not remotely true, please don't describe concepts you don't understand.
seethe more impotent cuck
This particular scene was inspired by Equilibrium.
Based faggot nigger lover
Anime once again cribs from Hollywood with acknowledging it.
At least it's entertaining.
Urobuchi is a big fan
>absolute fuck all choreography
>that fucking cube bullshit from the floor destruction that every fucking anime uses today after that Boku no Shonenshit animator got his dick sucked by everyone for using it because it's "fluid"
Fucking Fate/Faggot, absolute shit taste. If you wanted to shill your shitty series, you could have picked at least one of the few fight scenes from Fate/Stay Zero that looked cool, even that fucking underground complex one that gets meme'd all the time.
Fuck those fucking cubes. It is the absolute BARE fucking minimum to depict fluid animation, but it looks fucking retarded when everything bursts into fucking perfect cubes. Are they fighting on a field of legos? Why the FUCK would they explode into cubes?! It is the simplest and easiest shape to have the points of reference shift and depict movement. Because it is also equal on all sides, they don't have to keep in mind what side would be where and they can just spin a fucking cube and make it bounce around. Is it fluid? Sure. Should a fucking field explode into cubes though? Fuck no!
Your waifus are shit.
Art always takes inspiration
I know Urobutcher likes this movie and Madoke takes from it but by virtue of being animated and not constrained by reality anime simply does things better than the rest because the medium allows it
You can achieve similar levels of fantastic action scenes with CGI and even in video games despite the obvious technical limitations
This is just the opening cutscene but it is absolutely phenomenal and you simply can't replicate this in live action because of the impossibility of the stunts and camera work
Also videogames are usually great at letting you understand what's happening exactly
I haven't watched anime for a few years, is everything still moeshit?
Claymore was fucking retarded.
If you've 30 you've long since passed the point of being the target audience
Never finished Claymore despite thinking it was pretty cool. I think the way the characters were animated put me off.
you're retarded
to be honest the ending was pretty meh but apparently the manga fleshes it out a lot more
Ophelia best clayfu
>swn toy with you before killing you
Also Flora a cute.
No. It does things differently, not better.
i thought this anime was underrated, never really see people talk about it. claymore was really brutal, and most every angel lady had a lot of respect and love for their fellow angels. it was fun and a bit scary all the way until the end where it felt like the wheels came off
like the directors said "we HAVE to have an epic showdown for these last episodes, lets turn the protag into this demon monster thing to fight the other demon monster"
fate fights are fucking garbage, just flashes everywhere. The only good fight that was pleasant to look at was Emiya vs that priest guy and gilgamesh vs berserker in fate stay night remake
sasuke in naruto had some of the best fights since most of his fights consisted of hand to hand combat
>anime is for faggot
>on an anime site
Kys cuck
You're too old for it. It's meant to be for horny teenagers and hikkis.
Those shows have 50% female fanbase.
Not to mention they also have tons of anime about shirtless men going gay things.
Batman (1989): Batman vs Joker in the church tower
fuck off fujo
Cause you read the Bible literaly aka the wrong way.
>tfw no Raven cunny
Hooray for toxic relationships on all sides!
Live action has tons of fanservice. Just ask Dan Schneider.
Holy shit what is this from lmao
Thanks user, I love it
tales trilogy
Awful post
Woo look at all dese colorful lights!
fight scenes or conflict scenes are meaningless without context or consequences or stakes.
or the scene must have a purpose like commentary or actually impressive artistry.
The clip you posted is dogshit.
>this is the pinnacle of animation to fate shitters
Fucking hilariously underaged losers all of you, Fate sucks
how can 3d pigs ever compete
Classic. By the way it was just a prank the whole time.
What's that got to do with Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughan?
>fanservice is rubbish
>bebop, FMA, NGE alongside many other have more fanservice than you think and are better than more the half the shit that the western industry produces.
just go back to your shill threads.
Those are bad too kek
the work is not to blame for your shit taste, user.
even comfier knowing your genes will die with you
it looks cool to post
Now give her headpats.
I rather have Fanservice than cringy "Girl Powah" shit they're shoving at me now."
Fan service in Anime is actually distracting and stupid.
How stupid are westerners that all our media is anti white and pro race mixing?
>want anime like media
>get nothing but niggers and creaturas
>its just a joke bro ahaha
Yeah Superman was just having a fun old time with them!
>he doesn't know about the female doujin artists
Baka senpai
>not knowing about fujoshits and otomeshits
If it's LGBT fanservice the author should be killed. Like korra airbender and adventuretime. Blatant drug and leabian propaganda aimed at American youth.
Everything on American television is aimed at demoralizing the white man
It cracks me up that the director made Ultraviolet mostly because he wasn't satisfied with the gun-kata in Equilibrium.
>To be fair, OP's webm is aimed to a very tiny minority of social rejects.
Japanese men are disturbingly open about their perversions. I think that must come from having a largely homogeneous population and lack of ideological diversity.
Stupid girl. She wasn't even wearing any fucking clothes.
The west knows but 100 years of feminism has made them act like cunts about it.
Me see boobs me instantly like show and buy merchandise and never breed
That was psychologically agonizing to watch.
Zoomer here.
When I was 14 I remember going on a hiking trip with my dad and some of his friends (all boomers) and hearing them talk. I basically realized that all men are perverts and there's nothing wrong with the type of content posted by OP.
>this was actually produced
>someone met with a bunch of people and actually pitched the idea to make this
>teams of people were employed to actually draw this, color, and animate it
me like big boobies hehe
Based animator
>western birthrates decline naturally due to a confluence of factors
>automation increases at the same timing, resulting in less need for a large population of unskilled workers.
Everything would've worked out just fine if it wasn't for the left.
The west began producing mainstream fap material in the 1960s which is about when the birthrates started to plumet. Meanwhile the Victorians who never even mentioned sex in normal conversation had 4-10 children per couple.
hopefully everyone involved got a promotion
Fuck off with your gobbledygook chink words.
Dear god what the fuck.
have sex, white pig
Fuck off and have sex pathetic weeb
see, this is tastefully done and has a canonical reason as to why a serial hitman would assault a demon child.
>Dude everything's exploding with bright colors and you can't tell what the fuck is happening lmao
holy based
The right is more pro-immigration than the left (gotta get dat cheap labor to fuel corporate profit dividends)
And doesn't the advent of automation and the creation of an unskilled, unemployed working class neccesitate the implementation of leftist ideals like UBI?
most of anime is shit and only those ironic weeb zoomers enjoy this kind of shit in the west
>right is more pro-immigration than the left(gotta get dat cheap labor to fuel corporate profit dividends)
>literally are the only ones to bring that point as a reason against illegal immigration.
I do get tired of the repetitive embarrassed girl slapping the guy who was only guilty of standing in the same spot. But I'll never get tired of fanservice. I prefer fanservice where the woman or loli has no shame
>Shirou and Sakura even have a straight-up sex scene.
Immersion ruined
A large percentage of hentai doujin creators are female. The female creators draw some of the most fucked up doujin of them all. But even outside of hentai, there are a large number of female creators who produce yaoi, yuri and traditional fanservice manga.
Reminds me of pic related
Totei no baka
But this is barely live action and nothing is happening just CGI lightning/fire
You can't have action scenes on par with animation using only live action, it's literally impossible and using CGI means it's animation
Its ok for a 15yo boy to find this funny and arousing, not for an adult. I still watch anime to this day but most of the shounen are painfully embarrassing.
Bored as fuck.
Hard as diamonds.
>some of the most fucked up doujin of them all
Got any examples? I read plenty of fucked up hentai, but I never know if the creator is a woman
Once again Hunterchads reign supreme
anime and jap game fights are 90% particle effects.
I don't get it. What happened at the end?
What if they were 100% kino?
Pictured is Miyu (11), from the same anime as this scene is from.
Now post the forced kiss scene
Which one?
All of them if there are multiple
Fate was an eroge first and foremost, ya niggr.
So this is what those japanese cartoons are about, it's even more pathetic than expected.
LOL, entertainment aimed at straight men is bad mkay.
i've been in anime for 20 years or so and it never did anything for me
i never cared in the slightest for panty shots or cute yuri kissing or whatever other cheap shit
there's so much more to the medium
>aimed at straight men
Do you meant aimed at KIDS, right ?
Don't tell anyone you level that up you fucking faggot
Can't find it, though I found this.
Wait, here it is.
Americans are homosexual subhumans so they get gay interracial sex as they prefer
heterosexual kids kek
Not sure if these freaks count as males
Actually Japan is a very repressive society where everybody work hard for lose themselves in the mass as another nail in the table and behavior is ruled by an endless feel of shame but otakus already quit the 3D world so they stop caring because they already assume the world hates them.
There was an earthquake, obviously.
Hes full of shit, 99% of hentai is drawn by men
There are like 20.
Complete bullshit. Most authors at comiket are female.
>I saw western movies made in 90's about stereotypical view of Japan I'm such an expert!
And AKB48 fans are not even normal otaku. They are niche of a niche and nobody likes them.
Manga is not hentai
>Guy runs up to punch and then gets punched
>giant explosions everywhere, seemingly after he was disintegrated
This is as over animated as Boku no Hero
Do you even know what comiket is?
Imagine actually believing that being born to a certain ethnic group means you are somehow part of a master conspiracy that rule the planet.
>using UFOtable CGI crapfest as example of good animation
Think I can get a manga author gf if I go and say nice things about one of them?
Tons of them are perverts so maybe.
Normal Japanese women are only vaguely aware of anime and it's degenerate content because they're too busy having sex with normal men who aren't pathetic manchildren. It's the same thing here in the west with video games: normal women have no idea about the cringey fanservice in metal gear and neir and the witcher because they're too busy having fun with chad. Only ugly sjw "journalists" cover sexism in games
Embarrassing desu.
Its doujinshi event google says
shonen is pathetic
>anything but awkward cringecore animated by smelly nips who have never touched a boob
only children watch cartoons
If this happened in a show I was watching I think I would turn it off because I'm not a drooling retard.
I'll just leave this here.
but frank didn't design cortana
You can’t tired of all the teasing eventually.
I don't want a pervert though...
>The America media doesn't have as as many incels to make money off like Japan does.
They do, but for some reason they would rather shame and shit on them than embracing it. As a result, Japan gets the incel money while American media has to do increasingly sensationalist and political stunts in order to get the attention of people who don't even watch or play in the first place.
It's a sports anime you dingus
Base retard
you're fucking retarded
And I don't want you in this thread anymore
and you're retarded too. Go jerk off to your shonen garbage.
Yeah and they already have like 200 orbiters
None of them would want you too
The cartoons that Yea Forums discuss airs at late night and the slot is rented by a company for promoting a toy line, a videogame, a manga or some bullshit tie-in with the anime. It's niche bullshit. In Japan, unless it's Ghibli or family shows like Shin-chan or Doraemon, if you watch anime after age 12 that mean you're a social reject and nips are very stricts with divisions
Explain why anime-originals exist then?
Although god I wish there were more of them
Anime-originals often devolve into shameless omnipandering and multimedia projects for seeking funding.
I've always been against fan service of any kind. Japs are more blatant about it in the sense that they need that weeb/neet money but stuff like an obvious namedrop, a classic character returning for whatever damn reason or an obvious audience reacts now moment is equally as stupid.
Doesn't everyone after 13 still watching cartoons look like this anyway?
Fair enough, but not all of them do. Shit like 91 days, Death Parade, Zankyou no Terror etc. have little to no media outside the series itself. Although I guess stuff like this sometimes slips through the cracks.
>watching anime for 30 years
yikes, what a curse
These threads are funny. Western shows are full of nudity and sex. Of course they don't have anime-like fanservice because it's creepy and pathetic, but sex scenes are common in Western media. Definitely more common than in anime, where most sexual situations are juvenile incel fantasies (accidentally groping a girl or similar nonsense).
here comes another chinese earthquake
>a single 90 minute collection of animated shorts with rotoscope boobies released 40 years ago vs 20 4-hour shows every season, every year, with freehand tits and ass once every 4-5 minutes
Animation is for kids, we have tits and ass in live action.
There are zero live action actresses that can remain as attractive as a cartoon can. All actresses get breast reduction surgery or some shit if they're even remotely hot
I think you're mentally ill, and probably a pedophile.
beauty is subjective
My waifu also isn't going to start advocating for racemixing and open borders, but sure, I'm the mentally ill one.
Yeah, shows on HBO and STARS are loaded with filth. It's just considered 'mature' instead of lewd.
To be fair, those scenes are played out with grown women of sexual maturity while anime sexuality is done with 11 year old girls.
And usually they act like mature women. They aren't embarrassed or blushing because a teenage boy saw their panties.
Anime fanservice is just pathetic and clearly catering to people with some pedophilic tendencies. I think it's in the Japanese culture.
Beauty is subjective, but money talks. There is a huge group of people that agree on what is beautiful, and they pay money for beautiful things. Twitter hashtags, likes and backpats don't pay the bills.
>that woman holding onto the head of his dick while he fucks a skyscraper
Girls are at their most fertile in their teenage years, it's literally when they're supposed to be impregnated.
>how stupid do the japanese think their men are?
why is anime so embarrassing
Just because you stupid gaijin don't get it that doesn't mean it's not the pinacle of art
>There are zero live action actresses that can remain as attractive as a cartoon can
Sometimes you just don't know if it's really fine satire or some people are this retarded. Try to say that outloud and see how it sounds.
Some films have anime-like fanservice and it's always bizarre and uncomfortable. For example in Galaxy of Terror a woman is raped by a giant worm. It was very anime.
It's less embarassing than hollywood's forced bmwf.
U-jin is a god. Shame he hasn't done much in years.
>t breast reduction surgery or some shit if they're even remotely hot
Johansson did this and went from 9/10 to 7/10, she did it around the time she was hitting the wall too and now she's even lower.
Most of the 'sex scenes' don't even show the woman's body they just show her 'moaning' while some dude dry humps her.
They are incredibly cringey and off putting.
Because anime needs it, since the market for it so oversaturated in Japan. By adding fanservice you'll attract some viewers.
Says a lot about how shit your product is.
Love Live has very little to no visual fanservice and is the most profitable anime series around
Because it's idolshit. Another thing that is huge in Japan. The viewers see these idols as their gf, but want them to be perfect and pure.
Cutesy behaviour is another form of fanservice.
42.5% of love live's fanbase is female
Actually that's 43.4%, I misread
It's an industry half the size of Hollywood in a country with 1/3 the population of USA.
If you think that's niche you are retarded.
There are tons of idolshit shows and most flop. LL is popular because it's fun and full of lesbians not because of some bullshit fake girlfriend crap. That's AKB48.
I've known cases where male hentai authors with mostly private personal lives and gender-neutral names were claimed by western readers to be female. Some people really want to believe hot women are drawing their porn instead of sweaty middle-aged men.
There are also female doujin authors who go to cons or post pics on their twitter.
This sort of thing only appeals to confused preteens who live in a sexless culture with censored porn. I don't see how an adult could find this anything other than embarassing.
Japan fucking loves animation, they're obsessed over One Piece, Detective Conan, Doraemon, Shin-chan, etc. Sazae-chan often top the weekly list of the most watched animes. Remember Pokemon? Hell, Dragon Ball made a gazillion of money in the box office only with the Broly movie some months ago. If you add the merchandise, this shit is fucking huge. And then you add the overseas market, with China as the biggest consumer, and then you can assume the big shots of the industry had a merry Christmas last year. The problem is weeaboos believe that shows like OP's webm are mainstream but they're not, they're glorified porn for nerds. There are some exceptions like Love Live that found a female normalfag audience but most of these titles remain extremely niche. Also weeaboos assume that Japan is the last bastion of free speech but Japanese media try really hard to not offend anyone because Japan is ruled by its culture of shame. Late night anime is cinically calculated to pander to a fringe group of virgin nerds, that's why all the waifus are virgins, even the slutty ones.
Why are you whispering?
You are a fucking idiot. Madoka anime sold 400 million $ worth of merch in two years. Fate is making billions. So is Love Live or Gundam. Top selling shows in recent years are either cute girls anime or fujobait.
You believe what you want to believe without knowing shit about how japan really works.
You talking about the jews themselves or non-jews?
>But this is barely live action
>Out of argument
Just shut the hell up. It's live action science fantasy.
Knowing anime she probably beat the shit out of him for being a pervert.
Reminder these are your anime fans.
>Fate was an eroge first and foremost
Actually, no.
It only became trash when it started pandering to waifu tossers.
>muh anime is mainstream
The toys are overpriced, that's how the industry made money from the manchildren. The obsesive fans are in a relationship with the waifus and buy overpriced shit for proving their love to his waifu. Fate's biggest moneymaker right now is FGO, the smartphone game because it's easily accesible to people without previous knowledge of the franchise and japs fucking love smartphone games.
fate is a sraight-up H-game. what are u spouting
Based, and really-cool-guy pilled
>imagine buying a toy for more than 5$
It did not start as one and became trash the moment the creator sold out to waifu idiots.
"Prototype is the initial concept for F/SN as was said. It only exists as the OVA. Fragments of Blue and Silver is to Fate/Prototype as Fate/Zero is to Fate/Stay Night, its a prequel. It is a light novel series, you can find a good bit of translations on BL."
It’s controlled by the yakuza though
How is this possible when wearing stockings?
I buy statues not toys. Fuck joint shit.
Really strong thighs
It's CGI
>Japanese women
>having sex
Oh you sweet new child.
Yes, fan service is extremely cringy. If I wanted to fap to hentai, I'd fap to hentai.
I watch TV series for the plot and if it's shit it goes into the trash.
I remember how I hated even the mild fan service in Code Geass. CRINGE.
Sexual scenes have their place but not in series that want to be taken serious.
I loved GTO for example. That's when "fan service" makes sense because it's honest, funny and doesn't take the viewer for a retard.
Kaiji and Akagi are the best animes because NO WAHMEN!
you sound like a fag
>telling anyone they don't have an argument when your reply is literally just "shut up"
Your complete lack of brain cells has kept Hollywood afloat for the last decade. Congratulations.
>oh boy another homosexual is posting the pale vitamin deficit slutty 10-year old instead of her superior chocolate version
You sound triggered, sweaty.
for me its the onsen ova
what was their endgame
>just watch hardcore bro!
How about no.
America can't reach this level.
Lives off mana.
Gets mana by sucking out little girls saliva.
Could get mana from semen but is embarrassed.
Have you seen american cartoon characters? Would you really want them too?
This is what radiation does to healthy human sexuality
Get your fucking act together, Japan
Do girls like this exist?
You know
In real life?
All women