It will be kino?
It will be kino?
i doubt it, but i'm still going to see it because no new mission impossible till 2021.
No, recast him already
lets get this out of the way and get back to chad bonds instead of 5'0 gymcel
when you think about are any of the bonds actually good
Depends how much its going to ask >us to suspend our belief. Acting is a hit or miss. Im not giving it high expectations.
Craig Bond is kino every-other film, so yeah I'll see it.
Though its absurd that Skyfall's plot was about how he was ancient for a field agent & didn't perform up to snuff but the same amount of time will have passed between Skyfall & 25 as Casino Royale & Skyfall.
only if pic related finally returns
at the start of mission impossible 3 hunt was retired from the field
I feel that Mission Impossible is marginally less self-serious than the current iteration of Bond.
they need to reboot this morose shit into like Enter the Bondiverse and Jimmy Squad or somethingh
the next one will be a nigger
I hope so, I enjoyed the others. But I'm worried that his obvious boredom with the role will unavoidably come through in the performance.
the next bond will just be a Sony vaio inside a BMW that controls it via gold Apple Watch
Of coursh, most are
close but no
there's never been a bond movie that is a *good movie* though goldeneye was fun. for some reason people like the franchise. if you made any of these films and it was John Lond instead people would be like why did this get cinematic release
he's obviously, precisely a villain
Are you seriously going to look me in the eye over your computer and tell me Dr. No was not a good movie?
Are you 14?
>Dr. No
that's the first one right? i dont count first movies as part of franchises.
They wouldn't make Bond 5'6", would they?
clown world
it's ok
will he have flabby old man tits or will he still be /fit/?
Give us quality spy movies, not more shitty bond flicks
>Will Bond 25 be good?
100% no.
1. Craig is executive producer and has a massive ego. the movie will be more about his departure from the franchise rather than a good Bond story.
2. Spectre, Skyfall, and QoS all had terrible writing
3. A man who gave a shit about the character raised by the books, Boyle, was sacked as director because of creative differences
>1. Craig is executive producer and has a massive ego. the movie will be more about his departure from the franchise rather than a good Bond story.
Maybe he'll realize Layer Cake was his most kino work ever and mimic the ending.
Considering how shitty Spectre was I have little hope
wrong, the next bond will be a multi racial tranny with polio